The Sparrows' Nest Catalogue Search Results

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1451 results in the Digital Library. Search Terms: Freedom Press AND Magazine

. Anarchy (First Series) 001 Vol:01 #01 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8662
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: New Wave; Literature; Sexuality; Violence. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ostergaard, Geoffrey; Wright, Reg; Lynch, James; Holgate, Philip. Anarchy (First Series) 002 Vol:01 #02 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8663
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Workers' Control. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward, the copy donated by CW is a later reprint.

Walter, Nicholas; Weaver, Anthony; Westall, Jeremy. Anarchy (First Series) 003 Vol:01 #03 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9021
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: South Africa. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 004 Vol:01 #04 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Where the shoe pinches.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Asylums; Psychiatry; Institutions. Additional notes: Vol number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Berneri, Marie Louise; Holgate, Philip; Leval, Gaston; Kaminski, HE. Anarchy (First Series) 005 Vol:01 #05 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Spain The Revolution of 1936.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9022
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Civil War; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward and by Ross B.

Jackson, Ward; Ellerby, John; Mygind, Annie; Sansom, Philip; Williams, Dick; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 006 Vol:01 #06 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Jean Vigo Zero De Conduite L'Atlante.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9023
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cinema; Film. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward and by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 007 Vol:01 #07 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Adventure Playground - A Parable of Anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Vol and issue number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas; Maddock, Kenneth; Wright, Reg. Anarchy (First Series) 008 Vol:01 #08 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7085
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Orwell; Anthropology; Capitalism; Fabians; Fabianism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; Vol and issue number estimated.

. Anarchy (First Series) 009 Vol:01 #09 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Prison.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8729
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Repression; Justice System. Additional notes: Vol and issue number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas; MacInnes, Colin; John, Augustus; Ward, Colin. Anarchy (First Series) 010 Vol:01 #10 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Alan Sillitoe Colin Macinnes Committee of 100 Augustus John.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9024
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Alan Sillitoe; Workers' Control; Industrial Decentralisation; Fourier. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 011 Vol:02 #01 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - The World of Paul Goodman.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8728
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Vol and issue number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ostergaard, Geoffrey; Wright, Reg; Lynch, James; Holgate, Philip. Anarchy (First Series) 012 Vol:02 #02 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8664
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist Personalities; Freedom Readership Survey. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross B, the other by Mike S; Vol and issue number estimated.

Cadogan, Peter; Walter, Nicholas; Wieck, David. Anarchy (First Series) 013 Vol:02 #03 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Direct Action.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9025
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; Vol and issue number estimated.

Walter, Nicholas; Ward, Colin; Sharp, Gene; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 014 Vol:02 #04 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Direct Action.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9026
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Disobedience; Gandhi; Voluntary Servitude. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; Vol and issue number estimated.

. Anarchy (First Series) 015 Vol:02 #05 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8665
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: David Wills. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Ross B.; Vol estimated and issue number unknown.

Green; Maddock; Goldman; Dowa; Drasdo; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 016 Vol:02 #06 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8483
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Africa; Ethics; Poetry. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; vol estimated and issue number unknown.

Small, Martin; Rooum, Martin; Blanke, Marine; Petch, GH; Nicholson-Smith, Donald. Anarchy (First Series) 017 Vol:02 #07 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7089
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Lumpen-Proletariat; Education; Bureaucracy; Cinema; Film. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; vol estimated and issue number unknown.

. Anarchy (First Series) 018 Vol:02 #08 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8727
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education. Additional notes: Vol estimated and issue number unknown; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas; et al. Anarchy (First Series) 019 Vol:02 #09 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8726
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Theatre; Art. Additional notes: Vol estimated and issue number unknown; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 020 Vol:02 #10 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8725
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Freud; Identity; Love; Mutual Aid; Non-Violence; Contracting Relationships. Additional notes: Vol estimated and issue number unknown; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 021 Vol:02 #11 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8666
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Secondary Modern. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross B, the other by Mike S; Vol estimated and issue number unknown.

Cranston; Harvey; Rooum; Minish. Anarchy (First Series) 022 Vol:02 #12 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8484
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Relationships; Egoism; History; Index. Additional notes: Vol estimated and issue number unknown; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ellerby, John; Nairn, Ian; Stuckey, Douglas; Deverson, Harry; Shandy, Tristram; Ward, Colin; Robinson, Jack; Uloth, Arthur; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 023 Vol:03 #01 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Housing Squatters.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9027
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing; Homelessness; Squatting; DIY Do It Yourself; Miners; Mining; Squatters; Squatting; Housing Societies; Bethnal Green; John Rae. Additional notes:

. Anarchy (First Series) 024 Vol:03 #02 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - The Community of Scholars.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Scholars; Academia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 025 Vol:03 #03 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Technology, science and anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8723
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Technology; Cyborgs. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Radcliffe, Charles; Richardson, brian; McAlpine, Tom; Uloth, Arthur; Sainsbury, Ian (et al). Anarchy (First Series) 026 Vol:03 #04 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9028
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Aldermaston; Nuclear Weapons; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; Slavery; Thoreau. Additional notes:

. Anarchy (First Series) 027 Vol:03 #05 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Talking about Youth.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8722
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Youth; Teenagers. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 028 Vol:03 #06 :The Future of Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8667
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

Blair, Sally; Woodcock, George. Anarchy (First Series) 029 Vol:03 #07 :The Spies for Peace Story.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spies for Peace Story; Committee of 100; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD weapons of mass destruction; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 030 Vol:03 #08 :The Community Workshop.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3574
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 031 Vol:03 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8485
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Missing cover, cover verso, back pages, otherwise apparently complete.

. Anarchy (First Series) 032 Vol:03 #10 :Crime.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Crime; Justice System; Punishment; Social Control. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 033 Vol:03 #11 :The Anarchism of Alex Comfort.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8668
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 034 Vol:03 #12 :Science Fiction.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8733
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Pilgrim; Uloth; John; Pickard; Radcliffe; Shelley; Gibson; Leman. Anarchy (First Series) 035 Vol:04 #01 :House and Home.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7090
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Sainsbury, Ian; Parker, Tony; Rooum, Donald; Baker AJ; Boyd, David. Anarchy (First Series) 036 Vol:04 #02 :Arms of the Law.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8930
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 037 Vol:04 #03 :Why I won't vote.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9029
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Representative Democracy. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 038 Vol:04 #04 :Nottingham.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=888
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; Ray Gosling; Sillitoe; Callow; Drasdo; Lenton; Pupils; Ritter; Poverty. Additional notes: Transcription of photocopied original; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kept in Show & Tell Box.

. Anarchy (First Series) 038 Vol:04 #04 :Nottingham.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1876
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; Ray Gosling; Sillitoe; Callow; Drasdo; Lenton; Pupils; Ritter; Poverty. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kept in the Show & Tell Box.

. Anarchy (First Series) 039 Vol:04 #05 :The legacy of Homer Lane.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8669
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Turner, Peter; Gerard, Gaston; Christopher, Bill; Ward, Colin; Spitzer, Alan; Foreman, Michael; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 040 Vol:04 #06 :The Unions & Workers Control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3576
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trade Unions; Workers' Control; Collectives; Contracts; Fernand Pelloutier. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 041 Vol:04 #07 :The Land.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7093
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Land; Farming; Factories; Kropotkin; Environment; Towns. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 042 Vol:04 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3578
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 043 Vol:04 #09 :Parents and teachers.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7095
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Schools; Teachers; Parenting. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Ross B.

Moyse, Arthur; Berg, Leila; Hunt, Jeremy; Spruce, William; Jones, Tom; Garnett, Joe; Vine, Ian; Crump, John; Westall, Jeremy; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 044 Vol:04 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7094
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bus; Trucks; Transport; Morality; Morals; Africa. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ferraro, D; Nevinson, Henry; Small, Martin; Burton, Wilbur; Morgan, Alan; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 045 Vol:04 #11 :The Greeks had a word for it.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7096
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Greek; Philosophy; Athenian; Athens; Play; Aristoteles; Aristophanic. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas; Pluscardin, Peter; Berg, Leila; Cranston, Maurice; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 046 Vol:04 #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7097
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History; Historians; Sade; Morals; Morality; Leila Berg; Maurice Cranston. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 047 Vol:05 #01 :Towards Freedom in Work.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9030
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 048 Vol:05 #02 :Peter Brooks film of Lord of the Flies from the Novel of William Golding.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3583
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 049 Vol:05 #03 :Automation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6729
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Automation. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Guy T, the other by Ross B.

Shelley, Diana; Holgate, Philip; Horowitz, Irving; Johnson, William; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 050 Vol:05 #04 :The Anarchist Outlook.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3585
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Committee of 100; Malatesta. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 051 Vol:05 #05 :Blues RnB Pop Folk.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9031
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 052 Vol:05 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Pacifism; Committee of 100; Non-Violence; Automation; Individualism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 053 Vol:05 #07 :After School.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3586
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; School. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Mike S.

Ellerby, John; Buber, Martin; Landauer, Gustav; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 054 Vol:05 #08 :Erich Muehsam Martin Buber Gustav Landauer.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7100
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Erich Muehsam; Gustav Landauer; Martin Buber; Ellerby; Segar; Mutual Aid; Social Evolution; Kropotkin; Marx; Dewey. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number

Hewetson, John; DeHaan, Richard; Majoram, John. Anarchy (First Series) 055 Vol:05 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7102
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mutual Aid; Social Evolution; Kropotkin; Marx; Dewey; Hewetson; DeHaan; Marjoram. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 056 Vol:05 #10 :Emma Goldman in a Man's world….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7103
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Women; Discrimination; Feminism; Russell; Unwin; Goldman; Ennals; Segar. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Davies, Penny; Gibson, Tony; Colman, Marshall; Gibson, Morgan; Gosling, Ray; Ellingham, Francis; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 057 Vol:05 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7104
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Jurisprudence; Law; Crime; Marx; Bucky; Fuller; Paris; Davies; Gibson; Colman; Ray Gosling; Ellingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 058 Vol:05 #12 :Statelessness and Homelessness.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8720
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 059 Vol:06 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7106
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Race; Liberalism; Education; Rhodesia; Ellerby; Meltzer; Ward; A.S. Neill; MacInnes; Walker; Cohen; Vine; Africa. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 060 Vol:06 #02 :Synanon & Anarchism/Narcotic Addiction.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Drugs; Peckhma; Synanon; Pressman; Hewetson. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ellerby; Woudhuysen; Small; Meltzer; Idkins; Gibson; Goodman. Anarchy (First Series) 061 Vol:06 #03 :Creative Vandalism for 2 Shillings or 30 Cents.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8486
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vandalism. Additional notes:

Ward; Rety; Goodman; Westall; Robinson; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 062 Vol:06 #04 :Anarchism as a Theory of Organisation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, April 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8487
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisation; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Nuclear Weapons; Rhodesia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 063 Vol:06 #05 :An Early Renaissance Text: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Etienne de la Boetie. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 064 Vol:06 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, June 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7764
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Children; Education; Factory; Marijuana; Drugs; Vandalism; Crime. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Small, Martin. Anarchy (First Series) 065 Vol:06 #07 :111 years ago….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7109
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Featuring only one article: "Derevolutionisation" by Martin Small; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 066 Vol:06 #08 :Provo.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6754
Description: First incarnation of Anarchy.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Provo; Amsterdam. Additional notes:

. Anarchy (First Series) 067 Vol:06 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3593
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Black Anarchy New York; Malcom X; Black Power; Marijuana; Drugs; Homelessness. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 068 Vol:06 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Class; Utopianism; Determinism; Drugs. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 069 Vol:06 #11 :Anarchy 69 is about Ecology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ecology; Enviromentalism; Abortion Voluntarism; Herber; MacEwan; Lindenfeld; Finesilver. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ford; Walter; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 070 Vol:06 #12 :Libertarian Psychiatry-An Introduction to Existential Analysis.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Psychiatry; Mental Health. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 071 Vol:07 #01 :Education.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8670
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Schools. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross B.

Brown, Peter; Meltzer, Albert; Moyse, Arthur; Woodiwiss, Tony; Pearce, Frank; Wooliscroft, Michael; Johnson, Vincent; Albon, Alan; Eichenauer, Jimmi; Robinson, Jeff; Mitchell, I.R.; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 072 Vol:07 #02 :Strike City, Mississippi.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7111
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mississippi; Russia; Philological; Philology. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 073 Vol:07 #03 :The Free School Idea.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Schools. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Vine; Uloth; Wardon; Ingrams; Barfoot; Tatham; Wills; Weaver; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 074 Vol:07 #04 :How Realistic is Anarchism?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8488
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Libertarian Psychiatry; Social Revolution. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 075 Vol:07 #05 :Kate Vandegrift: Trying it on - Improvised Drama.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8718
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Arts; Theatre. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 076 Vol:07 #06 :How many years to 1968?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3595
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Weller, Ken; Schubert, John; Blitzen, Dorothy; Best, Robert; Ford, Peter; Clark, George; Anderson, Andy; Forman, Alex; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 077 Vol:07 #07 :Do-It-Yourself Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7113
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vietnam; Autonomous Groups; Notting Hill; King Hill; San Francisco; Diggers. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 078 Vol:07 #08 :Towards A Liberatory Technology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8717
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Technology. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Mitchell; Fuentes; Michelson-Terry; Barry; Gibson; Libertraia; Walter; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 079 Vol:07 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7115
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Latin America; Guyana; Peru; Hugo Blanco; Uruguay; Ecuador; Cuba. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 080 Vol:07 #10 :Workers' Control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7116
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ostergard; Koates; Self-Management; Syndicalism; Coates; Davidson; Bookchin; Kipling; Segar; Ellingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Nick Heath.

