Welcome to the Sparrows' Nest Library and Archive

Based in Nottingham (UK), we look after tens of thousands of books, journals, pamphlets, zines, leaflets, posters and other items documenting the anarchist movement in the UK and beyond, as well as local radical history. Browse our catalogue, access digitised records in our free Digital Library and get in touch to arrange a visit.
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We hope you are all safe and well. Please see below our list of new additions to the Digital Library. A bit delayed, but also a bit longer than normal. This month we have another eclectic mix for you, including a lot of pamphlets, a bunch of local materials and tons of CND and TUCND publications. Much of this ties in nicely with other materials we have already made available online, such as further issues of local papers such as Flypaper, Nottingham CND Bulletin, Poll Axe and suchlike. There is also some rare and fascinating stuff like an issue of Blot, the paper of the National Union of School Students.

Much of this came out of a trove of materials made accessible to us last year, when a person provided us with a couple of bathtubs’ worth (a highly technical archivists’ term) of documents. The publications listed below are but a fraction of those materials, which also include sizeable collections of unpublished documents that will not be digitised for (at least) another few decades, but can be made accessible to researchers once we can resume our regular opening hours.

On that note, please be aware that we will err on the side of caution with regards to reopening our doors to visitors. We will therefore remain closed until further notice, but our Digital Library will of course remain open 24/7. Furthermore we are here for you if you have any research enquiries etc., so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Newspapers, Journals, Bulletins, etc.

3D - Don't pay! Don't collect! Don't implement! #01

BAM Nottingham #03

Blot #02 (National Union of School Students, 1979)

Campaign! 1993/03 (CND)

Campaign! 1994/05 (CND)

Campaign! 1995/09 (CND)

Campaign! 1995/12-1996/01 (CND)

Campaign! 1996/04 (CND)

Campaign! 1996/05 (CND)

Campaign! 1996/09 (CND)

Campaign! 1996/10 (CND)

Campaign! 1998/07 (CND)

Campsfield Monitor #01 (1994)

CAP Newsletter 1993/Winter (Campaign Against Pornography)

Conviction Newsletter #15 (1996)

Defend Council Housing 2003/06 (Unison)

Filbo Fever! The Foxes Against Racism Leicester City Fanzine #01 (1993)

Flypaper #01 (John Sheffield, 1988)

Flypaper #04 - A Nottingham Fortnightly (John Sheffield, 1988)

Flypaper #05 - A Nottingham Fortnightly (John Sheffield, 1988)

Forest Fields Independent Residents Group Newsletter 1998/11 #??

Forest Fields Independent Residents Group Newsletter 2000/07 #03

Media Free Times Vol:01 #02(II) (Media Interchange, 1974)

The Miners Next Step #07 (NUM, 1996)

Miserable Worker #01 (1996)

NAC Newsletter #05 (National Abortion Campaign, 1995)

NAFA Newsletter 1993/?? (Notts Anti-Fascist Alliance)

NAFA Newsletter 1993/03 (Notts Anti-Fascist Alliance)

NAFA Newsletter 1993/06 (Notts Anti-Fascist Alliance)

NAFA Newsletter 1995/06-07 (Notts Anti-Fascist Alliance)

NAFA Newsletter 1994/11-12 (Notts Anti-Fascist Alliance)

NAFA Newsletter 1996/?? (Notts Anti-Fascist Alliance)

NAFA Newsletter 1996/02 (Notts Anti-Fascist Alliance)

National Campaign Against The Police Bill Bulletin #02 (1984)

Nazis Out! #07 (Campaign Against Fascism in Europe, 1992)

Newham Monitor #01 (1993)

Newham Monitor #03 (1993)

Newham Monitor #06 (1994)

Non-Stop News #06 (Birmingham Anti-Apartheid, 1986)

North East Anarchist Federation Bulletin #02 (1979)

Nottingham Alternative News Service #03 (2003)

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1990/01

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1990/06

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1991/05

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1991/Summer

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1991/12-1992/01

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1992/Spring

Nottingham CSC Newsletter 2009/Summer

Nottingham Defy-ID #02 (2006)

Nottingham Gutter Press

Nottingham Health Worker #01 (2006)

Nottingham Robert Hamill Campaign Newsletter #01 (2002)

Nottingham Robert Hamill Campaign Newsletter #02 (2002)

Nottingham Robert Hamill Campaign Newsletter #03 (2003)

Nottingham Robert Hamill Campaign Newsletter #04 (2003)

Nottingham Robert Hamill Campaign Newsletter #05 (2004)

