Check out a scan of the withdrawn Observer article “Police Warn of growing threat from Eco-terrorists” part 1 & part2, from 9th November 2008. Then look at a scan from the Blog Bites section of Freedom newspaper from 6th December 2008 explaining how The Observer was forced to retract this smear after an excellent bit of investigative journalism (by a well-known anarchist!), revealing that one of the two ‘journalists’ of the Observer’s article was actually a state agent - an army commander in fact. Then read about the Observer’s embarrassing retraction on Indymedia UK.
But also read this older piece “Green Terrorism” from Nottfin of 1996 in the Sparrows’ Nest collection commenting on the desire of police chiefs to monitor green activists, reported in the Guardian of the time.
Find out how to subscribe to Freedom by visiting or come and read it in the Sparrows’ Nest library! Wishing you all a happy new rebellious year for 2009.