. Anarchy (First Series) 081 Vol:07 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7117
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kronstadt; Russia; Marxism; Anarchism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 082 Vol:07 #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8716
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Schools; Education. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 083 Vol:08 #01 :Tenants Take Over.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8715
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing; Squatting; Rent; Tenants. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 084 Vol:08 #02 :Poverty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3599
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Boston; Molnar; Poole; Goodman; Barclay; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 085 Vol:08 #03 :Conversations about Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3600
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Meliorism; Utopianism; Josiah Warren. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 086 Vol:08 #04 :Fishermen & Workers Control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3601
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fishermen; Fishery. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 087 Vol:08 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3602
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prisons; Law Enforcement; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Benello, George. Anarchy (First Series) 088 Vol:08 #06 :Wasteland Culture by George Benello.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3603
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Meliorism; Wasteland. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 089 Vol:08 #07 :The Maydays in France.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6758
Description: First incarnation of Anarchy.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: May 1968; Paris 1968; Vane; Prior; Cohn-Bendit; Segar. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 090 Vol:08 #08 :Student Anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8489
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Paris 1968; 1968 Revolts; Paris 1968; Berlin 1968. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Moyse, Arthur; Nicolson, Benedict; Herbert, Robert; Herbert Eugenia; Moore, Henry; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 091 Vol:08 #09 :Artists and Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7119
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Art; Herbert Read; Camillle; Pissarro. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 092 Vol:08 #10 :Risinghill and Kilquhanity.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8714
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Schools; Education. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Roszak, Theodore; Featherstone, Godfrey; Barltrop, Robert; Fulford, Norman; Claydon, Ivor; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 093 Vol:08 #11 :Radio freedom.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7121
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Pirate; Radio; Media; France. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Fleming, Antony; Downes, David; Goodman Paul; Walter, Nicolas; Marren, Paraic; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 094 Vol:08 #12 :The Machinery of Conformity.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7371
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Freedom; Education; Daniel Guerin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 095 Vol:09 #01 :Yugoslavia: is it workers control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7123
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Yugoslavia; Social Self Government; Riddell; Rosse. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Maybe; Howkins; Guevarra; Gillett; Wilde. Anarchy (First Series) 096 Vol:09 #02 :Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7125
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 097 Vol:09 #03 :Architects and People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8713
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Architecture; Housing; Squatting; Tenants. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Gibson; Young; Whatling; Taylor; Goodman. Anarchy (First Series) 098 Vol:09 #04 :A Libertarian Criminology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7126
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Crime; Prison; Criminal; Kropotkin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 099 Vol:09 #05 :Lessons of the French Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7128
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: France; Paris 1968; French Revolution. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas. Anarchy (First Series) 100 Vol:09 #06 :About Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7129
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolution; Society; Anarchism; Introduction; Theory; Socialism; Democracy; State; Class; Organisation; Property; Religion; Violence; War; Individual. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy a later reprint.

Taylor; Gibson; Cohen. Anarchy (First Series) 101 Vol:09 #07 :Approved schools and detention centres.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7131
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Youth; Crime; Prison; Punishment; Education. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 102 Vol:09 #08 :Squatters.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9032
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing; Squatting; Squatters; Tenants. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Joy and Chris Russell.

Kingshill; Richardson; Gould; Weaver; Twest; Morris. Anarchy (First Series) 103 Vol:09 #09 :The rights of the young.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7134
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Youth; Education; Schools. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Widmer; Tod; Hogben; Woodcock; Drinnon; Sargent. Anarchy (First Series) 104 Vol:09 #10 :On Refusing.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7136
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Pacifism; Violence; Art; Refusing; Decentralism; Berkman; The Blast; Utopia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ollendorf; Goodman; Neill; Berneri; Broughton; Albon; Gibson. Anarchy (First Series) 105 Vol:09 #11 :Wilhelm Reich and the Sexual Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7137
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Wilhelm Reich; Sexual Revolution; Sexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 106 Vol:09 #12 :Property is theft - J.P. Proudhon 1840.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1932
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Proudhon. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Goodman; Willis; Barker; Uloth; Gibson; Condon; Reilly; Segar; Art. Anarchy (First Series) 107 Vol:10 #01 :The Present Moment in Education.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7140
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Freedom; District Line. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Small, Martin; Ward; Schubert; Otter. Anarchy (First Series) 108 Vol:10 #02 :Big Flame Flickering.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7142
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Drinnon; Harper; Widmer; Walter; Kipling. Anarchy (First Series) 109 Vol:10 #03 :Russell and the Anarchists.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7144
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bertrand Russell; History; Counter-culture; Kropotkin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Mitchell, Adrian (ed); Daly, Tim. Anarchy (First Series) 110 Vol:10 #04 :Jump my Brothers Jump. Poems from Prison by Tim Daly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7146
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poems; Poetry. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Reichert et al. Anarchy (First Series) 111 Vol:10 #05 :Anarchism, Freedom and Power by William O. Reichert.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7148
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolution; Education; Japan. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Guine; Marchant; Jannaway; Hebditch; Wolfin; Hodges. Anarchy (First Series) 112 Vol:10 #06 :Southern Africa.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7151
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Race; Zimbabwe; Rhodesia; Mozambique; Angola. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 113 Vol:10 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3621
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Women; Crime; Holloway; Holt; Sally Anne; Harmer; Repression; Prison. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Torsten; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Drinnon, Richard; Goldman, Emma; Widmer, Kingsley; Tower Sargent, Lyman; Woodcock, George. Anarchy (First Series) 114 Vol:10 #08 :Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, and the dream we hark Back to….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7153
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Goldman; Berkman; Marcuse. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Segar, Rufus; Kohls, Stan; Widmer, Kingsley; Avrich, Paul; Manas; Austin, David; Page, David; Bryant. Anarchy (First Series) 115 Vol:10 #09 :McLuhanism, a libertarian view by Kingsley Widmer.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7155
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Student; Raphael; Hythloday; Bakunin; McLuhanism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Guerin; Whiteman; Moss; Dwyer; Wrad. Anarchy (First Series) 116 Vol:10 #10 :Tory chief attacks the TUC leaders.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7157
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Festivals; Isle of Wight; Guerin; Whiteman; Moss; Dwyer; Wrad. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Richardson; Thomas; O'Connor; Woodcock; Meltzer. Anarchy (First Series) 117 Vol:10 #11 :Mainly about the future of the urban environment….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7160
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Towns; Environment; Data; Motorways; Transport; Notting Hill. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 118 Vol:10 #12 :Keith Paton on Work and Surplus….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7162
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Hunt. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #01 Vol:01 #01 :Towards a rational bisexuality.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3561
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gender; Sexuality; Homosexuality; Heterosexuality; Bisexuality; Masculinity; Femininity; Lesbians; Lesbianism; Eros; Women's Liberation; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #02 Vol:01 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, March 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7230
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Russian Revolution; Petrov; The Anti-Climax; Berkman; Izvestiia; Ciliga; Newell; Walter; Ritchie; Avrich; Neville; Goldman; Perlin; Goodman; Kronstadt. Additional notes: Several pages cut from one of the copies of this issue; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #04 Vol:01 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3563
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kronstadt; Poland; Bakunin; Marx; Nationalism; Kropotkin; Anarchist Communism; Poland; Food Riots. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #37 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1983-84 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6785
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: SAS Special Air Service; Jemen; Northern Ireland; Augustin Souchy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Neil, the other from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Freedom 1886/12 Vol:01 #003 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 003). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1886).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21297
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/01 Vol:01 #004 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 004). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21298
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/02 Vol:01 #005 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 005). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21299
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/03 Vol:01 #006 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 006). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21300
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/04 Vol:01 #007 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 007). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21301
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/05 Vol:01 #008 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 008). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21302
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/06 Vol:01 #009 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 009). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21303
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/07 Vol:01 #010 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 010). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21304
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/08 Vol:01 #011 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 011). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21305
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/09 Vol:01 #012 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 012). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21306
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/10 Vol:02 #013 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 013). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21307
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/11 Vol:02 #014 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 014). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21308
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1887/12 Vol:02 #015 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 015). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1887).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21309
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1888/01 Vol:02 #016 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 016). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1888).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21310
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1888/05 Vol:02 #020 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 020). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1888).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21311
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1888/07 Vol:02 #022 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 022). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1888).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21312
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1888/09 Vol:02 #024 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 024). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1888).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21313
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1889/04 Vol:03 #029 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 029). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1889).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21314
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1889/05 Vol:03 #030 :A Journal of Anarchist Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 030). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1889).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21315
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1889/06 Vol:03 #031 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 031). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1889).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21316
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1889/07 Vol:03 #032 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 032). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1889).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21317
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1889/08 Vol:03 #033 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 033). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1889).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21318
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1889/09 Vol:03 #034 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 034). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1889).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21319
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1889/10 Vol:03 #035 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 035). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1889).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21320
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1889/12 Vol:03 #037 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 037). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1889).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21321
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/01 Vol:04 #038 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 038). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21322
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/03 Vol:04 #040 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 040). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21323
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/04 Vol:04 #041 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 041). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21324
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/05 Vol:04 #042 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 042). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21325
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/08 Vol:04 #045 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 045). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21326
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/09 Vol:04 #046 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 046). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21327
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/10 Vol:04 #047 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 047). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21328
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/11 Vol:04 #048 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 048). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21329
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1890/12 Vol:04 #049 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 049). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1890).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21330
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/01 Vol:05 #050 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 050). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21331
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/02 Vol:05 #051 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 051). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21332
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/03 Vol:05 #052 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 052). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21333
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/04 Vol:05 #053 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 053). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21334
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/05 Vol:05 #054 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 054). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21335
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/06 Vol:05 #055 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 055). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21336
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/07 Vol:05 #056 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 056). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21337
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/08 Vol:05 #057 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 057). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21338
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/09 Vol:05 #058 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 058). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21339
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/10 Vol:05 #059 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 059). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21340
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/11 Vol:05 #060 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 060). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21341
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1891/12 Vol:05 #061 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 061). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1891).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21342
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/01 Vol:06 #062 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 062). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21343
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/02 Vol:06 #063 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 063). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21344
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/03 Vol:06 #064 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 064). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21345
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/04 Vol:06 #065 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 065). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21346
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/05 Vol:06 #066 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 066). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21347
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/06 Vol:06 #067 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 067). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21348
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/07 Vol:06 #068 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 068). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21349
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/08 Vol:06 #069 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 069). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21350
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/09 Vol:06 #070 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 070). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21351
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/10-11 Vol:06 #071 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 071). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21352
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1892/12 Vol:06 #072 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 072). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1892).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21353
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1898/07 Vol:12 #128 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 128). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1898).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21354
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1902/01 Vol:16 #164 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 164). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1901).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=10312
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1913/05 Vol:27 #289 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 289). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1913).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21355
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1914/01 Vol:28 #297 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 297). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1914).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21356
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1914/11 Vol:28 #307 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 307). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1914).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21357
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1914/12 Vol:28 #308 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 308). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1914).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21358
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1915/01 Vol:29 #309 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 309). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1915).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21359
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1915/02 Vol:29 #310 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 310). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1915).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21360
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1915/03 Vol:29 #311 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 311). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1915).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21361
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1915/04 Vol:29 #312 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 312). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1915).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21362
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1915/05 Vol:29 #313 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 313). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1915).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21363
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1915/06 Vol:29 #314 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 314). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1915).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21364
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1915/07 Vol:29 #315 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 315). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1915).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21365
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1916/02 Vol:30 #322 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 322). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1916).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21366
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1916/04 Vol:30 #324 :A Journal of Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 324). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1916).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21367
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; World War 1; World War One; First World War; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1919/01 Vol:33 #356 :Special Russian Number.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 356). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1919).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21368
Description: Possibly incomplete?. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kropotkin; Freedom Newspaper; Russian Revolution; Russia. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1920/01 Vol:34 #368 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 368). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16691
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/02 Vol:34 #369 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 369). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16692
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/03 Vol:34 #370 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 370). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16693
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/04 Vol:34 #371 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 371). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16694
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/05 Vol:34 #372 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 372). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16695
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/06 Vol:34 #372 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 372). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16696
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom; incorrectly numbered, should be #373.

