The Sparrows' Nest Catalogue Search Results

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1117 results. Search Term: lgbt

. 121 Bookshop and Anarchist Centre :Anarchist & Political Books, Meeting Space, Squatters Aid.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (121 Bookshop, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=12314
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, from the collection of Bob Miller.

. A Bygone Age :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=18696
Description: This appears to be the unpublished manuscript of the autobiography of an unnamed gay man born in the 1930s, I thought for a while it might be Richard, but I do not think so after flicking through it, comes in three parts, each enclosed by plastic, all catalogued with the same ID number.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Autobiography; HIV/AIDS; WW2 Second World War; Childhood. Additional notes: Undated, based on the layout this is possibly post 2000s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Wittman, Carl. A Gay Manifesto :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (GLF Gay Liberation Front, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=14214
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson; two different editions; undated, possibly 1970s.

. A Gay's Guide to Lobbying :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, Gay Lobby, Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18705
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lobbying; Parliament. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 1970s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Mae Bee. A green anarchist project on freedom and love :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=11657
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+ Sexuality. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. About Homosexuality :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Albany Trust, , , , UK/, Jul 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=18686
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Achilles Heel #06-07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06-07). Publisher: (Achilles Heel Collective, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14143
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Undated, likely early to mid 1980s; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Achilles Heel #18 :The radical men's magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Achilles Heel Collective, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14144
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. After Dark Vol:05 #02 :Magazine of Entertainment.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 02). Publisher: (Danad Publishing Company, , New York, New York, USA/, Jun 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14191
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Theatre; Film; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

Conrad, Ryan (ed). Against Equality :Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/USA, 2014).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=6004
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; marriage; military; hate crimes; Nair; Bornstein; Stanley; Spade; Willse; Farrow; D'Emilio; Conrad; Nair; Kaufman; Miles; Bernstein Sycamore; Farrow; Cissell Lucas; Meiners; Quinn; Napper; Goldsmith; Rashad Jones; Andriette; Spade; Lydon; Sylvia Rivera Law Project; Segura; Aponte; Keith Henry; Barraud; D'Entremont; Michaud; Pavan; Simpson. Additional notes:

. An Anti-Fascist Handbook :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (London Gay Activist Alliance, , London, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=18673
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Anti-Fascism; Anti-Semitism; Racism. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. An Injury to One Is an Injury to All :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Labour Campaign for Gay Rights, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=14230
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; undated, likely 1970s.

Riding, Angela. An Introduction to Information For Gay Women :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Friend, , , , UK/, Autumn 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=18664
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Cleminson, Richard. Anarchism, Ideology and Same-Sex Desire :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , , , UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=1954
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexuality; Sexualities; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Ron and Vishwar collection.

. Anarchist Times/Nottingham Agitator #01 :Paper of Nottingham Anarchist Socialist Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Nottingham Anarchist Socialist Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=6843
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ASDA; NHS; LGBTQ+; Clause 28. Additional notes: Undated, mid to late 1980s; from Colin H's Archive.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #01 Vol:01 #01 :Towards a rational bisexuality.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3561
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gender; Sexuality; Homosexuality; Heterosexuality; Bisexuality; Masculinity; Femininity; Lesbians; Lesbianism; Eros; Women's Liberation; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarquist #01 :With added Freaky Power!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11709
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography; Comics; Cartoons. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Anything that moves #17 :The Magazine for the Anything Bisexual.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, Summer 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11710
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Anything that moves #18 :The Magazine for the Free-Range Bisexual.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, Fall 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11711
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Anything that moves #20 :The Magazine for the Family Bisexual.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, Summer 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11712
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Attacks on Gay People :A Report of the Commission on Discriminiation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , London, England, UK/, 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18698
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homophobia. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Attila Vol:02 #03 :Mole Issue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 03). Publisher: (, , Brighton, England, UK/, Apr 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=12197
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay Liberation; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Bad Attitude #04 :Radical Women's Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Bad Attitude, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=7386
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Parenting; Lesbianism; Lesbians; Dyke; Striking Women; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, probably mid 1990s.

. Bad Attitude #06 :Radical Women's Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Bad Attitude, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=7450
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Lesbianism; Lesbians; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, probably mid 1990s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Mark.

. Bad Attitude #08 :Radical Women's Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Bad Attitude, , London, England, UK/, Autumn-Winter ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=7387
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Lesbianism; Lesbians; Violence in Relationships; Domestic Violence; China; Reproductive Rights; Abortion; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, probably mid 1990s.

. BAR Bay Area Reporter Vo:17 #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 13). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 26 Mar 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14148
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Bent #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Zine; Photography; Nudity. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Bent Bars :A new penpal project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and gender non-conforming prisoners.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Bent Bars Project, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive B], ID=7399
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Solidarity; LGBTQ+; Repression. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 2000s or early 2010s.

. Berkley Switchboard Operator's Manual :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Free Church Publications, , Berkeley, California, USA/, Apr 1970).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=14270
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

Walters, Nicholas. Blasphemy :Ancient and Modern.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Rationalist Press, , , , /, 1990).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=2320
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Religion; Secularism; Permissiveness; Heresy; Gay News; Satanic Vereses; Blasphemy Laws; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

Bell, Alan (ed). BLK Vol:03 #07 (32) :The National Black Lesbian and Gay Newsmagazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 07). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, Jul 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14146
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Blot #02 :NUSS Paper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (NUSS National Union of School Students, , London, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=10631
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Abortion; Reproductive Rights; Homework; LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Bullying; Puberty. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Gail.

. Body Politic #009 :Gay Liberation Journal.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 009). Publisher: (, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Oct 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18768
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Body Politic #047 :A Magazine For Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 047). Publisher: (, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Oct 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14150
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Body Politic #050 :A Magazine For Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 050). Publisher: (, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Feb 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14151
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Body Politic #054 :A Magazine For Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 054). Publisher: (, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Jul 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14152
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Body Politic #060 :A Magazine For Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 069). Publisher: (, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Feb 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14199
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Body Politic #065 :A Magazine For Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 065). Publisher: (, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Aug 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14153
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Body Politic #073 :A Magazine For Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 073). Publisher: (, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, May 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14154
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Body Politic #132 :A Magazine For Lesbian/Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 132). Publisher: (, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Nov 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14155
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

Tyburn, Susan. Breaking the Chains :The Struggle for Gay Liberation and Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (International Socialist Pamphlet, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Aug 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=18677
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homophobia. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Burbidge, Michael; Walters, Jonathan. Breaking the Silence :Gay Teenagers Speak for Themselves.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (JCGT Joint Council for Gay Teenagers, , London, England, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=18689
Description: Technically a paperwork, but kept with pamphlets.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Brighton Voice #60 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 60). Publisher: (Brighton Voice, , Brighton, England, UK/, Sep 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14437
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Alternative Press; Community Paper; Urban Development; LGBTQ+; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Mike Scott, former member of the BV collective.

. Brighton Voice #72 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 72). Publisher: (Brighton Voice, , Brighton, England, UK/, Dec 1980-Jan 1981 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14450
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Alternative Press; Community Paper; Urban Development; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Mike Scott, former member of the BV collective.

. Broadsheet 1977/05 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, May 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/02 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Feb 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18732
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/03 :From National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Mar 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18733
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Apr 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18734
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, May 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18735
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jun 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18736
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jul 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/08 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Aug 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/09 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Sep 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18739
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/10 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Oct 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18740
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1978/12 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Dec 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1979/03 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Mar 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18742
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1979/04 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Apr 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18743
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1979/05 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, May 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1979/07 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jul 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18745
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1979/08 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Aug 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18746
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1979/09 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Sep 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18747
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1979/10 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Oct 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18748
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1979/11 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Nov 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18749
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1980/01 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jan 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1980/04 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Apr 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1980/05 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, May 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1980/06 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jun 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1980/07 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jul 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18754
Description: Each copy has a different leaflet enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1981/01 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jan 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1981/02 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Feb 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1981/03 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Mar 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1981/05 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, May 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18758
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1981/06 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jun 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18759
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1981/11 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Nov 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18760
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1982/02 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Feb 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18761
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1982/04 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Apr 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18762
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1982/05 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, May 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18763
Description: Assorted leaflets and conference materials enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1982/06 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jun 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18764
Description: Assorted leaflets and conference materials enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1982/07 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jul 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18765
Description: Assorted leaflets and conference materials enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Broadsheet 1982/08 :A Monthly Report from National CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Aug 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=18766
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Building The London Gay Community :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (London Gay Workshops, , London, England, UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=18659
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Capital Gay #500 :Servicing London 1981-1991 - Official Sponsor of Pride 1991 - Independently audited circulation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 500). Publisher: (Capital Gay, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jun 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=18798
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Care & Control - Women fight for Custody :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Sweatshop Theatre Company, , Aberdee, Scotland, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive G], ID=9046
Description: Leaflet promoting a play regarding the experiences of lesbian mothers, being forced to fight for custody of their children.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mothers; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s.

. Careless Talk 1985-86/Winter-Spring Vol:02 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 01). Publisher: (Careless talk, , Newcastle-Under-Lyme, England, UK/, Winter-Spring 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=7586
Description: Includes two copies of a leaflet entitled 'Equal Rights under the Law - No thanks', regarding LGBT struggles.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Miners' Strike; Michelin; Ethiopia; Religion; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Case Con #18 :Gay Issue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Case Con, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=9976
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+ ;Homosexuality; Homophobia; Social Workers. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Celebrate! 1999/09 :Celebrating Community - Celebrating Diversity - Celebrating Creativity.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Leeds, England, UK/, Sep 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=18794
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Celebrate! 2000/04 :Celebrating Community - Celebrating Diversity - Celebrating Creativity.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Leeds, England, UK/, Apr 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=18795
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Celebrating Christopher Richardson :Committed Socialist, proud fighter for LGBTQ+ liberation, accomplished historian & occasional Thatcher impersonator.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (People's Histreh - Nottingham and Notts Radical History Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2022).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive P], ID=16163
Description: Photographs and obituary, compiled for an event to celebrate Chris, held in Nottingham, 14th August 2022.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Changing the World :A London Charter for Gay and Lesbian Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (GLC Greater London Council, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18701
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s or 1990s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. CHE Annual Report 1974-1975 :The Annual Report of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality - June 1974-May 1975.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=13969
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. CHE Annual Report 1977 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18702
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. CHE Annual Report 1979 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18703
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. CHE Annual Report 1980 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18704
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. CHE Annual Report 2017-2018 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , London, England, UK/, 2018).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18656
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. CHE Annual Report 2022 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , London, England, UK/, 2022).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18693
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Chimaera 1972/02 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 26 Feb 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21064
Description: Please note that the local CHE newsletters were not yet called Chimaera until May 1973.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1972/04 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 01 Apr 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21065
Description: Please note that the local CHE newsletters were not yet called Chimaera until May 1973.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1972/07 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21066
Description: Please note that the local CHE newsletters were not yet called Chimaera until May 1973.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1973/05 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21067
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1973/09 :Nottingham and Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21068
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1974/04 :Nottingham and Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21069
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1974/07 :Nottingham and Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21070
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1974/09 :Nottingham and Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21071
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1975/03 :Nottingham and Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21072
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1975/05 :Nottingham and Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21073
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1975/07 :Nottingham and Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21074
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1975/12 :Nottingham and Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21075
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1976/02 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21076
Description: Cover page possibly missing.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1976/04 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21077
Description: Cover page possibly missing.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1976/07 :Nottingham, Mansfield, Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21078
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1976/11 :Nottingham, Mansfield, Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21079
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1976/12 :Nottingham, Mansfield, Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21080
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1977/05 :Nottingham, Mansfield, Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21081
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1977/06 :Nottingham, Mansfield, Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21082
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1977/11 :Nottingham, Mansfield, Derby CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21083
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1978/01 :Newsletter of the Nottingham and Derby Groups of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21084
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1978/03 :Newsletter of the Nottingham and Derby Groups of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21085
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1978/07 :Newsletter for the Nottingham and Derby Groups of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21086
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1978/11 :Newsletter for the Nottingham and Derby Groups of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21087
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1979/02 :Newsletter for the Nottingham CHE Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21088
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1979/03 :Newsletter for the Nottingham CHE Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21089
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1979/04 :Newsletter for the Nottingham CHE Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21090
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1979/05 :Newsletter for the Nottingham Group of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21091
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1979/07 :Newsletter for the Nottingham Group of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21092
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1979/11 :Newsletter for the Nottingham Group of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21093
Description: Cover page possibly missing.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1980/01 :Newsletter for the Nottingham CHE Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21094
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1980/03 :Newsletter for the Nottingham Group of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21095
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1980/05-06 :Newsletter for the Nottingham Group of CHE.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May-Jun 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21096
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1980/07-08 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul-Aug 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21097
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1980/09 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter - Special Olympics Edition.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2900
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes:

. Chimaera 1980/11 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21098
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1980/12 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2899
Description: CHECK ORIGINAL AND SCAN.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Date estimated.

. Chimaera 1981/01 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21099
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1981/03 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21100
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1981/05 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21101
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1981/07 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2898
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes:

. Chimaera 1981/11 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21102
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1982/01 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21103
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1982/03 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21104
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Chimaera 1982/06 :Nottingham CHE Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=21105
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Come Together #12 :Gay Liberation Front.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Gay Liberation Front, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2905
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Gay; Lesbian; North; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Come Together #13 :Gay Liberation Front.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (Gay Liberation Front, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2903
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Gay; Lesbian; Camden; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Come Together #15 :Gay Liberation Front.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (Gay Liberation Front, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2902
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Gay; Lesbian; Notting Hill; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: One copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson.

. Come Together #16 :Gay Liberation Front.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (Gay Liberation Front, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2901
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Gay; Lesbian; North; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

Kirk, Kris. Communards :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18711
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Music; Bands. Additional notes: Undated, 1980s or 1990s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Direct Action (SF) #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Manchester, England, UK/, Summer 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive D], ID=8211
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gender; Feminism; LGBTQ+; Family Values. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Direct Action (SF) #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Manchester, England, UK/, Summer 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive D], ID=19338
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gender; Feminism; LGBTQ+; Family Values. Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. Discrimination and the Gay Minority :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18706
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Diversion #01 :Nottingham Lesbian Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Diversion, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive D], ID=8301
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. Diversion #02 :Nottingham Lesbian Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Diversion, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Summer 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive D], ID=9731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Diversion #03 :Nottingham Lesbian Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Diversion, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Autumn 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive D], ID=9732
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Diversion #04 :Nottingham & East Midlands Lesbian Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Diversion, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Spring 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive D], ID=9733
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. Diversion #05 :Nottingham & East Midlands Lesbian Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Diversion, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Summer 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9734
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. Diversion #06 :Nottingham & East Midlands Lesbian Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Diversion, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9735
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. Don't be conned by National Front Lies :The NF Nazis - Enemies of Gays.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ANL Anti Nazi League, Gay News, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive A], ID=9035
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Gay; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s.

. Don't Mourn, Organize! :Some Wobbly Proposals For Hawaii.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World, , , , USA/, 1993).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive I], ID=2052
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Militarism; Tourism; Education; Racism; Feminism; Gay Rights; Housing; Environment; Politics; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. East Midlands Metro Gay #01 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8831
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #02 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8846
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue, issue number estimated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #03 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8848
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue, issue number estimated; date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #04 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8847
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue, issue number estimated; date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #05 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8832
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from Colin H's Archive.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #06 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=9236
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #07 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8833
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield; Clause 27; Clause 28. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Colin H's archive.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #08 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8834
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #09 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=9237
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #10 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=9238
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #11 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8835
Description: Leaflet inserted.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #12 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8836
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #13 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8837
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #14 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=9239
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #15 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8838
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #16 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8839
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #17 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8840
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #18 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8841
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #19 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8842
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #20 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8843
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #21 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8844
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #22 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=9240
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #23 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8577
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Issue number and publication month estimated; this is an odd one, the others seem to be consistently numbered making this one the odd one out. Mysterious. Any ideas? Let us know!

. East Midlands Metro Gay #24 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 24). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=8845
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #25 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=9241
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. East Midlands Metro Gay #26 :The Free One - Leicester Derby Nottingham Mansfield Loughborough.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (Metro Gay, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=9242
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Homosexual; LGBTQ+; East Midlands; Leicester; Nottingham; Loughborough; Derby; Mansfield. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Edward Carpenter Ramble :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=18680
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Rambling; Hiking. Additional notes: Undated, late 1980s or 1990s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Essentially Gay #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Essentially Gay, , Rotherham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=18871
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Fanorama #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Fanorama, , East Providence, Rhode Island, USA/, Jul 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=11693
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Fanzine; Sexuality; Music; Pornography. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Fanorama #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (Fanorama, , East Providence, Rhode Island, USA/, 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=11694
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Fanzine; Sexuality; Music; Pornography. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Fighting Fascism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (If you don’t… Pamphlet Vol:01, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=8985
Description: Pamphlet about the campaign against the National Front; includes controbutions from the Nottingham Communist Group, the Revolutionary Communist Group and the Gay Workers Group.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; LGBTQ+; Maoism. Additional notes: From Colin Huggin's Archive.

O'Sullivan, Una. Fighting Transphobia :A Practical and Theoretical Guide.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (RS21 Revolutionary Socialism 21, , , , UK/, Jul 2023).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=19567
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Collected at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2023.

Kissack, Terence. Free Comrades :Anarchism and Homosexuality in the United States, 1895-1917.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , USA/, 2008).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=910
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Gay; Lesbian; Sexuality; Oscar Wilde; Whiman; Sexual Politics; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Freedom 1976/06/12 Vol:37 #12 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 37, 12). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jun 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=9998
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality in the USSR; Racism; NF National Front; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Freedom 1978/01/21 Vol:39 #01 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 01). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 21 Jan 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=10030
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Firemen's Strike; Rescue Services; Justice System; Homophobia; LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Eastern Europe; Spain. Additional notes:

. Freedom 1978/08/19 Vol:39 #16 :Anarchist Fortnightly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 39, 16). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 19 Aug 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F/Freedom], ID=10045
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Jeremy Thorpe; Blasphemy; Repression; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Friend :Annual Report 1979.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Friend, , London, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=18671
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Friend :Annual Report 1987.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Friend, , London, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=18707
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Friend :Annual Report 1977-78.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Friend, , London, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=18708
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #01 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=2912
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands. Additional notes:

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #02 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=2913
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Richardson.

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #03 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9150
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Richardson.

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #04 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=2914
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Richardson.

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #05 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=2915
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Richardson.

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #06 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9151
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands; HIV/AIDS. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #07 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1983-Jan 1984 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9152
Description: Attached a leaflet/catalogue from the bookshop Gay's The Word.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands; Book Catalogue. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #08 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9153
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann, the other from the collection of Chris Richardson.

G.E.M. Collective. G.E.M./GEM #09 :Gay East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Gay East Midlands, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9154
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; East Midlands. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann, the other from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. G.E.M./GEM Gay Freeby #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9235
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; undated, date estimated.

. Gamut #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenterb Community, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1991-1992 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18796
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay & Lesbian Humanist 2005/Autumn :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Glasgow, Scotland, UK/, Autumn 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18799
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality; Religion; Islam. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Community Centre Report (Birmingham) :February 1976 to March 1978.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Community Centre, , Birmingham, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18658
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Community News 1993/02 :Ireland's Lesbian and Gay Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Dublin, , Ireland/, Feb 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14201
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Community News 1993/07 :Ireland's Lesbian and Gay Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Dublin, , Ireland/, Jul 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14200
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Community News Vol:13 #04 :The Weekly For Lesbians And Gay Males.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 04). Publisher: (, , Boston, Massachusetts, USA/, Feb 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14202
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay's The Word Trial. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Icebreakers :A collective of homosexual men who run a nightly telephone service for other gay people of any age.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Icebreakers, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18685
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Left #03 :A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Gay Left Collective, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9147
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Socialism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Left #04 :A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Gay Left Collective, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=2906
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Socialism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Left #05 :A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Gay Left Collective, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9148
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Socialism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Left #06 :A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Gay Left Collective, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=2907
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Socialism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Gay Left #07 :A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Gay Left Collective, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1978-1979 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=2908
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Socialism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Left #08 :A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Gay Left Collective, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9149
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Socialism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Liberation Front #?? :Come Together.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Spring 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18770
Description: Issue number torn off the front cover (grrrr).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Liberation Front Manifesto :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (GLF Gay Liberation Front, , London, England, UK/, 1971).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=10355
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance, the other kindly donated by Ron M.

. Gay Liberator #31 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 31). Publisher: (Gay Liberator, , , Michigan, USA/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=2909
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; USA. Additional notes:

. Gay News #001 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 001). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 May 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13728
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #002 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 002). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jun 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13729
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #003 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 003). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jul 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #004 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 004). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Aug 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #005 :The Independent National Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 005). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Aug 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13732
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #006 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 006). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Sep 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13733
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #007 :The Independent National Fortnightly Newspaper For All Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 007). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Sep 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13734
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #009 :The Independent National Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 009). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Oct 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13735
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #010 :The Independent National Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 010). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Nov 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13736
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #011 :The Independent National Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 011). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Nov 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #013 :The Only Independent National Newspaper For Homosexuals In Great Britain.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 013). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Dec 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #014 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Homosexual Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 014). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jan 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13739
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #015 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Homosexual Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 015). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jan 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13740
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #016 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 016). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 07 Feb 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #017 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 017). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 21 Feb 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13742
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #018 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 018). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 07 Mar 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13743
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #019 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 019). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 21 Mar 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #020 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 020). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 07 Apr 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13745
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #021 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 021). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 19 Apr 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13746
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #022 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 022). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 02 May 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13747
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #023 :Europe's Biggest Selling Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 023). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 16 May 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13748
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #024 :Europe's Largest Circulation Independent Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 024). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 30 May 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13749
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #027 :Europe's Largest Circulation Independent Newspaper For Gays Of All Sexes.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 027). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jul 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #028 :Europe's Largest Circulation Independent Newspaper For Gay Men And Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 028). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jul 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #029 :Europe's Largest Circulation Independent Newspaper For Gay Men And Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 029). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 09 Aug 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #030 :Europe's Largest Circulation Independent Newspaper For Gay Men And Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 030). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 23 Aug 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #031 :Europe's Largest Circulation Independent Newspaper For Homosexual Men And Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 031). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 06 Sep 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13754
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #032 :Europe's Largest Circulation Independent Newspaper For Homosexual Men And Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 032). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 20 Sep 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #033 :Europe's Largest Circulation Independent Newspaper For Homosexual Men And Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 033). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 04 Oct 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, date as stated on the Gay News Archive Project website; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #034 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexual Men And Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 034). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #035 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexual Men And Women - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 035). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13758
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #036 :A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 036). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13759
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #037 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexual Men And Women - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 037). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13760
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #038 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 038). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13761
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #039 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 039). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13762
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #040 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 040). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13763
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #041 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 041). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13764
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #042 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 042). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13765
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #043 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 043). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13766
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #044 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 044). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13767
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #045 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 045). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13768
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #046 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 046). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13769
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #048 :Europe's Largest Circulation Fortnightly Newspaper For Homosexuals - A Different Journey To The Same End.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 048). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13770
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #049 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 049). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13771
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #050 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 050). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13772
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #051 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 051). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13773
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #054 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 054). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13774
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #055 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 055). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13775
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #056 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 056). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13776
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #057 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 057). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13777
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #058 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 058). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13778
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #059 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 059). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13779
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #060 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 060). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13780
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #061 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 061). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13781
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #062 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 062). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13782
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #063 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 063). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13783
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #064 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 064). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13784
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #065 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 065). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13785
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #066 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 066). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13786
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #067 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 067). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13787
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #068 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 068). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13788
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #069 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 069). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13789
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #070 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 070). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13790
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #071 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 071). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13791
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #072 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 072). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13792
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #073 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 073). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13793
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #074 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 074). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13794
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #075 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 075). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13795
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #076 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 076). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13796
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #077 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 077). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13797
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #078 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 078). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13798
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #079 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 079). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13799
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #080 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 080). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13800
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #081 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 081). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13801
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #082 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 082). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13802
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #083 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 083). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13803
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #084 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 084). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13804
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #085 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 085). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13805
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #086 :Europe's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 086). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13806
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #087 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 086). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jan 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13807
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #088 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 088). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 12 Feb 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13808
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #089 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 089). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 12 Feb 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13809
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #090 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 090). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 11 Mar 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13810
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #091 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 091). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 25 Mar 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13811
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #092 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 092). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 08 Apr 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13812
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #093 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 093). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 08 Apr 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13813
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #095 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 095). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 20 May 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13814
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #096 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 096). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 03 Jun 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13815
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #097 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 097). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 17 Jun 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13816
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #098 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 098). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jul 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13817
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #100 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 100). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jul 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13818
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #102 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 102). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 09 Sep 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13819
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #103 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 103). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 23 Sep 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13820
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #104 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 104). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 07 Oct 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13821
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #105 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 105). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 21 Oct 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13822
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #106 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 106). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 04 Nov 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13823
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #109 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 109). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 16 Dec 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13824
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #111 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 111). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 27 Jan 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13825
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #114 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 114). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 10 Mar 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13826
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #115 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 115). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 24 Mar 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13827
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #116 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 116). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 07 Apr 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13828
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #117 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 117). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 21 Apr 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13829
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #118 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 118). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 05 May 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13830
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #119 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 119). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 19 May 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13831
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #120 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 120). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 02 Jun 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13832
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #121 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 121). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 16 Jun 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13833
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #122 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 122). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 30 Jun 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13834
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #123 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 123). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jul 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13835
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #124 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 124). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jul 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13836
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #125 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 125). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 11 Aug 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13837
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #125 :I'll have another drink but I won't shut up.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 125). Publisher: (Aberdeen University Gay Society, , Aberdeen, Scotland, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=6730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, probably 1970s; kindly donated by Guy T.

