The Sparrows' Nest Catalogue Search Results

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11 results in the Digital Library. Search Term: Flux

. Aftermath #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2746
Description: Many thanks to Fitz for the supplying the following information: Bands referred to include: The Subhumans, Chaoz, Words Of Truth, Poison Girls, Cracked Actors, Helloion, Crass, The Shout, Six Minute War, The Fall, 22000 Flowers, Flux Of Pink Indians, Department, Eraserhead, Bastards, The Stuff, The Nips, Red Rage. "This is an awesomely made fanzine, of pure anarcho punk content. Coming from the extreme left of the punk movement. The focus being purpose and harsh reality then bubble punk fashion. It reads like a song list from one of my old mixer tapes, with an added cause of the righteous. In the form of the anti Vivisection campaign. Enjoy, remember, and continue the fight.". Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Staples removed.

Oscar, Rob and Fod. Enigma #02 :Short Sharp Shock.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , New Barn, England, UK/, 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive E], ID=515
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Authority; Music; Zine; Punk; Flux of Pink Indians; Apostles; UK Decay; Discharge; Angry Brigade; Ann Dee Martin. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

Juliey; David. Fack #06 :I won't play your game.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , Sutton, England, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=7080
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarcho-Punk; Music; Zine; Fanzine; Sexism; Zounds; APF Brigade; Squatting; Snails; Flux of Pink Indians; Animals; Freedom; Work. Additional notes:

. Flux #01 :A Magazine of Libertarian Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Oct 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=3431
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Libertarian Socialism; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Flux #02 :A Magazine of Libertarian Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Spring 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=6547
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Libertarian Socialism; Nottingham; Poll Tax; Gulf War; Stalinism; Hunt Sabotage. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, one copy from Colin's Archive.

. Flux #03 :A Magazine of Libertarian Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Autumn 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=3433
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Libertarian Socialism; Nottingham; Riots; Labour Party; Private Health Care. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, one copy from Colin's Archive.

. Flux #04 :A Magazine of Libertarian Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Spring 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=3436
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Libertarian Socialism; Nottingham; Homelessness; Hungary; Irrationality; Anti-Fascism; Veganism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Colin's Archive, the other kindly donated by Torsten.

. Flux #05 :A magazine of libertarian socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Autumn 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=4070
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Travellers; Fascism; Pornography. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, one copy from Colin's Archive.

. Flux #06 :A magazine of libertarian socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, May 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=4208
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, one copy from Colin's Archive.

. Flux #07 :A magazine of libertarian socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=6549
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, one copy from Colin's Archive.

Dan. The Book of Revelations :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive B], ID=1175
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sinyx; Flux of Pink Indians; Riot; Music; Fanzine; Anarcho-Punk. Additional notes: