Welcome to the Sparrows' Nest Library and Archive

Based in Nottingham (UK), we look after tens of thousands of books, journals, pamphlets, zines, leaflets, posters and other items documenting the anarchist movement in the UK and beyond, as well as local radical history. Browse our catalogue, access digitised records in our free Digital Library and get in touch to arrange a visit.
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Here we are again! Apologies for the delay since we last added a stash of materials to the Digital Library. We have been super busy, but were finally able to spent a few blissful days processing documents.

Following another generous donation of awesome materials, we have now been able to close a lot of the gaps in our collection of the very interesting Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter. Another highlight this time is a full set (always a great feeling to be able to type those words!) of If you don't..., a local magazine from the 1970s. These are interesting and very significant sources for all sorts of reasons, for instance as they provide information from the early days of Mushroom Bookshop. And finally for all those wanting more music Fanzines, there are quite a few additions to what we already have listed below (if you want to browse this kind of stuff, the easiest way is to search our Digital Library for MUSIC).

Dive in!

1985 The State of the Nation - The Nation of the State

Alternative - Anarchist Newspaper #03 (1983)

Apocalypse #04

Carnival! - Against the Nazis - Rock against Racism (1978) POSTER

Christmas Everyday

Direct-Action Animal Bulletin - News from the Animal Liberation Movement #05 (1985)

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter 1983/02

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter 1983/04a

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter 1983/04b

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter 1983/11

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:03 #05

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:03 #06

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:03 #08

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:03 #10

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:04 #01

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:04 #02

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:04 #05

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:04 #06

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:04 #08

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter Vol:05 #01

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter 1987/04

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter 1987/06

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter 1987/08

Forest Fields Peace Group Newsletter 1987/10

Heaven and Hell #03

If You Don't… #01 (1975)

If You Don't… #02 (1975)

If You Don't… #03 (1975)

If You Don't… #04 (1976)

If You Don't… #05 (1976)

If You Don't… #06 (1976)

If You Don't… #07 (1976)

If You Don't… #08 (1976)

If You Don't… #09 (1976)

If You Don't… #10 (1976)

If You Don't… #11 (1976)

If You Don't… #12 (1976)

If You Don't… #13 (1976)

If You Don't… #14 (1977)

If You Don't… #15 (1977)

If You Don't… #16 (1977)

If You Don't… #17 (1977)

If You Don't… #18 (1977)

If You Don't… #19 (1977)

If You Don't… #20 (1977)

If You Don't… #21 (1977)

If You Don't… #22 (1977)

If You Don't… #23 (1977)

If You Don't… #24 (1978)

If You Don't… #25 (1978)

If you read this you'll read anything - Artism - An Obituary PAMPHLET

New Clear Vision

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1984/07

Paradise Lost #02

Puff the Magic Dragon (1984)

Raisin Hell #09

Ripoff #01 (1977)

Ripoff #02 (1977)

Skinhead Havoc #06

The Primitive Patriot Rides Again… #??

Traces #00

Wasted Words #01

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