. Gay News #126 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 126). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 08 Sep 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13838
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #127 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 127). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 22 Sep 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13839
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #128 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 128). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 06 Oct 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13840
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #129 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 129). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 20 Oct 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13841
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Incomplete document; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #130 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 130). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 03 Nov 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13842
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #131 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 131). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 17 Nov 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13843
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #132 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 132). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Dec 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13844
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #134 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 134). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jan 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13845
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #135 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 135). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jan 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13846
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #136 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 136). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 09 Feb 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13847
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #137 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 137). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 23 Feb 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13848
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #138 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 138). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 09 Mar 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13849
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #139 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 139). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 23 Mar 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13850
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #140 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 140). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 06 Apr 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13851
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #141 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 141). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 20 Apr 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13852
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #142 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 142). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 04 May 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13853
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #143 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 143). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 18 May 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13854
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #144 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 144). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jun 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13855
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #145 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 145). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jun 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13856
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #146 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 146). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jun 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13857
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #147 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 147). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 13 Jun 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13858
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #148 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 148). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 27 Jul 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13859
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #149 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 149). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 24 Aug 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13860
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #150 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 150). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13861
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Incomplete document; date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #151 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 151). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 21 Sep 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13862
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #152 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 152). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 05 Oct 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13863
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #153 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 153). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 19 Oct 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13864
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #154 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 154). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 02 Nov 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13865
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #155 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 155). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 16 Nov 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13866
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #156 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 156). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 30 Nov 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13867
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #157 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 157). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Dec 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13868
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #158 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 158). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jan 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13869
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #159 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 159). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jan 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13870
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #160 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 160). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 08 Feb 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13871
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #161 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 161). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 27 Feb 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13872
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #162 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 162). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 08 Mar 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13873
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #163 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 163). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 22 Mar 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13874
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #164 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 164). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 05 Apr 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13875
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #165 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 165). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 19 Apr 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13876
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #166 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 166). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 03 May 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13877
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #167 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 167). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 17 May 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13878
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #168 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 168). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 31 May 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13879
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #169 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 169). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Jun 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13880
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #170 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 170). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 28 Jun 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13881
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #171 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 171). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jul 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13882
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #172 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 172). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jul 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13883
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #173 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 173). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 23 Aug 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13884
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #174 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 174). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 06 Sep 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13885
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #175 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 175). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 20 Sep 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13886
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #176 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 176). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13887
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Incomplete document; date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #177 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 177). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 18 Oct 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13888
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #178 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 178). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Nov 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13889
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #179 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 179). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 15 Nov 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13890
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #180 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 180). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 29 Nov 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13891
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Incomplete document; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #181 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 181). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 13 Dec 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13892
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #182 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 182). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jan 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13893
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Incomplete document; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #183 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 183). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jan 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13894
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #184 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 184). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 07 Feb 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13895
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Incomplete document; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #185 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 185). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 21 Feb 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13896
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #186 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 186). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 06 Mar 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13897
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #187 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 187). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 20 Mar 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13898
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #188 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 188). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 03 Apr 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13899
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #189 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 189). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 17 Apr 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13900
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #190 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 190). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 May 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13901
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #191 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 191). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 15 May 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13902
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #192 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 192). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 29 May 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13903
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #193 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 193). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 12 Jun 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13904
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #194 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 194). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jun 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13905
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #196 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 196). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jul 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13906
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #197 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 197). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 21 Aug 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13907
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #198 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 198). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 04 Sep 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13908
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #1981/12 Winter Extra :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1981-Jan 1982 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13939
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #200 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 200). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 02 Oct 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13909
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #201 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 201). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 16 Oct 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13910
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #202 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 202). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 30 Oct 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13911
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #203 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 203). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 13 Nov 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13912
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #204 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 204). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 27 Nov 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13913
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #205 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 205). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 11 Dec 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13914
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #206 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 206). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jan 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13915
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #207 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 207). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jan 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13916
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #208 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 208). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 05 Feb 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13917
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #209 :The World's Largest Circulation Newspaper For Homosexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 209). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 19 Feb 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13918
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #210 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 210). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 05 Mar 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13919
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #211 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 211). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 19 Mar 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13920
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #212 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 212). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 02 Apr 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13921
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #213 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 213). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 16 Apr 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13922
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #214 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 214). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 30 Apr 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13923
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #215 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 215). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 May 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13924
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #216 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 216). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 28 May 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13925
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #217 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 217). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jun 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13926
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #218 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 218). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 25 Jun 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13927
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #219 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 219). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 09 Jun 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13928
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #220 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 220). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 23 Jul 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13929
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #221 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 221). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 06 Aug 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13930
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #222 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 222). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 20 Aug 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13931
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #223 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 223). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 03 Sep 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13932
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #224 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 224). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 17 Sep 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13933
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #225 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 225). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Oct 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13934
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #226 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 226). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 15 Oct 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13935
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #227 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 227). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 29 Oct 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13936
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #228 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 228). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 12 Nov 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13937
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #229 :Plus Gay Guide & Diary of Events Supplement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 229). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 26 Nov 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13938
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #230 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 230). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 10 Dec 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13940
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #231 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 231). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 07 Jan 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13941
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #233 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 233). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 04 Feb 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13942
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #234 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 234). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 18 Feb 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13943
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #235 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 235). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 04 Mar 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13944
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #236 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 236). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 04 Mar 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13945
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #237 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 237). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 01 Apr 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13946
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #238 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 238). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 15 Apr 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=18797
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #239 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 239). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 29 Apr 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13947
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #241 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 241). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 27 May 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13948
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #242 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 242). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 10 Jun 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13949
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #243 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 243). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 24 Jun 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13950
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #244 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 244). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 08 Jul 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13951
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #245 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 245). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 22 Jul 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13952
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #247 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 247). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 19 Aug 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13953
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #248 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 248). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 02 Sep 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13954
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #249 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 249). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 16 Sep 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13955
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #250 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 250). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 30 Sep 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13956
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #251 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 251). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Oct 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13957
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #252 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 252). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 28 Oct 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13958
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #253 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 253). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 11 Nov 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13959
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #254 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 254). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 25 Nov 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13960
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #256 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 256). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 23 Dec 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13961
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #257 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 257). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 20 Jan 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13962
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #258 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 258). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 03 Feb 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13963
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #259 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 259). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 17 Feb 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13964
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #260 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 260). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 03 Mar 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13965
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #261 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 261). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 17 Mar 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13966
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #262 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 262). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 31 Mar 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13967
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay News #263 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 263). Publisher: (Gay News Ltd, , London, England, UK/, 14 Apr 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G/Gay News], ID=13968
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Noise #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 14 Aug 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18801
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 11 Sep 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18802
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 25 Sep 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18803
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 09 Oct 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18804
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 23 Oct 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18805
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 06 Nov 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18806
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 20 Nov 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18807
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 04 Dec 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18808
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 01 Jan 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18809
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jan 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18810
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 12 Feb 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18811
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Noise #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (Gay Noise Collective, , London, England, UK/, 12 Feb 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18812
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Nottingham #01 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9697
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Nottingham #02 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9220
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Gay Sweatshop Theatre. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one collection each by Gail and Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #03 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9221
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #04 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9222
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Elections. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #05 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9223
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Elections. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #06 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9224
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Elections. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #07 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9225
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Gay Nottingham #08 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9226
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Gay Postal Workers. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #09 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9227
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Theatre. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy incomplete.

. Gay Nottingham #10 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8479
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Gay Nottingham #11 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8480
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann, the other from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #12 :Put together by gay men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9228
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Council. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Gay Nottingham #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8822
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris R and Colin H.

. Gay Nottingham #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9229
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; AIDS. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Gay Nottingham #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9230
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Gay Mayor; Pride. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Gay Nottingham #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9231
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Gay Nottingham #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9232
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Gail.

. Gay Nottingham #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8823
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Gay Nottingham #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8824
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Gay Nottingham #20 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8825
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Gay Nottingham #21 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8826
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Gay Nottingham #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9233
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8827
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Gay Nottingham #24 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 24). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8481
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kept in Colin's Archive.

. Gay Nottingham #25 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9234
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham; Erasure; Music. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Nottingham #26 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8828
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Gay Nottingham #27 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 27). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8829
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Gay Nottingham #28 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 28). Publisher: (Gay Nottingham, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8830
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Incorrectly numbered on the cover; this is #28; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

Tash (Lodge, Alan). Gay Pride :A selection of portraits.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2019).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive T], ID=21462
Description: Created by Alan Lodge.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham Pride. Additional notes:

Pollak, Dave. Gay Pride :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive P], ID=14229
Description: Report on the 1978 Pride event in London.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Pride. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Pride 79 :Stonewall 69.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Pride Week Committee, , London, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive G], ID=3672
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Pride; LGBTQ+; Stonewall. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Rights :NALGO Fighting Against Prejudice.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NALGO, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=14196
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; undated, possibly 1970s or 1980s.

. Gay Scotland #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (SHRG Scottish Homosexual Rights Group, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, Mar-Apr 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18793
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Sunshine #16 INCOMPLETE :A Newspaper of Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (Gay Liberator, , , California, USA/, Jan-Feb 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=8478
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Allen Ginsberg. Additional notes: Missing several pages.

. Gay Teachers Group London Newsletter 1980/Autumn :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Teachers Group London, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18872
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Education. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Times Festival :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Times, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18674
Description: Festival programme; leaflet enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gay Times Vol:01 #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 13). Publisher: (Gay International, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14138
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gay Times Vol:?? #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay International, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14139
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; date estimated; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

Beer, Chris; Jeffery, Roland; Munyard, Terry. Gay Workers :Trade Unions and the Law.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties, , London, England, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive N], ID=18655
Description: Paperback, but kept with Pamphlets N.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Workers Rights; Employment Law. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gays Against Fascism :A resource manual.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gays Against Fascism, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18870
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gays at Work :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Right At Work Committee, , London, England, UK/, 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18690
Description: Technically a paperwork, but kept with pamphlets.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Employment Law. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gays in Education :Conference Report.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (GiE Gays in Education, , London, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive G], ID=18653
Description: Conference programme, contains Richard McCance's opening speech.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Education. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Lehman, J Lee (ed). Gays On Campus :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (National Gay Student Centre, United States National Student Association, , , USA/, 1975).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=14136
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Students; University. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. GHQ Gay Humanist Quarterly Vol:01 #03 :Sexuality, Politics, Humanism, Atheism, Liberalism, Free Thought.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 03). Publisher: (Gay & Lesbian Humanist Association, , Kenilworth, England, UK/, Summer 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=14149
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Gladrag 1976/Summer :Birmingham Gay Liberation Front.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (GLF Gay Liberation Front, , Birmingham, England, UK/, Summer 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14194
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Graft 196/06 :Gay Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (GLF Gay Liberation Front, , Bradford, England, UK/, Jun 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14195
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Greek Gays Under Attack :A short history of the Greek Gay Liberation movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AKOE, , Athens, , Greece/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18654
Description: . Language(s): Greece/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Greece; Amfi. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Growing up Homosexual :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Education Group, , Birmingham, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18688
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Gutter Press #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Brighton Anarchists, , Brighton, England, UK/, April 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=9131
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay Liberation Front; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Wrongly labelled as #08 on the cover.

. Harrassment of Lesbians and Gay Men… :…and how to challenge it at the GLC.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (GLC Greater London Council, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18683
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homophobia. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Homosexuality :A Family Doctor booklet.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (BMA British Medical Association, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=18676
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homophobia. Additional notes: Undated, 1970s or 1980s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Marshall, John. Homosexuality - Social Needs and Social Policies :Conference Report.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, University of Essex, Colchester, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18699
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Bray, Alan. Homosexuality and the Signs of Male Friendship in Elizabethan England :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=18700
Description: Signed by the author; unpublished manuscript, article was later published in History Workshop Journal #29.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Early Modern England; Queer Codes. Additional notes: Undated, 1989 or 1990; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Hot Pantz :Do it yourself gynecology - Herbal Remedies.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Godhaven Inc, , Leeds, England, UK/, 2002).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=11653
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Women's Health. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

Sanderson, Terry. How to be a Happy Homosexual :A Guide for Gay Men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Other Way, , London, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=18635
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. I count Survey Results 2004 :Identifying the needs of Nottinghamshire's LGBT Communities.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10274
Description: This is good stuff, sadly the sample size is not stated, the questionaire is in bundle 10257.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Survey; Data. Additional notes: Assorted materials attached to original document, not digitsed.