. Freedom 1920/07 Vol:34 #373 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 373). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16697
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/08 Vol:34 #374 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 374). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16698
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/09 Vol:34 #375 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 375). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16699
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/10 Vol:34 #376 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 376). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16700
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/11 Vol:34 #377 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 377). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16701
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1920/12 Vol:34 #378 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 378). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1920).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16702
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/01 Vol:35 #379 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 379). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16703
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/02 Vol:35 #380 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 380). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16704
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/03 Vol:35 #381 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 381). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16705
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/04 Vol:35 #382 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 382). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16706
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/05 Vol:35 #383 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 383). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16707
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/06 Vol:35 #384 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 384). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16708
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/07 Vol:35 #385 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 385). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16709
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/08 Vol:35 #386 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 386). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16710
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/09 Vol:35 #387 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 387). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16711
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/10 Vol:35 #388 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 388). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16712
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/11 Vol:35 #389 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 389). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16713
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1921/12 Vol:35 #390 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 390). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1921).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16714
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/01 Vol:36 #391 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 391). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16715
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/02 Vol:36 #392 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 392). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16716
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/03 Vol:36 #393 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 393). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16717
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/04 Vol:36 #394 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 394). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16718
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/05 Vol:36 #395 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 395). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/06 Vol:36 #396 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 396). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16720
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/07 Vol:36 #397 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 397). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/08 Vol:36 #398 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 398). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16722
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/09 Vol:36 #399 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 399). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16723
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/10 Vol:36 #400 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 400). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/11 Vol:36 #401 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 401). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16725
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1922/12 Vol:36 #402 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 402). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1922).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16726
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/01 Vol:37 #403 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 403). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16727
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/02 Vol:37 #404 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 404). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16728
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/03-04 Vol:37 #405 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 405). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar-Apr 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16729
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/05 Vol:37 #406 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 406). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/06 Vol:37 #407 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 407). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/07 Vol:37 #408 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 408). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16732
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/08 Vol:37 #409 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 409). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16733
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/09 Vol:37 #410 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 410). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16734
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/10 Vol:37 #411 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 411). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16735
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/11 Vol:37 #412 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 412). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16736
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1923/12 Vol:37 #413 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 413). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1923).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/01 Vol:38 #414 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 414). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/02 Vol:38 #415 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 415). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16739
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/03-04 Vol:38 #416 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 416). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar-Apr 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16740
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/05 Vol:38 #417 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 417). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/06 Vol:38 #418 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 418). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16742
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/07-08 Vol:38 #419 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 419). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul-Aug 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16743
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/09 Vol:38 #420 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 420). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/10 Vol:38 #421 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 421). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16745
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1924/11-12 Vol:38 #422 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 38, 422). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov-Dec 1924).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16746
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/01 Vol:39 #423 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 423). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16747
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/02 Vol:39 #424 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 424). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16748
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/03-04 Vol:39 #425 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 425). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar-Apr 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16749
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/05 Vol:39 #426 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 426). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/06 Vol:39 #427 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 427). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/07-08 Vol:39 #428 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 428). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul-Aug 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/09 Vol:39 #429 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 429). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/10-11 Vol:39 #430 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 430). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16754
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1925/12 Vol:39 #431 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 431). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1925).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927) bound into a hardcover book, also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1926/01 Vol:40 #432 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 40, 432). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1926).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3649
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mining; Belgium; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1; Socialism; Science; Dogmatism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1926/02-03 Vol:40 #433 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 40, 433). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb-Mar 1926).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3650
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Locarno; Kenya; Slavery; Russia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1926/04-05 Vol:40 #434 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 40, 434). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr-May 1926).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3651
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: General Strike; Russia; Tucker; Proudhon; Godwin; Barker; Currency; Bolshevism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1926/06-07 Vol:40 #435 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 40, 435). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 1926).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3652
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Lloyd George; Sacco; Vanzetti; Bakunin; Pogrom. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1926/08-09 Vol:40 #436 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 40, 436). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 1926).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3653
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: General Strike; Godwin; Coal Lock-Out; Bakunin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1926/10 Vol:40 #437 :Fortieth Anniversary Number.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 40, 437). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1926).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3654
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Religion; Mussolini; Fascism; Italy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1926/11-12 Vol:40 #438 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 40, 438). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov-Dec 1926).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3655
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Stalin; Trotsky; Socialism; China; Fascism; Nationalisation; Alexander Berkman; Prisoners; Italy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1927/01 Vol:41 #439 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 41, 439). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1927).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3656
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fascism; Freedom's Fourtieth Anniversary; Russia; General Strike; Italy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1927/02 Vol:41 #440 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 41, 440). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1927).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3657
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: General Strike; Malatesta; Fascism; Egypt; Sacco; Vanzetti; Russia; Trade Unions; Italy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1927/03 Vol:41 #441 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 41, 441). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1927).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3658
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: China; Stalin; Stalinism; Churchill; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1; Goldman; Bulgaria; Westwater; Syndicalism; Imperialism; Lexocracy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom; we also have another incomplete copy of this issue.

. Freedom 1927/04-05 Vol:41 #442 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 41, 442). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr-May 1927).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3659
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: China; Strike; Anti-Strike Legislation; Sacco; Vanzetti; Eugenics; Clissold; Sexuality; Tories; Spain. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1927/06 Vol:41 #443 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 41, 443). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1927).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3660
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Russia; McDonald; Goldman; War; Anti-Strike Legislation; Sacco; Vanzetti. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1927/07-08 Vol:41 #444 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 41, 444). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul-Aug 1927).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3661
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vienna; House of Lords; Russian Revolution; Sexuality; Capitalism; Bourgeoisie; Sacco; Vanzetti; Mutualism; Liberal Party; Labour Party. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1927/09-10 Vol:41 #445 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 41, 445). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep-Oct 1927).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3662
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sacco; Vanzetti; Darwin; Darwinism; Tucker; George. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1927/11-12 Vol:41 #446 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 41, 446). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov-Dec 1927).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3663
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Shaw; Mussolini; Fascism; Italy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in a bound book containing Freedom Vols:34-41 (1920-1927), also kept in Public Archive F/Freedom.

. Freedom 1930/11 Vol:01 #07 :A Journal of Libertarian Thought, Work and Literature.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1930).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21369
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1931/01 Vol:01 #09 :A Journal of Libertarian Thought, Work and Literature.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1931).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3669
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Berkman; USSR; Auberon Herbert. Additional notes:

. Freedom 1940/09 War Commentary Vol:01 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1940).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1940/11 War Commentary Vol:02 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1940).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1941/03 War Commentary Vol:02 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1941).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16758
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1941/06 War Commentary Vol:02 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1941).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16759
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1941/07 War Commentary Vol:02 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1941).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16760
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1941/08 War Commentary Vol:02 #10 Supplement :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1941).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16761
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1941/09 War Commentary Vol:02 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1941).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16762
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1941/11 War Commentary Vol:03 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1941).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16763
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1941/12 War Commentary Vol:03 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1941).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16764
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1942/01a War Commentary Vol:03 #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16765
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1942/01b War Commentary Vol:03 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Jan 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16766
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/02a War Commentary Vol:03 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16767
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1942/02b War Commentary Vol:03 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Feb 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16768
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1942/03a War Commentary Vol:03 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16769
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1942/03b War Commentary Vol:03 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Mar 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16770
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/04a War Commentary Vol:03 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16771
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/04b War Commentary Vol:03 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Apr 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16772
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/05a War Commentary Vol:03 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16773
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/05b War Commentary Vol:03 #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid May 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16774
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/06b War Commentary Vol:03 #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Jun 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16775
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/08b War Commentary Vol:03 #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Aug 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16776
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/09a War Commentary Vol:03 #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16777
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/09b War Commentary Vol:03 #20 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Sep 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16778
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/10b War Commentary Vol:03 #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Oct 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16779
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1942/11a War Commentary Vol:04 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16780
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1942/12b War Commentary Vol:04 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Dec 1942).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16781
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943-1944 War Commentary Vol:04 Index :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16796
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; month estimated.

. Freedom 1943/02a War Commentary Vol:04 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16782
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/02b War Commentary Vol:04 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Feb 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16783
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/03a War Commentary Vol:04 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16784
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/04a War Commentary Vol:04 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16785
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1943/04b War Commentary Vol:04 #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Apr 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16786
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1943/05a War Commentary Vol:04 #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16787
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1943/06b War Commentary Vol:04 #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Jun 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16788
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1943/07a War Commentary Vol:04 #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16789
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1943/07b War Commentary Vol:04 #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Jul 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16790
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1943/08a War Commentary Vol:04 #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16791
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/08b War Commentary Vol:04 #20 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Aug 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16792
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1943/09b War Commentary Vol:04 #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Sep 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16793
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/10a War Commentary Vol:04 #23 Supplement :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16794
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/10b War Commentary Vol:04 #24 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Oct 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16795
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/11a War Commentary Vol:05 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16797
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/11b War Commentary Vol:05 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Nov 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16798
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1943/12a War Commentary Vol:05 #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1943).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16799
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1944/01a War Commentary Vol:05 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16800
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1944/01b War Commentary Vol:05 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Jan 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16801
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1944/02a War Commentary Vol:05 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16802
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2.

. Freedom 1944/02b War Commentary Vol:05 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Feb 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16803
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/03a War Commentary Vol:05 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16804
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/03b War Commentary Vol:05 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Mar 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16805
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/04a War Commentary Vol:05 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16806
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/04b War Commentary Vol:05 #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Apr 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16807
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/05a War Commentary Vol:05 #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16808
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/05b War Commentary Vol:05 #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid May 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16809
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/06a War Commentary Vol:05 #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16810
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/06b War Commentary Vol:05 #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Jun 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16811
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/07a War Commentary Vol:05 #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16812
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/07b War Commentary Vol:05 #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Jul 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16813
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/08a War Commentary Vol:05 #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16814
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/08b War Commentary Vol:05 #20 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Aug 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16815
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/09a War Commentary Vol:05 #21 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16816
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/09b War Commentary Vol:05 #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Sep 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16817
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/10a War Commentary Vol:05 #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16818
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1944/10b War Commentary Vol:05 #24 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mid Oct 1944).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16819
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: World War Two; Second World War; WW2; WWII; Nazism; Fascism. Additional notes: Freedom was called War Commentary during WW2; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1945/08/11 War Commentary Vol:06 #21 :For Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Aug 1945).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=10317
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Atomic Bombs; Atom Bomb. Additional notes:

. Freedom 1946/02 Vol:07 #09 :Through Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1946).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=3664
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Starvation; Labour Party; Levellers; Food Riots; Malatesta; Nationalisation; Mining; Mines; Russia; Stalin. Additional notes:

. Freedom 1948/08/07 Vol:09 #16 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Aug 1948).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21370
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1948/10/02 Vol:09 #20 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Oct 1948).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16820
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1949/04/16 Vol:10 #08 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Apr 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21371
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by the WCML Working Class Movement Library (

. Freedom 1949/04/30 Vol:10 #09 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Apr 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16821
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1949/05/28 Vol:10 #11 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 May 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16822
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1949/06/25 Vol:10 #13 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jun 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16823
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1949/07/23 Vol:10 #15 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jul 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16824
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1949/08/06 Vol:10 #16 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Aug 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16825
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1949/08/20 Vol:10 #17 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Aug 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16826
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Incorrectly labelled as #16; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1949/09/03 Vol:10 #18 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Sep 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16827
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1949/09/17 Vol:10 #19 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Sep 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16828
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1949/10/01 Vol:10 #20 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Oct 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16829
Description: RESCAN, P3 NOT PHOTOGRAPHED!. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1949/10/15 Vol:10 #21 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Oct 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16830
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1949/10/29 Vol:10 #22 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Oct 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16831
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1949/11/12 Vol:10 #23 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Nov 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16832
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1949/11/26 Vol:10 #24 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Nov 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16833
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1949/12/10 Vol:10 #25 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Dec 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16834
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1949/12/24 Vol:10 #26 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Dec 1949).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16835
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1951/01/06 Vol:12 #01 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jan 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16836
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/01/20 Vol:12 #02 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jan 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16837
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/02/03 Vol:12 #03 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Feb 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16838
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/02/17 Vol:12 #04 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Feb 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16839
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/03/03 Vol:12 #05 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Mar 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16840
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/03/17 Vol:12 #06 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Mar 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16841
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/03/31 Vol:12 #07 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Mar 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16842
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/04/14 Vol:12 #08 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Apr 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16843
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/04/28 Vol:12 #09 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Apr 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16844
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/05/05 Vol:12 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 May 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16845
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/05/12 Vol:12 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 May 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16846
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/05/19 Vol:12 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 May 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16847
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/05/26 Vol:12 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 May 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16848
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/06/02 Vol:12 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jun 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16849
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/06/09 Vol:12 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jun 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16850
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/06/16 Vol:12 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jun 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16851
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/06/23 Vol:12 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jun 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16852
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/06/30 Vol:12 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jun 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16853
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/07/07 Vol:12 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jul 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16854
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/07/14 Vol:12 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jul 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16855
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/07/21 Vol:12 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jul 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16856
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1951/07/28 Vol:12 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jul 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16857
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/08/04 Vol:12 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Aug 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16858
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/08/11 Vol:12 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Aug 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16859
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/08/18 Vol:12 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Aug 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16860
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/08/25 Vol:12 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Aug 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16861
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/09/01 Vol:12 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Sep 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16862
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/09/08 Vol:12 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Sep 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16863
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/09/15 Vol:12 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Sep 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16864
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/09/22 Vol:12 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Sep 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16865
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/09/29 Vol:12 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Sep 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16866
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/10/06 Vol:12 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Oct 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16867
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/10/13 Vol:12 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Oct 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16868
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/10/20 Vol:12 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Oct 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16869
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/10/27 Vol:12 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Oct 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16870
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/11/03 Vol:12 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Nov 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16871
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/11/10 Vol:12 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Nov 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16872
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/11/17 Vol:12 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Nov 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16873
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/11/24 Vol:12 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Nov 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16874
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/12/01 Vol:12 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Dec 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16875
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/12/08 Vol:12 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Dec 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16876
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/12/15 Vol:12 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Dec 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16877
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/12/22 Vol:12 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Dec 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16878
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1951/12/29 Vol:12 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Dec 1951).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16879
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1952/01/05 Vol:13 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Jan 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16880
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1952/01/12 Vol:13 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jan 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16881
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/01/19 Vol:13 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jan 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16882
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/01/26 Vol:13 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jan 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16883
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/02/02 Vol:13 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Feb 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16884
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/02/09 Vol:13 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Feb 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16885
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/02/16 Vol:13 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Feb 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16886
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/02/23 Vol:13 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Feb 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16887
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Publication year incorrectly stated on the front cover.

. Freedom 1952/03/01 Vol:13 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Mar 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16888
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/03/08 Vol:13 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Mar 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16889
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/03/15 Vol:13 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Mar 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16890
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/03/22 Vol:13 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Mar 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16891
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/03/29 Vol:13 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Mar 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16892
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/04/05 Vol:13 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Apr 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16893
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/04/12 Vol:13 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Apr 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16894
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/04/19 Vol:13 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Apr 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16895
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/04/26 Vol:13 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Apr 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16896
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/05/03 Vol:13 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 May 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16897
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/05/10 Vol:13 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 May 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16898
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/05/17 Vol:13 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 May 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16899
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/05/24 Vol:13 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 May 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16900
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1952/05/31 Vol:13 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 May 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16901
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/06/07 Vol:13 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jun 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16902
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/06/14 Vol:13 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jun 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16903
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/06/21 Vol:13 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jun 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16904
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/06/28 Vol:13 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jun 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16905
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/07/05 Vol:13 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Jul 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16906
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/07/12 Vol:13 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jul 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16907
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/07/19 Vol:13 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jul 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16908
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/07/26 Vol:13 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jul 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16909
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/08/09 Vol:13 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Aug 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16910
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/08/16 Vol:13 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Aug 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16911
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/08/23 Vol:13 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Aug 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16912
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/08/30 Vol:13 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Aug 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16913
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/09/06 Vol:13 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Sep 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16914
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/09/13 Vol:13 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Sep 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16915
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/09/20 Vol:13 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Sep 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16916
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/09/27 Vol:13 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Sep 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16917
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/10/04 Vol:13 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Oct 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16918
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/10/11 Vol:13 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Oct 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16919
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/10/18 Vol:13 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Oct 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16920
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/10/25 Vol:13 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Oct 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16921
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/11/01 Vol:13 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Nov 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16922
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/11/08 Vol:13 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Nov 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16923
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/11/15 Vol:13 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Nov 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16924
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/11/22 Vol:13 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Nov 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16925
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/11/29 Vol:13 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Nov 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16926
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/12/06 Vol:13 #49 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Dec 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16927
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/12/13 Vol:13 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Dec 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16928
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/12/20 Vol:13 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Dec 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16929
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1952/12/27 Vol:13 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Dec 1952).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16930
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1953/01/03 Vol:14 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Jan 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16931
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/01/10 Vol:14 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jan 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16932
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/01/17 Vol:14 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jan 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16933
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/01/24 Vol:14 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jan 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16934
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/01/31 Vol:14 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Jan 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16935
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/02/07 Vol:14 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Feb 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16936
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/02/14 Vol:14 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Feb 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16937
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/02/21 Vol:14 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Feb 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16938
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/02/28 Vol:14 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Feb 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16939
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/03/07 Vol:14 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Mar 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16940
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/03/14 Vol:14 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Mar 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16941
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/03/21 Vol:14 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Mar 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16942
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/03/28 Vol:14 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Mar 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16943
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/04/04 Vol:14 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Apr 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16944
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/04/11 Vol:14 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Apr 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16945
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/04/18 Vol:14 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Apr 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16946
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/04/25 Vol:14 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Apr 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16947
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/05/02 Vol:14 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 May 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16948
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/05/09 Vol:14 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 May 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16949
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/05/16 Vol:14 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 May 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16950
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/05/23 Vol:14 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 May 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16951
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Issue number incorrect (labelled as #23).

. Freedom 1953/05/30 Vol:14 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 May 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16952
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/06/06 Vol:14 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jun 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16953
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/06/13 Vol:14 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jun 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16954
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/06/20 Vol:14 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jun 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16955
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/06/27 Vol:14 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Jun 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16956
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/07/04 Vol:14 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Jul 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16957
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/07/11 Vol:14 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jul 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16958
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/07/18 Vol:14 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jul 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16959
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Publication year incorrectly stated as '1935'.

. Freedom 1953/07/25 Vol:14 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jul 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16960
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/08/01 Vol:14 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Aug 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16961
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/08/08 Vol:14 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Aug 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16962
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/08/15 Vol:14 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Aug 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16963
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/08/22 Vol:14 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Aug 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16964
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/08/29 Vol:14 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Aug 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16965
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/09/05 Vol:14 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Sep 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16966
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/09/12 Vol:14 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Sep 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16967
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/09/19 Vol:14 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Sep 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16968
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/09/26 Vol:14 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Sep 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16969
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/10/03 Vol:14 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Oct 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16970
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/10/10 Vol:14 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Oct 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16971
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/10/17 Vol:14 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Oct 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16972
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/10/24 Vol:14 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Oct 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16973
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/10/31 Vol:14 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Oct 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16974
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/11/07 Vol:14 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Nov 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16975
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/11/14 Vol:14 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Nov 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16976
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/11/21 Vol:14 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Nov 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16977
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/11/28 Vol:14 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Nov 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16978
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/12/05 Vol:14 #49 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Dec 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16979
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/12/12 Vol:14 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Dec 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16980
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/12/19 Vol:14 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Dec 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16981
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1953/12/26 Vol:14 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Dec 1953).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16982
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/01/02 Vol:15 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jan 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16983
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/01/09 Vol:15 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jan 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16984
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/01/16 Vol:15 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jan 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16985
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/01/23 Vol:15 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jan 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16986
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/01/30 Vol:15 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jan 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16987
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/02/06 Vol:15 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Feb 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16988
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/02/13 Vol:15 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Feb 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16989
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/02/20 Vol:15 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Feb 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16990
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/02/27 Vol:15 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Feb 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16991
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/03/06 Vol:15 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Mar 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16992
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/03/13 Vol:15 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Mar 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16993
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/03/20 Vol:15 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Mar 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16994
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/03/27 Vol:15 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Mar 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16995
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/04/03 Vol:15 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Apr 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16996
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/04/10 Vol:15 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Apr 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16997
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/04/17 Vol:15 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Apr 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16998
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/04/24 Vol:15 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Apr 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=16999
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/05/01 Vol:15 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 May 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17000
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/05/08 Vol:15 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 May 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17001
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/05/15 Vol:15 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 May 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17002
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/05/22 Vol:15 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 May 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17003
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/05/29 Vol:15 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 May 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17004
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/06/05 Vol:15 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Jun 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17005
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/06/12 Vol:15 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jun 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17006
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/06/19 Vol:15 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jun 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17007
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1954/06/26 Vol:15 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jun 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17008
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/07/03 Vol:15 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Jul 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17009
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/07/10 Vol:15 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jul 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17010
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/07/17 Vol:15 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jul 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17011
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/07/24 Vol:15 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jul 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17012
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/07/31 Vol:15 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Jul 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17013
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/08/07 Vol:15 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Aug 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17014
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/08/14 Vol:15 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Aug 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17015
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/08/21 Vol:15 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Aug 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17016
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/08/28 Vol:15 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Aug 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17017
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/09/04 Vol:15 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Sep 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17018
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/09/11 Vol:15 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Sep 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17019
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/09/18 Vol:15 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Sep 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17020
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/09/25 Vol:15 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Sep 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17021
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/10/02 Vol:15 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Oct 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17022
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/10/09 Vol:15 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Oct 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17023
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/10/16 Vol:15 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Oct 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17024
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/10/23 Vol:15 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Oct 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17025
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/10/30 Vol:15 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Oct 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17026
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/11/06 Vol:15 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Nov 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17027
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/11/13 Vol:15 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Nov 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17028
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/11/20 Vol:15 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Nov 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17029
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/11/27 Vol:15 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Nov 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17030
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/12/04 Vol:15 #49 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Dec 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17031
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/12/11 Vol:15 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Dec 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17032
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/12/18 Vol:15 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Dec 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17033
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1954/12/25 Vol:15 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Dec 1954).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17034
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/01/01 Vol:16 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jan 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17035
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/01/08 Vol:16 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jan 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17036
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/01/15 Vol:16 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jan 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17037
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/01/22 Vol:16 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jan 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17038
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/01/29 Vol:16 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jan 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17039
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/02/05 Vol:16 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Feb 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17040
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/02/12 Vol:16 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Feb 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17041
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/02/19 Vol:16 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Feb 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17042
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/02/26 Vol:16 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Feb 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17043
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/03/05 Vol:16 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Mar 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17044
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/03/12 Vol:16 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Mar 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17045
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/03/19 Vol:16 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Mar 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17046
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/03/26 Vol:16 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Mar 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17047
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/04/02 Vol:16 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Apr 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17048
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/04/09 Vol:16 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Apr 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17049
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/04/16 Vol:16 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Apr 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17050
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/04/23 Vol:16 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Apr 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17051
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/04/30 Vol:16 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Apr 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17052
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Publication day incorrectly stated as 20th April.

. Freedom 1955/05/14 Vol:16 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 May 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17053
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/05/21 Vol:16 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 May 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17054
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/05/28 Vol:16 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 May 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17055
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/06/04 Vol:16 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Jun 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17056
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/06/11 Vol:16 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jun 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17057
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/06/18 Vol:16 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jun 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17058
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/06/25 Vol:16 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jun 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17059
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/07/02 Vol:16 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jul 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17060
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/07/09 Vol:16 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jul 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17061
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/07/16 Vol:16 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jul 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17062
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/07/23 Vol:16 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jul 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17063
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/07/30 Vol:16 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jul 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17064
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/08/06 Vol:16 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Aug 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17065
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/08/13 Vol:16 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Aug 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17066
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/08/20 Vol:16 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Aug 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17067
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/08/27 Vol:16 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Aug 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17068
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/09/03 Vol:16 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Sep 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17069
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/09/10 Vol:16 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Sep 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17070
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/09/17 Vol:16 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Sep 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17071
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/09/24 Vol:16 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Sep 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17072
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/10/01 Vol:16 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Oct 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17073
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/10/08 Vol:16 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Oct 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17074
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/10/15 Vol:16 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Oct 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17075
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/10/22 Vol:16 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Oct 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17076
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/10/29 Vol:16 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Oct 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17077
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/11/05 Vol:16 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Nov 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17078
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1955/11/12 Vol:16 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Nov 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17079
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/11/19 Vol:16 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Nov 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17080
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/11/26 Vol:16 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Nov 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17081
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/12/03 Vol:16 #49 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Dec 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17082
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/12/10 Vol:16 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Dec 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17083
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/12/17 Vol:16 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Dec 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17084
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/12/24 Vol:16 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Dec 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17085
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1955/12/31 Vol:16 #53 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 53). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Dec 1955).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17086
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/01/07 Vol:17 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jan 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17087
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/01/14 Vol:17 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jan 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17088
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/01/21 Vol:17 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jan 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17089
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/01/28 Vol:17 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jan 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17090
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/02/04 Vol:17 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Feb 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17091
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/02/11 Vol:17 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Feb 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17092
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/02/18 Vol:17 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Feb 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17093
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/02/25 Vol:17 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Feb 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17094
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/03/03 Vol:17 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Mar 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17095
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/03/10 Vol:17 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Mar 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17096
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/03/17 Vol:17 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Mar 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17097
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/03/24 Vol:17 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Mar 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17098
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/03/31 Vol:17 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Mar 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17099
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/04/07 Vol:17 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Apr 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17100
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/04/14 Vol:17 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Apr 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17101
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/04/21 Vol:17 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Apr 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17102
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/04/28 Vol:17 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Apr 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17103
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/05/05 Vol:17 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 May 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17104
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/05/12 Vol:17 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 May 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17105
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/05/19 Vol:17 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 May 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17106
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/05/26 Vol:17 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 May 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17107
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/06/02 Vol:17 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jun 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17108
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/06/09 Vol:17 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jun 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17109
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/06/16 Vol:17 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jun 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17110
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/06/23 Vol:17 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jun 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17111
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/06/30 Vol:17 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jun 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17112
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/07/07 Vol:17 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jul 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17113
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/07/14 Vol:17 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jul 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17114
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/07/21 Vol:17 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jul 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17115
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/07/28 Vol:17 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jul 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17116
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/08/04 Vol:17 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Aug 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17117
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/08/11 Vol:17 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Aug 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17118
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/08/18 Vol:17 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Aug 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17119
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/08/25 Vol:17 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Aug 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17120
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/09/01 Vol:17 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Sep 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17121
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/09/08 Vol:17 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Sep 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17122
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/09/15 Vol:17 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Sep 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17123
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/09/22 Vol:17 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Sep 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17124
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/09/29 Vol:17 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Sep 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17125
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/10/06 Vol:17 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Oct 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17126
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/10/13 Vol:17 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Oct 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17127
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/10/20 Vol:17 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Oct 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17128
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/10/27 Vol:17 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Oct 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17129
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/11/03 Vol:17 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Nov 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17130
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/11/10 Vol:17 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Nov 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17131
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/11/17 Vol:17 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Nov 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17132
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/11/24 Vol:17 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Nov 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17133
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/12/01 Vol:17 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Dec 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17134
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/12/08 Vol:17 #49 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Dec 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17135
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/12/15 Vol:17 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Dec 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17136
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1956/12/22 Vol:17 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Dec 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17137
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1956/12/29 Vol:17 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Dec 1956).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17138
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1957/01/05 Vol:18 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Jan 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17139
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/01/12 Vol:18 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jan 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17140
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/01/19 Vol:18 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jan 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17141
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/01/26 Vol:18 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jan 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17142
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/02/02 Vol:18 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Feb 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17143
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/02/09 Vol:18 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Feb 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17144
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/02/16 Vol:18 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Feb 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17145
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/02/23 Vol:18 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Feb 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17146
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/03/02 Vol:18 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Mar 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17147
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/03/10 Vol:18 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Mar 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17148
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/03/16 Vol:18 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Mar 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17149
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/03/23 Vol:18 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Mar 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17150
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/03/30 Vol:18 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Mar 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17151
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1957/04/06 Vol:18 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Apr 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17152
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/04/13 Vol:18 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Apr 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17153
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/04/20 Vol:18 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Apr 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17154
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/04/27 Vol:18 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Apr 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17155
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/05/04 Vol:18 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 May 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17156
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/05/11 Vol:18 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 May 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17157
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/05/18 Vol:18 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 May 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17158
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/05/25 Vol:18 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 May 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17159
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/06/01 Vol:18 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jun 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17160
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/06/08 Vol:18 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jun 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17161
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/06/15 Vol:18 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jun 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17162
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/06/22 Vol:18 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jun 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17163
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/06/29 Vol:18 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jun 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17164
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/07/06 Vol:18 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jul 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17165
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/07/13 Vol:18 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jul 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17166
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/07/20 Vol:18 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jul 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17167
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/07/27 Vol:18 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Jul 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17168
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/08/03 Vol:18 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Aug 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17169
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/08/10 Vol:18 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Aug 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17170
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/08/17 Vol:18 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Aug 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17171
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/08/24 Vol:18 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Aug 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17172
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/08/31 Vol:18 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Aug 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17173
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/09/07 Vol:18 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Sep 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17174
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/09/14 Vol:18 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Sep 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17175
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/09/21 Vol:18 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Sep 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17176
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/09/28 Vol:18 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Sep 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17177
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/10/05 Vol:18 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Oct 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17178
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/10/12 Vol:18 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Oct 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17179
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/10/19 Vol:18 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Oct 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17180
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/10/26 Vol:18 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Oct 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17181
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1957/11/02 Vol:18 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Nov 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17182
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/11/09 Vol:18 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Nov 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17183
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/11/16 Vol:18 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Nov 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17184
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/11/23 Vol:18 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Nov 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17185
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/11/30 Vol:18 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Nov 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17186
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/12/07 Vol:18 #49 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Dec 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17187
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/12/14 Vol:18 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Dec 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17188
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/12/21 Vol:18 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Dec 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17189
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1957/12/28 Vol:18 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Dec 1957).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17190
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/01/04 Vol:19 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Jan 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17191
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/01/11 Vol:19 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jan 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17192
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/01/18 Vol:19 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jan 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17193
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/01/25 Vol:19 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jan 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17194
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/02/01 Vol:19 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Feb 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17195
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/02/08 Vol:19 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Feb 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17196
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/02/15 Vol:19 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Feb 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17197
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/02/22 Vol:19 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Feb 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17198
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/03/01 Vol:19 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Mar 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17199
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/03/08 Vol:19 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Mar 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17200
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/03/15 Vol:19 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Mar 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17201
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/03/22 Vol:19 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Mar 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17202
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/03/29 Vol:19 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Mar 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17203
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/04/05 Vol:19 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Apr 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17204
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/04/12 Vol:19 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Apr 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17205
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1958/04/19 Vol:19 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Apr 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17206
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/04/26 Vol:19 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Apr 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17207
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/05/03 Vol:19 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 May 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17208
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/05/10 Vol:19 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 May 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17209
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/05/17 Vol:19 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 May 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17210
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Partial OCR only (pp2-3), software kept crashing.

. Freedom 1958/05/24 Vol:19 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 May 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17211
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/05/31 Vol:19 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 May 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17212
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/06/07 Vol:19 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jun 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17213
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/06/14 Vol:19 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jun 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17214
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/06/21 Vol:19 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jun 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17215
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/06/28 Vol:19 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jun 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17216
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/07/05 Vol:19 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Jul 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17217
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/07/12 Vol:19 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jul 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17218
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/07/19 Vol:19 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jul 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17219
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/07/26 Vol:19 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jul 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17220
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/08/02 Vol:19 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Aug 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17221
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/08/09 Vol:19 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Aug 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17222
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/08/16 Vol:19 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Aug 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17223
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/08/23 Vol:19 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Aug 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17224
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/08/30 Vol:19 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Aug 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17225
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/09/06 Vol:19 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Sep 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17226
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/09/13 Vol:19 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Sep 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17227
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/09/20 Vol:19 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Sep 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17228
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/09/27 Vol:19 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Sep 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17229
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/10/04 Vol:19 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Oct 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17230
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/10/11 Vol:19 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Oct 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17231
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/10/18 Vol:19 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Oct 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17232
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/10/25 Vol:19 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Oct 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17233
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/11/01 Vol:19 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Nov 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17234
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/11/08 Vol:19 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Nov 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17235
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/11/15 Vol:19 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Nov 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17236
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/11/22 Vol:19 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Nov 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17237
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/11/29 Vol:19 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Nov 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17238
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Incorrect issue number on the cover.

. Freedom 1958/12/06 Vol:19 #49/49A :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Dec 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17239
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Numbered as 49A on the cover due to previous error.

. Freedom 1958/12/13 Vol:19 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Dec 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17240
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/12/20 Vol:19 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Dec 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17241
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1958/12/27 Vol:19 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Dec 1958).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17242
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/01/03 Vol:20 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Jan 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17243
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/01/17 Vol:20 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jan 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17244
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/01/24 Vol:20 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jan 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17245
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1959/01/31 Vol:20 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Jan 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17246
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/02/07 Vol:20 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Feb 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17247
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/02/14 Vol:20 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Feb 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17248
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/02/21 Vol:20 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Feb 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17249
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/02/28 Vol:20 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Feb 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17250
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/03/07 Vol:20 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Mar 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17251
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/03/14 Vol:20 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Mar 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17252
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/03/21 Vol:20 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Mar 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17253
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/03/28 Vol:20 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Mar 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17254
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1959/04/04 Vol:20 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Apr 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17255
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/04/11 Vol:20 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Apr 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17256
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/04/18 Vol:20 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Apr 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17257
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/04/25 Vol:20 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Apr 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17258
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/05/02 Vol:20 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 May 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17259
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/05/09 Vol:20 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 May 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17260
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/05/16 Vol:20 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 May 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17261
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/05/23 Vol:20 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 May 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17262
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/05/30 Vol:20 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 May 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17263
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/06/06 Vol:20 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jun 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17264
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/06/13 Vol:20 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jun 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17265
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/06/20 Vol:20 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jun 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17266
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/06/27 Vol:20 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Jun 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17267
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/07/04 Vol:20 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Jul 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17268
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/07/11 Vol:20 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jul 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17269
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/07/18 Vol:20 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jul 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17270
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/07/25 Vol:20 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jul 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17271
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/08/01 Vol:20 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Aug 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17272
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/08/08 Vol:20 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Aug 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17273
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/08/15 Vol:20 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Aug 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17274
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/08/22 Vol:20 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Aug 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17275
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/08/29 Vol:20 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Aug 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17276
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/09/05 Vol:20 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Sep 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17277
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/09/12 Vol:20 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Sep 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17278
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/09/19 Vol:20 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Sep 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17279
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/09/26 Vol:20 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Sep 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17280
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/10/03 Vol:20 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Oct 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17281
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/10/10 Vol:20 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Oct 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17282
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/10/17 Vol:20 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Oct 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17283
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/10/24 Vol:20 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Oct 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17284
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/10/31 Vol:20 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Oct 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17285
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/11/07 Vol:20 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Nov 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17286
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/11/14 Vol:20 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Nov 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17287
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1959/11/21 Vol:20 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Nov 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17288
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1959/11/28 Vol:20 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Nov 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17289
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/12/05 Vol:20 #49 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Dec 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17290
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/12/12 Vol:20 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Dec 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17291
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/12/19 Vol:20 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Dec 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17292
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1959/12/26 Vol:20 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Dec 1959).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17293
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/01/02 Vol:21 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jan 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17294
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/01/09 Vol:21 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jan 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17295
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/01/16 Vol:21 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jan 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17296
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/01/23 Vol:21 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jan 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17297
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/01/30 Vol:21 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jan 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17298
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/02/06 Vol:21 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Feb 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17299
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/02/13 Vol:21 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Feb 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17300
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/02/20 Vol:21 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Feb 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17301
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/02/27 Vol:21 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Feb 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17302
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/03/05 Vol:21 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Mar 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17303
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/03/12 Vol:21 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Mar 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17304
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/03/19 Vol:21 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Mar 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17305
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/03/26 Vol:21 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Mar 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17306
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/04/02 Vol:21 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Apr 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17307
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/04/09 Vol:21 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Apr 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17308
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/04/16 Vol:21 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Apr 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17309
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/04/24 Vol:21 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Apr 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17310
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/04/30 Vol:21 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Apr 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17311
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/05/07 Vol:21 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 May 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17312
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/05/14 Vol:21 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 May 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17313
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/05/21 Vol:21 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 May 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17314
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/05/28 Vol:21 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 May 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17315
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Only partial OCR (software issue).

. Freedom 1960/06/04 Vol:21 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Jun 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17316
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/06/11 Vol:21 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jun 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17317
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/06/18 Vol:21 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jun 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17318
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/06/25 Vol:21 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jun 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17319
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/07/02 Vol:21 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jul 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17320
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/07/09 Vol:21 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jul 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17321
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/07/16 Vol:21 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jul 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17322
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/07/23 Vol:21 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jul 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17323
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1960/07/30 Vol:21 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jul 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17324
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/08/13 Vol:21 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Aug 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17325
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/08/20 Vol:21 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Aug 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17326
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/08/27 Vol:21 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Aug 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17327
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/09/03 Vol:21 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Sep 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17328
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/09/10 Vol:21 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Sep 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17329
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/09/17 Vol:21 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Sep 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17330
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1960/10/01 Vol:21 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Oct 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17331
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1960/10/08 Vol:21 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Oct 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17332
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/10/15 Vol:21 #42 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Oct 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17333
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/10/22 Vol:21 #43 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Oct 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17334
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/10/29 Vol:21 #44 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Oct 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17335
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/11/05 Vol:21 #45 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Nov 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17336
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/11/12 Vol:21 #46 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Nov 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17337
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/11/19 Vol:21 #47 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Nov 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17338
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/11/26 Vol:21 #48 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Nov 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17339
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/12/03 Vol:21 #49 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Dec 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17340
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/12/10 Vol:21 #50 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Dec 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17341
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1960/12/17 Vol:21 #51 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Dec 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17342
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1960/12/24 Vol:21 #52 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Dec 1960).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17343
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/01/07 Vol:22 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jan 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17344
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/01/14 Vol:22 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jan 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17345
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/01/21 Vol:22 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jan 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17346
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/01/28 Vol:22 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jan 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17347
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/02/04 Vol:22 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Feb 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17348
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/02/11 Vol:22 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Feb 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17349
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/02/18 Vol:22 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Feb 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17350
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/03/04 Vol:22 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Mar 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17351
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: First issue with the new look.

. Freedom 1961/03/11 Vol:22 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Mar 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17352
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/03/18 Vol:22 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Mar 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17353
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/04/01 Vol:22 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Apr 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17354
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/04/08 Vol:22 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Apr 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17355
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/04/15 Vol:22 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Apr 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17356
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Incorrectly labelled as #15.

. Freedom 1961/04/22 Vol:22 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Apr 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17357
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/05/06 Vol:22 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 May 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17358
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/05/13 Vol:22 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 May 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17359
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/05/20 Vol:22 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 May 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17360
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/06/03 Vol:22 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Jun 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17361
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/06/10 Vol:22 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jun 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17362
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/06/17 Vol:22 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jun 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17363
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/07/01 Vol:22 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jul 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17364
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/07/08 Vol:22 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jul 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17365
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/07/15 Vol:22 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jul 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17366
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/07/22 Vol:22 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jul 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17367
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/08/05 Vol:22 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Aug 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17368
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/08/12 Vol:22 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Aug 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17369
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/08/19 Vol:22 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Aug 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17370
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/09/02 Vol:22 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Sep 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17371
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/09/09 Vol:22 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Sep 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17372
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/09/16 Vol:22 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Sep 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17373
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/09/23 Vol:22 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Sep 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17374
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/10/07 Vol:22 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Oct 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17375
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/10/14 Vol:22 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Oct 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17376
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/10/21 Vol:22 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Oct 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17377
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/11/04 Vol:22 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Nov 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17378
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/11/11 Vol:22 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Nov 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17379
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1961/11/18 Vol:22 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Nov 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17380
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/12/02 Vol:22 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Dec 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17381
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/12/09 Vol:22 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Dec 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17382
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/12/16 Vol:22 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Dec 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17383
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1961/12/23 Vol:22 #41 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Dec 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17384
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/01/06 Vol:23 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jan 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17385
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/01/13 Vol:23 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jan 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17386
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/01/20 Vol:23 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jan 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17387
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/02/03 Vol:23 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Feb 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17388
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/02/10 Vol:23 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Feb 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17389
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/02/17 Vol:23 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Feb 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17390
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/02/24 Vol:23 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Feb 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17391
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/03/10 Vol:23 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Mar 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17392
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/03/17 Vol:23 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Mar 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17393
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/03/24 Vol:23 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Mar 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17394
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/04/07 Vol:23 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Apr 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17395
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/04/14 Vol:23 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Apr 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17396
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/04/21 Vol:23 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Apr 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17397
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/05/05 Vol:23 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 May 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17398
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/05/12 Vol:23 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 May 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17399
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/05/19 Vol:23 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 May 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17400
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/06/02 Vol:23 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jun 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17401
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/06/09 Vol:23 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jun 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17402
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/06/16 Vol:23 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jun 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17403
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/06/23 Vol:23 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jun 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17404
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/07/07 Vol:23 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jul 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17405
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/07/14 Vol:23 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jul 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17406
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/07/21 Vol:23 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jul 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17407
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/08/04 Vol:23 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Aug 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17408
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/08/11 Vol:23 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Aug 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17409
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/08/18 Vol:23 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Aug 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17410
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/09/01 Vol:23 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Sep 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17411
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/09/08 Vol:23 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Sep 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17412
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/09/15 Vol:23 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Sep 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17413
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/09/22 Vol:23 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Sep 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17414
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/10/06 Vol:23 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Oct 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17415
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/10/13 Vol:23 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Oct 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17416
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/10/20 Vol:23 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Oct 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17417
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/11/03 Vol:23 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Nov 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17418
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/11/10 Vol:23 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Nov 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17419
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/11/17 Vol:23 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Nov 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17420
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/12/01 Vol:23 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Dec 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17421
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1962/12/08 Vol:23 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Dec 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17422
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/12/15 Vol:23 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Dec 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17423
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1962/12/22 Vol:23 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Dec 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17424
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1963/01/05 Vol:24 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Jan 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17425
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1963/01/12 Vol:24 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jan 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17426
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/01/19 Vol:24 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jan 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17427
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/02/02 Vol:24 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Feb 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17428
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1963/02/09 Vol:24 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Feb 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17429
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/02/16 Vol:24 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Feb 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17430
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/02/23 Vol:24 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Feb 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17431
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/03/09 Vol:24 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Mar 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17432
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1963/03/16 Vol:24 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Mar 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17433
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/03/23 Vol:24 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Mar 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17434
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1963/04/06 Vol:24 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Apr 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17435
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/04/13 Vol:24 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Apr 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17436
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/04/20 Vol:24 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Apr 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17437
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/05/04 Vol:24 #14 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 May 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17438
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/05/11 Vol:24 #15 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 May 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17439
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/05/18 Vol:24 #16 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 May 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17440
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/06/01 Vol:24 #17 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jun 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17441
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/06/08 Vol:24 #18 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jun 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17442
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/06/15 Vol:24 #19 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jun 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17443
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/06/22 Vol:24 #20 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jun 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17444
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/07/06 Vol:24 #21 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jul 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17445
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/07/13 Vol:24 #22 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jul 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17446
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/07/20 Vol:24 #23 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jul 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17447
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/08/03 Vol:24 #24 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Aug 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17448
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/08/10 Vol:24 #25 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Aug 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17449
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1963/08/17 Vol:24 #26 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Aug 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17450
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Year not specified on cover.

. Freedom 1963/08/24 Vol:24 #27 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Aug 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17451
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/09/07 Vol:24 #28 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Sep 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17452
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/09/14 Vol:24 #29 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Sep 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17453
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/09/21 Vol:24 #30 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Sep 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17454
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/09/28 Vol:24 #31 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Sep 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17455
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/10/12 Vol:24 #32 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Oct 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17456
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/10/19 Vol:24 #33 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Oct 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17457
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/10/26 Vol:24 #34 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Oct 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17458
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/11/09 Vol:24 #35 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Nov 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17459
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/11/16 Vol:24 #36 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Nov 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17460
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/11/23 Vol:24 #37 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Nov 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17461
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/11/30 Vol:24 #38 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Nov 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17462
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/12/14 Vol:24 #39 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Dec 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17463
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1963/12/21 Vol:24 #40 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Dec 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17464
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/01/03 Vol:25 #01 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jan 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17465
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/01/18 Vol:25 #02 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Jan 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17466
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/01/25 Vol:25 #03 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jan 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17467
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/02/08 Vol:25 #04 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Feb 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17468
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/02/15 Vol:25 #05 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Feb 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17469
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/02/22 Vol:25 #06 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Feb 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17470
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/02/29 Vol:25 #07 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Feb 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17471
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/03/14 Vol:25 #08 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Mar 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17472
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/03/21 Vol:25 #09 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Mar 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17473
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/03/28 Vol:25 #10 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Mar 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17474
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/04/11 Vol:25 #11 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17475
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/04/18 Vol:25 #12 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17476
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/04/26 Vol:25 #13 :The Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17477
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/05/09 Vol:25 #14 :Only An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 May 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17478
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/05/16 Vol:25 #15 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 May 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17479
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/05/23 Vol:25 #16 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 May 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17480
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/05/30 Vol:25 #17 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 May 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17481
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/06/13 Vol:25 #18 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jun 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17482
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/06/20 Vol:25 #19 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jun 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17483
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/06/27 Vol:25 #20 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Jun 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17484
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/07/11 Vol:25 #21 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jul 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17485
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/07/18 Vol:25 #22 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jul 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17486
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/07/25 Vol:25 #23 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jul 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17487
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/08/08 Vol:25 #24 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Aug 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17488
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/08/15 Vol:25 #25 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Aug 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17489
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/08/22 Vol:25 #26 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Aug 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17490
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/08/29 Vol:25 #27 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Aug 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17491
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/09/12 Vol:25 #28 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Sep 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17492
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/09/19 Vol:25 #29 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Sep 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17493
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/09/26 Vol:25 #30 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Sep 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17494
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/10/10 Vol:25 #31 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Oct 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17495
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1964/10/17 Vol:25 #32 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Oct 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17497
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1964/10/24 Vol:25 #33 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Oct 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17498
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1964/10/31 Vol:25 #34 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Oct 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17499
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1964/10/Supplement Vol:25 :Election Guyed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17496
Description: Likely a supplement to Freedom Vol:25 #31, with a leaflet attached.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Elections; Parliamentarism; Representative Democracy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1964/11/14 Vol:25 #35 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Nov 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17500
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1964/11/21 Vol:25 #36 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Nov 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17501
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/11/28 Vol:25 #37 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Nov 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17502
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/12/12 Vol:25 #38 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Dec 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17503
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1964/12/19 Vol:25 #39 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Dec 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17504
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1964/12/26 Vol:25 #40 :An Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Dec 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17505
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/01/09 Vol:26 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jan 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17506
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/01/16 Vol:26 #02 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jan 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17507
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/01/23 Vol:26 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jan 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17508
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/01/30 Vol:26 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jan 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17509
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/02/13 Vol:26 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Feb 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17510
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/02/20 Vol:26 #06 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Feb 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17511
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/02/27 Vol:26 #07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Feb 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17512
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/03/13 Vol:26 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Mar 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17513
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/03/20 Vol:26 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Mar 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17514
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/03/27 Vol:26 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Mar 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17515
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/04/10 Vol:26 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Apr 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17516
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/04/17 Vol:26 #12 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Apr 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17517
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/04/24 Vol:26 #13 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Apr 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17518
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/05/08 Vol:26 #14 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 May 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17519
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/05/15 Vol:26 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 May 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17520
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/05/22 Vol:26 #16 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 May 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17521
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/05/29 Vol:26 #17 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 May 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17522
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/06/12 Vol:26 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jun 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17523
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/06/19 Vol:26 #19 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jun 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17524
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/06/26 Vol:26 #20 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jun 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17525
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/07/10 Vol:26 #21 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jul 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17526
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/07/17 Vol:26 #22 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jul 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17527
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/07/24 Vol:26 #23 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jul 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17528
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/07/31 Vol:26 #24 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Jul 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17529
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/08/14 Vol:26 #25 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Aug 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17530
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/08/21 Vol:26 #26 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Aug 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17531
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/08/28 Vol:26 #27 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Aug 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17532
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/09/11 Vol:26 #28 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Sep 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17533
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/09/18 Vol:26 #29 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Sep 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17534
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/09/25 Vol:26 #30 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Sep 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17535
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/10/09 Vol:26 #31 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Oct 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17536
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/10/16 Vol:26 #32 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Oct 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17537
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/10/23 Vol:26 #33 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Oct 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17538
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/10/30 Vol:26 #34 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Oct 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17539
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/11/13 Vol:26 #35 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Nov 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17540
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1965/11/20 Vol:26 #36 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Nov 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17541
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/11/27 Vol:26 #37 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Nov 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17542
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/12/11 Vol:26 #38 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Dec 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17543
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/12/18 Vol:26 #39 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Dec 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17544
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1965/12/25 Vol:26 #40 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 26, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Dec 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17545
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/01/08 Vol:27 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jan 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17546
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/01/15 Vol:27 #02 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jan 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17547
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/01/22 Vol:27 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jan 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17548
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/01/29 Vol:27 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jan 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17549
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/02/12 Vol:27 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Feb 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17550
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/02/19 Vol:27 #06 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Feb 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17551
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/02/26 Vol:27 #07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Feb 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17552
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/03/12 Vol:27 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Mar 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17553
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/03/19 Vol:27 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Mar 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17554
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/03/26 Vol:27 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Mar 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17555
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/04/09 Vol:27 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Apr 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17556
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/04/16 Vol:27 #12 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Apr 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17557
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/04/23 Vol:27 #13 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Apr 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17558
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/04/30 Vol:27 #14 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Apr 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17559
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/05/14 Vol:27 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 May 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17560
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/05/21 Vol:27 #16 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 May 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17561
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/05/28 Vol:27 #17 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 May 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17562
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/06/11 Vol:27 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jun 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17563
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/06/18 Vol:27 #19 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jun 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17564
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/06/25 Vol:27 #20 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jun 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17565
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/07/09 Vol:27 #21 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jul 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17566
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/07/16 Vol:27 #22 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jul 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17567
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/07/23 Vol:27 #23 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jul 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17568
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/07/30 Vol:27 #24 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jul 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17569
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/08/13 Vol:27 #25 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Aug 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17570
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/08/20 Vol:27 #26 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Aug 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17571
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/08/27 Vol:27 #27 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Aug 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17572
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/09/10 Vol:27 #28 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Sep 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17573
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/09/17 Vol:27 #29 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Sep 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17574
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/09/24 Vol:27 #30 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Sep 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17575
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; no OCR PP1 and 4 (software problems).

. Freedom 1966/10/08 Vol:27 #31 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Oct 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17576
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/10/15 Vol:27 #32 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Oct 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17577
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/10/22 Vol:27 #33 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Oct 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17578
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/10/29 Vol:27 #34 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Oct 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17579
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/11/12 Vol:27 #35 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Nov 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17580
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/11/19 Vol:27 #36 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Nov 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17581
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/11/26 Vol:27 #37 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Nov 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17582
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/12/10 Vol:27 #38 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Dec 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17583
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/12/17 Vol:27 #39 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Dec 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17584
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1966/12/24 Vol:27 #40 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Dec 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17585
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1967/01/14 Vol:28 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jan 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17586
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/01/21 Vol:28 #02 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jan 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17587
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/01/28 Vol:28 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jan 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17588
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/02/11 Vol:28 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Feb 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17589
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/02/18 Vol:28 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Feb 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17590
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/02/25 Vol:28 #06 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Feb 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17591
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/03/11 Vol:28 #07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Mar 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17592
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/03/18 Vol:28 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Mar 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17593
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/03/25 Vol:28 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Mar 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17594
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/04/08 Vol:28 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Apr 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17595
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/04/15 Vol:28 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Apr 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17596
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/04/22 Vol:28 #12 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Apr 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17597
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/04/29 Vol:28 #13 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Apr 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17598
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/05/13 Vol:28 #14 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 May 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17599
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/05/20 Vol:28 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 May 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17600
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/05/27 Vol:28 #16 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 May 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17601
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/06/10 Vol:28 #17 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jun 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17602
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/06/17 Vol:28 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jun 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17603
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/06/24 Vol:28 #19 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jun 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17604
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/07/08 Vol:28 #20 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jul 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17605
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/07/15 Vol:28 #21 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jul 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17606
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/07/22 Vol:28 #22 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jul 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17607
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/07/29 Vol:28 #23 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jul 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17608
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/08/12 Vol:28 #24 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Aug 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17609
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/08/19 Vol:28 #25 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Aug 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17610
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/08/26 Vol:28 #26 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Aug 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17611
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/09/09 Vol:28 #27 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Sep 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17612
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/09/16 Vol:28 #28 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Sep 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17613
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1967/09/23 Vol:28 #29 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Sep 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17614
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/09/30 Vol:28 #30 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Sep 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17615
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/10/14 Vol:28 #31 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Oct 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17616
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/10/21 Vol:28 #32 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Oct 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17617
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/10/28 Vol:28 #33 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Oct 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17618
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/11/11 Vol:28 #34 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Nov 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17619
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/11/18 Vol:28 #35 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Nov 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17620
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/11/25 Vol:28 #36 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Nov 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17621
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/12/02 Vol:28 #37 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Dec 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17622
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/12/09 Vol:28 #38 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Dec 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17623
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1967/12/16 Vol:28 #39 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Dec 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17624
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1967/12/23 Vol:28 #40 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Dec 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17625
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/01/11 Vol:30 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jan 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19246
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/01/25 Vol:30 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jan 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19247
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/02/08 Vol:30 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Feb 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19248
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/02/15 Vol:30 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Feb 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19249
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/02/22 Vol:30 #06 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Feb 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19250
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/03/08 Vol:30 #07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Mar 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19251
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: One issue incomplete; issue number incorrectly printed on the front cover; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/03/08 Vol:30 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Mar 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19253
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/03/15 Vol:30 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Mar 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19252
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/03/29 Vol:30 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Mar 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19254
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/04/05 Vol:30 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Apr 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19255
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/04/19 Vol:30 #12 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Apr 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19256
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/04/26 Vol:30 #13 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Apr 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19257
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/05/10 Vol:30 #14 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 May 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19258
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/05/17 Vol:30 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 May 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19259
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/05/24 Vol:30 #16 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 May 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19260
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/05/31 Vol:30 #17a :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 17a). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 May 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19261
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/05/31 Vol:30 #17b :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 17b). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jun 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19262
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: See 19261, pilot issue for a Scottish edition, evidently this didn't work.

. Freedom 1969/06/14 Vol:30 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jun 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19263
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/06/28 Vol:30 #20 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jun 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19264
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/07/12 Vol:30 #21 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jul 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19265
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy incomplete.

. Freedom 1969/07/19 Vol:30 #22 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jul 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19266
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/07/26 Vol:30 #23 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jul 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19267
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/08/09 Vol:30 #24 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Aug 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19268
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/08/16 Vol:30 #25 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Aug 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19269
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/08/23 Vol:30 #26 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Aug 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19270
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/09/13 Vol:30 #28 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Sep 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19271
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/09/20 Vol:30 #29 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Sep 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19272
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/09/27 Vol:30 #30 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Sep 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19273
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/10/11 Vol:30 #31 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Oct 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19274
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/11/08 Vol:30 #34 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Nov 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19275
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1969/11/15 Vol:30 #35 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Nov 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19276
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/11/22 Vol:30 #36 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Nov 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19277
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1969/12/13 Vol:30 #39 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Dec 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=19278
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1970/03/28 Vol:31 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 31, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Mar 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17626
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Anarchist Pamphlet #01 was a supplement to this issue.

. Freedom 1970/05/16 Vol:31 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 31, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 May 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17627
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1970/06/13 Vol:31 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 31, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jun 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17628
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/01/09 Vol:32 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jan 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17629
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/01/16 Vol:32 #02 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jan 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17630
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/01/23 Vol:32 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jan 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17631
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1971/01/30 Vol:32 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jan 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17632
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Freedom Anarchist Pamphlet #06 was a supplement to this issue.

. Freedom 1971/02/27 Vol:32 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Feb 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17633
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/03/13 Vol:32 #06-07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 06-07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Mar 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17634
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/03/20 Vol:32 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Mar 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17635
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/03/27 Vol:32 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Mar 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17636
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/04/10 Vol:32 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Apr 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17637
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/04/17 Vol:32 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Apr 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17638
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/04/24 Vol:32 #12 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Apr 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17639
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/05/01 Vol:32 #13 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 May 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17640
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1971/05/08 Vol:32 #14 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 May 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17641
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/05/15 Vol:32 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 May 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17642
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/05/22 Vol:32 #16 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 May 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17643
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/05/29 Vol:32 #17 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 May 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17644
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/06/12 Vol:32 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jun 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17645
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/06/19 Vol:32 #19 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jun 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17646
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/06/26 Vol:32 #20 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jun 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17647
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy in bad condition and apparently incomplete.

. Freedom 1971/07/10 Vol:32 #21 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jul 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17648
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/07/17 Vol:32 #22 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jul 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17649
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/07/24 Vol:32 #23 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jul 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17650
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/07/31 Vol:32 #24 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Jul 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17651
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/08/14 Vol:32 #25 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Aug 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17652
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1971/08/21 Vol:32 #26 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Aug 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17653
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1971/08/28 Vol:32 #27 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Aug 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17654
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/09/11 Vol:32 #28 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Sep 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17655
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/09/18 Vol:32 #29 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Sep 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17656
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/10/02 Vol:32 #30 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Oct 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17657
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/10/09 Vol:32 #31 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Oct 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17658
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/10/16 Vol:32 #32 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Oct 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17659
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/10/23 Vol:32 #33 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Oct 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17660
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/10/30 Vol:32 #34 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Oct 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17661
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/11/13 Vol:32 #35 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Nov 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17662
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/11/20 Vol:32 #36 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Nov 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17663
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/11/27 Vol:32 #37 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Nov 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17664
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/12/11 Vol:32 #38 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Dec 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17665
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1971/12/18 Vol:32 #39 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Dec 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17666
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1971/12/25 Vol:32 #40 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 32, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Dec 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17667
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/01/01 Vol:33 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jan 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17668
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/01/08 Vol:33 #02 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jan 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17669
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Publication day and issue number incorrect on the cover.

. Freedom 1972/01/15 Vol:33 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jan 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17670
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/01/22 Vol:33 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jan 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17671
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/01/29 Vol:33 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jan 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17672
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/02/05 Vol:33 #06 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Feb 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17673
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/02/12 Vol:33 #07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Feb 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17674
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1972/02/19 Vol:33 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Feb 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17675
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/02/26 Vol:33 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Feb 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17676
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/03/04 Vol:33 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Mar 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17677
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/03/11 Vol:33 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Mar 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17678
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/03/18 Vol:33 #12 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Mar 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17679
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/03/25 Vol:33 #13 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Mar 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17680
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/04/01 Vol:33 #14 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Apr 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17681
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1972/04/08 Vol:33 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Apr 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17682
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/04/15 Vol:33 #16 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Apr 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17683
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/04/29 Vol:33 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Apr 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17684
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/05/06 Vol:33 #19 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 May 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17685
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/05/13 Vol:33 #20 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 May 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17686
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/05/20 Vol:33 #21 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 May 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17687
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/05/27 Vol:33 #22 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 May 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17688
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/06/03 Vol:33 #23 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Jun 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17689
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/06/10 Vol:33 #24 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jun 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17690
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/06/24 Vol:33 #26 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jun 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17691
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/07/01 Vol:33 #27 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jul 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17692
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/07/08 Vol:33 #28 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jul 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17693
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/07/15 Vol:33 #29 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jul 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17694
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/07/29 Vol:33 #31 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jul 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17695
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/08/05 Vol:33 #32 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Aug 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17696
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/08/19 Vol:33 #34 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Aug 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17697
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/08/26 Vol:33 #35 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Aug 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17698
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/09/02 Vol:33 #36 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Sep 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17699
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/09/09 Vol:33 #37 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Sep 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17700
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/09/16 Vol:33 #38 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Sep 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17701
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/09/23 Vol:33 #39 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Sep 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17702
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/09/30 Vol:33 #40 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Sep 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17703
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1972/10/07 Vol:33 #41 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Oct 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17704
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/10/14 Vol:33 #42 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Oct 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17705
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/10/21 Vol:33 #43 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Oct 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17706
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/10/28 Vol:33 #44 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Oct 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17707
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/11/04 Vol:33 #45 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Nov 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17708
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/11/11 Vol:33 #46 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Nov 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17709
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/11/18 Vol:33 #47 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Nov 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17710
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/11/25 Vol:33 #48 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Nov 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17711
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/12/02 Vol:33 #49 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Dec 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17712
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/12/09 Vol:33 #50 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Dec 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17713
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/12/16 Vol:33 #51 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Dec 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17714
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1972/12/23 Vol:33 #52 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 33, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Dec 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17715
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/01/06 Vol:34 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jan 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17716
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/01/20 Vol:34 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jan 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17718
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1973/01/27 Vol:34 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Jan 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/02/03 Vol:34 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Feb 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17720
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/02/10 Vol:34 #06 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Feb 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/02/17 Vol:34 #07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Feb 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17722
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/02/24 Vol:34 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Feb 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17723
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/03/03 Vol:34 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Mar 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/03/10 Vol:34 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Mar 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17725
Description: Leaflet/addendum attached.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/03/17 Vol:34 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Mar 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17726
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/03/24 Vol:34 #12 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Mar 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17727
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/03/31 Vol:34 #13 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Mar 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17728
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/04/07 Vol:34 #14 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Apr 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17729
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/04/14 Vol:34 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Apr 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/04/21 Vol:34 #16 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Apr 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/04/28 Vol:34 #17 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Apr 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17732
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/05/05 Vol:34 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 May 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17733
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/05/12 Vol:34 #19 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 May 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17734
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/05/19 Vol:34 #20 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 May 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17735
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/05/26 Vol:34 #21 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 May 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17736
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/06/02 Vol:34 #22 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jun 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/06/09 Vol:34 #23 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jun 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/06/16 Vol:34 #24 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jun 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17739
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/06/23 Vol:34 #25 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jun 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17740
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/06/30 Vol:34 #26 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jun 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/07/07 Vol:34 #27 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jul 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17742
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/07/14 Vol:34 #28 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jul 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17743
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/07/21 Vol:34 #29 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jul 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/07/28 Vol:34 #30 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jul 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17745
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/08/04 Vol:34 #31 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Aug 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17746
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/08/11 Vol:34 #32 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Aug 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17747
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/08/18 Vol:34 #33 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Aug 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17748
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/08/25 Vol:34 #34 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Aug 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17749
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/09/01 Vol:34 #35 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Sep 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/09/08 Vol:34 #36 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Sep 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/09/15 Vol:34 #37 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Sep 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/09/22 Vol:34 #38 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Sep 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/09/29 Vol:34 #39 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Sep 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17754
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/10/06 Vol:34 #40 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 40). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Oct 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/10/13 Vol:34 #41 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Oct 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/10/20 Vol:34 #42 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Oct 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/10/27 Vol:34 #43 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Oct 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17758
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/11/03 Vol:34 #44 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Nov 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17759
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/11/10 Vol:34 #45 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Nov 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17760
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/11/17 Vol:34 #46 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Nov 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17761
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/11/24 Vol:34 #47 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Nov 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17762
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/12/01 Vol:34 #48 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Dec 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17763
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/12/08 Vol:34 #49 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Dec 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17764
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/12/15 Vol:34 #50 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Dec 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17765
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/12/22 Vol:34 #51 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 51). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Dec 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17766
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1973/12/29 Vol:34 #52 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 34, 52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Dec 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17767
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/01/05 Vol:35 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Jan 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17768
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/01/17 Vol:35 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jan 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17769
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/01/26 Vol:35 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jan 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17770
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/02/02 Vol:35 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Feb 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17771
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/02/09 Vol:35 #06 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Feb 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17772
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/02/16 Vol:35 #07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Feb 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17773
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/02/23 Vol:35 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Feb 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17774
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/03/02 Vol:35 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Mar 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17775
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; issue number and publication year incorrectly stated on the cover, corrected by hand on one of the copies.

. Freedom 1974/03/09 Vol:35 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Mar 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17776
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/03/16 Vol:35 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Mar 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17777
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/03/23 Vol:35 #12 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Mar 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17778
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/03/30 Vol:35 #13 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Mar 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17779
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/04/06 Vol:35 #14 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 14). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Apr 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17780
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/04/13 Vol:35 #15 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Apr 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17781
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/04/20 Vol:35 #16 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 16). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Apr 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17782
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/04/27 Vol:35 #17 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Apr 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17783
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/04/27 Vol:35 #18 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 18). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 May 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17784
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/05/11 Vol:35 #19 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 May 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17785
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/05/18 Vol:35 #20 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 20). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 May 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17786
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/05/25 Vol:35 #21 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 May 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17787
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/06/01 Vol:35 #22 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 22). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jun 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17788
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/06/08 Vol:35 #23 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jun 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17789
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/06/15 Vol:35 #24 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 24). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jun 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17790
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/06/22 Vol:35 #25 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jun 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17791
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/06/29 Vol:35 #26 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 26). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jun 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17792
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/07/06 Vol:35 #27 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Jul 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17793
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/07/13 Vol:35 #28 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 28). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jul 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17794
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/07/20 Vol:35 #29 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jul 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17795
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1974/07/27 Vol:35 #30 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 30). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Jul 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17796
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/08/03 Vol:35 #31 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 03 Aug 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17797
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/08/10 Vol:35 #32 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 32). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 Aug 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17798
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/08/17 Vol:35 #33 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 17 Aug 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17799
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/08/24 Vol:35 #34 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 34). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 Aug 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17800
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/08/31 Vol:35 #35 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 31 Aug 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17801
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/09/07 Vol:35 #36 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 36). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Sep 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17802
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/09/14 Vol:35 #37 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Sep 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17803
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/09/21 Vol:35 #38 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 38). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Sep 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17804
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/09/28 Vol:35 #39 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 28 Sep 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17805
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/10/12 Vol:35 #41 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Oct 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17806
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/10/19 Vol:35 #42 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 42). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Oct 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17807
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/10/26 Vol:35 #43 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Oct 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17808
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/11/02 Vol:35 #44 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 44). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Nov 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17809
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/11/09 Vol:35 #45 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 09 Nov 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17810
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/11/16 Vol:35 #46 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 46). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Nov 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17811
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/11/23 Vol:35 #47 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Nov 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17812
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/11/30 Vol:35 #48 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 48). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 30 Nov 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17813
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/12/07 Vol:35 #49 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Dec 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17814
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/12/14 Vol:35 #50 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 50). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 14 Dec 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17815
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1974/12/15-28 Vol:35 #51-52 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 35, 51-52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15-28 Dec 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17816
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy incomplete.

. Freedom 1975/01/04 Vol:36 #01 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 04 Jan 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17817
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/01/11 Vol:36 #02 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jan 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17818
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Issue number incorrectly stated on the cover.

. Freedom 1975/01/18 Vol:36 #03 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 18 Jan 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17819
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/01/25 Vol:36 #04 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jan 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17820
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/02/02 Vol:36 #05 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Feb 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17821
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1975/02/08 Vol:36 #06 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Feb 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17822
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/02/15 Vol:36 #07 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Feb 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17823
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/02/22 Vol:36 #08 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Feb 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17824
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/03/01 Vol:36 #09 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 01 Mar 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17825
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/03/08 Vol:36 #10 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Mar 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17826
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/03/15 Vol:36 #11 :Anarchist Weekly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 15 Mar 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17827
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/03/29 Vol:36 #12-13 :Anarchist.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 12-13). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 29 Mar 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17828
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Apparently the first copy that includes the 'Freedom's Anarchist Review' supplement.

. Freedom 1975/04/12 Vol:36 #14-15 :Anarchist.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 14-15). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 12 Apr 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17829
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Issue number incorrectly stated on the cover.

. Freedom 1975/04/26 Vol:36 #16-17 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 16-17). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 26 Apr 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17830
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/05/10 Vol:36 #18-19 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 18-19). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 10 May 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17831
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Issue number incorrectly stated on the cover.

. Freedom 1975/05/24 Vol:36 #20-21 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 20-21). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 24 May 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17832
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/06/07 Vol:36 #22-23 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 22-23). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jun 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17833
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/06/21 Vol:36 #24-25 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 24-25). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jun 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17834
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/07/05 Vol:36 #26-27 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 26-27). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 05 Jul 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17835
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/07/19 Vol:36 #28-29 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 28-29). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 19 Jul 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17836
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/08/02 Vol:36 #30-31 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 30-31). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 02 Aug 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17837
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/08/16 Vol:36 #32-33 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 32-33). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 16 Aug 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17838
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/08/23 Vol:36 #34-35 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 34-35). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 23 Aug 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17839
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/09/13 Vol:36 #36-37 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 36-37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 13 Sep 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17840
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/09/27 Vol:36 #38-39 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 38-39). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 27 Sep 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17841
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/10/11 Vol:36 #40-41 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 40-41). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 11 Oct 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17842
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/10/23 Vol:36 #42-43 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 42-43). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 25 Oct 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17843
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/11/08 Vol:36 #44-45 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 44-45). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 08 Nov 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17844
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/11/22 Vol:36 #46-47 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 46-47). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 22 Nov 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17845
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/12/06 Vol:36 #48-49 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 48-49). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 06 Dec 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17846
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1975/12/20-27 Vol:36 #50-52 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 36, 50-52). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 20-27 Dec 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=17847
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Freedom 1986/01-02 Vol:47 #01 :Anarchist Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 46, 01). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, Jan-Feb 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=10089
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Pornography; Northern Ireland; Racism; Freedom Press Centenary. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1987/06 Vol:48 #06 :Anarchist Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 48, 06). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=9843
Description: Includes Freedom Press bookshop stock list.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Elections; Parliament. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Freedom 1987/10 Vol:48 #10 :Anarchist Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 48, 10). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=9847
Description: Includes Freedom Press bookshop stock list.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; Neil Kinnock. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Organise! #021 :For class struggle anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 021). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec-Feb 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Current papers ACF/AF], ID=839
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Oct 20th 1990 poll tax demo and riot “Fighting on the poll tax front”; Thatcher, Howe, and European Union “The fate of a European has-been”; Left’s support for Iraq in Gulf War “Oh, oh, oh, what a lovely anti-imperialist war”; Kurdish oppression and history “Hussein and the Kurds”; Post-cold war Russia “Another fine mess you’ve gotten us into Gorby”; History of Trotsky and Trotskyism “Fifty years after Trotsky’s death: What’s left?"; Maoist coup in Peru “The Shining Path: A road to disaster"; View on over-population “Class and ecology”; Freedom Press view on ACF pamphlet: Role of the Revolutionary Organisation “How do we organise”; Poll tax resistance in courts and against bailiffs “Poll Tax fury”. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Organise! #029 :For class struggle anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 029). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jan-Mar 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Current papers ACF/AF], ID=880
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Unions, the left and 31 pit closures “With friend’s like these...”; Military dictatorship in Nigeria “Struggle Worldwide”; Anarchists facing repression in Moldavia “Struggle Worldwide”; Prisoner reports after Greek anti-American Army base demo “Struggle Worldwide”; Los Angeles riot arrests “Struggle Worldwide”; Italian industrial struggles “Italy: Workers against the unions”; Japanese Anarchists and worker’s riots “Uprising in the Land of the Rising Sun”; Debate on Unions, Letters from Dave Douglass and DAM & replies “What should we do about the unions?"; Post-mortem on Anarchist Workers Group “The death of the AWG”; Problems with Intellectualism “Intellectualism”; "What is Anarchism? An Introduction" Freedom Press; "A Short History of Political Violence In Britain" Martyn Everett; "Trotwatch" Nottingham; "Aufheben" Brighton; "Ireland: Nationalism and Imperialsm - The Myths Exploded" Subversion, Manchester; "Libertarian Education" LibEd; Aspects of Anarchism "Leaders". Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Gould, Dennis; Van Twest, Pat; Cloves, Jeff. Riff Raff Poets #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=12645
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poetry; Poems; Peace Protests; Cold War; Greenham Common; Molesworth; Freedom Press. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. The Anarchists of Chicago :1886: Haymarket: 1986.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=4841
Description: Probably published as a supplement to Freedom.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. The Raven 02 Vol:01 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=462
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Becker; Ward; Koven; Rosemont; Moyse; Ostergaard; Walter; Kohann Neve; Urban Renewal; Walden Center; Surrealism; India; Vinoba Bhave; Woodcock; Lewis Mumford. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom, digitised copy kindly donated by Ron M.

. The Raven 03 Vol:01 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=461
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ward; Gibson; Bookchin; Rooum; Maddox; Melly; Sansom; Walter; Burgess Hill School; Ecology; Selfishness; Alexander Berkman. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom, digitised copy kindly donated by Ron M.

. The Raven 04 Vol:01 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=460
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Becker; Kohann Most; Rabin; Powell; Pepper; Walter; Hewetson; Rooum; Computers; Geography; Rudolf Rocker; Sex. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 05 Vol:02 #01 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=459
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Harper; Woodcock; Robinson; Richardson; Ward; Walford; Brown; Spies For Peace; Architecture; City; Existentialism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 06 Vol:02 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2551
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Harper; Becker; Walter; Woodcock; Richardson; Pether; Gibson; Pym; Architecture; Selfish Gene; Carlo Cafiero. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. The Raven 07 Vol:02 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2549
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Harper; Ward; Barclay; Becker; Kropotkin; Walter; Goldman; Russia; Raison; Sade; Woodcock; Cadogan; William Blake; Morris; Duane; Morland. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. The Raven 08 Vol:02 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - On Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2363
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Malatesta; Makhno; Read; 1848; 1917; Kronstadt; Wilhelmshaven. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 09 Vol:03 #01 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2552
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bakunin; Nations; Anarcho-Communism; Sekekj; Ward; Architecture; Morris; Sociobiology; Alexander; Human Nature; Hallam; Potter; Feminism; Barclay; Walter; Daniel; Hedgecock. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 10 Vol:03 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly - On Education (1).
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=454
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Shtton; Smith; Koricinska; Pym; Olsen; Doheny; Ward; Woodcock; Education. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 11 Vol:03 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly - On Class.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul-Sep 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2364
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Camillo Berneri; Keith Flett; Tom Jennings; Bob Jones; Peter Neville; Gary Pattison; Donald Roum; George Walford; Kohnny Yen; Class Consciousness; Libertarian; Worker Worship; Class Politics; Working Class; Class; Durham Coalfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Nick H.

. The Raven 12 Vol:03 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - On Communication (1).
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct-Dec 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=472
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spig; Duane; Everett; Kelly; Ward; Rooum; Yen; Parker; Barrett; Hedgecock; Communication; Cartoonist; Art; Seiwert; Kournalism; Class; Writing. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 13 Vol:04 #01 :Anarchist Quarterly - Anarchists in Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan-Mar 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2554
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Hedgecock; Yen; Koven; Marshall; Europe; Czechoslovakia; East Germany; Romania; Yugoslavia; Soviet Union; Poland; Hungary; France; Austria; United States; Canada; Belgium; Greece; Spain; Sweden; Italy; Britain. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 14 Vol:04 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly - Why I Won't Vote.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr-Jun 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=470
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cadogan; Leslie; Duane; Simcock; Korycinska; Martin; Enckel; Tonnelier; Powell; Kropotkin; Vote; Voting; Election; Democracy; Switzerland. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 15 Vol:04 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly - On Health.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul-Sep 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=469
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Edwards; Kinsey; Brown; Corbett; Smythe; Andrews; Hodgson; Boustred; Bellenis; Rooum; Gibson; Moyse; Yen; Kenner; Beer; Kudy; Kidd; Hewetson; Greet; Health; NHS National Health Service; Sexuality; Mental Health; Alternative Therapy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 16 Vol:04 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - On Education (2).
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct-Dec 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=468
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Duane; Schumacher; Pym; Piluso; Gibson; Gethin; Comfort; Gibson; Koven; Education; Sexual Freedom; Delinquency; Kropotkin; Mutual Aid; Selfish Gene; Sexuality; Sexual Freedom; Higher Education; Kropotkin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 17 Vol:05 #01 :Anarchist Quarterly - Use of Land.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan-Mar 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2502
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ward; Enckel; Boustred; Wolfe; Oved; Flett; Purchase; Sculthorpe; Simcock; Harris; Cullen; Land; Property; Whiteway; Spain; Right To Roam; Nature Conservation; Highlands; Green Anarchism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 18 Vol:05 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly - Anthropology Anarchism and Africa.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr-Jun 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=466
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Milton Keynes; Ward; Pilgrim; Gibson; Barclay; Calder; Gibson; Africa; Anthropology; Kropotkin; Mutual Aid. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 19 Vol:05 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly - On Sociology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul-Sep 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2366
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ward; Pilgrim; Ebbrell; Sprott; Lee; Nisbet; Taylor; Fletcher; Lynd; Barclay; Calder; Sociology; Human Groups; Martin Buber; Egypt; Samuel Smiles; Structure; Change; Mills; Human Groups; Morality; Comte; Mutual Aid; Egypt; Communication. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 20 Vol:05 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - Peter Kropotkin 150th Anniversary.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct-Dec 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=1247
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Federalism; Ward; Walter; Malatesta; Read; Crowder; Sekelj; Nettlau; Pro-Government Anarchists; Kropotkin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Nick H and Freedom.

. The Raven 21 Vol:06 #01 :Anarchist Quarterly - Feminism Anarchism Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan-Mar 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2408
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarcho-Feminism; Anarcha-Feminism; Socialism; Ecology; Men; Women; Spanish Revolution; Mujeres Libres; Mary Wollstonecraft; Louise Michel; Charlotte M Wilson; Lilian Wolfe; Marie Louise Berneri. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 22 Vol:06 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly - Crime.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr-Jun 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2369
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Delinquency; Crime; State; Prison; Kail; Gaol; Penal Reform; Crime And Punishment; Clara Wickman; Platts; Gibson; Pilgrim; Ward; Cameron; Cullen; Ramaer; Holterman; Myhill; Rooum; Darrow; Hartley; Crime; Mad Axe Man; Challenor; Regulation Of Conduct. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 23 Vol:06 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly - Spain under Franco and after - Emma Goldman A Voice for Women?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul-Sep 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=476
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peirats; Long; Birrell; Rety; Spain; Mondragon; Franco; Emma Goldman; Goodway; Farmer; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; Feminism; Conservatism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 24 Vol:06 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - Science (1).
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct-Dec 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=475
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Pilgrim; Baecker; Calder; Milstein; Cottey; Martin; Todes; Noble; Science; Technology; Cosmology; Scientist; Responsibility; Physics. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 25 Vol:07 #01 :Anarchist Quarterly - Religion 1.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=474
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Walter; Gibson; Ward; Lumsden; Walford; Faure; Morris; Moyse; Duane; Religion; Atheism; God; Goddess; Church. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 26 Vol:07 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly - Science (2).
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=484
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Olson; Bartholomew; Rooum; Martin; Ecologist; Cottey; Davies; Rose; Baker; Restivo; Science; Evolution; Creation; Technology; Animal Research; Sociology Of Science; Scientific Method; Methodology. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 27 Vol:07 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly - Religion 2 -Fundamentalism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2372
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Islamism; Freedom; Roman Catholicism; Protestantism; Religion; Christianity; Islam; Hindu; Hinduism; Walford; Ward; Walter; Smoker; Barclay; Potter; Shotton; Edwards; Rooum; Religion. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 28 Vol:07 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - Noam Chomsky on the Restoration of Democracy in Haiti.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=482
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Noam Chomsky; Pym; Bookchin; Walter; Gibson; Morris; Haiti; Science; Ethics; Authors; Books; Utopia; Tolstoy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 29 Vol:08 #01 :Anarchist Quarterly - World War Two.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=481
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cadogan; Moyse; Pike; Hewetson; Ward; Sansom; Richards; Walker; Rai; War; Conscientious Objector; Pacifist; Pacifism; Army; Military; Ravensburg; Auschwitz; Dresden; Tokyo; Hiroshima; Nagasaki; Second World War; World War Two; WWII; WW2. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Freedom; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. The Raven 30 Vol:08 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly - New Life to the Land?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=480
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Read; Birrell; Ward; Myhill; Boston; Barclay; Sculthorpe; Gibson; Woodcock; Malatesta; Land; Open Fields; Mexico; Kibbutz; Agriculture; Food Production. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 31 Vol:08 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly - Economics & Anarchism - Anarchism & Federalism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=490
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Economics; Woodcock; Proudhon; Property; Malatesta; Leval; Spain; Ward; Currency; Sculthorpe; Exchange; Birrell; Seymour; Finance; Berneri; Kropotkin; Holterman; Europe; Regionalism; Money; Banks; Banking; Collectivism; Spanish Revolution; LETS Local Exchange And Trading Schemes; Kropotkin; Federalism; Europe; Regionalism; Planning. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 32 Vol:08 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - Communication 2: The Net.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=489
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Barlow; Cyberspace; Web; Internet; Media; Young; Radio; Toscano; Australia; Moffat; Technology; Pilgrim; Hirsh; Information. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 33 Vol:09 #01 :Anarchist Quarterly - Anarchism and the Arts.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=488
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Elias; Mozart; Beauty; Kim Allen; Ken Loach; Emily Bronte; Olson; Art; Cullen; Burrows; Beano; Baxendale; Neville; Mozart; Murray; Abramovic; Moyse; Bamford; Film; Porton; Ken Loach; Rooum; The Secret Agent; Avrich; Conrad; Pollard; Emily Bronte; Kostelanetz. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 34 Vol:09 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly - Communication (3): Language.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=487
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Max Nettlau; Babel; Esperanto; Newspeak; Mutual Aid; Technology; Birrell; Language; Nettlau; Communication; Esperanto; Lesley; Newspeak; Zerzan; Pym; Literacy; Hirsh; Technology; Internet; Simcock; Gould; Baxendale; Beano; Rooum; Fictitious Anarchists; Gething; Rebellious Ideas. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 36 Vol:09 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - Class Struggle and Social Protest.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=2376
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Class War; Picket; Dockers; Mass-Strike; Puerto Real; Pepe Gomez; Sierras; Peace Camp; Prison; Douglass; Class; Pattison; Unemployment; Cheverton; Picket; Liverpool; Dockers; Shore; Unemployed; Stock; Strike; Bamford; Pepe Gomez; Rooum; Pollard; Neville; Rety; Witham; Peace Camps; Protest; Cropper; Direct Action; Kulian. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 38 Vol:10 #02 :Anarchist Quarterly - 1968.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=496
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cohn-Bendit; Sreenan; Paris; France; 1968; Rety; Perlman; Citroen; Young; Occupation; Hayes; Sansom; Walter. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 39 Vol:10 #03 :Anarchist Quarterly - Culture and ideology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=495
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Campus; Commons; International Solidarity; Riot; Birrell; Culture; Ideology; Boal; Tan; Solidarity; Moro; Rosemont; Merrick; Creagh; Anarchism; Binna; Cultural; Koven; Morris; Buddhism; Ecology. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 40 Vol:10 #04 :Anarchist Quarterly - Genetic Modification.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=494
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Robinson; GM Food; Genetic Modification; Beynon; Cropper; Griffin; Science; Roe; Rooum; Mabbett; Crops; Malcolm; Biology; Food Supply; Turner; Arshinov. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.

. The Raven 41 Vol:11 #01 :Censorship and Social Control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 11, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Summer 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=493
Description: Paperback, but kept in Public Archive R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Walker; Censorship; Arrowsmith; Surveillance; Moore; Moyse; Seagar; Naylor; Fisher; Forrell; Sculthorpe; Pornography; Ideas; Menwith; Films; Television; Cunliffe; Good. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Freedom.