Nottingham Trade Union Solidarity #05 (2006)

Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum #05 (2002)

Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum #08 (2003)

Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum #09 (2004)

Nottinghamshire Bulletin for Old Peoples Homes 1993/01

Nottinghamshire Jobs Not JSA #02 (1996)

Nottinghamshire Jobs Not JSA #03 (1996)

Notts TU News #04 (Notts TUC, 1996)

Notts TU News #06 (Notts TUC, 1996)

Notts TU News #09 (Notts TUC, 1997)

Notts TU News #11 (Notts TUC, 1997)

Notts TU News #17 (Notts TUC, 1997)

Notts TU News #19 (Notts TUC, 1998)

Nuclear Free Zone Bulletin #16 (1987)

Partnership Council One Sheet Baths Special #01

Partnership Council One Sheet #17 (1999)

Partnership Council One Sheet #24 (2000)

Partnership Council One Sheet #25 (2000)

Partnership Council One Sheet #28 (2000)

Partnership Council One Sheet #37 (2001)

Partnership Council One Sheet #39 (2001)

Partnership Council One Sheet #41 (2001)

Partnership Council One Sheet #42 (2001)

Peace Action Network Newsletter #??

Peace Action Network Newsletter #01

Peace and Society #01 (TUCND, 1993)

Peace Tax Campaign Newsletter #33

Poll-Axe Special Issue 1991/09-10

Poll Tax Prisoners News 1991/??

Poll Tax Prisoners News 1991/09

Reason to Believe #09 - DIY Hardcore Punkzine

The Robin Hood Solidarity Newsletter 2014/01

Spokes #03

Solidarity Bulletin of Derbyshire Unemployed Workers' Centres Vol:02 #02 (1996)

Stop Press #03 News-sheet of Derby Area Trades Union Council (1988)

Strike Back #?? (Notts Campaign Against Pit Closures)

Strike Back #?? (Notts Campaign Against Pit Closures, 1993)

Strike Back #04 (Notts Campaign Against Pit Closures, 1993)

The Tablet #01 (Communities Against Racism)

Tasty #15.5

Trentsider 1987/09 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1988/02 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1991/07 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1992/03 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1992/06 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1992/08 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1993/03 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1993/07 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1993/12 (NALGO)

Trentsider 1996/11 (NALGO)

Troops Out Movement Members' Newsletter #25 (1994)

TUCND News #02 (1984)

TUCND News #03 (1984)

TUCND News #04 (1984)

TUCND News #05 (1984)

TUCND News #06 (1984)

TUCND News #07 (1985)

TUCND News #08 (1985)

TUCND News #11 (1985)

TUCND News #16 (1986)

TUCND News #17 (1986)

TUCND News #?? 1990/11-12

TUCND News (Second Series) #05 (1992)

TUCND News (Second Series) #06 (1992)

TUCND News (Second Series) #07 (1992)

TUCND News (Second Series) #08 (1992)

TUCND News (Second Series) #10 (1993)

TUCND News (Second Series) #11 (1994)

TUCND News (Second Series) #13 (1994)

TUCND News (Second Series) #15 (1995)

TUCND News (Second Series) #16 (1996)

TUCND News (Second Series) #17 (1996)

TUCND News (Second Series) #18 (1996)

TUCND News (Second Series) #27 (1999)

Tyne & Wear Anti-Fascist Association Newsletter 1993/Summer-Autumn

Union City News #?? (Notts TUC, 1991)

Union City News #04 (Notts TUC)

Unison Nottinghamshire County News #01

West Midlands Anti Fascist Action #?? (1999)

WoMenwith Hill Women's Peace Camp Newsletter Vol:02 #02 (1996)

Workers' Control #02 - Bulletin of the Institute for Workers' Control (1992)


About the War in the Former Yugoslavia (TUCND)

Afro-Caribbean & Asian Forum Report 1995-1997

Another Little Bag of Horrors - The Risks and Problems Associated With Depleted Uranium Armour Piercing Shells (TUCND)

Beating Apartheid (TUC, 1986)

Bring the Politics of the Bully to an End... (Trade Union Campaign for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament - formerly TUCND)

The Case Against Military Intervention In What Was Yugoslavia (TUCND)

The case for Socialist Feminism (Women's Fightback/AWL, 1989)

Civil Defence: Bunkers or Bonkers? (NALGO)

The Civil Defence Campaign Guide (TUCND, 1984)

Claimants Survival Guide (Oxford Claimants Action Group)

de Cleyre: The first Mayday: the Haymarket speeches 1895-1910 (Cienfuegos Press, 1980)

Coates et al: Alternative Labour List for Welfare (ILN, 1998)

Coates et al: New Labour New Democracy (ILN, 1998)

The cost and the corruption of the war on Iraq (TUCND)

Cunningham: Klebanov and Nikitin

Disarmament and the Labour Party - A CND Briefing

Dolgoff: The American Labour Movement - A New Beginning (Resurgence, 1980)

Douglass: Come and Wet this Truncheon (DAM, 1985)

Dubro et al: The World Bank - A Tale of Power, Plunder and Resistance (PSI, 1995)

Educating who about what? - The circled 'A' and its Parasites (1996)

Films for Peace 1983 - Features, Documentaries, Short Films, Commercials on film or video for showing during GLC Peace Year 1983

Gay Liberation Front Manifesto (1971)

Getting Genned Up on the Government's 'Peace Game' (Carlton-Gedling CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)

Gambone: Revolution & Reformism (Red Lion Press, 1995)

Hands off Bury's Bins! How we stopped privatisation (Bury Joint Trade Union Committee, 1990)

Images of Women - Guidelines for promoting equality through journalism (NUJ, 1984)

It's your cause too! How and why trade unionists should support Anti-Deportation Campaigns (TURC, 1985)

Kirkby Unemployed Centre

Labour History of Manchester & Salford - A bibliography

Law: Mission and Libertatia - A True Historie & Account of the Pyrate Captain Misson... (Spectacular Times, 1980)

Leicester Racial Attacks Monitoring Project Report 1990

Lesbian & Gay Organising Handbook (NALGO)

Lynch; Weaver: Daring to Care - A report on the operation of Social Services Childcare Services in Nottinghamshire County Council

Meltzer: The Anarchists in London 1935-1955 (Cienfuegos Press, 1976)

Milligan: The Politics of Homosexuality (Pluto Press, 1973)

Miners United for Peace (NUM, 1987)

Ned Ludd's News #??

Newham Monitoring Project Annual Report 1992-1993

Newham Monitoring Project Annual Report 1993-1994

Nottingham Women's Festival Report 1987

Nuclear Power???? (TUCND, 1994)

NUJ Guidelies for Reporting on Homosexuality (1985)

Otter: Anarchists and the Peace Movement (1994)

Otter: 1917 (Anarchist Fragments, 1997)

Raskin: Assemblyline - B Traven with Labor, Mystery and Rebellion - The story of B Traven

Ruehle: The Struggle Against Fascism Begins with the Struggle Against Bolshevism (Bratach Dubh, 1981)

Rotblat: A Nuclear Weapon Free World - A Dream That Must Become Reality (TUCND)

Salveson: Will Yo' Come O' Sunday Mornin'? - The 1896 Battle for Winter Hill (1996)

The Second Annual Report of the Nottinghamshire Common Monitoring System (1998)

Skinhead Subculture Project 1991-1993 #01 (Searchlight, 1991)

Skinhead Subculture Project 1991-1994 #03 (Searchlight, 1993)

Stirner: The False Principle of our Education or Humanism and Realism (1967)

Watch your language! - Non-sexist language: A guide for NALGO members

Well Prepared - Independent Villa Fanzine #02

Wilson: Three Essays on Anarchism (Cienfuegos Press, 1979)

Women in Trade Unions - Action for Equality (LDR, 1991)

Working for Peace (TUCND, 1985)

Workplace Groups for CND (TUCND)

Yerrill & Rosser: Revolutionary Unionism in Latin America - The FORA in Argentina

Assorted "other"

All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation Conference Agenda 1990

CND Annual Conference 1987

Nottingham's 7th Annual Peace Festival Programme (CND, 1987)

Syndicalist Workers Federation

Leaflets, posters

30 Questions - And Answers About CND

Four posters by CND/TUCND, re Star Wars, Nuclear Weapons and the 1990/91 Gulf War.

Mushroom Bookshop Xmas Catalogue 1998

No Tanks to Turkey - Prevent the sale of tanks or technology to the repressive regime in Turkey (TUCND)

Nottinghamshire Equal Opportunities Conference 25th September 1987

Nuclear War Games - No Thanks (TUCND)

Poster promoting the 1986 Nottingham Peace Festival.

The Star Wars Threat to Britain (TUCND)

Support the Poll Tax Prisoners


The Ugly Faces of British Racism - How you can help us stop them (Searchlight)

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