. I know what I am :Gay teenagers and the law.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (JCGT Joint Council for Gay Teenagers, , London, England, UK/, 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive J], ID=18657
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. I'm Free! #01 :Incorporating the Out House Newsletter and QB.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Spring 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=9737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. I'm Free! #02 :Incorporating the Out House Newsletter and QB.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Summer 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=9738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. I'm Free! #03 :Incorporating the Out House Newsletter and QB.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Winter 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=9739
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. I'm Free! #04 :Incorporating the Out House Newsletter and QB.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Spring 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=9740
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. I'm Free! #05 :Incorporating the Out House Newsletter and QB.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Summer 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. I'm Free! #06 :Incorporating the Out House Newsletter and QB.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=9742
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. I'm Free! #07 :Incorporating the Out House Newsletter and QB.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Autumn-Winter 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=9743
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. I'm Free! #08 :Incorporating the Out House Newsletter and QB.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Spring 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=9744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; date estimated.

. Identity #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (National Gay Federation, , Dublin, , Ireland/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=14140
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. If You Don't Hit It… It Won't Fall #01 :Newsletter and Information Sheet.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=9780
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Local News; Nottingham Women's Group; Women's Liberation; Gay Liberation; LGBTQ+; Homelessness. Additional notes: From the archive of Colin Huggins.

. If You Don't Hit It… It Won't Fall #02 :Newsletter and Information Sheet.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov-Dec 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=9781
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Local News; Nottingham Women's Group; Women's Liberation; Gay Liberation; LGBTQ+; Repression; Violence Against Women. Additional notes: From the archive of Colin Huggins.

. If You Don't Hit It… It Won't Fall #04 :Newsletter and Information Sheet.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=9783
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Local News; Mushroom; Local Campaigns; Local Groups; Portugal; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross Bradshaw, the other from the archive of Colin Huggins.

. If You Don't Hit It… It Won't Fall #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=9784
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Local News; Mushroom Bookshop; Local Campaigns; Local Groups; LGBTQ+; Closed Shop; Gay Workers' Conference. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross Bradshaw, the other from the archive of Colin Huggins.

. If You Don't Hit It… It Won't Fall #14 :If you ignore it, It won't go away!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=9793
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Local News; Local Campaigns; Local Groups; Fascism; NF National Front; Gay News vs Mary Whitehouse; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross Bradshaw, the other from the archive of Colin Huggins.

Stafford, Martin J. In Defence of Gay Lessons :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Journal of Moral Education, , , , UK/, Jan 1988).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=12838
Description: An article originally published in the Journal of Moral Education Vol:17 #01.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Section 28; LGBTQ+; Homophobia. Additional notes:

. Indecent Exposure #03 :For the conscientious queer.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, Dec 1995-Jan 1996 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=11705
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Ink 1971/12/03 #253 :The Other Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (Ink, , London, England, UK/, 03 Dec 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=14193
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Intercom #05 :Revolutionary Discussion Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=9560
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Gay Liberation; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Liverpool; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Intercom #06 :Revolutionary Discussion Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive I], ID=9561
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Gay Liberation; Italy; Miners' Strike; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. International SFilm Festival :Program Guide.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 1987).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive I], ID=14203
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Movies; Cinema. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

Jones, Lynne (ed). Keeping the Peace :Women's peace handbook.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Women's Press, , , , UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=1018
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace; Anti-Militarism; Women; Feminism; Nuclear Threat; Greenham Common; Peace Camps; Bomb; Disarmament; Decentralised Action; NVDA Non Violent Direct Action; International; Trident; Cruise Missile; Mothers; Lesbian; Separatist; 1980s; Nonviolence; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Kick it Over #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Kick it Over Collective, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Jun 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive K], ID=6505
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homosexuality; Machismo; Language; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Kick it Over #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (Kick it Over Collective, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Fall 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive K], ID=6506
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Murray Bookchin; Homosexuality; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Kick it Over #20 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (Kick it Over Collective, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Winter 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive K], ID=8475
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Jamaica; Feminism; Reggae; Feminist Dance; George Woodcock; Homosexuality; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Kink #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive K], ID=11655
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Fanzine; Sexuality. Additional notes: Undated, possibly late 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Lambda Book Report Vol:03 #08 :A Review of Contemporary Gay and Lesbian Literature.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 08). Publisher: (Lambda Rising, , Washington DC, , USA/, Jan-Feb 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=14142
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Late Outbursts :LGTBQ Memoirs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Global Words Press, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=19727
Description: Technically a paperback with a blank spine, kept with pamphlets L.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross Bradshaw.

. LCLGR Newsletter 1990/Winter #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1990-1991 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14263
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. LCLGR Newsletter 1991/Winter #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1991-1992 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14264
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. LCLGR Newsletter 1992/Autumn #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14266
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. LCLGR Newsletter 1992/Spring #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14265
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. LCLGR Newsletter 1992/Winter #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1992-1993 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14267
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Legal Report :An analysis of the legal calls received by London Gay Switchboard, the 24-hour advice and information phone service for homosexual men and women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Switchboard, , London, England, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18717
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Legislation for Lesbian and Gay Rights :A Manifesto.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , , , UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=2926
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Law; Lesbian; Gay; LGBTQ+; Labour Party. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Lesbian & Gay Freedom Movement Newsletter #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Lesbian and Gay Freedom Movement, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11656
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Fanzine; Sexuality; Sadomachochism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Lesbian & Gay Organising Handbook :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NALGO National and Local Government Officers' Association, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=10565
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly late 1990s; kindly donated by Gail.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1981/Aug #01 :Newsletter of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14232
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1982/?? Special Issue :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14233
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1982/Aug #03 :Newsletter of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14235
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1982/Jun #02 :The Journal of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14234
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1982/Nov #04 :Journal of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14236
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1983/Apr #06 :Journal of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14238
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1983/Aug #08 :Journal of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14240
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1983/Feb #05 :Journal of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14237
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1983/Jun #07 :Journal of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14239
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1983/Nov #09 :Journal of the Labour Campaign for Gay Rights.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Vague, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14241
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1984/09 #13 :Members Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14245
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1984/?? #14 :Members Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14246
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; date estimated.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1984/?? #?? :LCGR Members Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14242
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; date estimated.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1984/Feb #?? :Fighting in the Labour movement for lesbian and gay male liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14243
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1984/Summer #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14244
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1985/?? #15 :Members Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14247
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1985/?? #?? :Labour Party Conference 1985.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14248
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1985/Spring #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14250
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1985/Winter #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14249
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1986/Autumn #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14253
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1986/Spring #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14251
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1986/Summer #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14252
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1987/Autumn #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14256
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1987/Summer #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14255
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1987/Winter #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1987-1988 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14257
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1987/Winter #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14254
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1988/Autumn #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14260
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1988/Spring-Summer #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Spring-Summer 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14259
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1988/Winter #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14258
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1988/Winter #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1988-1989 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14261
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Socialist/Gay Socialist 1989/Autumn #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14262
Description: There are a bunch of inconsistencies in the naming and numbering of these LCGR papers, they seem (!) to be a continuous publication that is relaunched every now and then, but that may not be correct, if you have more information, please let us know.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian and Gay Young Socialists Newletter #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LCLGR Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14231
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Labour Party; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Lesbian Employment Rights and Lesbian and Gay Employment Rights :Annual Report Year ending March 1985.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LER Lesbian Employment Rights, LAGER Lesbian and Gay Employment Rights, London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=2927
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Lesbian; Gay; Employment; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Lesbians and Gay Men in UNISON #Conference Issue :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (UNISON, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive U], ID=11454
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Trade Unions. Additional notes: Undated, mid-1990s; kindly donated by Gail.

. Libertarian Struggle 1973/07-08 #06 :Paper of the Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (ORA Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists, , London, England, UK/, Jul-Aug 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=8642
Description: CHECK INFILL O AND INFILL L, MERGE AND IDENTIFY OVERSPILL AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gasworkers; Free Speech; Rank and File; Apex; Chrysler; Racism; Sexism; LGBTQ+; Gay Liberation. Additional notes:

Cherwin, Sunah (ed). Logomotive #03 :A magazine of Sex & Fun.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=12054
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexuality; Pornography; Gender; LGBTQ+; Comics; Cartoons. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s.

. London Gay Teenage Group :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LGTG London Gay Teenage Group, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=18716
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Lookout! #01 :Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9641
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #02 :Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1996-Feb 1997 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9642
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #03 :Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9643
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #04 :Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9644
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #06 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1997-Feb 1998 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9646
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #07 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9647
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #08 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9648
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #09 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9649
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #10 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1998-Feb 1999 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9650
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #11 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9651
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #12 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9652
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #13 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9653
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #14 :Out and About - Information for Lesbians in Nottinghamshire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1999-Feb 2000 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9654
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #15 :Out and About.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9655
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9656
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9657
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2000-Feb 2001 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9658
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9659
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #21 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2001-Feb 2002 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9660
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9661
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9662
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #24 :Out and About.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 24). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9663
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #25 :Out and About.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2002-Feb 2003 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9664
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #26 :Out and About.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=9665
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; physical copy kindly donated by Gail.

. Lookout! #27 :Out and About.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 27). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9666
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #28 :Out and About.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 28). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9667
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #29 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2003-Feb 2004 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9668
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #31 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 31). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9669
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #32 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 32). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9670
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #33 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 33). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2004-Feb 2005 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9671
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #34 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 34). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9672
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #35 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 35). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9673
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #36 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 36). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9674
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #37 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 37). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2005-Feb 2006 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9675
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #38 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 38). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9676
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #39 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 39). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9677
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #41 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 41). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2006-Feb 2007 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9678
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #42 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 42). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9679
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #43 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 43). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9680
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #44 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 44). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9681
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #45 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 45). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2007-Feb 2008 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9682
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #46 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 46). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9683
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #47 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 47). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9684
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #48 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 48). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9685
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #49 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 49). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2008-Feb 2009 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9686
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #51 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 51). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9687
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #52 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 52). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9688
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #53 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 53). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2009-Feb 2010 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9689
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #54 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 54). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9690
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #55 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 55). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9691
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #56 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 56). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9692
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #57 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 57). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2010-Feb 2011 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9693
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #58 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 58). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-Apr 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9694
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #59 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 59). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9695
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #60 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 60). Publisher: (Nottingham Lesbian Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9696
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records.

. Lookout! #63 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 63). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11586
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Tony.

. Lookout! #65 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 65). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2012-Feb 2013 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11587
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Tony.

. Lookout! #66 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 66). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11588
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Tony.

. Lookout! #68 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 68). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Nov 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11589
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Tony.

. Lookout! #69 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 69). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2013-Feb 2014 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11590
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Tony.

. Lookout! #70 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 70). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-May 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11591
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Tony.

. Lookout! #71 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 71). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11592
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Homosexuality; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Tony.

. Lunch 1972/01 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=2928
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; London; Gay Liberation Front; Awareness Groups; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Macho Guide International #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Macho Guide International, , Paris, , France/, 15 May 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive M], ID=18647
Description: I think this might be a guide regarding LGBTQ+ venues in European capitals.. Language(s): French/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Mason-John; Khambatta, Ann. Making Black Waves :Lesbians Talk.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Scarlet Press, , London, England, UK/, 1993).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=18633
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lesbians; Black Women. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Men #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Rational Island Publishers, , Seattle, Washington, USA/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive M], ID=18800
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Masculinity. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NAFF Co-Operative Limited Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended October 31, 1990 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NAFF Co-Operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=18873
Description: The NAFF Co-Operative was behind many of the local LGBTQ+ papers such as Gay Nottingham, Metro Gay, etc.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NAFF Co-Operative Limited Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended October 31, 1991 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NAFF Co-Operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=18874
Description: The NAFF Co-Operative was behind many of the local LGBTQ+ papers such as Gay Nottingham, Metro Gay, etc.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NAFF Co-Operative Limited Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended October 31, 1995 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NAFF Co-Operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=18875
Description: The NAFF Co-Operative was behind many of the local LGBTQ+ papers such as Gay Nottingham, Metro Gay, etc.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. New Socialist 1983/11-12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (New Socialist, , , , UK/, Nov-Dec 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=18813
Description: Incomplete document, has an article on Richard McCance becoming a Labour councillor.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham City Council. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NL&GCCCS Minute Book 1985-86 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NL&GCCCS Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Co-Operative Society, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=18648
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NL&GCCCS Minute Book 1986-87 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NL&GCCCS Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Co-Operative Society, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=18649
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NL&GCCCS Minute Book 1987-88 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NL&GCCCS Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Co-Operative Society, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=18650
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NL&GCCCS Minute Book 1988-89 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NL&GCCCS Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Co-Operative Society, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=18710
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Sturgess, Bob. No offence :The Case For Homosexual Equality At Law.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, Scottish Minorities Group, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=18663
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NOGSOG News 1982/06-07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9698
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1982/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9699
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1982/09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9700
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1982/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9701
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1982/11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9702
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1982/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9703
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9704
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9705
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9706
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9707
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9708
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9709
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9710
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9711
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9712
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9713
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1983/11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9714
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9715
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9716
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9717
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9718
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9720
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9722
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1984/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9723
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1985/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1985/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9725
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1985/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9726
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1985/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9727
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1985/11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9728
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1986/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9729
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. NOGSOG News 1986/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NOGSOG Nottingham Gay Social Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Thank you to Nottingham Rainbow Heritage to allowing us access to these records; unnumbered issue; date estimated by NRH.

. Nottingham Anarchist News #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (Nottingham Anarchist Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=6252
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trader Dispute; Survivalism; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Nottingham Anarchist News #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (Nottingham Anarchist Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=6253
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trader Dispute; Laura Ashley; LGBTQ+; Class War; Ireland; Nicaragua. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Nottingham Anarchist News #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (Nottingham Anarchist Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Autumn 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=6269
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBT and Cuba; Poll Tax; Psychiatry; Chile; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre Newsletter/Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (NGPC Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre/NLGCC Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=13970
Description: Issued as an attachment to Gay Nottingham!. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre Newsletter/Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (NGPC Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre/NLGCC Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 04 Nov 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=9243
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre Newsletter/Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (NGPC Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre/NLGCC Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 04 Nov 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=8926
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre Newsletter/Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (NGPC Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre/NLGCC Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 06 May 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=8927
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From Colin H's Archive.

. Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre Newsletter/Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (NGPC Nottingham Gay Peoples Centre/NLGCC Nottingham Lesbian and Gay Community Centre Newsletter, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 06 May 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=8928
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From Colin H's Archive.

. Nottingham in the News 2009/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottinghamshire's Rainbow Heritage, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=9510
Description: CHECK ORIGINALS AND UPDATE AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; LGBT History Month. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Nottingham in the News 2010/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Nottinghamshire's Rainbow Heritage, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=9511
Description: CHECK ORIGINALS AND UPDATE AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; History; LGBT History Month. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Nottingham Voice #21 :Nottingham's Independent Monthly Paper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Oct 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=6985
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fish and chips; Sillitoe; Guildhall; Nottingham City Council; corruption; social services; social workers; LGBTQ+; housing; aerosol; environment; ozon layer; pubs; Keith Mulholland; Jazz music; Jean-Luc Godard; Newmarket stable strike; Cricket. Additional notes: One copy kept in Show & Tell Box; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Nottinghamshire Pride 2012 :Official Programme.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottinghamshire Pride, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2012).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=18640
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. NUJ Guidelies for Reporting on Homosexuality :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NUJ National Union of Journalists, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=10519
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Journalism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. On Yer Bike! #02 :For the Nottingham Labour Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Labour Party, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8907
Description: Probably not an official party publication, but it is rather sympathetic.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Women; Work; LGBTQ+; Pride; Ireland. Additional notes: From Colin H's Archive.

. Open + Positive :An Account Of How John Warburton Came Out At School And The Consequences.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Teachers' Group, , London, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18660
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Education; Schools; Homophobia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Organise! #015 :For class struggle anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 015). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Coventry, England, UK/, May-Jul 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Current papers ACF/AF], ID=832
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education Reform Act “The schooling business”; Anti-poll tax campaigns in Scotland “Poll tax crunch point”; NHS health care “Health 'shake-up'“; Soviet Union Afghanistan and USSR “Afghanistan: forwards backwards or sideways”; Italian workers committees “Self-organisation Italian style, Lessons of the worker's Base Committees (COBAS)”; Housing Act and Housing Action Trusts “Housing under threat”; GDR DDR An East German anarchist 1940-50s “The dark night of Willi Jelinek”; "The Beatnigs" Alternative Tentacles; "One Step Beyond, or Smash the Revolutionary Communist Party" Pirate Press/Phoenix Press; Attack International view on Ireland “Working class resistance”; Anarchist Workers Group view on unions “'Rank and file' debate”; Anti-Clause 28 call for support “Lesbian and Gay network”; ACF member view on Labour Party “Labour's 'socialism'“; Pakistan elections “Bhutto's election victory?”; Strike over National Dock Labour Scheme “Dockers prepare for battle"; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Organise! #024 :For class struggle anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 024). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Oct-Dec 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Current papers ACF/AF], ID=4327
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Failed Stalinist coup in Soviet Union & left response “Iron Felix in the scrapyard - piggies go to market”; Clause 25 of CJA and homosexuality “The Moral Crusade Continues"; Effects of bank collapse “BCCI and other hypocrites”; History of Militant/Revolutionary Socialist League “Throughly rotten millie”; Children and anarchist communism “Children: people or property?”; Trends in modern capitalism/Introduction “A new world of disorder - Anarchist Communism or Barbarism”; Trends in modern capitalism/Soviet Union “The end of the old world order”; Reader’s article on revolutionary organisation & CPGB “Hackneyed Hacks"; Pan African Congress and nationalism “The politics of tribalism”; "Terrorizing the Neighbourhood: American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era" Chomsky AK Press; "Against Redistributing Poverty" Wages for Housework Campaign; Views on soviet coup & reply “Soviet Union”; View on troops out of Ireland & reply “Northern Ireland”; Error in Bangadesh article pointed out “Bangladesh”; Comments on review of Paradise Referred Back “Reply by Green Flame”; Aspects of Anarchism "Solidarity"; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Organise! #026 :For class struggle anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 026). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Apr-Jun 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Current papers ACF/AF], ID=877
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Criticism of IRA killings, “The Provos and the building workers”; Yeltsin’s Soviet Union “Looking at the coffin: collapse of the Soviet Union”; Murray Bookchin’s influence on US greens “Introduction to the US green anarchists”; Critique of lifestylist politics “Is lifestylism enough?”; Anarchism and women’s liberation “Women and Revolution"; Attitudes to present day struggles, propaganda “A culture of resistance”; Patents and biotechnology “Intellectual Property is Theft”; Decision making after the revolution “Decision-making”; "Emperor’s New Clothes" Help End Marijuana Prohibition; "Left-wing Communism in Britain 1917-21" Bob Jones, Pirate Press; "Out of the Ghetto" Joe Jacobs, Phoenix Press; "Anarchist Year Book 1992" AK Press; Comments on Mutual Aid and Evolution article & author’s reply “Mutual aid”; Criticism of Poll Tax non-payment article “Poll Tax”; Subversion criticism of 1492 & Philippines articles & authors’ replies “National Liberation?”; Support for SWP ‘voting without illusions' “Vote Labour But?”; Criticism of Clause 25 article & reply “Gay Liberation“; Aspects of Anarchism "Direct Action"; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Our Story :Events and people who have shaped the LGBT community - produced coincide with LGBT history month, February 2005.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PCS Proud Magazine, , Manchester, England, UK/, Feb 2005).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=12363
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Out #04 :For and about Gay Women and Men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Manchester, England, UK/, Apr-May 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=2929
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; CHE Campaign For Homosexual Equality; LGBTQ+; Parents; Children. Additional notes:

. Out House Papers - Assorted Out House Project Committee papers 1998-2001 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10260
Description: Assorted documents regarding the Out House project. See digitised inventory for further information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Out House; Community Centre; Community Organising; Fundraising. Additional notes: Documents not digitised, digitised summary of documents compiled by Chris Richardson; all Out House documents mid 1990s to mid 2000s.

. Out House Papers - Assorted Papers 1998-2004 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10257
Description: Assorted documents regarding the Out House project. See digitised inventory for further information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Out House; Community Centre; Community Organising; Fundraising. Additional notes: Documents not digitised, digitised summary of documents compiled by Chris Richardson; all Out House documents mid 1990s to mid 2000s.

. Out House Papers - Minutes 1998-2001 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10258
Description: Minutes re Out House project meetings 1998-2001. See digitised inventory for further information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Out House; Community Centre; Community Organising; Fundraising. Additional notes: Documents not digitised, digitised summary of documents compiled by Chris Richardson; all Out House documents mid 1990s to mid 2000s.

. Out House Papers - Minutes 2002-2004 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10259
Description: Minutes re Out House project meetings 2002-2004. See digitised inventory for further information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Out House; Community Centre; Community Organising; Fundraising. Additional notes: Documents not digitised, digitised summary of documents compiled by Chris Richardson; all Out House documents mid 1990s to mid 2000s.

. Out House Papers - Papers relating to the purchase of premises at Cranbrook Street and Lennox Street :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10261
Description: Assorted documents regarding the Out House project. See digitised inventory for further information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Out House; Community Centre; Community Organising; Fundraising. Additional notes: Documents not digitised, digitised summary of documents compiled by Chris Richardson; all Out House documents mid 1990s to mid 2000s.

. Out House Papers - Personel Subgroup Papers :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10256
Description: Assorted documents regarding the recruitment process of the Out House development worker. See digitised summary for further information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Out House; Community Centre; Community Organising; Fundraising. Additional notes: Documents not digitised, digitised summary of documents compiled by Chris Richardson; all Out House documents mid 1990s to mid 2000s.

Challis, Tony. Outburst :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18662
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poetry; LGBTQ+; Poems. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outcast #01 :Queer Current Affairs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Outcast Publishing, , London, England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=11680
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Outcast #02 :Queer Current Affairs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Outcast Publishing, , London, England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=11681
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Date estimated; issue number estimated; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Outcast #03 :Queer Current Affairs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Outcast Publishing, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=11682
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Issue number estimated; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Outcast #04 :Queer Current Affairs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Outcast Publishing, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=11683
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

Richardson, Christopher. Outhouse Project Newsletter summary for Sparrows' Nest :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 2002).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10273
Description: A brief description of the Out House Project publications, compiled by Chris Richardson.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. Outlaws #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 09 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=12379
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; AIDS; Safe Sex; Sexuality. Additional notes:

. Outrage #02 :Or Camp Times.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Outrage, , , , UK/, Aug-Sep 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=2930
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Punk; Tom Robinson; Satire; Rape; Sexual Violence; Zine; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Outright #01 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 12 Feb 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8925
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #02 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 12 Mar 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8739
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #03 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 12 Apr 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9244
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #04 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9245
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #05 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9246
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #06 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9247
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #07 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9248
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #08 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9249
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #09 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9250
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #10 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9251
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #11 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9252
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #12 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9253
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #13 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8740
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Gail and Colin H.

. Outright #14 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9254
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #15 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9255
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #16 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9256
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #17 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9257
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #18 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #19 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9258
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #20 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9259
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #21 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9260
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #22 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9261
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #23 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=9262
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #24 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 24). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9263
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #25 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9264
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #26 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9265
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #27 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 27). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9266
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #28 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 28). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8742
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #29 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9267
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #30 :Gay Freesheet for the East Midlands.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 30). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9268
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Out in the Fall - The Outhouse and Lesbian & Gay Festival. Additional notes: Includes a program for the "Out in the Fall - The Outhouse and Lesbian & Gay Festival"; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #31 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 31). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9269
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #32 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 32). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9270
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #33 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 33). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9271
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #34 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 34). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9272
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #35 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 35). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9273
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #36 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 36). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9274
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Gail.

. Outright #37 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 37). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8743
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: One copy includes news sheet 'Out in the spring'; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #38 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 38). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9275
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #39 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 39). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9276
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #40 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 40). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9277
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #41 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 41). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Outright #42 :For Gays and Lesbians in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 42). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9278
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #43 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 43). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9279
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #44 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 44). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8745
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #45 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 45). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9280
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #46 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 46). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8746
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Fascism; Mushroom Bookshop. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #47 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 47). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8747
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Criminal Justice Bill. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #48 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 48). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8748
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #49 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 49). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8749
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #50 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 50). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Gail and Colin H.

. Outright #51 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 51). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H; one copy kept in Show & Tell Box.

. Outright #52 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 52). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #53 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 53). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #54 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 54). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8754
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #55 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 55). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #56 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 56). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #57 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 57). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #58 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 58). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8758
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #59 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 59). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8759
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #60 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 60). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9281
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #61 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 61). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8760
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #62 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 62). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8761
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #63 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 63). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9282
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #64 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals in Central England.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 64). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8762
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #65 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 65). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8763
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #66 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 66). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8764
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson, Gail and Colin H.

. Outright #67 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 67). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9283
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #68 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 68). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9284
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #69 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 69). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8765
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #70 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 70). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9285
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #71 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 71). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8766
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #72 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 72). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8767
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #73 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 73). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8768
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #74 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 74). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8769
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #75 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 75). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8770
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #76 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 76). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9286
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Gail.

. Outright #77 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 77). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8771
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #78 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 78). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9287
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #79 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 79). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9288
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #80 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 80). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8772
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #81 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 81). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8773
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #82 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 82). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8774
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from Colin H's Archive.

. Outright #83 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 83). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8775
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #84 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 84). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9289
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #85 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 85). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=8776
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Chris Richardson and Colin H.

. Outright #86 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 86). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9290
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #87 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 87). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9291
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #88 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 88). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9292
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Outright #89 :For Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 89). Publisher: (Naff Co-operative, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=9293
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1993/01 #01 :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Jan 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18814
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1993/Autumn :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Autumn 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18817
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1993/Spring :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Spring 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18815
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1993/Summer :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Summer 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18816
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1994/Autumn :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Autumn 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18820
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1994/Spring :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Spring 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18818
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1994/Summer :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Summer 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18819
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1994/Winter :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Winter 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18821
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1995/Spring :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Spring 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18824
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1995/Summer :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Summer 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18825
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1995/Winter :Quarterly Newsletter of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Winter 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18822
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1996/01 Vol:02 #01 :The Quarterly Journal of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 01). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Jan 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18823
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1996/05 Vol:02 #02 :The Quarterly Journal of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 02). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, May 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18826
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1996/08 Vol:02 #03 :The Quarterly Journal of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 03). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Aug 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18827
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1996/11 Vol:02 #04 :The Quarterly Journal of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 04). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Nov 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18828
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1997/02 Vol:03 #01 :The Quarterly Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 01). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Feb 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18829
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1997/02 Vol:03 #02 :The Quarterly Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 02). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, May 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18830
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1997/02 Vol:03 #03 :The Quarterly Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 03). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Jul 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18831
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1997/09 Vol:03 #Special Issue :The Quarterly Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, ). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Sep 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18832
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1997/11 Vol:03 #04 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 04). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Nov 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18833
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1998/01 Vol:04 #01 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 01). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Jan 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18834
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1998/05 Vol:04 #02 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 02). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, May 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18835
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1998/09 Vol:04 #03 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 03). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Sep 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18836
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1998/12 Vol:04 #04 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 04). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Dec 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18837
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1999/02 Vol:05 #01 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 01). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Feb 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18838
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1999/05 Vol:05 #02 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 02). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, May 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18839
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1999/08 Vol:05 #03 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 03). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Aug 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18840
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 1999/08 Vol:05 #04 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 04). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Dec 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18841
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 2000/02 Vol:06 #01 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 01). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, Feb 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18842
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Over the Rainbow 2000/05 Vol:06 #02 :The Publication of the Edward Carpenter Community.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 02). Publisher: (The Edward Carpenter Community, , Derby, England, UK/, May 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=18843
Description: Incorrect issue number on the cover.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Passion Brigade #11 :Embracing the Lesbian and Gay Freedom Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (Lesbian and Gay Freedom Movement, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11661
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Passion Brigade #12 :Embracing the Lesbian and Gay Freedom Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Lesbian and Gay Freedom Movement, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11662
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Undated, mid 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Peoples News Service #173 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 173). Publisher: (PNS Peoples News Service, , London, England, UK/, 26 Jun 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=6905
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Immigrtion; Abortion; Repression; Italy; Rhodesia; Portugal; LGBTQ+; Spain. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Pink and Black Attack #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Pink And Black Distro, , , , USA/, 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=12444
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Queer Resistance; Queer Liberation. Additional notes: Date estimated.

. Pink Brick #04 :Lesbian and Gay Class War.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Pink Brick, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=4823
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Clause 25; Operation Spanner; Pride; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Pink Lace 99 :Gay Gathering in Nottingham.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Digital Only], ID=21236
Description: Front side of a postcard promoting the event.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Festival. Additional notes: Kindly provided by CJ DeBarra.

. Pride 88 :Lesbian and Gay Pride Programme of Events.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Pride Week Committee, , London, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive P], ID=18641
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Pride; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Pride 96 :The Official Publication of the 1996 London Pride March and Festival.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1996).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive P], ID=14228
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Pride. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Protest :The Wider View.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , Brighton, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18672
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; undated, possibly 1970s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Psychiatry and the Homosexual :A brief analysis of oppresson.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Gay Liberation Pamphlet Vol:01, , ). Publisher: (Pomegranate Press, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=9054
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Psychiatry; Mental Health; Repression; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Vishwar.

. QB #015 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 015). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb-Mar 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=10272
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #051 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 051). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2009-Jan 2010 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12516
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #053 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 053). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr-May 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12313
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #054 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 054). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12517
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #055 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 055). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12312
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #056 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 056). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12518
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #057 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 057). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2010-Jan 2011 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12519
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #058 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 058). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb-Mar 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12520
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #059 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 059). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr-May 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12521
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #060 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 060). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12522
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #061 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 061). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12523
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #062 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 062). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12524
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #063 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 063). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2010-Jan 2012 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12525
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #064 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 064). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb-Mar 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12526
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #065 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 065). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr-May 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=2932
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #066 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 066). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=2933
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #067 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 067). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12527
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #068 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 068). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12528
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #069 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 069). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2012-Jan 2013 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12529
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #070 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 070). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb-Mar 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12530
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #071 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 071). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr-May 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=18767
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. QB #072 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 072). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12531
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #073 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 073). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12532
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #076 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 076). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb-Mar 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12533
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #077 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 077). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr-May 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12534
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #078 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 078). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12535
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #079 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 079). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12536
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #083 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 083). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr-May 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12537
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #084 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 084). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12538
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #086 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 086). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12539
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #087 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 087). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2015-Jan 2016 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12540
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #089 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 089). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr-May 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12541
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #091 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 091). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12542
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #092 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 092). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12543
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #093 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 093). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2016-Jan 2017 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12544
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #094 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 094). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb-Mar 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12545
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #095 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 095). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Apr-May 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12546
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #096 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 096). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12547
Description: Likely that months on cover are false.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #097 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 097). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12548
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #100 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 100). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb-Mar 2018).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12549
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #102 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 102). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 2018).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12550
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #103 :Nottingham's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 103). Publisher: (QB, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul-Aug 2018).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=12551
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. QB #105 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 105). Publisher: (Notts LGBT+ Network, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov-Dec 2018).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=10327
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Nottingham; Queer. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #106 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 106). Publisher: (Notts LGBT+ Network, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan-Feb 2019).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=10852
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Nottingham; Queer; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. QB #107 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 107). Publisher: (Notts LGBT+ Network, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar-AprF 2019).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=18868
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Nottingham; Queer; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. QB #109 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 109). Publisher: (Notts LGBT+ Network, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul-Aug 2019).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=10853
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Nottingham; Queer; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. QB #110 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 110). Publisher: (Notts LGBT+ Network, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep-Oct 2019).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=10854
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Nottingham; Queer; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. QB #111 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 111). Publisher: (Notts LGBT+ Network, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov-Dec 2019).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=18869
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Nottingham; Queer; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. QB #112 :Nottinghamshire's Queer Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 112). Publisher: (Notts LGBT+ Network, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan-Feb 2020).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Q], ID=10855
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Nottingham; Queer; LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

Daring, C B; Rogue, J; Shannon; Deric; Volcano, Abbey (eds). Queering Anarchism :Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/USA, 2012).
Format,Location [Paperback, D NonFiction], ID=6005
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; marriage; Ackelsberg; Conrad; Rogue; sallydarity; Heckert; Rouhani; Liesegang; Shepard; Operaista; Grohmann; Jeppesen; Song; Becerra; Daring; Lydon; Ben-Moshe; Nocella; Withers; Papantonopoulou; Hexe. Additional notes:

. Queering Protest Sites :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive Q], ID=14859
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Zine. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s or early 2010s; from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Queeruption 2002 :Diverse and Perverse - Programme.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 2002).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive Q], ID=12688
Description: Event programme.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

Boraman, Toby. Rabble Rousers and Merry Pranksters :A History of Anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid 1950s to the early 1980s.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Katipo Books, Irrecuperable Press, , , New Zealand/, 2008).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=1339
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Aotearoa; New Zealand; Sixties; 1960s; Seventies; 1970s; Maori; Pacific People; Women; Youth; Lesbians; Gays; Students; Environmentalists; Anarcha-Feminism; Situationist; Auckland; Christchurch; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Second edition; kindly donated by ASN Toby.

. Rampaging Teenage Pervert #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=11663
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography; Cartoons; Zine. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Resistance News #02 :Incorporating Counter Information.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Oxford, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=8797
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Clause 28; LGBTQ Rights. Additional notes: Date estimated; from Colin H's Archive.

. Roughing-It for Divinity Vol:21 #04 (#82) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 04). Publisher: (, , Baltimore, Maryland, USA/, Summer 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=14225
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. San Francisco Progress Vol:68 #39 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 68, 39). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 01 Apr 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14147
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. San Francisco Sentinel Vol:15 #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 13). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 27 Mar 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14145
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. San Francisco Sentinel Vol:15 #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 14). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 04 Apr 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14269
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. School's Out :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Teachers Group, Socialist Teachers Alliance, London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18675
Description: Leaflet enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Education; Schools. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Scratch a TERF, a Fascist Bleeds :The case for a militant Trans Anti-Fascism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2023).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=19557
Description: Originally published in Organise! 2023/05.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; TERFS. Additional notes: Collected at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2023.

. Seaford :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1969).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=19219
Description: Very little information on this one, I guess this was Christopher Richardson's dissertation.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. Sex Zine #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=11666
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography; Sex Workers; Disability. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Sex Zine #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=11667
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography; Sex Workers; Disability. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. SHAFT Newsletter Vol:03 #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 15). Publisher: (SHAFT Self Helf Association For Transsexuals, , South Ascot, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=12884
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. Shocking Pink (First Series) #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14204
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Young Women; Feminism; Lesbian; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 1970s to mid 1980s; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Shocking Pink (First Series) #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=9305
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Young Women; Feminism; Lesbian; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 1970s to mid 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Shocking Pink (First Series) #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=8952
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Young Women; Feminism; Lesbian; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 1970s to mid 1980s.

. Shocking Pink (Second Series) #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=3442
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Alton Bill; Abortion; Young Women; Feminism; Jackie; Lesbian; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From Paul F's collection; undated, probably late 1970s to mid 1980s; unnumbered issue, issue number estimated (complicated to get my head around the proper order).

. Shout! #151 :Yorkshire's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Paper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 151). Publisher: (, , Leeds, England, UK/, Apr 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14141
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Shout! #157 :Yorkshire's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Paper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 157). Publisher: (, , Leeds, England, UK/, Oct 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=13032
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Solidarity #01 :For Social Revolution - Paper of the Solidarity National Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Solidarity, , , , UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S/Solidarity], ID=4591
Description: One copy includes a letter regarding the recent merger of two groups and their publications.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Official Secrets Acts; Homosexuality; LGBTQ+; Gay Bars; Punk Music; Tom Robinson Band; Highlands Fabricators Strike; Italy. Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the SolFed Archive.

Trenchard, Lorraine; Warren, Hugh. Something to tell you :The experiences and needs of young lesbians and gay men in London.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (London Gay Teenage Group, , London, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=18636
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Villasenor, Victoria (ed). Speaking Out :LGBTQ Youth Memoirs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Global Words Press, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive V], ID=18666
Description: Technically a paperback but with a blank spine, kept with Pamphlets V.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Square Peg #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14226
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14271
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14272
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14273
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14274
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14275
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14276
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14277
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14278
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Square Peg #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=14227
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Stonewall '79 :Gay Pride Week '79 22-30 June - Join Us!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottingham Gay Pride Week Committee, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Digital Only], ID=21106
Description: Contains a description of local Groups. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Nottingham; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality; Gay Switchboard; Gays Against Nazis; Nottingham Lesbian Group; Friend; Quest; Gaysoc; Shades. Additional notes: Kindly made available for digitisation by David Edgley.

. Subversion #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Subversion, , Manchester, England, UK/, May-Jun 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=8477
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Subversion #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Subversion, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=12798
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Somalia; Spain 1936; Militant and LGBTQ+ Liberation. Additional notes: Unnumbered and undated, possibly early to mid 1990s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Subversive Sister #02 :The Housewives Choice.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Subversive Sisters, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jun-Aug 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=4884
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Women; Feminism; Child Support; Lesbianism; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Tenant Times Vol:08 #03 :Newsletter of the San Francisco Tenants Union.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 03). Publisher: (San Francisco Tenants Union, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive T], ID=14137
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality; Harvey Milk. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

Smalley, Simon. That Boy Of Yours Wants Looking At :A Memoir.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Butterworth Books, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2021).
Format,Location [Paperback, S NonFiction], ID=21458
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham; St Anns; St Ann's; St. Anns; St. Ann's; Autobiography. Additional notes: Signed by the author.

. The Advocate #446 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 446). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 13 May 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14216
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Advocate #464 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 464). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 20 Jan 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14217
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Advocate #465 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 465). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 03 Feb 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14218
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Advocate #466 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 466). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 17 Feb 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14219
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Advocate #469 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 469). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 31 Mar 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14220
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Advocate #488 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 488). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 22 Dec 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14221
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Advocate #494 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 494). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 15 Mar 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14222
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Advocate #498 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 498). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 10 May 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14223
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Advocate #522 :The National Gay Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 522). Publisher: (, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, 11 Apr 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14224
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Gay Examiner #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=18769
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, probably 1970s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. The Gay Humanist Vol:06 #03 :Magazine of the Gay Humanist Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 03). Publisher: (Gay Humanist Group, , , , UK/, Spring 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=15356
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. The Guide to Gay Custody :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Action for Lesbian Parents, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=18681
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Children; Custody; Parenthood. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Edgley, David. The History of a Lesbian & Gay Telephone Helpline :Set in the context of local developments since the 1967 Sexual Offences Act.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottingham & Notts Lesbian & Gay Switchboard, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=18669
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Originally published 2000, this edition 2006; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. The Inevitable Return of Shocking Pink :On the Offensive.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=9351
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; LGBTQ+; Feminism. Additional notes:

. The Joke's Over :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Rat Studies Vol:02, , ). Publisher: (Gay Prints2, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=9061
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. The Joke's Over :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Gay Prints2, Rat Studies 2, London, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18687
Description: Seems to be a response to an Albany Trust publication.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Cohen, Steve et al. The Law and Sexuality :How to cope with the law if yiu're not 100% conventionally heterosexual - A guide to the law for lesbians, gay men, transvestites and transsexuals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Grass Roots Books, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=18637
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. The Leveller 1977/01 #03 :The New Radical Examiner.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Leveller Magazine, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11987
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; CIA Central Intelligence Agency; Espionage; Surveillance; Latin America; Jamaica; Feminism; Equal Pay Act; Rock Against Racism; Agitprop. Additional notes:

. The Leveller 1978/12 #21 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (Leveller Magazine, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=12004
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prisons; Justice System; World War One; First World War; World War 1; WW1; WWI; LGBTQ+; Homophobe Violence. Additional notes:

. The Leveller 1979/01 #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (Leveller Magazine, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=12005
Description: Incorrectly labelled as 1978.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Monetarism; SPG Police; EP Thompson. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. The Leveller 1979/08 #29 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (Leveller Magazine, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=12012
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music Industry; Rock; Women; Special Branch; Gay pride; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. The Leveller 1979/09 #30 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 30). Publisher: (Leveller Magazine, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=12013
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music Industry; Women; LGBTQ+; Clyde; Shipyards; Ship Building. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:01 #01 :The Newsletter of the Nottingham Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Community Centre Cooperative.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 01). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=8799
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue, probably pilot issue; from Colin H's Archive.

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:01 #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 03). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10262
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:01 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 04). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10263
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:01 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 05). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10264
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:02 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 06). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10265
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: They do not restart the issue number back to #01 when they switched to Vol:02.

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:02 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 07). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Aug 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10266
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:02 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 08). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10267
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:02 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 09). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10268
Description: Assorted leaflets about the OHP inserted.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:02 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 10). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10269
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:02 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 11). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10270
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Out House Project Newsletter Vol:02 #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 12). Publisher: (Out House Project, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Dec 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O/Out House Papers], ID=10271
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes:

. The Pink Paper #12 :Britain's Only National Newspaper for Lesbians & Gay Men.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 11 Feb 1988).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=10649
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. The Pink Pauper #002 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 002). Publisher: (Pink Pauper, , London, England, UK/, 01 May 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=11675
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Urban Development; Transfeminism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. The Pink Pauper #666 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 666). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 29 Jun 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=11457
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Satire. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Gail and Ron M.

. The Pink Pauper #666 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 666). Publisher: (Pink Pauper, , London, England, UK/, 29 Jun 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=11691
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; possibly pilot issue; kindly donated by Vishwar.

Milligan, Don. The Politics of Homosexuality :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pluto Press, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=10359
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number, one copy a 1978 reprint.

. The Post #21 :Hull's Other Paper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (HCPA Hull Community Press Association, , Hull, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=12436
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Gun Laws; Gays; LGBTQ+; Nuclear Waste. Additional notes: Date estimated.

. The Report of an NCCL Survey of Local Authority Social Service Committees :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=18678
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Chen, Ching-In; Dulani, Jai; Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah (eds). The Revolution starts at Home :Confronting intimate violence within activist communities.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Chico, California, USA/UK, 2011).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=7041
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gender; Violence against Women; Safe Spaces; LGBTQ+; Queer; Sex Work; Migration. Additional notes:

McCance, Richard. The Skater's Waltz :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=18720
Description: Looks like a short article photocopied from a book entitled Late Outbursts.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Fitzpatrick, Michael; Milligan, Don. The Truth About the AIDS Panic :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Junius, , London, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=18634
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; HIV AIDS. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. The Weekly Gayzette Vol:03 #06 :Serving the Delaware Valley.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 06). Publisher: (, , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA/, 06-13 Feb 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive W], ID=14215
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. The Wolverine #?? :Gay Voices of Hostility.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Wolverine, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive W], ID=15376
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: 1984-1985 Miners' Strike; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Date estimated; from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

Woods, Gregory. This Is No Book :A Gay Reader.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Mushroom, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2021).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=21457
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham. Additional notes: Signed by the author.

Mieli, Mario. Towards a Gay Communism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pirate Productions, , London, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=12151
Description: Originally published as 'Homosexuality and Liberation' by Gay Men's Press.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Visions of Freedom :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Visions of Freecom, , Sydney, New South Wales, Australia/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive V], ID=13478
Description: Pamphlet published following the Visions of Freedom Anarchist Conference, held in Sydney in 1995.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Religion; Prison; Police Brutality; LGBTQ+; Feminism. Additional notes: Undated, mid to late 1990s.

. Voyeuse #02 :Women View Sex.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive V], ID=11707
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography; Comics; Cartoons. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. What About the Gay Workers? :A Report of the Commission on Discrimination.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , London, England, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive C], ID=18631
Description: Paperback, but kept with Pamphlets C.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Workers Rights; Employment Law. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Wildcat (Manchester/London) #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (Wildcat, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive W], ID=12714
Description: Alternative Nottingham address listed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+ liberation; Poland; South Africa; Gulf War; Iran; Iraq; Labour Party. Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Hodges, Andrew; Hutter, David. With Downcast Gays :Aspects of Homosexual Self-Oppression.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pomegranate Press, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=12404
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: One edition undated, possibly 1980s, two copies of the other edition by Pink Triangle Press 1979 (Canada); multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; Pink Triangle Press copies from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Women Together :Homosexual Bisexual Heterosexual - Report of a Meeting of Women from the Gay Movement and from the Women's Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Che Activist Paper #01, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18665
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Women's Newsletter 1985-1986/Winter :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottingham Women for Peace, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Winter 1985-86 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive W], ID=6832
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: feminism; women; India; Greenham Commons; LGBTQ+; South Africa; Women's Aid; women's refuge; violence against women; rape; nuclear disarmament; Nicaragua. Additional notes: From Colin H's Archive.

. Women's Newsletter 1986/Spring :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottingham Women for Peace, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Spring 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive W], ID=6831
Description: Attached a leaflet regarding the 'ICOM Women's Link-Up - 1986 Co-Operative Training Course'.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Women; India; Greenham Commons; LGBTQ+; Women's Aid; Women's Refuge; Violence Against Women; Nuclear Disarmament; Nicaragua. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Colin H's Archive, the other from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Workers Solidarity #037 :Magazine of the Workers Solidarity Movement - Irish Anarchist Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 037). Publisher: (WSM Workers Solidarity Movement, , Dublin, , Ireland/, Winter 1992-93 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive W], ID=6481
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Somalia; Elections; Crime; Punishment; Unemployment; Peru; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Worm #1428 :World Orgasmic Revolutionary Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=11671
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Undated, possibly late 1990s or early 2000s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. YFMA #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , , , USA/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Y], ID=11651
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Fanzine; Sexuality; Pornography; Cartoons. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. YFMA #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , , , USA/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive Y], ID=11652
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Fanzine; Sexuality; Pornography; Cartoons. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Your Ass + My Face :Or Love Notes on Toilet Paper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive Y], ID=11672
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography; Zine; Fanzine. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Youth Lib 1989/Winter :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive Y], ID=11673
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Zine; Fanzine; Racism; Anti-Racism; South Africa. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. …Queers Need Not Apply… :A Report of the Commission on Discriminiation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, , London, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18697
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Homophobia. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive R], ID=14135
Description: Assorted newspaper cuttings collected by Chris Richardson, reporting eg on Richard McCance and the 1978 Gay Pride demonstration in London, cuttings from Gay News and other publications.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=14177
Description: Assorted documents collected by Chris Richardson regarding the Lenton Labour Party, 1970s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Local History; Labour Party; LGBTQ+ History; Nottingham. Additional notes:

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=14178
Description: Assorted research notes by Chris Richardson regarding family history research.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+ History; Nottingham. Additional notes:

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive C], ID=14183
Description: Assorted leaflets collected by Chris Richardson, e.g. regarding Gay Men Together, Gay Sweatshop, undated, c1990s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=14184
Description: Assorted materials regarding a campaign concering anti-homophobic campaigns directed at the Co-Operative movement, mostly late 1970s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Co-Operative. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=14185
Description: A leaflet, photograph and an article regarding Richard McCance's 1980s election as a Nottingham City councillor.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham City Council; Labour Party; John Taylor. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive G], ID=14186
Description: A poster and photographs regarding the Gay Sweatshop theatre projects.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Theatre; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive T], ID=14187
Description: Photographs and promo materials regarding the 1984 documentary movie 'The Times of Harvey Milk'.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Film; Movies; LGBTQ+; Milk; Moscone. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=14189
Description: Three posters collected by Chris Richardson, including 'What is Heterosexuality'; undated, likely 1970s or 1980s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=14190
Description: Photographs collected by Chris Richardson, apparently regarding a campain against BHS British Home Stores; undated, possibly 1970s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=14362
Description: Christopher Richardson's diaries, documenting the years 1956-1989 (missing 1973, 1981 and probably one covering the first half of 1957).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Radical History; Co-Operation; Labour Party. Additional notes:

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=14363
Description: Christopher Richardson's diaries, documenting the years 1989-2019.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Radical History; Co-Operation; Labour Party. Additional notes:

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive N], ID=16162
Description: Leaflets collected at Nottingham Pride 2022.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=18638
Description: Assorted programs for theatre plays and exhibitons, including Gay Sweatshop productions, mostly 1980s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Theatre; Arts. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19172
Description: An archive box full of assorted photo negatives and slides from the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, c.1970s-2010s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19173
Description: Assorted financial documents regarding savings etc. for Christopher Richardson's mother Enid.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19174
Description: Assorted LGBTQ+ leaflets (A4ish) size, c1970s to 2000s, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, includes local materials and documents they picked up during their travels.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19175
Description: Assorted LGBTQ+ leaflets (A5ish) size, stickers and other emphemera, c1970s to 2000s, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, includes local materials and documents they picked up during their travels.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19176
Description: Assorted LGBTQ+ materials, including drafts/manuscripts for publications, materials related to Richard McCance's Men's Groups, etc, assorted dates, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, includes local materials and documents they picked up during their travels, 1 of 3.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19177
Description: Assorted LGBTQ+ materials, including drafts/manuscripts for publications, materials related to Richard McCance's Men's Groups, etc, assorted dates, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, includes local materials and documents they picked up during their travels, 2 of 3.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19178
Description: Assorted LGBTQ+ materials, including drafts/manuscripts for publications, materials related to Richard McCance's Men's Groups, etc, assorted dates, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, includes local materials and documents they picked up during their travels, 3 of 3.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19179
Description: Financial ledger regarding 'Stonewall Breaks' and New York 2000 (the latter possibly relating to a holiday by CR and RM), collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19180
Description: Financial ledgers from Christopher Richardson, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19181
Description: Financial ledgers regarding Richard McCance's business, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19182
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's time in the Labour Party, including extensive materials regarding the time John Carroll tried to sue Chris for slander after Chris stated in a meeting how Carroll fixed an election, assorted dates, mostly 1970s. Contain assorted other materials regarding corruption and mismanagement. 1 of 4.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Labour Party; Lenton Ward; NCC Nottingham City Council; Chris Richardson Defence Committee; Labour Party Corruption; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19183
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's time in the Labour Party, including extensive materials regarding the time John Carroll tried to sue Chris for slander after Chris stated in a meeting how Carroll fixed an election, assorted dates, mostly 1970s. Contain assorted other materials regarding corruption and mismanagement. 2 of 4.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Labour Party; Lenton Ward; NCC Nottingham City Council; Chris Richardson Defence Committee; Labour Party Corruption; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19184
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's time in the Labour Party, including extensive materials regarding the time John Carroll tried to sue Chris for slander after Chris stated in a meeting how Carroll fixed an election, assorted dates, mostly 1970s. Contain assorted other materials regarding corruption and mismanagement. 3 of 4.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Labour Party; Lenton Ward; NCC Nottingham City Council; Chris Richardson Defence Committee; Labour Party Corruption; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19185
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's time in the Labour Party, including extensive materials regarding the time John Carroll tried to sue Chris for slander after Chris stated in a meeting how Carroll fixed an election, assorted dates, mostly 1970s. Contain assorted other materials regarding corruption and mismanagement. 4 of 4.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Labour Party; Lenton Ward; NCC Nottingham City Council; Chris Richardson Defence Committee; Labour Party Corruption; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19186
Description: More of Christopher Richardson's diaries, including some diaries which were likely used by Richard McCance, assorted dates, 1950s to 2010s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Radical History; Co-Operation; Labour Party; Holiday; Travel; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19187
Description: Assorted LGBTQ+ posters, assorted dates 1970sff, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, includes local materials and posters they picked up during their travels.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19188
Description: Assorted address books by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19189
Description: Assorted holiday diaries documenting travels by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Holiday; Tourism; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19190
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's journey to the USSR, 1967.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Holiday; Tourism; USSR; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19191
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's journey to the GDR, 1970.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Holiday; Tourism; GDR German Democratic Republic; East Germany; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19192
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's journey to Albania, c1980.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Holiday; Tourism; Albania; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19193
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's journey to Algeria, 1980s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Holiday; Tourism; Algeria; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19194
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's journey to Italy, 1980s; contains a lot of documents regarding the hillarious 'Pizza Cheek' story when Richard was mistaken for an arms dealer and both were arrested for a few days.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Holiday; Tourism; Italy; Pizza Cheek; Police; Arrests; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19195
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's journey to Paris, c1968 and 1989.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Holiday; Tourism; Paris; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19196
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson's holidays.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Holiday; Tourism; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19197
Description: Assorted documents originally stored in a folder labelled 'The Dunnett File Part 2', looks like more material on local councils doing dodgy things.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Labour Party; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19198
Description: Assorted newspaper cuttings collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, many related to local LGBTQ+ history, 1970sff.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19199
Description: Assorted materials regarding a number of campaigns and events Chris was involved in, research he undertook, etc. Also contains copies of deposition agreements with Notts Archives, Warwick MRC and the People's History Museum (Manchester) and materials related to Chris' book A City of Light.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Israel; Palestine; Black Gold Coffee; US Labour History; 150 Lenton Sesquicentennial; Co-Operative; Co-Operation; Nottinghamshire Archive Disposition Documents; Rainbow Archive; Warwick MRC Modern Record Centre; PHM People's History Museum; Nottingham; A City of Light. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19200
Description: Assorted obituaries, invites to memorial services, etc. collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; ; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Obituaries. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19201
Description: Assorted documents collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19202
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance's family histories.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19203
Description: Assorted documents regarding Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance's employment histories (references etc).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19204
Description: Assorted documents collected by Christopher Richardson regarding Co-Operative history.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Co-Operative; Co-Operation. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19205
Description: Assorted correspondence collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, 1950s-2010s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19206
Description: Assorted docments collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, mostly regarding Chris' education at Tiffin School and Warwick University. Includes school report judging tiny Chris' attitude to authority etc.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Education; School; Univeristy; 11+. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19207
Description: Assorted digital storage devices (CDs and floppy disks) and tape cassettes collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, includes oral history recordings.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance. This one was quite a pain in the arse to bundle up nicely, don't you mess it up!

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19208
Description: Assorted postcards collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, including really cool old ones sent to/from Chris' family members, c.1930s-2010s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19209
Description: VHS tape collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, appears to be a documentary (?) entitled 'Wasdale 94 - The Director's cut by Stuart Fisher'.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19210
Description: Old passports from Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, 1960sff.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19211
Description: Assorted membership cards (Co-Op, Labour Party, archives, trade unions, etc) collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Labour Party; Co-Operatives; Co-Operation; Trade Unions. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=19212
Description: Assorted ration books and membership cards by Arthur Richardson, collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Labour Party; Co-Operatives; Co-Operation. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19213
Description: Assorted laptop cables and digital storage devices collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance (not checked/some non functional), probably containing much of Chris' research etc. !!!!! ELECTRONICS/BATTERIES !!!!!. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance. !!!!! ELECTRONICS/BATTERIES !!!!!

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19214
Description: Three laptops by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance (not checked/some non functional), probably containing much of Chris' research etc. !!!!! ELECTRONICS/BATTERIES !!!!!. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance. !!!!! ELECTRONICS/BATTERIES !!!!!

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19215
Description: Assorted LGBTQ+ posters collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Gays Against Nazis; Friend. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19216
Description: Assorted posters collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance regarding Black Power and international solidarity campaigns.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Black Power; POC People of Colour. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19217
Description: Assorted posters collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance regarding films and theatre plays.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Gay Sweatshop. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19218
Description: A leather suitcase containing assorted items collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, also 3 billboards (part of the Thatcher costume), 1 Pride Pace flag, 1 weird Bavarian table flag, Ms Muckle's collar, 1 coloured neck scarf, pink and green flag (campaign to equalise the age of consent for non-heterosexual relationships), 1 silver 1953 Queenie coronation spoon, assorted items from Arthur Richardson military kit, 1 Labour rosette, large rainbow flags (handmade?), 1 rainbow flag, handmade cardinal costume and accessories, handmade Thatcher outfit and accessesories, 1 small jar with coins and assorted items, 1 dark blue jewellery box with assorted items, 1 Lotus Wristwatch 1 pen, 1 pair of green glasses, 1 multi coloured friendship bracelet, 3 bare bottom coasters, 1 pillbox with cufflinks, 1 jewellery box with pearl necklace (looks plastic).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2022).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive P], ID=19224
Description: Assorted leaflets collected at Nottingham Pride 2022.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham Pride. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Richard H.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19236
Description: Chris Richardson's Maggie Thatcher mask. Papermache and other craft materials; fragile. Nightmare inducing ;-). Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance; Thatcher. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19237
Description: Chris Richardson and Richard McCance extensive collection of badges and pins (LGBTQ+ and other campaigns), only partially digitised.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2022).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive P], ID=19238
Description: A pale ale drinks can collected at Nottingham Pride 2022.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham Pride. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Richard H.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19243
Description: Assorted analogue tapes and film reels, probably the raw materials for Chris R's movies of his travels etc.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19244
Description: Assorted photographs taken/collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, including images of LGBTQ+ and other activism (notably disability rights activism), Men's Groups, social gatherings, etc. 1 of 2.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=19245
Description: Assorted photographs taken/collected by Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance, including images of LGBTQ+ and other activism (notably disability rights activism), Men's Groups, social gatherings, etc. 2 of 2.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Christopher Richardson; Richard McCance. Additional notes: From the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=19530
Description: Assorted materials collected at Nottingham Pride 2023, mostly leaflets and stickers.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Pride; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Richard H.

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive C], ID=19738
Description: Assorted leaflets regarding CJ DeBarra's book projects, early 2020s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes:

. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive O], ID=20885
Description: Assorted badges and pins collected by Laurens Otter, mostly c1970s till 2000s, assorted subjects including the Peace Movement, anarchism and environmentalism, 1 of 2.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear War; Peace Protests; Peace Movement; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; ORA Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists; Anti Parliamentarism; Environmentalism; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; Anti Fascism; Anti-Fascism; Black Power; Angela Davies; Anti Racism; Anti-Racism; Defend the 14; Peoples March for Jobs; Iraq War; Roger Sylvester; Badgers; Seals; Northern Ireland; Animal Rights; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive O], ID=20886
Description: Assorted badges and pins collected by Laurens Otter, mostly c1970s till 2000s, assorted subjects including the Peace Movement, anarchism and environmentalism, 2 of 2. Stored off site.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear War; Peace Protests; Peace Movement; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; ORA Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists; Anti Parliamentarism; Environmentalism; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; Anti Fascism; Anti-Fascism; Black Power; Angela Davies; Anti Racism; Anti-Racism; Defend the 14; Peoples March for Jobs; Iraq War; Roger Sylvester; Badgers; Seals; Northern Ireland; Animal Rights; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=21213
Description: Assorted photographs and some negatives by Colin Clews, showing the day in 1984 Peace Protesters invaded Chilwell Base. There are also a few slides, which may (?) show an LGBTQ+ event in Nottingham (sadly we currently lack the hardware to investigate and digitise those).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Peace Protests; Cold War; Peace Movement; Anti-Militarism; Nottingham; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Clews.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive U], ID=21237
Description: Assorted A2 posters and information boards used in our 2024 exhibition 'Under the Rainbow', Jul-Aug 2024.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sparrows' Nest; Sparrows Nest. Additional notes: Poster roll, stored off-site.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive U], ID=21238
Description: Assorted materials related to our 2024 exhibition 'Under the Rainbow', Jul-Aug 2024. Includes a few leaflets and odds and ends we collected, our 'log book' of visitors and the 'guest book' entries by visitors.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sparrows' Nest; Sparrows Nest. Additional notes:

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive U], ID=21239
Description: Exhibits used in our 2024 exhibition 'Under the Rainbow', Jul-Aug 2024, includes A4 and A3 prints of the covers of local LGBTQ+ periodicals, prints of photographs from the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance and prints of photographs of local Pride events taken by Alan Lodge. 1 of 4.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sparrows' Nest; Sparrows Nest. Additional notes: A3 brown envelope, stored off-site.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive U], ID=21240
Description: Exhibits used in our 2024 exhibition 'Under the Rainbow', Jul-Aug 2024, includes A4 and A3 prints of the covers of local LGBTQ+ periodicals, prints of photographs from the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance and prints of photographs of local Pride events taken by Alan Lodge. 2 of 4.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sparrows' Nest; Sparrows Nest. Additional notes: A3 brown envelope, stored off-site.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive U], ID=21241
Description: Exhibits used in our 2024 exhibition 'Under the Rainbow', Jul-Aug 2024, includes A4 and A3 prints of the covers of local LGBTQ+ periodicals, prints of photographs from the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance and prints of photographs of local Pride events taken by Alan Lodge. 3 of 4.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sparrows' Nest; Sparrows Nest. Additional notes: A3 brown envelope, stored off-site.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive U], ID=21242
Description: Exhibits used in our 2024 exhibition 'Under the Rainbow', Jul-Aug 2024, includes A4 and A3 prints of the covers of local LGBTQ+ periodicals, prints of photographs from the collections of Christopher Richardson and Richard McCance and prints of photographs of local Pride events taken by Alan Lodge. 4 of 4.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sparrows' Nest; Sparrows Nest. Additional notes: A3 brown envelope, stored off-site.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive M], ID=21243
Description: Two posters promoting the Nottingham 'Man Up' group and their events (, undated, mid 2010s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Dael Walker during the Under The Rainbow exhibition, Jul-Aug 2024.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Digital Only], ID=21259
Description: Assorted materials related to Pink Lace and other Nottingham LGBTQ+ events from the late 1990s/early 2000s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham; Pink Lace. Additional notes: Kindly made available by CJ DeBarra.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive N], ID=21490
Description: Assorted leaflets collected by Richard H in Nottingham in 2024, including materials regarding feminism, Notts SOS 24, LGBTQ+, the NHS, environmentalism.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive A], ID=21676
Description: Three manuscripts/short texts regarding Brexit, 2016 in general and a description of the events at and the aftermath of the London Anarchist Bookfair in 2017. Apparently these were all written in 2016 and 2017.. Language(s): /. Keywords: London Anarchist Bookfair; Sparrows' Nest; TERF; LGBTQ+; Transphobia. Additional notes: Collected by Mike C.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2135
Description: Assorted letters, leaflets, newsletters etc., e.g. from the 1980s, Nottingham Anarchist News archive/Colin's Archive; a mix of local, national and some international information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: NAN Nottingham Anarchist News; Anti-Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Power; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; Abortion; Reproductive Rights; May Day 1988; Anarchist Men's Network; Anti-Fascism; LGBTQ Rights; Animal Rights; Animal Liberation; Veganism; No Borders; Deportations; Fox Hunting Sabs; SMASH Society for Mutual Aid and Self Help; ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Police; Arrests; Repression; Ireland; Squatting; Midlands Anarchist Network. Additional notes: Contains private letters, contact addresses, etc; from Colin H's Archive.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive C], ID=2136
Description: Assorted letters, leaflets, newsletters etc., e.g. from the 1980s Nottingham Anarchist News archive/Colin's Archive; a mix of local, national and some international information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: NAN Nottingham Anarchist News; Anti-Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Power; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; Abortion; Reproductive Rights; May Day 1988; Anarchist Men's Network; Anti-Fascism; LGBTQ Rights; Animal Rights; Animal Liberation; Veganism; No Borders; Deportations; Fox Hunting Sabs; SMASH; ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Police; Arrests; Repression; Ireland; Squatting; Midlands Anarchist Network; Silentnight dispute; Public Order Act. Additional notes: Contains private letters, contact addresses, etc; from Colin H's Archive.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive I], ID=10309
Description: A sheet of self adhesive stickers promoting the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Transphobia; Homophobia. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 2010s.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive G/Gail], ID=11526
Description: Assorted materials regarding LGBTQ+ Struggles, bundled up, staples removed. Please note that Gail's Archive was sorted into bundles and categories as good and coherent as possible, but in depth research should involve as many bundles in this collection as possible to mitigate errors and recontextualise materials.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

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Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, V NonFiction], ID=12686
Description: Postcards, leaflets and correspondence by Vishwar, accompanying his donation of LGBTQ+ et al materials in late 2020.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: