The Sparrows' Nest Catalogue Search Results

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22042 results. Search Term: workers' voice

. !directAxiom! :…(Re)Verse on the Roads.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Reclaim The Streets, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=17889
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action; Poetry; Art. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s or 2000s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. "A shabby London suburb?" :A Walk Around the Working Class and Radical History of Hammersmith.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Past Tense, , London, England, UK/, Oct 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=12418
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. "All the rest is advertising" :The Public Relations Industry and the Decline of Trust.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Corporate Watch, , Oxford, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=15394
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Most CW publications have a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial or Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; undated, 2000s or 2010s.

van Daele, Els; Schuurman, Herman. "De Moker" Group :The Rebellious Youth in the Dutch Libertarian movement of the Roaring Twenties and Work is a Crime.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Roofdruk Edities, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, D NonFiction], ID=3158
Description: Anthology edition Van Daele e.g. featuring Schurman's 'Work is a Crime'.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Holland; Work; Youth. Additional notes:

Stauber, John C; Rampton, Sheldon. "Democracy" For Hire :Public Relations and Environmental Movements.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Ecologist, , , , UK/, Sep-Oct 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=13008
Description: Article photocopied from The Ecologist Vol:25 #05.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Lenin (aka Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich). "Left-Wing" Childishness and the Petty-Bourgeois Mentality :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Progress Publishers, , Moscow, , USSR/, 1973).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=11908
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bolsheviks; Authoritarianism; Communists; Communism; Lenin. Additional notes:

Lenin (aka Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich). "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder :An attempt at a Popular Discussion on Marxist Strategy and Tactics.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=1029
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bolsheviks; Authoritarianism; Communists; Communism; Lenin. Additional notes: One copy no cover and fragile; both copies technically paperbacks but kept with pamphlets; one copy undated but oldish, possibly 1930s or 1940s; the other a 1970 edition from Progress Publishers (USSR).

Evans, Gwynfor. "Nonviolent Nationalism" :The Alex Wood Memorial Lecture.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (FOR Fellowship of Reconciliation, , New Malden, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=10770
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Welsh Nationalism; Devolution; Plaid Cymru; Christianity; Christian Pacifism. Additional notes: `

. "Red Rosa" - A Book Review :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Angry Workers, , , , UK/, 2016).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=7808
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Rosa Luxemburg. Additional notes: Undated, mid 2010s.

Churchill, Ward; Muntaqim, Jalil A. "Some People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens - America Reaps What It Sows! US International Warfare Initiates World War III Human Rights During Warfare :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Re-pressed, , Leeds, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=8073
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s or early 2010s.

Ruff, Allen; Buhle, Paul. "We called each other Comrade" :Charles H Kerr & Company, Radical Publishers.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PM Press, , , , USA/, 2011).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=2142
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Publishing; Printing; International Socialist Review; Unity Years. Additional notes:

Dubofsky, Melvyn. 'Big Bill' Haywood :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Lives of the Left, , ). Publisher: (Manchester University Press, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Hardback, D NonFiction], ID=2279
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Syndicalism; Knights Of Labour. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

. 'I want to know what's in my file…' :A special report and draft Bill on Access to Personal Files by The Campaign for Freedom of Information.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Campaign for Freedom of Information, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=15296
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. 'Just As I have a mind' :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Whinger Press, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=13386
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Marxism; Communism. Additional notes: Undated, 2000s or 2010s.

Wynn, Neil A. 'Race War' :Black American GIs in Bristol and Gloucestershire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Bristol Radical Pamphleteer #06, , ). Publisher: (Bristol Radical History Group, , Bristol, England, UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=1744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Racism; Second World War; World War Two; WWII; WW2. Additional notes:

West, Jill. 'Thugs & Wreckers' :The case of the LSE and the future of Postsecondary Education.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Mayday Manifesto Pamphlet #01, , ). Publisher: (Mayday Manifesto, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1969).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=16485
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. (De)Institutionalisation of Gardening :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Zadruga Urbana, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, 2015).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive Z], ID=22351
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Food; Guerilla Gardening. Additional notes:

. 0533 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (S+T, , Swinford, England, UK/, Jul 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=9340
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Zine; S+T S&T Music Label; Amber Squad; The Fall; Kevin Hewick; Toyah; Scamps Comp; Adam and the Ants; The Observers. Additional notes: Date estimated.

. 0533 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (S+T, , Swinford, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=9341
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Zine; S+T S&T Music Label. Additional notes: Date estimated.

. 0533 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (S+T, , Swinford, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=9342
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Zine; S+T S&T Music Label; Modern Living; Ronnie Slicker and the Banditz. Additional notes: Date estimated.

. 0533 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (S+T, , Swinford, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=9343
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Zine; S+T S&T Music Label; Bron Area; 3-Way Dance; Absolutes; Trance. Additional notes: Date estimated.

Petter, Jim. 1+1=10: Computer Ethics :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (ORA Pamphlets #06, , ). Publisher: (ORA Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=20392
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Technology; Information Technology. Additional notes: Undated, possibly early to mid 1970s;kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. 10 Commandments #03-04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03-04). Publisher: (, , Glasgow, Scotland, UK/, Feb-Apr 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=1859
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. 10 Reasons why you should vote for Nobody :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SMASH Society for Mutual Aid and Self Help, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive S], ID=10719
Description: Information leaflet and price list.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Elections; Parliamentarism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly early 1990s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Les.

. 100 Years of May Day :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Manchester, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=276
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Haymarket; Chicago Martyrs; Workers' Struggles; Strikes. Additional notes:

. 118 Workshop :Annual Report 1988/89 - Resource and Research Centre for Trade Unions and Community Groups.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (118 Workshop, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=13554
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; Grass Roots; Organising. Additional notes:

. 118 Workshop Resource and Research Centre for Trade Unions and Community Groups :Facilities & Price List.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (118 Workshop, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jan 1997).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=9893
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Printing; Self-Publishing; Nottingham. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Haynes.

. 121 Bookshop and Anarchist Centre :Anarchist & Political Books, Meeting Space, Squatters Aid.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (121 Bookshop, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=12314
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality. Additional notes: Undated, from the collection of Bob Miller.

. 124th Durham Miners' Gala :Souvenir Broshure - Saturday 12th July 2008.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Durham, England, UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive D], ID=13727
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. 15 Actions to Topple the Fossil Fuel Empire :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Rising Tide, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=17903
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Global Warming; Climate Change; Environmentalism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Dye, Jim (et al). 150 Years of Struggle :The Liverpool Labour Movement 1848-1998.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (TUC Trade Union Congress, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=1410
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1; Second World War; World War Two; WWII; WW2; General Strike; Workers' Struggles; Labour Disputes. Additional notes:

Lilburne; Walwyn; Prince; Overton; Winstanley; Everard. 1649 :An Agreement of the free People of England; A Declaration to the Powers of England & To all the Powers of the World.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Coptic Press, , , , UK/, 1967).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=2131
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: English Civil War; English Revolution; Diggers; Levellers. Additional notes: Technically a paperback bur kept with pamphlets.

. 17 Years Unbroken, Non-Violent Resistance :Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, September 5th, 1981-September 5th, 1998.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=16352
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. 1831 #02a :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02a). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Bristol, England, UK/, 30 Jun 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Current papers ACF/AF], ID=13718
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. 1831 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Bristol, England, UK/, Oct 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Current papers ACF/AF], ID=13719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. 1872 Staint-Imier 2012 :Rencontre Internationale de L'Anarchisme Programme.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Switzerland/, 2012).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive S], ID=24106
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. 18th Jan 2010 :Remember Gaza Smash EDO Mass Demo.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Smash EDO, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive S], ID=7576
Description: Mobilisation leaflet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: EDO; Weapons Sales; Israel; Palestine; Gaza. Additional notes:

Otter, Laurens. 1917 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Arguments #07, , ). Publisher: (Anarchist Fragments, , Wellington, England, UK/, Feb 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=10342
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Russia; Russian Revolution. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ron M.

Rosenberg, Chanie. 1919 :Britain on the Brink of Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Bookmarks, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=2188
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fourty Hours Strike; Mines; Railways; Trade Unions; Alcohol. Additional notes:

. 1921 Cronstadt :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (UTCL Union des Travailleurs Communistes Libertaires, , Paris, , France/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive U], ID=22319
Description: A few texts related to the Kronstadt uprising.. Language(s): French/. Keywords: Bolshevism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s.

. 1936 :The Spanish Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (North-East Anarchists, , , , UK/, 1996).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=1862
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Revolution; Spanish Civil War; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo. Additional notes:

. 1936 :The Spanish Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Friends of the Friends of Durruti, , Brighton, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=18010
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Revolution; Spanish Civil War; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Barnsby, George. 1945 Year of Victory :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Our History Pamphlet #62, , ). Publisher: (Communist Party History Group, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 1974).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=11095
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Communist Party; Second World War; World War 2; World War Two. Additional notes: From Richard Stevens' collection.

. 1945-1995 6th-9th August 50th Anniversary :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Greenham Common, , , , UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=18074
Description: Leaflet attached regarding an upcoming court case against seven women from one of the Peace Camps.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Hiroshima; Nagasaki; Peace Protests. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 1956 :The Hungarian Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Peterloo Press Pamphlet #01, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, Peterloo Press, Manchester, England, UK/, Aug 2009).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24142
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. 1968 :Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Grey Area, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=6311
Description: POSSIBLY 2ND COPY SORTED AS PERIODICALS G.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: 1968; Marcel Duchamp. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann, the other kindly donated by Torsten; careful very large file!

. 1969! :Revolution as personal and as theatre.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=12668
Description: Unpublished but detailled essay by an unknown author, title inferred as heading not fully photocopied.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

Goyder, George. 1976 Ernest Bader Common Ownership Lecture :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Scott Bader Commonwealth Monograph #07, , ). Publisher: (Scott Bader Commonwealth, , Wollaston, England, UK/, 1976).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=11640
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Les.

Schumacher, Christian. 1977 Ernest Bader Common Ownership Lecture :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Scott Bader Commonwealth Monograph #08, , ). Publisher: (Scott Bader Commonwealth, , Wollaston, England, UK/, 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=11641
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Les.

Heden, Carl-Goran. 1978 Ernest Bader Common Ownership Lecture :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Scott Bader Commonwealth Monograph #09, , ). Publisher: (Scott Bader Commonwealth, , Wollaston, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=11642
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Les.

Orwell, George. 1984 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Penguin, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=6976
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Orwell; Distopia; Repression; Room 101. Additional notes:

. 1984 is here :The Stockholm Programme.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Bristol NoBorders, , Bristol, England, UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=1580
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Surveillance; ID; Controls; FRONTEX; Borders; Immigration; Woolas; Fortress Europe. Additional notes:

. 1985 The State of the Nation - The Nation of the State :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Rippoff Press, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=9777
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Class Struggle; Miners' Strike. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Chris Cann's archive.

. 2 Years From Ideal to Reality :Update of Partnership Council - Acting together for change.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Partnership Council, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=9600
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Urban Development. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail; undated, late 1990s or early 2000s.

Bufe, Chaz. 20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , London, England, UK/, Jan 2015).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7403
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christianity; Religion. Additional notes: Originally published by See Sharp Press.

Gurnham, Richard. 200 Years the Hoisery Unions 1776-1976 :A History of the Trade Union Movement in the Hoisery and Knitwear Industry 1776-1976.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (National Union of Hosiery and Knitwear Workers, , , , UK/, 1976).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=1303
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trade Unions; Factory Production; Industrial Revolution; FrameWork knitters; Labour Disputes; First World War; Depression; Second World War; Industrial Reconstruction. Additional notes:

. 21st Century Class War :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CWF Class War Federation, , London, England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=210
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. 25 Anos de Anarquia :Historia de una experiencia autogestionaria.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, 2005).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, C NonFiction], ID=1719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Self-Management; Spain; Black Cross; Mujeres Libres; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association; Anselmo Lorenzo; Tierra Y Libertad. Additional notes:

. 26 April-8 May :Time for Mayday.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottingham and District Trades Union Council, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=14627
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly late 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Gail.

. 3. Une Organisation Ouvriere Pour Le Communisme Libertaire :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (UTCL Union des Travailleurs Communistes Libertaires, , , , France/, Mar 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive U], ID=21921
Description: Looks like this is part 3 in a series of pamphlets.. Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. 30 Questions… :And Answers About CND.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive C], ID=10534
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear War; Peace Protests; Peace Movement; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Additional notes: Undated, 1980s or 1990s; kindly donated by Gail.

. 30 Years At Stonebridge City Farm :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Stonebridge City Farm, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive S], ID=9876
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Urban Farm; Nottingham. Additional notes: Multiple issues catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Colin Haynes.

. 325 #01? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Aug 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=1858
Description: Probably pilot issue.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 325 #02 :Anti-prison Insurrection Autonomy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Apr 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=18224
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 325 #03 :An insurgent anti-prison zine of social war & anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Jun 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=1857
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 325 #04 :Anti-Prison Insurrection Autonomy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Apr 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=1856
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. 325 #05 :An insurgent anti-prison zine of social war & anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Feb 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=13720
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 325 #06 :A data network for direct action - A media framework for social war - The refusal of a fixed territory.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Jan 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=1855
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. 325 #07 :A data network for direct action - A media framework for social war - The refusal of a fixed territory.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Oct 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=13722
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes:

. 325 #08 :A data network for direct action - A media framework for social war - The refusal of a fixed territory.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Sep 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=13721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 325 #09 :An Insurgent Zine Of Social War And Anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, Oct 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=18225
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System; Riot Porn. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 391 #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=15306
Description: A zine, unclear whether one-off pamphlet or (intended to be) a periodical.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Comics; Cartoons; Graphics; Zine. Additional notes: Undated; could be 1980s or 1990s; from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. 3D - Don't pay! Don't collect! Don't implement! #01 :Issue #1 of the open, independent newsletter produced by the "3rd September Steering Committee".
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (3D Network, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=10602
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. 3D - Don't pay! Don't collect! Don't implement! #02 :Issue #2 of the open, independent newsletter produced by the "3rd September Steering Committee".
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (3D Network, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=10692
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Gail.

. 3D - Don't pay! Don't collect! Don't implement! #03 :Issue #3 of the open, independent newsletter produced by the "3rd September Steering Committee".
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (3D Network, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=6208
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Gail.

. 3D - Don't pay! Don't collect! Don't implement! #04 :Issue #4 of the open, independent newsletter produced by the 3D Network.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (3D Network, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=6209
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Gail.

. 3D - Don't pay! Don't collect! Don't implement! #05 :Issue #5 of the open, independent newsletter produced by the 3D Network.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (3D Network, , , , UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=6210
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Gail.

. 3D - Don't pay! Don't collect! Don't implement! #06 :Issue #6 of the open, independent newsletter produced by the 3D Network.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (3D Network, , , , UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=12747
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Gosling, Ray (et al). 3D/07 :New Writing.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Laundrette Books, , , , UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=3243
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Short Stories. Additional notes:

. 4 Minute Warning #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , Blackpool, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=13717
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music Zine; Punk Zine; Fanzine. Additional notes: Undated, possibly early-mid 2000s.

. 4. Anarchietage :28. Januar-10. Februar 2008.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Libertaere Aktion Winterthur, , Winterthur, , Switzerland/, 2004).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive L], ID=22718
Description: Programme for an upcoming event, with an enclosed leaflet.. Language(s): German/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated.

. 40 Winks/Missing Links #01 :The Newsletter of AWoL, the campaign Against Working Links, Employment Zones, dole harrassment and, of course, global capitalism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (AWoL Campaign Against Working Links, , Brighton, England, UK/, Jul 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=18532
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 40 Winks/Missing Links #02 :Newsletter for collective self-defence against Working Links, Employment Zones, dole harrassment and global capitalism!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (AWoL Campaign Against Working Links, , Brighton, England, UK/, Sep 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=18533
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 40 Years After the Defeat of Fascism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Communist Party, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=8804
Description: CP propaganda sheet with some nice photos.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; from Colin H's Archive.

Willis, Alistair. 50 Finds from Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire :Objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Amberley, , Stroud, England, UK/, 2016).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=14962
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Archaeology. Additional notes:

. 50 years of Resistance :Some images of demos and campaigning 1968-2018.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2018).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=17894
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Arm the Spirit, Solidarity, Toronto, Ontario, Canada/, Jan 2002).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=12822
Description: Artwork by Gord Hill.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Indigenous People; Americas. Additional notes: Originally published in indigenous newspaper OH-TOH-KIN, 1992.

. 500 Years of Struggle :A Peoples History of Nottingham.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Communist Party, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1949).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=13408
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Stalinism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by UoN Manuscripts and Special Collections (duplicate from their Fred Westacott collection).

. 56a Info Shop :Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, Posters, Badges & Records.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (56a Infoshop, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=21723
Description: In the grey area between long leaflet and short pamphlet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s.

. 56a Info Shop Bulletin #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (56a Infoshop, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=13723
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. 56a Info Shop Bulletin #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (56a Infoshop, , London, England, UK/, May 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=13724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. 68 Child Deaths :A case of inaction.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=8819
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Infant Mortality; Healthcare. Additional notes: Date estimated; from Colin H's Archive.

Zileli, Guen. 68 Deneyi :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Tuerkiye ve Kuerdistan Serisi #02, , ). Publisher: (Karambol Publications, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1994).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive Z], ID=16361
Description: . Language(s): Turkish/. Keywords: Kurdistan; Turkey; Kurds. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. 6th Annual Second Hand Charity Booksale Weekend 2012 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ExLiris, Federation of Masked Booksellers, Nottingham, England, UK/, 2012).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive E], ID=8571
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. 7 Days #1971/12-1972/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1971-Jan 1972 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=10150
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. 7 Days #1972/02/15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=10151
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Homelessness; Northern Ireland; Troubles; Bloody Sunday. Additional notes:

. 7 Days #1972/02/22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=10152
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vietnam; Northern Ireland; Troubles; Bloody Sunday; Nixon. Additional notes:

. 7 Days #1972/03/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=10153
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: China; Northern Ireland; Troubles; Bloody Sunday; Nixon. Additional notes:

. 7 Days #1972/03/22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=10154
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Northern Ireland; Troubles; Bloody Sunday. Additional notes:

. 70th Anniversary of Spanish Civil War & Counter-Revolution 1937-2007 :Homage to the victims of Franco & Barcelona's May Day Martyrs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (North West Trade Unionists, , , England, UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=11124
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes:

. 75 Aniversario de la CNT Prefigurando Futuro :1910-1985.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Madrid, , Spain/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=7574
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the SolFed Archive.

. 75th Anniversary of Spanish Civil War :The Aftermath - 1936-2011.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Trade Unionists in North West of England, Greater Manchester 70th Anniversary Spanish Civil War Remembrance Group, Manchester, England, UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=11931
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Civil War; Anti-Fascism; International Brigades. Additional notes: Third and expanded edition.

Chomsky, Noam. 9-11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Seven Stories Press, , New York, New York, USA/, 2001).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=9750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: 9/11; terrorism; terror; USA; imperialism; interview. Additional notes:

. A Action South West #18 :The Westcountry Activist Network Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (, , Bristol, England, UK/, May 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2715
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one issue kindly donated by Mike, Edinburgh.

. A Action South West #20 :The Westcountry Activist Network Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (, , Bristol, England, UK/, Mar 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2716
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Action South West #Prague Extra :The Westcountry Activist Network Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Bristol, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=12284
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, late 1990s or early 2000s.

. A Ballad against Work :A publication for Collectivities.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Collectivities, Majdoor Library, , Faridabad, India/, Aug 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=4356
Description: CHECK OTHER COPY NOT IN PERIODICALS, RELOCATE TO PAMPHLETS IF REQUIRED.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Work. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy a 1999 reprint; one copy kindly each kindly donated by Torsten and the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Mills, Steve. A Barbarous And Ungovernable People! :A Short History Of The Miners Of Kingswood Forest.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Bristol Radical History Group, , Bristol, England, UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=1741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History Of Capitalism; Workers' Organisation. Additional notes:

. A Batalha #032 :Jornal Anarco Sindicalista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 32). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , , , Portugal/, Jan 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7850
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha #057 :Jornal Anarco Sindicalista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 57). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , , , Portugal/, Jan 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7851
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha #078 :Jornal Anarco Sindicalista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 78). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , , , Portugal/, Dec 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11052
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:06 #059 :Antigo Orgao da Confederacae Geral do Trabalho.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 59). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , , , Portugal/, Mar 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11415
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:27 #184 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 184). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Nov-Dec 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22581
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:27 #185 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 27, 185). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Jan-Feb 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22582
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:28 #189 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 189). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Sep-Oct 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22583
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:28 #190 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 190). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Nov-Dec 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22584
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:28 #191 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 191). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Jan-Feb 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22585
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:28 #192 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 192). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Mar-Apr 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22586
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:28 #194 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 28, 194). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Jul-Aug 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22587
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:29 #195 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 195). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Sep-Oct 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22588
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:29 #196 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 196). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Nov-Dec 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22589
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:29 #197 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 197). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Jan-Feb 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22590
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:29 #198 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 198). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Mar-Apr 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22591
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:29 #200 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 29, 200). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Jul-Aug 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22592
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:30 #201 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 201). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Sep-Oct 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22593
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:30 #204 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 204). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Mar-Apr 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22594
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:30 #205 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 30, 205). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, May-Jun 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22595
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:31 #208 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 31, 208). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Nov-Dec 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22596
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:31 #209 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 31, 209). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Jan-Feb 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22597
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

. A Batalha Vol:31 #210 :Jornal de Expressao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 31, 210). Publisher: (CGT Confederacao Geral Do Trabalho, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, Mar-Apr 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22598
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes:

Ray, Rob. A Beautiful Idea :History of the Freedom Press Anarchists.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 2018).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=8734
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Freedom Press; Radical Publishing; Kropotkin. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Donald Rooum.

. A beginner's guide to the Peace Tax Campaign :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Peace Tax Campaign, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive P], ID=18617
Description: Information guide compiling assorted documents.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Goncalves, A; Silva, JE. A Bibliografia Libertaria :Um Seculo de Anarquismo em Lingua Portuguesa.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Imaginario, , , , Brazil/, 1999).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=2615
Description: FIND AND MOVE/RELABEL AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): Portuguese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Breath of Fresh Air #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4707
Description: Incomplete document.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Unemployment; Christianity; Football. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; kindly donated by Torsten.

Otter, Laurens. A Brief Account of Trotskyism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Jubilee Group, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1976).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=20909
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Socialism; Trots; Trotskyism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. A Brief Flowering of Freedom :The Hungarian Revolution 1956.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Stormy petrel #03, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=15768
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

Bennet, Daniel. A Brief History of Corporations :Where did they come from?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Bristol Radical Pamphleteer Vol:03, , ). Publisher: (Bristol Radical History Group, , Bristol, England, UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7388
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by BRHG, originally pulished 2009.

Harvey, David. A Brief History of Neoliberalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Oxford University Press, , , , UK/, 2005).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=2196
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Neoliberalism; China; Freedom. Additional notes: Beware! Picture of Thatcher on the cover!

. A Brief Introduction to the Critique of Art History and Other Subjects :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Twenty Years After Publications, BM Chronos, London, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=16684
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Sam Normal.

. A Bygone Age :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=18696
Description: This appears to be the unpublished manuscript of the autobiography of an unnamed gay man born in the 1930s, I thought for a while it might be Richard, but I do not think so after flicking through it, comes in three parts, each enclosed by plastic, all catalogued with the same ID number.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Autobiography; HIV/AIDS; WW2 Second World War; Childhood. Additional notes: Undated, based on the layout this is possibly post 2000s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. A Call to the Women and People of the United Kingdom :1984 - Year of the Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ANC African National Congress, , London, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=14847
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

Lenin (aka Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich). A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economics :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Progress Publishers, , Moscow, , USSR/, 1965).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=3475
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Authoritarianism; Bolshevism. Additional notes: Technically a paperback bur kept with pamphlets.

MacDougall, Ian. A catalogue of some Labour Records in Scotland and some Scots records outside Scotland :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Scottish Labour History Society, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=19283
Description: Oversize (very chunky A4 book), letter to the Nest inserted.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Reference; Labour Movement; Catalogue. Additional notes: Kindly donated and with a dedication from Spirit of Revolt.

. A Cause for Concern :Report: Action of the Police and the Special Courts with regard to the street disturbances in Nottingham during July 10th - 17th July 1981.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Digital Only], ID=4007
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Riots; Nottingham; Repression; Police; Prison. Additional notes:

. A Cause for Concern #01 :News, Views, Poems - The New Monthly Magazine for Southwarks Unemployed Youth.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=15315
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Riots; Nottingham; Repression; Police; Prison. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. A Celebration of the Incarnation :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1989).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Digital Only], ID=3782
Description: Leaflet advertising the POS 'closing down sale' of pamphlets, back issues etc, also outlining the financial situation.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

Beckett, John (ed). A Centenary History of Nottingham :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Manchester University Press, , , , UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Hardback, Local Studies], ID=10731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; History. Additional notes: From Richard Stevens' collection.

. A Century of Co-Operation in Bath :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Co-operative Retail Services, , Manchester, England, UK/, Mar 1991).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18714
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Co-Operation. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. A Century of Struggle :Britain's Miners in Pictures 1889-1989.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NUM National Union of Miners/National Union of Mineworkers, , , , UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=10752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mining; Unions; Industry. Additional notes: From Richard Stevens' collection; signed by Arthur Scargill.

. A Century of Struggle :Britain's Miners in Pictures 1889-1989.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NUM National Union of Miners/National Union of Mineworkers, , , , UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=1769
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mining; Unions; Industry. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Liz and Dean.

Kellerman, Steve. A Century of Writing on the IWW :1905-2005 - An Annotated Bibliography of Books on the Industrial Workers of the World.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World, , Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA/, 2007).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive K], ID=11109
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bibliography. Additional notes: From Richard Stevens' collection.

. A Cheap Holiday :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SWF Syndicalist Workers' Federation, , London, England, UK/, 1963).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive S], ID=3783
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Tourism; Death Penalty; Capital Punishment; Fascism. Additional notes:

Slienger, Carl. A Checklist of Freedom Press Publications 1886-1927 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Kropotkin's Lighthouse Publications, , , , UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive S], ID=13113
Description: Cover by Clifford Harper.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Catalogue; Directory; Freedom Press. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward.

James, Selma (ed). A Chronology of Injustice :The case for Winston Silcott's conviction to be overturned.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Legal Action for Women, Crossroads Books, London, England, UK/, Jan 1998).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=16658
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Justice System; Prison; Tottenham Three; PC Blakelock; Racism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Sam Normal.

Richardson, Christopher. A City of Light :Socialism, Chartism and Co-operation - Nottingham 1844.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Loaf On A Stick Press, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2021).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=12859
Description: Third edition, including Chris Richardson's obituary.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; Socialism; Chartism; Operatives Libraries; Free Press; Robert Owen; Capital Punishment; Church Rates; Workhouses. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Richardson, Christopher. A City of Light :Socialism, Chartism and Co-operation - Nottingham 1844.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Loaf On A Stick Press, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2013).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=2862
Description: First edition.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; Socialism; Chartism; Operatives Libraries; Free Press; Robert Owen; Capital Punishment; Church Rates; Workhouses. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Civilian's Guide to Direct Action :What It Is, What It's Good For, How It Works.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CrimethInc Agents Provovcateurs, , , , USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=7696
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action; Organisation. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 2000s or early 2010s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Climate of Mistrust? :The Working Class & Climate Camp.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Wrekin Stop War, Wrekin Anarchist Group, , , UK/, Aug 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=7631
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Climate Change; Class; Environmentalism. Additional notes:

Otter, Laurens. A Climate of Mistrust? :The Working Class & Climate Camp.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Wellington, England, UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=12703
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated.

Ambler, Ken. A Coalfield in Chaos :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Ken Ambler, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=175
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Miners; Mining; Coal; Picket; Industrial Action; Labour Dispute; Yorkshire; Strike; 1984; Thatcherism; Miners' Strike. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Richard S.

. A Communist Effort #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Sep 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=4203
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Miners' Strike; Mining; History; NUM National Union of Mineworkers. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. A Communist Effort #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=7704
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Miners' Strike; Mining; History; NUM National Union of Mineworkers. Additional notes: Undated, probably published during the 1984-85 Miners' Strike; kindly donated by Torsten.

. A Communist Effort #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=7705
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Miners' Strike; Mining; History; NUM National Union of Mineworkers. Additional notes: Undated, published after the 1984-85 Miners' Strike; kindly donated by Torsten.

. A Completely New Form of World-Wide Society :In the Interests of all People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (World Of Free Access, , Stoke-On-Trent, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=13397
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s.

Preston, Paul. A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Fontana, , , , UK/, 1996).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=10734
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Civil War; Anti-Fascism; International Brigades. Additional notes: From Richard Stevens' collection.

. A Contre-Courant #01 :Pour la Formation Du Parti Communiste Mondial.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Brussels, , Belgium/, May 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=7582
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Crump, John. A Contribution to the Critique of Marx :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Solidarity Pamphlet #50, , ). Publisher: (Solidarity, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1972).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S/Solidarity], ID=4375
Description: A Joint Solidarity (Scotland) and Solidarity (London) Pamphlet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Autonomy :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Tropolin Newsletter #06, , ). Publisher: (Tropolin, , , , UK/, Dec 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=16205
Description: Unsure whether this is a pamphlet that is part of a series or a periodical.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Heath, Nick. A Contribution to the Development of an Effective Revolutionary Strategy for the ACF and to the Writing of a New Manifesto for Anarchist Communism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=22791
Description: Looks like a draft for a pamphlet (etc), to be discussed at an ACF/AF meeting/conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, likely 1990s.

. A Crime called Freedom :The Writings of Os Cangaceiros Vol:01.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Os Cangaceiros, , , , /, 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=18067
Description: Printed version of an online text.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Bakunin, Michael. A Criticism of State Socialism :With an afterword on modern State Socialism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Coptic Press, , London, England, UK/, 1968).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7356
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Two editions, one published by Simian, the other by Coptic Press in 1968; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. A Critique of 'Call it Sleep' To Wake you Up! :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (BM Chronos, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=16682
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Sam Normal.

. A Critique of Half-Assed Radicalism; "Activism" and "Anarcho-Purism"; Letter to a Turkish Anarchist; Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers - The Brown Paper Bag Theory of Affinity Groups :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Anarchist Library, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=18065
Description: Printed copies of four texts retrieved in 2009 from the online platform The Anarchist Library.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Dolgoff, Sam. A Critique of Marxism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Soil of Liberty, , Powderhorn Station, Minneapolis, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=10788
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s.; kindly donated by Ron M.

Bakunin, Michael; Warren, Richard. A Critique of State Socialism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Cienfuegos Press, , , Orkney, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=7296
Description: Bakunin's text puplished with loads of cartoons.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bakunin; History; Socialism; Repression; Cartoons; Comics. Additional notes: Undated, probably early 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Joy and Chris Russell.

Bonanno, Alfredo M. A Critique of Syndicalist Methods :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Elephant Editions, Work in Progress, London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7400
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Translated by Jean Weir; undated, probably 1990s.

. A D.I.Y. Guide to Preventing Sexual Assault :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive R], ID=11758
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexual Assault; Rape; Consent. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s.

Rudahl, Sharon. A Dangerous Woman :The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The New Press, , , , USA/, 2007).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=2145
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Day in the Life of the car :24 Damning Facts.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Oldham Anarchists, , Oldham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=4838
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Originally published in 1989, this edition undated, probably early to mid 1990s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Uncontrollable/Iron Column. A Day Mournful and Overcast :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Canada/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive U], ID=326
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Valencia; Iron Column; Durruti; Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association; Repression. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; first published in Nosotros in 1937; multiple editions and reprints held; copies kindly donated by NH, KSL and others.

Ward, Colin (ed). A Decade of Anarchy (1961-1970) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, A NonFiction], ID=184
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From Anarchy (monthly journal); kindly donated by Freedom.

Abdullah, Ali Khalid. A Dialogue on Anarchism :An Invitation to the Table of Reflection.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PPWC Political Prisoners of War Coalition, , , , USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=952
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Race; Prisons. Additional notes: Undated, probably early to mid 2000s.

Bottomore, Tom (ed). A Dictionary of Marxist Thought :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Blackwell Reference, , , , UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=895
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A different kind of union run by workers - for workers :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, SolFed Archive], ID=4691
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kept in bundle SFA-PUB 11.

. A Digger Party Of Albion Manifesto :Policy Statement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Digger Party Of Albion, , , , UK/, Nov 1974).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=19099
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Diggers; Winstanley. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Mike, Edinburgh.

McKay, James; Dickson, Benjamin (eds). A Dream of a Low Carbon Future :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (EPSRC Engineers and Physics Science Research Council, University of Leeds, Leeds, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=21487
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism; Comics; Cartoons; Graphics. Additional notes: Undated, mid to late 2010s or early 2020s.

Morris, William; Ward, Colin. A factory as it might be - The factory we never had :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Kersplebedeb, , Montreal, Quebec, Canada/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, M NonFiction], ID=1653
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Economy; Work; Production; Consumption; Factory; Leisure; Beauty; Nottingham. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s.

. A First Guide to Playthings for Life 1984-1985 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Play For Life, , Norwich, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=17989
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Playing; Games; Toys. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Brown, Andy; Pirie, Ian; Raskolnikov, A. A Fresh Look at Lenin :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Solidarity Pamphlet #56, , ). Publisher: (Solidarity, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S/Solidarity], ID=11744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, probably mid 1970s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID.

. A Gardeners Guide for Survival in the Modern World! :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Genetix Snowball, , Manchester, England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=7784
Description: Leaflet attached.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

Wittman, Carl. A Gay Manifesto :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (GLF Gay Liberation Front, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=14214
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the collection of Chris Richardson; two different editions; undated, possibly 1970s.

. A Gay's Guide to Lobbying :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CHE Campaign for Homosexual Equality, Gay Lobby, Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18705
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Lobbying; Parliament. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 1970s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Meredith, Isabel. A Girl Among the Anarchists :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (University of Nabraska Press, , , , USA/, 1992).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=1896
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Rossetti; William Morris. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Nick Heath.

. A Glimpse into some history of Spa Fields :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Past Tense, , London, England, UK/, Aug 2016).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=13565
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History. Additional notes:

Morton, A L. A Glorious Liberty :The Ideas of the Ranters.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Past Tense, , London, England, UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=869
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ranters; Primitive Anarchism; English Civil War; English Revolution; Diggers; Levellers. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Golpes #?? :Boletin de diffusion, debate y lucha social.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Spain/, Jul-Sep ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=23437
Description: Photocopy of the original issue.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Year unknown, possibly 1990ss.

Martin, Angela. A Good Bitch :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Women's Press, , , , UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=2867
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A government spectacular! Theoffer :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, SolFed Archive], ID=4695
Description: Poster featuring slogan and an image of Callagan et al.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kept in bundle SFA-PUB 11.

Maksimov, Grigorii Petrovich. A Grand Cause :The hunger strike and the deportation of anarchists from Soviet Russia.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , London, England, UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=399
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Russia; USSR; Bolshevik; Bolshevism; Repression; Gulag. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Mae Bee. A green anarchist project on freedom and love :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=11657
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+ Sexuality. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

Turton, Kevin. A Grim Almanac of Nottinghamshire :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The History Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=1492
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Brilliant! Originally published in 2005.

Cox, Michael. A Grisly History of Nottinghamshire :In 10 Spine-Chilling Chapters.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottinghamshire County Council, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=2534
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; Snot; Riots; Second World War; Textile Industry; Coal; Mining Industry. Additional notes:

Rogers, Paul. A Guide to Britain's Nuclear Weapons :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=16372
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Irving, Don. A Guide to Growing Marijuana in the British Isles :And Other Cool Climates.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Hassle Free Press, , London, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive I], ID=11766
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Guide to Local Organising :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Haringey Solidarity Group, , London, England, UK/, Oct 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=9215
Description: Leaflets inserted into one copy.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Grassroots Organisation; Community Organisation. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ablitt, Dave. A Guide to Old Sneinton :A Fascinating Part of Nottingham's Inner City.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Sneinton Environmental Society, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=1295
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Anna from Keith Leonard's collection.

. A Handbook for Direct Action :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=10340
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisation; Direct Action; Repression. Additional notes: Undated document, possibly early to mid 2010s; kindly donated by Ron M.

Duff, Charles. A Handbook on Hanging :Being a short Introduction to the fine art of Execution, and containing much information on Neckbreaking, Throttling, Strangling, Asphyxiation….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1948).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=10220
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Hangings; Capital Punishment; Justice System; Executions. Additional notes:

. A History of Anarcho-Syndicalism :Unit 16: Spain: Culture, education, women and sexuality.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=13991
Description: FIND ORIGINAL AND MERGE WITH 19302, THEN DELETE THIS RECORD.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Undated, probably 2000s; kindly donated by Ron M.

SolfFed Education Collective. A History of Anarcho-syndicalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=12843
Description: FIND ORIGINAL AND MERGE WITH 19302, THEN DELETE THIS RECORD AND DIGITAL FILE.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

SolfFed Education Collective. A History of Anarcho-syndicalism #01-24 :Distance learning course.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01-24). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [File/Box/Bundle/etc, Public Archive S], ID=19302
Description: Materials for a SolFed 'Distance learning course' in 24 parts, with two copies of the introductory summary, bundle also contains a digital version of the materials on a data CD.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Britain; Spain; France; Spanish Revolution; Anarcho-Syndicalism; Anarcho Syndicalism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s (there is an email address, but it’s a weird old school one); from the SolFed Archive.

Oldfield, Geoffrey. A History of Basford Rural District Council :1894-1974.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Basford Rural District Council, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=12358
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, mid 1970s.

Beer, Max. A History of British Socialism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Spokesman, , , , /, 1984).
Format,Location [Paperback, Oversize], ID=2966
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Medieval Communism; Enclosures; Robert Owen; Co-Operates; Chartism; Trade Unions; Trade Unionism. Additional notes:

Bark, Trevor. A History of Economic Relationships with Crime :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Class War Classix Vol:03; No Quarter Pamplet Series Vol:02, , ). Publisher: (, , Bishop Aukland, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7412
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, probably mid to late 2000s or early 2010s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Carr, William. A History of Germany :1815-1990.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Edward Arnold, , , , UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=2023
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Germany; Berlin; Adenauer; Alsace-Lorraine; Austria; Baden; Bavaria; Bismarck; Buelow; KPD Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands; Hindenburg; Hitler; Honecker; Kohl; Krupp; Marx; Metternich; Moltke; Mueller; Nazi; NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; Prussia; Rathenau; Reichstag; Rhineland; Ribbentrop; Schleswig-Holstein; Stalin; Ulbricht. Additional notes:

James, C.L.R.. A History of Pan-African Revolt :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=6959
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Caribbean; Africa Afro-Caribbean Race. Additional notes: Intro Robin D.G. Kelley

Berry, Dave. A History of the French Anarchist Movement :1917-1945.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=993
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: France; Bolshevism; Individualism; Sovietism; Revolutionary Syndicalism; Anti-Fascism; anarcho-Syndicalism; CGTSR-FAF; Spain; antimilitarism. Additional notes: Introduction by Barry Pateman. Kindly donated by Dave Berry.

Berry, Dave. A History of the French Anarchist Movement :1917-1945.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=994
Description: CHECK PHYSICAL COPY, ONE SOLD.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: France; Bolshevism; Individualism; Sovietism; Revolutionary Syndicalism; Anti-Fascism; anarcho-Syndicalism; CGTSR-FAF; Spain; antimilitarism. Additional notes: Introduction by Barry Pateman; kindly donated by Dave Berry.

Ki-Rak, Ha. A History of the Korean Anarchist Movement :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarchist Publishing Committee, , , , Korea/, 1986).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=2256
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Korea; Peasants; Realism; League Of Black Flag; Nihilist Party; Yicheon; Chunju; Hoseo; Kinju; Korean Anarcho-Communist Federation; Asia. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

Arnot, R Page. A History of the Scottish Miners :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (George Allen & Unwin, , , , UK/, 1955).
Format,Location [Hardback, Local Studies], ID=1696
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bondsmen; Child Labour; Chartism; County Unions; Great Strike 1894; MFGB Miners' Federation of Great Britain; 1912; 1926; Industrial Conflict; Labour Dispute; Lock Out; Fascism; Nationalisation; Knockshinnoch. Additional notes: Kindly donted by Richard S.

Barnsby, George J. A History of Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council 1865-1990 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (TUC Trade Union Congress, , Wolverhampton, England, UK/, 1994).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=1409
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trades Union Council; General Strike; Trade Union Advance; Harold Wilson; Thatcher. Additional notes: Includes primary sources.

. A Infos #22 :Information bulletin of the international secretariat of the LAS (National Dutch Anarchist Co-operation).
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (LAS National Dutch Anarchist Co-operation, , Den Haag, , Netherlands/, Dec 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7813
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Infoshop #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Oct 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22402
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Infoshop #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Nov 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22403
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Infoshop #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Dec 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22405
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Infoshop #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Jan 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22406
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Infoshop #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Feb 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22407
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Infoshop #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Mar 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22408
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Infoshop #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Apr 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22409
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Infoshop #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Jun 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22410
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Infoshop #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Sep 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22411
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Infoshop #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Apr 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22401
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Infoshop #Extra :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Dec 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22404
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Is For Austerity - B Is For Plan B :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Plan C, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=21721
Description: Two short texts in a mini pamphlet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Austerity; Welfare State. Additional notes: Undated, possibly early to mid 2010s; collected by Mike C.

Annable, Narvel S. A Judge Too Far :His Honour Judge Keith Matthewman QC of the Nottingham Crown Court.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Belper, , , , UK/, 2001).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=3249
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Law Enforcement; Repression; Biography. Additional notes:

. A Kontra :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1318
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1321
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1322
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1325
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra #117 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 117). Publisher: (CSAF Ceskoslovenska Anarchisticka Federace, , , , Czech Republic/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=22389
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly early to mid 2000s.

. A Kontra 2004/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, Feb 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1315
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra 2005/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, Feb 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1317
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra 2005/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, Apr 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1316
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra 2007/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, Jan 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1319
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra 2007/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, Feb 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1320
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra 2007/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, Mar 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1323
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

. A Kontra 2008/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , /, Jan 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1324
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia. Additional notes:

Pakin. A la memoire d'un ami :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Mille et une nuits, , , , France/, 1995).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=1964
Description: FIND AND MOVE/RELABEL AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Heath, Nick. A Leicester Anarchist's Story :A short biography of Tom Barclay - A founder of the Socialist League in Leicester.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, Chizzit Press, Leicester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24101
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Lie Too Far :Searchlight, Hepple & The Left.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Mina Enterprises, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1993).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=12181
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes:

Christie, Stuart. A Life For Anarchy :A Stuart Christie Reader.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, AK Press, London, England, UK/, 2021).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=21456
Description: Edited by KSL.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Stuart Christie. Additional notes:

Gombrich, EH. A Little History of the World :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Yale University Press, , , , UK/, 2005).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=308
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Howell, David. A Lost Left :Three studies in socialism and nationalism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Chicago University Press, , , , USA/, 1986).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=1009
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: James Connolly; Kohn Maclean; Kohn Wheatley; Edinburgh; Dublin; Syndicalism; Ireland; AFL; Belfast; British Socialist Party; Communist Party; Easter Rising; Gallacher; Glasgow; ILP Independent Labour Party; IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World; ITGWU; Larkin; Sinn Fein. Additional notes:

. A Manifesto for Fields :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Common Ground, , London, England, UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=16129
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward.

. A Mayor Vol:01 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 02). Publisher: (, , Miami, Florida, USA/, Summer 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive M], ID=16095
Description: . Language(s): English/Spanish. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Mark.

. A Mens Antisexist Newsletter 1979/06 #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jun 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive M], ID=19086
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexism; Men's Groups; Masculinities; Masculinity; Patriarchy. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Mike, Edinburgh.

. A Mens Antisexist Newsletter 1979/08-09 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , Manchester, England, UK/, Aug-Sep 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive M], ID=19087
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexism; Men's Groups; Masculinities; Masculinity; Patriarchy. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Mike, Edinburgh.

. A Mens Antisexist Newsletter Questionaire :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive M], ID=19088
Description: Technically not a periodical, but kept with the newsletters.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexism; Men's Groups; Masculinities; Masculinity; Patriarchy. Additional notes: Undated, late 1970s; kindly donated by Mike, Edinburgh.

Baryon, Daniel. A Modern Anarchism :Part 1: Anarchist Analysis.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Seditionist, , , , UK/, 2023).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=19575
Description: Technically a paperback, but kept with pamphlets B.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Collected at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2023.

. A modest proposal for how the bad old days will end :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pandora's Books, , London, England, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=8040
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolution; Art. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; date estimated, originally published in 1975.

. A Mort l'Artiste :Texte Extrait de La Fete est Finie.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , France/, 2005).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=22713
Description: An extract from La Fete est Finie, little other information available.. Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Foley, Tony. A Most Formidable Union :A History of DATA and TASS.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (MSF, , , , UK/, 1992).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=1765
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trade Unions; Industry. Additional notes:

Lalaguna, Nicolas. A Most Uncivil War :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Matador, , , England, UK/, 2016).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=7044
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Spanish Civil War; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes:

Mertes, Tom (ed). A Movement of Movements :Is another world really possible?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Verso, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=407
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Globalization; International; Dissent; Zapatistas; Narmada Valley; Soweto; Anti-Privatization; Indigenous People; World Social Forum. Additional notes: Anthology.

. A Murder of Crows #01 :We are the birds of the coming storm.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Seattle, Washington, USA/, Mar 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=12235
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Murder of Crows #02 :For Social War and the Subversion of Daily Life.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Seattle, Washington, USA/, Mar 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7903
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A New Age #01 :Think Green.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism; Nottingham University; Alcohol; Europe. Additional notes: Undated publication, probably late 1980s or very early 1990s; from Colin H's Archive; original might be in N rather than A, check and correct it required.

. A New Age #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism; Nottingham University; Vivisection; Animal Rights. Additional notes: Undated publication, probably late 1980s or very early 1990s; from Colin H's Archive; original might be in N rather than A, check and correct it required.

. A New Body #04 :Stop this slaughter!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Pencil notes all over the document.

Pearson, Philip. A new deal for furnished tenants :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelter, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=18722
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing; Tennants' Rights. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1970s; from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Barzier; Hammond; Waterman (eds). A New Geography of Nottingham :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Trent Polytechnic, , , , UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Hardback, Local Studies], ID=2133
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History; Geology; Maps; Geomorphology; Transport; Infrastructure. Additional notes:

San Filippo, Roy (ed). A New World in our Hearts :Eight years of Writings from the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2003).
Format,Location [Paperback, L NonFiction], ID=345
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica. Additional notes:

Meltzer, Albert (ed). A New World in Our Hearts :The Faces of Spanish Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Cienfuegos Press, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Hardback, M NonFiction], ID=2594
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica. Additional notes:

Meltzer, Albert (ed). A New World in Our Hearts :The Faces of Spanish Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Cienfuegos Press, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Hardback, M NonFiction], ID=2618
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica. Additional notes:

. A New World Off By Heart :3 Poems by Mick Parkin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Clydeside Press, , Glasgow, Scotland, UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=16333
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. A News :Information Bulletin from Greece.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarchist Intervention, , , , Greece/, May-Apr 2002-03 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2712
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Greece. Additional notes:

. A News #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Anarchist Intervention, , , , Greece/, Oct-Dec 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2710
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Greece. Additional notes:

. A News #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (Anarchist Intervention, , , , Greece/, Jan-Apr 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2711
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Greece. Additional notes:

Cann, Bob. A Night to Remember :A harrowing account of an attempt to use up some old Lettraset.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Box E, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=3448
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Comics; Art. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from Nottingham and very proud of him we are too :-)

. A Nuclear Test Ban :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (World Peace Council, , Helsinki, , Finland/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=15648
Description: In the grey area between long leaflet and small pamphlet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear War; Peace Protests; Peace Movement; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: From Dave Hewitt's collection.

Rotblat, Joseph. A Nuclear Weapon Free World :A Dream That Must Become Reality.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (TUCND Trade Union CND, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=10529
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear War; Peace Protests; Peace Movement; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Trade Unions. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Gail.

Libcom; Project for a Participatory Society. A Participatory Society or Libertarian Communism :A debate between the Project for a Participatory Society and the group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Libcom, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=1387
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Economy. Additional notes: No publication date, place nada. I don't know what the internet generation is coming too…

Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace :The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creaqtion of the Modern Middle East.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Holt, , , , USA/, 1989).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=2175
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ottomans; Turkey; Middle East; History; Nation; Nationalism. Additional notes:

Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Longman, , , , USA/, 1980).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=3265
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Native Americans; American War Of Independece; Slavery; American Civil War; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1; Second World War; World War Two; WWII; WW2; Vietnam; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War. Additional notes:

. A Pictorial History :Nation Union Mineworkers Derbyshire Area 1880-1980.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NUM National Union of Miners/National Union of Mineworkers, , , , UK/, 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Local Studies], ID=2953
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mining; Coal; Miners; Derby; Derbyshire; NUM National Union of Miners/National Union of Mineworkers. Additional notes: Local Studies Pamphlet (oversize).

. A Pinch of Salt :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, 1986-87 1987).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Digital Only], ID=3784
Description: Leaflet advertising POS.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Pinch of Salt :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Digital Only], ID=3785
Description: Leaflet advertising POS's third birthday party.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Pinch of Salt #01 :C.I.A. Journal (Christians Interested in Anarchism) an attempt at some sort of radical discipleship.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3538
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Pinch of Salt #03 :Let us sow the seeds of love.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Spring-Summer ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3540
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Pinch of Salt #04 :Nation shall not wage war against nation nor ever prepare for war… - They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and your spears into pruning-hooks.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3541
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Pinch of Salt #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Winter ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3542
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Pinch of Salt #06 :Some sort of an attempt of Christian Anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3543
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. A Pinch of Salt #07 :Your sister's and brother's blood cries out to me from the earth - What have you done?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3544
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Pinch of Salt #08 :Perfect Love Drives out all Fear.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Winter ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3545
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. A Pinch of Salt #09 :War is murder for profit - No More War.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Spring 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3546
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Pinch of Salt #10 :Rogue Dalton - You have beaten me badly, your brutal fist in my face… Now its my turn of the offended after years of silence - Be quiet - Be quiet - Listen.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3547
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. A Pinch of Salt #11 :If Not Now, When?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Autumn-Winter 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3548
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. A Pinch of Salt #12 :Peter Lumsden - Christianity created western society - It must now destroy it.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3549
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #12 :A post-Christendom response to community, church & state.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Sep 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3551
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'APOS #4'.

. A Pinch of Salt #13 :We shall celebrate with such fierce dancing the death of your institutions - Revolutionary Christian Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3550
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #16 :Christianity and anarchism in dialogue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Dec 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3552
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'APOS #4'.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #17 :Christianity and anarchism in dialogue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Jul 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3553
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #18 :Christianity and anarchism in dialogue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Jan 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3555
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'APOS #4'.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #19 :Christianity and anarchism in dialogue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, May 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3556
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Pinch of Salt #20 :Hail Lover of the Outcast.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3539
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #20 :Christianity and anarchism in dialogue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Sep 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3557
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'APOS #4'.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #21 :Christianity and anarchism in dialogue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Apr 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3558
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'APOS #4'.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Nov 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=3559
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Easter 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3560
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'APOS #4'.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #24 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 24). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, March 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=12481
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Pinch of Salt #?? :Christian Anarchist Survival Pack for the 1990s.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CIA Christians Interested in Anarchism, , London, England, UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=19391
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Hebden, Keith (ed). A Pinch of Salt #SummerSpecial :Christianity and anarchism in dialogue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Summer 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=3554
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'APOS #4'.

. A Pinch of Salt - Swords into ploughshares. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Swords into ploughshares, , London, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Digital Only], ID=3786
Description: Leaflet outlining the direct action by Hutchinson and Hancock in disarming a nuclear bomber plane and giving details of the upcoming trial.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

. A Plague On Both Your Houses :The Position of the Working Class in the Current Crisis - Angry Workers on the Corona Crisis.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Angry Workers, , , , UK/, Apr 2021).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=19111
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Covid19; Covid-19; Pandemic. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Mike, Edinburgh.

. A Plan and Policy for Loughborough :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Communist Party, , Loughborough, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=13418
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Stalinism; Urban Development. Additional notes: Undated, possibly second half of the 1940s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by UoN Manuscripts and Special Collections (duplicate from their Fred Westacott collection).

. A plaque on both your houses :The position of the working class in the current crisis.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Angry Workers, , , , UK/, 2021).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=19555
Description: CHECK IF THERE IS ANOTHER COPY 19111; CHANGE/UPDATE AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; collected at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2023.

. A Pocket Guide to Nottingham Community Cafes :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NCCN Nottingham Community Cafe Network, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive N], ID=9862
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Food; Restaurants; Cafés; Catering. Additional notes: Undated, late 2000s or early 2010s.

. A Political Statement :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Stoke Newington Eight Defence Group, Beaverbrook Publications, London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=13095
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 1970s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Visteon workers supporters. A Post-Fordist Struggle :Report and reflections on the 2009 UK Ford-Visteon Dispute.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Past Tense, , London, England, UK/, Jun 2009).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive V], ID=1065
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Visteon; Ford; Strike; Strike Support; Industrial Conflict; Labour Dispute; Car Industry. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Primer for Understanding Prison Abolition :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Prison Activist Resource Centre, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=21728
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2010s.

Gibson, Lee. A Punk Rock Flashback :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2000).
Format,Location [Paperback, Oversize], ID=321
Description: Autobiography. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Crass; Poison Girls; fanzines; squatting. Additional notes:

. A Qui Profite La Dette? :Le Pillage Organise des Pays du Sud.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Les Renseignements Genereux, , , , France/, Oct 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=22714
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A quick word about Nottingham's Ideas for New Aims and Principles :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jul 1988).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=22711
Description: A draft text compiled in 1988, likely to be discussed at an ACF/AF meeting/conference. Likely related to 22710.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Vallance, Edward. A Radical History of Britain :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Abacus, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=2169
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peasants' Revolt; Cade; English Civil War; Luddites; Tolpuddle; Chartism; Sufferage; Suffragettes. Additional notes:

White, Jack. A Rebel in Barcelona & Other Texts :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IAN Irish Anarchist Network, , , , Ireland/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=19574
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, early 2020s; collected at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2023.

Crowther, Anthony. A reply to critics of SF :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=13997
Description: Response to (an) article(s) in Freedom, orginating with Brian Bamford.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Ron M.

. A report by the Education Commission #01 :Foot in the Door: Profit and Public Education.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Education Commission, , , , UK/, 21 Nov 2012).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=21687
Description: . Language(s): /. Keywords: Higher Education; Universities. Additional notes: Collected by Mike C.

. A report by the Education Commission #02 :Education at the Border.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Education Commission, , , , UK/, 25 Apr 2013).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=21688
Description: . Language(s): /. Keywords: . Additional notes: Collected by Mike C.

Christoyannopoulos, Alexandre. A response to Laurens Otter :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, May 2013).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=21006
Description: Seems to be a lengthy response to a scathing Otter review.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christianity; Christian Anarchism; Christian Socialism; Religion. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Oliver, Juan Garcia. A Revolutionary Life :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=21619
Description: Transcript of an interview of Freddy Gomez' 1977 interview with Oliver.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s; kindly donated by Ron M.

Edwards, Harold. A Revolutionary Youth :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=22723
Description: A photocopy of a typewritten autobiographical text, some handwritten notes on the back, it is unclear to me whether these are related to the main text.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated.

. A Rough Guide to Reality :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=10806
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Zine; Collage; Art; Illustrations; Comic. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Tulip, Kathryn; Michaels, Lucy. A Rough Guide to the UK Farming Crisis :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Corporate Watch, , London, England, UK/, May 2004).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=15403
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Most CW publications have a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial or Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

Seven, John; Christy, Jana. A Rule is to Break :A Child's Guide to Anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Manic D Press, , , , USA/, 2012).
Format,Location [Hardback, S NonFiction], ID=3514
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Children; Education. Additional notes:

Westoby, Adam; Brown, Andy; Raskolinov A. A Second Look at Lenin :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Solidarity Discussion Bulletin #??, , ). Publisher: (Solidarity, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S/Solidarity], ID=11726
Description: A series of short articles.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1960s or 1970s.

Saint-Exupery. A Sense of Life :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Funk and Wagnalls, , , , USA/, 1965).
Format,Location [Hardback, S NonFiction], ID=21789
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes:

. A Series of Shock Slogans and Mindless Token Tantrums :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Exitstencil Press, Crass, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=8561
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Crass; Music; Phil Russell; Christ the Album. Additional notes: Originally published in 1982.

. A Shabby London Suburb? :A walk around the radical & working class history of Hammersmith.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Past Tense, , London, England, UK/, 2023).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=19558
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History; London. Additional notes:

Nettlau, Max. A Short History of Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1996).
Format,Location [Paperback, N NonFiction], ID=3219
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History; Anarchism; First International; Nineteenth Century; 19th Century; Libertarianism; Anti-Autoritarianism; Bakunin; Marx; Goodwin; Owen; Thompson; Proudhon; Fourier. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Loz.

. A short history of anarcho-syndicalism in Britain :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=12817
Description: Two copies 2021 reprints with a slightly altered title 'Anarcho-syndicalism in Britain - A Little History'.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, 2000s; reprints kindly donated by Ron M.

Everett, Martyn. A Short History of Political Violence in Britain :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=8560
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peasants' Revolt; Industrialisation. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s or 2000s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Short Introduction to Anarchist Communism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Communist Editions #21, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Mar 2010).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24079
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Hampson, Norman. A Social History of the French Revolution :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Routledge, , , , UK/, 1963).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=1994
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: France; History; Acien Regime aristocracy; French Revolution; Sans-Culottes. Additional notes:

. A Spanish Court Decides to Return a Portugese Deserter to the Fascist Government of Lisbon :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Portugese Students Committee, , Bromley, England, UK/, 21 May 1969).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive P], ID=20910
Description: Another copy of this was attached to 20778.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Eduardo Cruzeiro; Portugal; Salazar; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. A state murder exposed :The truth about the killing of Joy Gardner - Findings of the Workers Inquiry November 4-5, 1995.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (International Worker Books, , Rotherham, England, UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive I], ID=10571
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Racism; Deportations; Police Brutality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

Ratcliffe, R. A Story of Coal :Told in Song - Dedicated to Lancashire Women Against Pit Closures.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=15990
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mining Industry; Songs; Lyrics; Music. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; from Dave Hewitt's collection.

Griffin, John. A Structured Anarchism :An Overview of Libertarian Theory and Practice.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=764
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisation; Theory; Practice; Sociology; Social Psychology; Market; Money; Production; Factory; Collective; Competition; Capitalism; Bureaucracy; Ecology; Technology. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Freedom.

Griffin, John. A Structured Anarchism :An Overview of Libertarian Theory and Practice.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=2678
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisation; Theory; Practice; Sociology; Social Psychology; Market; Money; Production; Factory; Collective; Competition; Capitalism; Bureaucracy; Ecology; Technology. Additional notes:

Keeble, Stanley. A Submission to the Council of Europe :To reject war is a human right….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Peace Tax Campaign, , Leicester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=17910
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Protests; Peace Movement. Additional notes: Undated, possibly early to mid 1980s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Spencer, Rebecca. A summary of the 2004 Corporate Watch briefing paper: Corporate law and structures :Exposing the roots of the problem.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Corporate Watch, , Oxford, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=8149
Description: Kept with Corporate Watch materials.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial; undated, mid 2000s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Allen, Tony. A Summer in the Park :A Journal of Speakers' Corner.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, A NonFiction], ID=164
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Free Speech; Oratory; Speaking. Additional notes: Foreword by Ken Campbell. Kindly donated by Freedom.

Richardson, Christopher. A Survey of Consumer Opinions on the Sale of Products by Dairy Roundsmen :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Greater Nottingham Co-Operative Society, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Mar 1972).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=18724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Co-Operatives; Co-Operation. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. A Syndicalist Response To New Technology :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Black Chip, , , , UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7455
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated

. A System partly revealed #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Bexley Heath, England, UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive S], ID=9298
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Punk Zine; Fanzine; Crass. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

Richardson, Christopher (?). A Tale of Three Countries :The Calais lace makers, from Nottinghamshire to France and Australia.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2016).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=18728
Description: This appears to be an unpublished, possibly unfinished article, although the author is not named, it seems to be in the style of Chris R.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Texitle Workers; Migrant Solidarity. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Oppenheim, Carey. A Tax On All The People :The Poll Tax.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Child Poverty Action Group, , London, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=10708
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

Wakefield, Doug. A Thousand Days Of Solitary :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PROP National Prisoners Movement, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=13377
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prisons; Prisoners; Justice System; Repression. Additional notes:

Parsons, Lucy. A Thousand Rioters :Selected Writings of Lucy Parsons.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, P NonFiction], ID=2352
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: USA; Chicago; Strike; Industrial Relations; Anarchism; Anarchists; Labour Dispute; Industrial Conflict. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s or 2000s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Chumbawamba. A Toast To Democracy :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Chumbawamba, Agit-Prop Productions, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=7681
Description: Programme for a live performance, leaflets (e.g. with tour dates) enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Elections; Parliamentary Democracy. Additional notes: Undated, probably mid 1980s.

Caldwell, John Taylor. A Tribute To Guy Alfred Aldred :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Hobnail Press, , , , UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=7678
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Originally published in 1966.

. A United Ireland :A Working Class Demand.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (TUIUI Trade Unionists for Irish Unity and Independence, , Dublin, , Ireland/, Oct 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=10517
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ireland; Trade Unions. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. A Vegetarian Guide to Sheffield & Compassionate Student Grub :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SAF Sheffield Animal Friends, , Sheffield, England, UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=12827
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cooking; Food; Cookbook; Vegan; Vegetarian. Additional notes:

Tash (Lodge, Alan). A View Over the Landscape :Peak District.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=10136
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ramblers; Derbyshire; Zine; Photography. Additional notes: Undated.

Atkins, John (et al). A Village Transformed :Keyworth 1750-1850.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Keyworth and District Local History Society, , , England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=1752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Open Fields; Social History; Parish History; Local History; Keyworth; Nottinghamshire; Industrial Revolution; Agricultural Revolution. Additional notes:

Atkins, John (et al). A Village Transformed :Keyworth 1750-1850.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Keyworth and District Local History Society, , , England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=2118
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Open Fields; Social History; Parish History; Local History; Keyworth; Nottinghamshire; Industrial Revolution; Agricultural Revolution. Additional notes:

Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Penguin, , , , UK/, 1992).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=1814
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Women; Education; Patriarchy; Modesty; Morality. Additional notes:

Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Penguin, , , , UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics Overspill], ID=3046
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Women; Education; Patriarchy; Modesty; Morality. Additional notes:

Goodfellow, Alexander. A visit to the Island of Sanday :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Cienfuegos Press, , Orkney, Scotland, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=11636
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexism; Patriarchy; Organisation. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Les, the other from the SolFed Archive.

Willetts, Alfred. A Visit to the Soviet Union :November 5th-18th 1988.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Chester, England, UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=21056
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: USSR. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. A Voice from the Aliens :About the Anti-Alien Resolution of the Cardiff Trade Union Congress.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (No One Is Illegal, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=17899
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trade Unions; Trade Unionism; Anti-Semitism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. A Vox Autre #11 :Libertaire - Egalite - Feuille De Chou De Bruxelles Et D'Ailleurs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (, , , , France/, Spring 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22664
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. A Vox Autre #14 :Libertaire - Egalite - Feuille De Chou De Bruxelles Et D'Ailleurs.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (, , , , France/, Spring 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22665
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

O Cathain, Mairtin. A Wee Black Booke of Belfast Anarchism (1867-1973) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Organise!, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=1107
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ulster; Belfast; Ireland; History; Derry. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. A Week in the Life of West Belfast :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Feile, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive F], ID=8980
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ireland; Festival. Additional notes: Technically a paperback, but kept with Public Archive F pamphlets; date estimated.

Goldman, Emma. A Woman Without a Country :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Drowned Rat, , Cambridge, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=366
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Goldman; Poetry; USA; Russia; Women. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Les.

. A Woman's Place Is In The Revolution :Writings for Anarchist Women.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IAN Irish Anarchist Network, , , , Ireland/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive I], ID=19572
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, early 2020s; collected at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2023.

. A Worker's Guide To Direct Action :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World, , Chicago, Illinois, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive I], ID=10290
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Dave Berry; undated.

. A Worker's Guide to Direct Action :Industrial Workers of the World.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World, , Chicago, Illinois, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive I], ID=6151
Description: An amazing little publication, somewhere between an extensive leaflet and a tiny pamphlet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World; direct action. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

Douglass, Dave. A Year of Our Lives :Hatfield Main: A Colliery Community in the Great Coal Strike of 1984/5.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Hooligan Press, , , , UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=261
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Workers' Struggles; Miners' Strike; 1984-85; South Yorkshire; NUM National Union of Miners/National Union of Mineworkers. Additional notes:

Paul. A Z #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. A Z #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2754
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy with some missing pages; undated, date estimated.

. A-Z No Borders :Short Explanations of History-Ideas-Campaigns-Organisations-Philosophy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (No Borders, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=17985
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Migration; No Borders. Additional notes: Undated pamphlet, probably 2000s or 2010s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. A.I.T. 1922-32 :Dieci anni di lotte della Associazione Internazionale del Lavoratori.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Cresita Politica, , , , Italy/, 1973).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Ron's Archive], ID=1985
Description: . Language(s): Italian/. Keywords: Italy; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association. Additional notes:

. A.L.F. On Trial :Capitalism under attack in the 1980's.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ALF Animal Liberation Front, , , , UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=4075
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Ronnie Lee; ALF Animal Liberation Front. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Putkowski, Julian. A2 and the "Reds In Khaki" :How the British State infiltrated and disrupted the Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Union after the end of World War 1.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Past Tense, , London, England, UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=8709
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: WWI First World War World War One; British Army; Soldiers Councils; Soldiers' Councils. Additional notes: Originally published in Lobster #27, 1994.

. A2Z for local voluntary Groups :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Partnership Council, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=12427
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Urban Development. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail; undated, late 1990s or early 2000s.

. Abandon Affluence :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Whose World?, , Salford, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=18093
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Food. Additional notes: Undated, 1980s or 1990s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Abbey Green Matters #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (NORSCARF, , Stoke-on-Trent, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=10630
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s or early 2000s; kindly donated by Gail.

. ABC Bulletin #01 :Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , , , UK/, Apr-May 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7255
Description: Re-launch of the publication.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mumia Abu-Jamal; Alton Manning; Satpal Ram. Additional notes:

. ABC Bulletin #02 :Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , , , UK/, Jun-Jul 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7256
Description: Re-launch of the publication.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Full Sutton; Mumia Abu-Jamal; Asian Women Prisoners; Harold Thompson; Ali Khalid Abdullah; Michal Patera. Additional notes:

. ABC Newsletter #02 :Official Secret.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (ABC Defence Campaign, , London, England, UK/, 20 Oct 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7252
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Leveller; Peace News; Colonel B; Radical Newspapers. Additional notes: Lists private addresses.

. ABC Newsletter #03 :Official Secret.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (ABC Defence Campaign, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jul 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7251
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Aubrey Berry. Additional notes: Lists private addresses.

. ABC Newsletter #05 :Official Secret.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (ABC Defence Campaign, , London, England, UK/, 11 Apr 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1192
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Contains private addresses.

Berkman, Alexander. ABC of Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=150
Description: CHECK PHYSICAL COPY, ONE (?) SOLD.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Classic; Introduction; Social Revolution; Anarchy; Theory; State; Authoritarianism; Communist Anarchism; Mutual Aid. Additional notes:

Berkman, Alexander. ABC of Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 2000).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=2207
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Classic; Introduction; Social Revolution; Anarchy; Theory; State; Authoritarianism; Communist Anarchism; Mutual Aid. Additional notes:

Berkman, Alexander. ABC of Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=2564
Description: CHECK PHYSICAL COPY, ONE(?) SOLD.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Classic; Introduction; Social Revolution; Anarchy; Theory; State; Authoritarianism; Communist Anarchism; Mutual Aid. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Tony Waterhouse.

Berkman, Alexander. ABC of Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 1964).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive B], ID=20918
Description: 1964 edition kept with pamphlets B.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Classic; Introduction; Social Revolution; Anarchy; Theory; State; Authoritarianism; Communist Anarchism; Mutual Aid. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. ABC Prisoners List 1995/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , , , UK/, Oct 1995).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=18081
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. ABC Revolucniho Anarchisty :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CSAF Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske Anarchisticke Federace, , , , Czech Republic/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=24095
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

. Abel Cuerda :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Art Nueve, , Murcia, , Spain/, 2000).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=8100
Description: Art exhibition catalogue.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: Art. Additional notes:

Gerard. Ability Stinks #04 :Still Against Apathy - or didn't you realise?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Gerard, , Kent, England, UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2749
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes:

Gerard. Ability Stinks #05 :It's a stinker Still Against Apathy - or didn't y.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Gerard, , Kent, England, UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Abolish Resturants :A Worker's Critique of the Food Service Industry.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=1172
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Food; Service Industry. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 2000s or early 2010s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the SolFed Archive.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #01 :An Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Dec 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=956
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Belarus; Punk; Anti-Fascism; Czech Republic; Poland; Lithuania; Food. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #04 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Jun 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7193
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Turkey; Russia; May Day; Slovenia. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #05 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Aug 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7765
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #06 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Oct 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7194
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #07 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Dec 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7195
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #08 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Feb 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7196
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Poland; Chechnya; Albania; Serbia; Turkey; Anarchist Defence Alternative. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #09 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Apr 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7197
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; Serbia; Ukraina; Bosnia; Russia; Turkey. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #10 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Jun 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7198
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Guy T.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #11 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Aug 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7199
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Belarus; Lukashenko. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #12 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Oct 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7200
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Miners. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Guy T.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #13 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Dec 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7201
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Industrial Struggle. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #14 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Feb 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7202
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #15 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Apr 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7203
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; European Economic Forum. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #16 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Jun 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7204
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Fortress Europe. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #17 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Sep 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7205
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Nestle. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #18 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Nov 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7206
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Nestle. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #19 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Jun 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7207
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Work. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #20 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Aug 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7208
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Very large file; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #21 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Oct 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7209
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Elections. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #22 :Anarchist Courier from Eastern Europe - Bi-Monthly Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Dec 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7210
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Very large file.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #23 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Feb 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7212
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Patriarchy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; verly large file.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #24 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 24). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Apr 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7213
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Very large file.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #25 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Jul 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7214
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Discrimination. Additional notes: Very large file; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #26 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Oct 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7215
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Very large file.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #27 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 27). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Dec 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7216
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Education. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #28 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 28). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Mar 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7217
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Freedom. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #29 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, May 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7218
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Labour struggles. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; very large file.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #30 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 30). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Oct 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7219
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Mutual Aid. Additional notes: Very large file; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #31 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe - Excitingly Irregular.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 31). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Feb 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7220
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Very large file.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #32 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe - Excitingly Irregular.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 32). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, May 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7221
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Very large file; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #33 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe - Excitingly Irregular.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 33). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Oct 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7222
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Desertion. Additional notes: Very large file; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ron M.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #34 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe - Excitingly Irregular.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 34). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Mar 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7223
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Very large file.

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #35 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe - Excitingly Irregular.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 35). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Oct 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7224
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Serbia. Additional notes:

. Abolishing the Borders from Below #36 :Anarchist Journal from Eastern Europe - Excitingly Irregular.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 36). Publisher: (ABB Collective, , , , /, Nov 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7225
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Prisons; Anti-Fascism; Serbia. Additional notes: Very large file; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ron M.

Duff, Koshka; Sims, Cat. Abolishing the Police :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Dog Section Press, , London, England, UK/, 2021).
Format,Location [Other, D NonFiction], ID=14626
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Walter, Nicholas. About Anarchism :What Anarchists Believe - How Anarchists Differ - What Anarchists Want - What Anarchists Do.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 2002).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=13369
Description: Essentially reprints of the Anarchy (First Series) 100 Vol:09 #03.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolution; Society; Anarchism; Introduction; Theory. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas. About Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 2002).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=631
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolution; Society; Anarchism; Introduction; Theory. Additional notes: Introduction by Natasha Walter.

. About Homosexuality :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Albany Trust, , , , UK/, Jul 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=18686
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Malatesta, Errico; Makhno, Nestor. About the Platform :Errico Malatesta and Nestor Makhno 1927-1929.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Wessex Solidarity, , , England, UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=16178
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. About the War in the Former Yugoslavia :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (TUCND Trade Union CND, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=10552
Description: Two articles originally published in Peace and Society, 1994 and 1995.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Protests; Peace Movement; Civil War; Yugoslavia; Ethnic Cleansing. Additional notes: Undated, mid to late 1990s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Gail.

. Abuje #39 :Jugendzeitung fuer Lichtenberg & Marzahn/Hellersdorf - Links Kritisch Alternativ.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 39). Publisher: (, , Berlin, , Germany/, Aug 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23453
Description: . Language(s): German/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Jannaway, Kathleen. Abundant Living :In the Coming Age of the Tree.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Movement for Compassionate Living - The Vegan Way, , Swansea, Wales, UK/, Apr 1991).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive J], ID=11845
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism. Additional notes:

. ACAB :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Dog Section Press, , London, England, UK/, 2018).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=11177
Description: Poster designs and photos of billboards.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Art; Design; Graffiti; Street Art. Additional notes:

. ACAB :Fight Back.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACAB, , Bristol, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4242
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Police; Repression; Class War. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Daly, Macdonald; Matthews, Sean. Academic Freedom :And the University of Nottingham.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Zoilus Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=2671
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Terrorism Act; University Of Nottingham. Additional notes:

Daly, Macdonald; Matthews, Sean. Academic Freedom :And the University of Nottingham.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Zoilus Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, Local Studies], ID=1310
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Terrorism Act; University Of Nottingham. Additional notes:

. Acao Coletiva #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Ativismo ABC Biblioteca Terra Livre, Centro de Cultura Social, Sao Paulo, , Brazil/, Oct 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22685
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:01 #18 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 18). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Almada, , Portugal/, Dec 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22602
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #01 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 01). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Jun-Jul 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22603
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #02 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 02). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Aug-Sep 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22604
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #03 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 03). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Oct-Nov 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22605
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #04 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 04). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Dec 1999-Jan 2000 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22606
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #05 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 05). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Feb-Mar 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22607
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #06 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 06). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Apr-May 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22608
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #07 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 07). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Jun-Jul 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22609
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #08 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 08). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Aug-Sep 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22610
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #09 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 09). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Oct-Nov 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22611
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #10 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 10). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Dec 2000-Jan 2001 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22612
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #11 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 11). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Feb-Mar 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22613
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #12 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 12). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Apr-May 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22614
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #13 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 13). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Jun-Jul 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22615
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #14 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 14). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Aug-Sep 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22616
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #16 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 16). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Dec 2001-Jan 2002 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22617
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #17 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 17). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Feb-Mar 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22618
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #18 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 18). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Apr-May 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22619
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #19 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 19). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Jun-Jul 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22620
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #21 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 21). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Oct-Nov 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22621
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #22 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 22). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Dec 2002-Jan 2003 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22622
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #23 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 23). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Feb-Mar 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22623
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #24 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 24). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Apr-May 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22624
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #25 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 25). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Jun-Jul 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22625
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #26 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 26). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Aug-Sep 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22626
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #27 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 27). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Oct-Nov 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22627
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #28 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 28). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Dec 2003-Jan 2004 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22628
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #29 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 29). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Feb-Mar 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22629
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #30 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 30). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Apr-Mar 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22630
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #31 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 31). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Jun-Jul 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22631
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #32 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 32). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Aug-Sep 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22632
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #33 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 33). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Oct-Nov 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22633
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #34 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 34). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Dec 2004-Jan 2004 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22634
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #35 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 35). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Feb-Mar 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22635
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #36 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 36). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Apr-May 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22636
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #37 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 37). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Jun-Jul 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22637
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accao Directa Vol:02 #38 :Revista Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 38). Publisher: (FAI Federacao Anarquista Iberica de Portugal, , Camarate, , Portugal/, Nov-Dec 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22638
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Accidental Death of A Movement :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=7854
Description: Handout to a play by Dario Fo.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Digitised by RedMoleRising (thank you!); date estimated.

Fo, Dario. Accidental death of an anarchist :A farce by Dario Fo.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Wyndhams Theatre, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1981).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=10798
Description: Theatre programme featuring information about the play and the author.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Fo, Dario. Accidental Death of an Anarchist :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Methuen, , London, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=18486
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Accion Directo Vol:02 #04 :Publicacion Critica Hacia une Sociedad sin Estado, sin Capitalismo Y sin Religion Editada en Lima.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 04). Publisher: (, , , , Peru/, May 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23571
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Publication country unclear.

. Accomodation Provided for Asylum Seekers in Nottingham 2002 :A report by Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NNRF Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 2002).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, OffSite], ID=18919
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: NNRF Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum; NNRF Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum; Asylum Seekers; Destitution; Migrant Solidarity. Additional notes: No OCR; collected by Chris CC. The NNRF archive is kept off site, for access please email:

. Acerbic Distribution #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/Germany, Nov 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23456
Description: . Language(s): Slovene/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF One Year On :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=22709
Description: A short handwritten text regarding the ACF/AF, undated, mid 1980s, possibly a draft to be discussed at an ACF/AF meeting/conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF Supporters Bulletin 1996/Summer :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15930
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF Supporters Bulletin 1998/Summer :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23358
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1986/07 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22734
Description: Perplexingly, the two copies are not identical.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1986/09a? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22726
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference (1 of 2).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1986/09b(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22727
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference (2 of 2).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1986/10 #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22735
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1986/12 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Dec 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22736
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1987/04 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8807
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Colin H's Archive.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1987/05 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, May 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1987/07 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1987/09 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22739
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1987/09b? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09b). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22728
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1987/11 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Nov 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22740
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1988/02 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Feb 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1988/04 #12? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12?). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22742
Description: Unclear whether this is #12 or a special Conference IB. Or indeed both ;-). Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1988/06 #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jun 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22743
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1988/08 #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Aug 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22744
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1988/10 #15? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15?). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22745
Description: Unclear whether this is #15 or a special Conference IB. Or indeed both ;-). Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1989/02 #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Feb 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22746
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1989/04 #17a :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17a). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22747
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1989/06 #17b :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17b). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jun 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22748
Description: Should have been #18, but who's counting?. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1989/08 #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Aug 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22749
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1989/10 #19? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22729
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference. Another (originally separate?) conference IB attached to one copy.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Issue number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1989/12 #20 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Dec 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6378
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Cobbled together two complete versions from three semi complete ones (just in case someone realises the staple holes do not match up); multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Torsten.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1990-1991/Winter :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Winter 1990-1991 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23274
Description: Attached a timetable for the ACF/AF spring conference and some other materials.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1990/03 #21 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Mar 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23272
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1990/07 #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1990/09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1990/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1990/11? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Nov 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23273
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1990/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Dec 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1991/04? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23275
Description: Attached a paper written regarding a requested by the Class War Federation, which was probably (!) sent out with this IB.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1991/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jun 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23276
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1991/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Aug 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23277
Description: Two items enclosed which may or may not have originally been distributed with this IB, one report on a meeting of ACF and Subversion, the other an undated 'extra' IB. Tis possible the report on the meeting was part of another IB. Chop, chop PhD student of the future, figure it out!. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1991/10? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23278
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number, one copy incomplete.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1991/11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Nov 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6390
Description: Attached to one copy the manuscript for one of the articles that ended up in this IB.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1992/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jan 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23279
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1992/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Mar 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23280
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1992/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jun 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6384
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1992/09-10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep-Oct 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23281
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1992/11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Nov 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22830
Description: Enclosed to one copy are some reports which might have been distributed with this IB, but that is unclear.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1992/12? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6386
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1993/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jan 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23282
Description: This one's a bit puzzling. There is another (?), IB attached with a unique (?) cover, but the only contents was an 'As we see it' draft. They were stapled together. So possible this was IB 1993/02 or it was just a fancy attachment to 1993/01.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1993/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Mar 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6379
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1993/05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, May 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6380
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1993/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22754
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1993/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22831
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1994/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jan 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23283
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1994/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Mar 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22832
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1994/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22833
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1994/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23284
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1994/09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22834
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1995/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jan 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22835
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1995/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Mar 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22836
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1995/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jun 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22837
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1995/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Aug 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22838
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1995/11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Nov 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22839
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1995/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Dec . 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23285
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1996/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Mar 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22840
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1996/06? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jun 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23286
Description: IB in three parts covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference in Glasgow.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1996/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Aug 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23287
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF emergency conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1996/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22841
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1996/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Dec 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23288
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1997/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23289
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1997/07(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22842
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1997/10(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23290
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1998/01(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jan 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23291
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1998/04(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23292
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1998/06(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jun 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23293
Description: CHECK NOT THE SAME AS 4725 WHEN MERGING INFILL.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1998/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4725
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1998/07b(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23294
Description: CHECK NOT THE SAME AS 4725 WHEN MERGING INFILL. IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1998/10(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23295
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1998/12(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Dec 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23296
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1999-2000/Winter :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Winter 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22844
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1999/03? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Mar 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22827
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1999/06? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Jun 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22843
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1999/06b? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Jun 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23297
Description: IB containing the international report for the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1999/08? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Aug 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22829
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 1999/09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Sep 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22828
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.[

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2000/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Apr 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23298
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2000/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Jun 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23299
Description: One copy has the minutes of the 2000/07 ACF/AF conference attached.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2000/08(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Aug 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23300
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2000/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK-/, Oct 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23301
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2001/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jan 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15732
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2001/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Apr 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15733
Description: CHECK THESE ARE THE SAME WHEN MERGING INFILL.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2001/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jul 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15734
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2001/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Oct 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15735
Description: Enclosed to each copy the IFA international report originally drawn up for the ACF/AF conference 2001.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2001/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Dec 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15736
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2002/03(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Mar 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2002/06(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jun 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2002/09(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Sep 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15739
Description: Enclosed to one copy the minutes of the 2002/07 ACF/AF conference, the minutes of the 2002/10 NDM meeting, a leaflet etc.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2003/01(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jan 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15740
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2003/03(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Mar 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2003/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jun 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15742
Description: This IB had the 'proper' title 'Thoughts & Struggle - The internal bulletin of the Anarchist Federation, but we keep it simple here to help the computer list the results properly.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ron M.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2003/09(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Sep 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15743
Description: This IB had the 'proper' title 'Thoughts & Struggle - The internal bulletin of the Anarchist Federation, but we keep it simple here to help the computer list the results properly.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2004/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Feb 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15744
Description: This IB had the 'proper' title 'Thoughts & Struggle - The internal bulletin of the Anarchist Federation, but we keep it simple here to help the computer list the results properly.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2004/06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jun 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15745
Description: This IB had the 'proper' title 'Thoughts & Struggle - The internal bulletin of the Anarchist Federation, but we keep it simple here to help the computer list the results properly.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2004/09(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Sep 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15746
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2004/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Dec 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15747
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2004/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Dec 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23302
Description: CHECK NOT THE SAME AS 15747 WHEN MERGING INFILL.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2005/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Mar 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15748
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2006/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jan 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15749
Description: Enclosed to one copy assorted materials regarding various meetings, eg on Iceland (the country - don't see that many days!).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2006/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Apr 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2006/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jul 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2006/Autumn :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15751
Description: Enclosed to one copy the minutes of an ACF/AF meeting 2006/10.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2007/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jan 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23303
Description: Enclosed to one copy the minutes of a meeting and a discussion paper on the relationship of the ACF/AF and the IWW.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2007/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Apr 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15754
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2007/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jul 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15753
Description: Enclosed to one copy a few original photographs of the Summer Camp.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2007/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Oct 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2008/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Feb 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2008/03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Mar 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15757
Description: WHEN MERGING INFILL MAKE SURE NOT THE SAME AS 22730.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2008/04(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22730
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference, assorted documents attached to one copy. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2008/07(?) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Jul 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15758
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2008/09-10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Sep-Oct 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2009/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Feb 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23304
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: NDM National Delegate Meeting. Additional notes: Date estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2009/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22731
Description: Chunky document, contains assorted appendices.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2009/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22732
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: NDM National Delegate Meeting. Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2009/Summer :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Summer 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23305
Description: Chunky document, contains assorted appendices.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2011/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Feb 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22733
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2011/09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23306
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2012/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jan 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23307
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2012/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23308
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2012/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23309
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2012/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Oct 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23310
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2013/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jan 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23311
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2013/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Apr 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23312
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2013/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23313
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2013/11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Nov 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23314
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2014/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Feb 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23315
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2014/07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jul 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23316
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2018/09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Sep 2018).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23326
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. ACF/AF Internal Bulletin 2019/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jan 2019).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23327
Description: IB covering the upcoming ACF/AF conference.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Month estimated.

. Achilles Heel #06-07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06-07). Publisher: (Achilles Heel Collective, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14143
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Undated, likely early to mid 1980s; from the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Achilles Heel #18 :The radical men's magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Achilles Heel Collective, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14144
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Acid #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Spring 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20940
Description: A poetry zine.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poetry; Poems; Art; Cool Cover Art. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Acid #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Summer 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=21046
Description: A poetry zine, cover missing.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poetry; Poems; Art; Cool Cover Art. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Acid Stings #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Boggs Distribution, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=13439
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fanzine; Zine; Music; Cassettes; Publishing. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s or 1990s.

. ACIG News #33 :Bulletin of the Animal Cruelty Investigation Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 33). Publisher: (ACIG Animal Cruelty Investigation Group, , Halesworth, England, UK/, Jan 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18389
Description: ACIG leaflet enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. ACNA News #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ACNA Afro-Caribbean National Artistic Centre, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Feb 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9894
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Community Newsletter; Nottingham. Additional notes: Date estimated; photocopy of original newsletter; kindly donated by Colin Haynes.

. Acracia #56 :Vocero de la Federacion Anarquista Local De Valdiva.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 56). Publisher: (Grupo De Afinidad Acracia Valdiva, , , , Chile/, Jul 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22666
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Acratas #03 :Publicacion Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , , , Argentina/, Jul 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11055
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Publication country estimated.

. Act For Freedom #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Mar 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18125
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Greece. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.o

Kropotkin, Peter. Act for Yourselves Vol:1 :Articles from Freedom 1886-1907.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Freedom Press Centenary Series, 01, ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=2380
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: revolution; Mutualism; Parliament; Parliamentarism; Communism; Wage-System; Local Action; Municipal Socialism; Anarchist Communism. Additional notes:

. Act Now To Stop the Nazi BNP :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NAFA Notts Anti-Fascist Alliance, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=14600
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; BNP British National Party. Additional notes: Undated, possibly early 1990s; kindly donated by Gail.

. Action diary :Rosie's Mini Zine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Spring 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2809
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Action for Animals Campaign News 1991/02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Action for Animals, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18362
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Action for Solidarity Vol:02 #22 :An injury to one is an injury to all.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 22). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 31 Mar 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18390
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Action for Solidarity Vol:02 #43 :An injury to one is an injury to all.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 43). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 15 Jun 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=10651
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. Action Reports #06 :Animal Liberation Front - Actions: June-August 1986.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ALF Animal Liberation Front, , , , UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=10144
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Date estimated.

Minett, Ross. Active Animals Newsletter #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Compassion in World Farming, , Petersfield, England, UK/, Jan 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18338
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism; Animal Rights. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Minett, Ross. Active Animals Newsletter #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Compassion in World Farming, , Petersfield, England, UK/, Mar 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18339
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism; Animal Rights. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Active Distribution Mail Order Catalogue #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , London, England, UK/, 2000).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=17876
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Book Catalogue; Publishing. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Active Distribution Mail Order Catalogue #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , London, England, UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=21724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Book Catalogue; Publishing. Additional notes:

. Active Resistance #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6266
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Prisoners; Direct Action. Additional notes: Unnumbered but likely pilot issue; undated, possibly 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other from Nick Heath's collection.

. Active Resistance #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6267
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Active Resistance #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6268
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trotskyism; Trots. Additional notes: Probably issue #03, but not numbered; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Active Solidarity 2005/05 #?? :Irregular bulletin of Brighton Anarchist Black Cross prisoner support group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , Brighton, England, UK/, May 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=19155
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Repression; Solidarity. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Mike, Edinburgh.

. Active Solidarity 2005/10 #?? :Irregular bulletin of Brighton Anarchist Black Cross prisoner support group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , Brighton, England, UK/, Oct 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7812
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Repression; Solidarity. Additional notes:

. Active Solidarity 2007/02 #?? :Irregular bulletin of Brighton Anarchist Black Cross prisoner support group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , Brighton, England, UK/, Feb 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18118
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Repression; Solidarity. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Active Solidarity 2009/09 #?? :Irregular bulletin of Brighton Anarchist Black Cross prisoner support group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , Brighton, England, UK/, Sep 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=13698
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Repression; Solidarity. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Activist Security :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Activist Security, , , , UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=14875
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Repression; Organisation. Additional notes: Version 2.7; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Activist Trauma and Recovery :How to manage your psychological reactions to brutality from police & others.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Activist Trauma and Recovery, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive A], ID=7768
Description: Leaflet offering advice and support contacts.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 2000s or early 2010s.

. Activist Trauma and Recovery :Post-traumatic stress is a normal response to abnormal circumstances.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Activist Trauma and Recovery, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive A], ID=7769
Description: Leaflet offering advice and support contacts.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 2000s or early 2010s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Adarga Vol:01 #01 :Revista de pensamiento y critica anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 01). Publisher: (, , , , Spain/, Jan 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14033
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

. Adbusters 56 Vol:12 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 06). Publisher: (Adusters, , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/, Nov-Dec 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18540
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Adbusters ?? :Journal of the Mental Enviornment.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Adusters, , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/, 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18257
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Adbusters Vol:12 #02 (52) :Journal of the Mental Enviornment.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 02). Publisher: (Adusters, , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/, Mar-Apr 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7835
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Adbusters Vol:12 #03 (53) :Journal of the Mental Enviornment.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 03). Publisher: (Adusters, , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/, May-Jun 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7836
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Adbusters Vol:12 #04 (54) :Dying for Decadence.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 04). Publisher: (Adusters, , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/, Jul-Aug 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7837
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Adbusters Vol:12 #06 (56) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 12, 06). Publisher: (Adusters, , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/, Nov-Dec 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7838
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Adbusters Vol:18 #04 (90) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 18, 04). Publisher: (Adusters, , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/, Summer 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18541
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Andreas, Joel. Addicted to War :Why the US Can't Kick Militarism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Oakland, California, USA/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive A], ID=16009
Description: Oversized paperback, kept with pamphlets A.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Comics; Cartoons. Additional notes: From Dave Hewitt's collection.

. Addptor :Arts Festival 1971 - University College Swansea March 8th-20th.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Arts Festival Committee, , Swansea, Wales, UK/, 1971).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=20963
Description: Letter enclose by Arthur Moyse, also reporting on a house raid, unclear whether this was enclosed by accident or by design.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Art; Artists. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Adin Ballou :Catechism of Non-Resistance.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Digger, , , Ontario, Canada/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Digital Only], ID=4040
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'APOS #3'.

Garfia, Juan Jose. Adios Prison :A tale of very spectacular escapes.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Elephant Editions, , , , Spain/, 1995).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=18483
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Adoption :The Right to Continue Working - A NALGO Guide.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NALGO National and Local Government Officers' Association, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=11142
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Adoption; Childcare; Trade Unions. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Gail.

Hulme. Adventuring into Basketry :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Burrows, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=2748
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Staples removed.

. AF + West Midlands ABC Prisoner Support Handbook :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , , UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=114
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Imprisonment; Jail; Practical; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. AF-IFA :Report of the International Secretariat.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, IFA Internationale des Federations Anarchistes, , , UK/, 2000).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24104
Description: IFA report for the ACF/AF conference 2000/07.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. AFA Bulletin :Anti Fascist Action.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AFA Anti-Fascist Action, , , , UK/, Jan 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7258
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fascism; Anti-Fascism; National Front. Additional notes:

. AFB Information Bulletin #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (AFB Anarchist Federation of Britain, , , , UK/, 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20514
Description: Cover page might be missing.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter (1970).

. AFED.CZ Activity Report in 2015 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AFED Anarchisticka Federace, , , , Czech Republic/, 2016).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22352
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated.

. Afem 2014 :An Anarcha-Feminist Conference in London - October 19th 2014.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=11026
Description: Poster and leaflets promoting the event.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism. Additional notes: Another rolled up copy of the poster is catalogued with the same ID number.

. AFem2014 :Programme and info.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Oct 2014).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=7259
Description: FIND AND MOVE/RELABEL AS REQUIRED. Conference information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: anarcha-feminism; conference; creche; safer spaces. Additional notes:

. Affinity #01 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Affinity Collective, , Melbourne, Victoria, Australia/, Summer 1983-1984 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7261
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Anarcha-Feminism; Central America; Poland; Greece; Marxism; Pornography; Men Against Sexism; Nuclear Weapons; Pink Floyd. Additional notes:

. Affinity #01 :Privilege.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Black Iris Press, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=7766
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Privilege. Additional notes: Undated pamphlet, probably late 2000s or early 2010s.

. Affinity #02 :Violence.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Black Iris Press, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=2346
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Violence; Repression; Oppression; Non-Violence. Additional notes: Undated pamphlet, probably late 2000s or early 2010s.

. Affinity #02 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , Freemantle, Western Australia, Australia/, Autumn 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4898
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Emma Goldman; Town Planning. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Affinity #03 :Anarchist Quarterly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Affinity Collective, , Melbourne, Victoria, Australia/, Summer 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7260
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Anarcha-Feminism; Censorship; China; Poland. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Affinity #03 :Mental Health.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Black Iris Press, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=17909
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Violence; Repression; Oppression; Non-Violence. Additional notes: Undated pamphlet, probably late 2000s or early 2010s.

. Affinity #04 :Patriarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Black Iris Press, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=18106
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Oppression. Additional notes: Undated pamphlet, probably late 2000s or early 2010s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Affinity Omnibus #01-06 :Privilege, Violence, Mental Health, Patriarchy, Work, Prison.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Black Iris Press, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=17984
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated pamphlet, probably late 2000s or early 2010s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Boal, Ian; Clark, T J; Matthews, Joseph (et al). Afflicted Powers :Capital and Spectacle in a New Age of War.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Verso, , , , UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=2191
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spectacle; 9/11; Oil; State; War; Islam; Modernity; Terror. Additional notes:

Mbah, Sam; Igariwey, I E. African Anarchism :A History of a Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (See Sharp Press, , Tucson, Arizona, USA/, 1997).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=3348
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Africa; History Of Anarchism; People Of Colour; Black Struggle; Precedents. Additional notes:

. Afrique Sand Chaines #01 :Lettre Bimestrielle D'Info Du Groupe CNT-Afrique.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (CNT Confederacion Nationale du Travail, , Paris, , France/, Feb 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22658
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Afrique Sand Chaines #02 :Lettre Bimestrielle D'Info Du Groupe CNT-Afrique.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (CNT Confederacion Nationale du Travail, , Paris, , France/, May 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22659
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Afrique Sand Chaines #03 :Lettre Bimestrielle D'Info Du Groupe CNT-Afrique.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (CNT Confederacion Nationale du Travail, , Paris, , France/, Jul 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22660
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Afrique Sand Chaines #04 :Lettre Bimestrielle D'Info Du Groupe CNT-Afrique.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (CNT Confederacion Nationale du Travail, , Paris, , France/, Oct 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22661
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Afrique Sand Chaines #05 :Lettre Bimestrielle D'Info Du Groupe CNT-Afrique.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (CNT Confederacion Nationale du Travail, , Paris, , France/, Apr 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22662
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Afro-Caribbean & Asian Forum Report 1995-1997 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Afro-Caribbean & Asian Forum, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=10561
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. After Dark Vol:05 #02 :Magazine of Entertainment.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 02). Publisher: (Danad Publishing Company, , New York, New York, USA/, Jun 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14191
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Theatre; Film; Arts. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

Dubovik, Anatoly; Rublyov, D I. After Makhno :Hidden Histories of Anarchism in the Ukraine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=3371
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Russia; Ukraine; Peasants; Russian Revolution; History; Varshavasky; USSR. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. After Marx :Jubilee Group Lent Lectures 1983.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Jubilee Group, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive J], ID=21128
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christianity; Religion; Christian Socialism. Additional notes:

Chomsky, Noam; Herman, Edward. After the Cataclysm Vol:1 :Postwar Indochina & the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (The Political Economy of Human Rights, 01, ). Publisher: (Spokesman, , , , UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=1834
Description: WAS THIS DEACCESSIONED?. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Indian Subcontinent; China; War; Imperialism. Additional notes:

Chomsky, Noam; Herman, Edward. After the Cataclysm Vol:1 :Postwar Indochina & the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (The Political Economy of Human Rights, 01, ). Publisher: (Spokesman, , , , UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=795
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Indian Subcontinent; China; War; Imperialism. Additional notes:

. Aftermath #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2746
Description: Many thanks to Fitz for the supplying the following information: Bands referred to include: The Subhumans, Chaoz, Words Of Truth, Poison Girls, Cracked Actors, Helloion, Crass, The Shout, Six Minute War, The Fall, 22000 Flowers, Flux Of Pink Indians, Department, Eraserhead, Bastards, The Stuff, The Nips, Red Rage. "This is an awesomely made fanzine, of pure anarcho punk content. Coming from the extreme left of the punk movement. The focus being purpose and harsh reality then bubble punk fashion. It reads like a song list from one of my old mixer tapes, with an added cause of the righteous. In the form of the anti Vivisection campaign. Enjoy, remember, and continue the fight.". Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Staples removed.

. Aftermath #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2747
Description: Many thanks to Fitz for the supplying the following information: Bands referred to include: Five or Six, Chris Gen, 007, Long Tall Shortly, The Distant Echo, The Mob, Attrition, The Puritans, Moonmonsters, 86 Mix, The Jam, Dolly Mixtures, S Haters, Terminal Disaster, Thomas Leer, Rudi, Primal Chaos, Pink Indians, Purple Hearts. "Did someone say Rucking? Now your talking. It’s time to put on your boots and get on the dance floor. Rucking, was a major part of my youth, to it I can only say it’s like dancing like you are fighting, sometimes so you can fight like you are dancing. Welcome to the dark days of 1981, dark times with a great soundtrack. The far right were there from policemen to skinheads. So wind your neck in and read Aftermath.". Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes:

. Against all odds :Animal Liberation 1972-1986.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ARC print, , , , UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=2796
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; ALF Animal Liberation Front. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Against All Odds #04 :Voice of the Working Class.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Telford, England, UK/, Aug 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16568
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Rodrigues, Edgar; Ramos, Renato; Samis, Alexandre. Against All Tyranny! :Essays on Anarchism in Brazil.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Sources #02, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , London, England, UK/, 2003).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=12654
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Translated and edited by Paul Sharkey.

Beale, Albert. Against all war :Fifty years of Peace News 1936-1986.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Peace News, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Jun 1986).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=16294
Description: One copy includes a letter to Laurens Otter and assorted handwritten notes.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Non-Violence; Pacifism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Beale, Albert. Against all war :Fifty years of Peace News 1936-1986.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Peace News, , , , UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=28
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Non-Violence; Pacifism. Additional notes:

. Against Anarcho-Liberalism :And the curse of identity politics.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Woke Anarchists, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=13988
Description: Smells rather TERFy.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Identity Politics. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

Spig. Against Democracy :The True Story of the Economic League - 1919-Present Day.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (1 in 12 Publications, , , , UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=13106
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Camatte, Jacques. Against Domestication :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Falling Sky Books, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive C], ID=265
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Left Communist; Economy; Marx; Work; Class; Revolution. Additional notes: Translation by Dave Lonergan.

Conrad, Ryan (ed). Against Equality :Queer Revolution Not Mere Inclusion.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/USA, 2014).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=6004
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; marriage; military; hate crimes; Nair; Bornstein; Stanley; Spade; Willse; Farrow; D'Emilio; Conrad; Nair; Kaufman; Miles; Bernstein Sycamore; Farrow; Cissell Lucas; Meiners; Quinn; Napper; Goldsmith; Rashad Jones; Andriette; Spade; Lydon; Sylvia Rivera Law Project; Segura; Aponte; Keith Henry; Barraud; D'Entremont; Michaud; Pavan; Simpson. Additional notes:

Perlman, Freddy. Against His-Story, Against Leviathan (An Excerpt) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Re-pressed, , Leeds, England, UK/, Oct 2003).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=17932
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Against Nationalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Communist Editions #20, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, Sep 2009).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24138
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Against Parliament :For Anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Communist Editions, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6270
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: parliament; elections. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Against Patriarchy #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Amazon Press, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jun 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2785
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Patriarchy; Women; Feminism. Additional notes:

Landstreicher, Wolfi; Trocchi, Alex. Against Politicians & Anarchist Subcultures :Autonomous Self-Organization and Anarchist Intervention - For the insurrection to succeed we must first destroy ourselves.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=24076
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

. Against Poverty #01 :Irregular Bulletin of the London Coalition Against Poverty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (LCAP London Coalition Against Poverty, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7262
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action Casework; Homelessness; Debt; Housing; Cleaners; Workplace; Community Land Trust. Additional notes:

. Against Poverty #02 :Irregular Bulletin of the London Coalition Against Poverty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (LCAP London Coalition Against Poverty, , London, England, UK/, Spring 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7263
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action Casework; Homelessness; Debt; Stoke Newington; Hackney; Benefits; Hartz IV; Cologne; Germany; Soup Kitchens; Food Bans; South Africa; Edinburgh. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy with handwritten notes.

. Against Poverty #03 :Irregular Bulletin of the London Coalition Against Poverty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (LCAP London Coalition Against Poverty, , London, England, UK/, Spring 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7264
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action Casework; Homelessness; Debt; Justice for Tube Cleaners; Benefits; Frampton Park; Hackney; Alexandra Court; IB Incapacity Benefit; Southall Black Sisters; Dalston; Job Centres. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Against Poverty #04 :Irregular Bulletin of the London Coalition Against Poverty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (LCAP London Coalition Against Poverty, , London, England, UK/, Autumn 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=21219
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Welfare Reform; Housing; Benefits; Unemployment. Additional notes:

Peacott, Joe (ed). Against Separatism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (BAD Press Pamphlet #02, , ). Publisher: (BAD Boston Anarchist Drinking Brigade, , Boston, Massachusetts, USA/, 1990).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=4798
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Against Sleep and Nightmare #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Against Sleep and Nightmare, , Oakland, California, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7266
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Against Sleep and Nightmare #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Against Sleep and Nightmare, , Oakland, California, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16632
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated; kindly donated by Sam Normal.

. Against Sleep and Nightmare #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Against Sleep and Nightmare, , Oakland, Californa, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7830
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Against Sleep and Nightmare #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Against Sleep and Nightmare, , Eugene, Oregon, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20398
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Anarkovic, Stefan. Against the God Emperor :Anarchist Treason Trials in Japan.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=1721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Japan; Treason; Jiken Museifu Shugi Banzai/long live Anarchy Emperor; Bombs. Additional notes: Undated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Nick Heath.

Scott, James C. Against the Grain :A Deep History of the Earliest States.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Yale University Press, , , , USA/, 2017).
Format,Location [Paperback, S NonFiction], ID=14979
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Argriculture; States; Violence. Additional notes:

Smith, Evan; Worley Matthew (eds). Against the Grain :The British far left from 1956.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Manchester University Press, , Manchester, England, UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=10106
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisations; Anarchism in the UK; Stalinism; Trotskyism. Additional notes:

. Against the Myth of Democratic Rights and Liberties :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Communism #08, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=7625
Description: Printed copy of an online article, accessed on 24/08/02.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Coleman, Janet. Against the State :Studies in Sedition and Rebellion.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (BBC British Broadcasting Corporation, , , , UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=2659
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Socrates; Martyrs; Utopians; Utopia; Revolution; Marx; Freud; Women; Terrorism. Additional notes:

. Against the Tide :A Documentary By Nathalie Loubeyre.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Boats 4 People, , , , /, 2014).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=18467
Description: A DVD.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Migration; Migrant Solidarity. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Agitate #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7267
Description: Fanzine. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Punk; Anarcho-Punk. Additional notes:

. Agitate #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Agitate, , , , UK/, Winter 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2761
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Agitate #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Agitate, , , , UK/, Winter 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2762
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Staples removed.

. Agitate #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Agitate, , , , UK/, Spring 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2763
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Everett, Martyn; Turner, Julian; Otter, Laurens. Agitator :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=16463
Description: Is this what the mouse ate that later pooped in Laurens' copies of the Raven? Not entirely clear whether this was (meant to be) a periodcal.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, probably 1970s; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Agitator #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Burnley, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14009
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Miners' Strike 1984-85. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Ron M.

. Agora #21 :Revue Libertaire Bimestrielle.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (, , Toulouse, , France/, Spring 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22446
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Agora #29 :Libertaire Bimestrielle.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (, , Toulouse, , France/, Dec 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22447
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Agriculture and the Social Revolution :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=16131
Description: It seems an original publication fell apart and this was painstakingly put together scrapbook style by Colin Ward.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated; kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward.

. AIDS :A Trade Union Issue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=11073
Description: Information materials regarding Trade Unions and HIV/AIDS.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Year estimated; kindly donated by Gail.

. Aims and Principles :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SWF Syndicalist Workers' Federation, , London, England, UK/, 1963).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Ron's Archive], ID=3771
Description: SWF Syndicalist Workers' Federation's "Aims and Principles"; includes Doug Truman's membership application form.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: SWF Syndicalist Workers' Federation; Aims And Principles; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association; Class Struggle; Direct Action; State; Statehood; Organisation; Trade Unions; Internationalism; Subscription; Contributions; Policy. Additional notes: Printed; handwritten entries.

. AIN Newsletter #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (AIN Anarchist Information Network, , Derby, England, UK/, Jan 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4652
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. Ainriail #01 :A Belfast Anarchist Bi-Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Ainriail, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, Aug 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2765
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Northern Ireland. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Ainriail #02 :A Belfast Anarchist Bi-Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Ainriail, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, Sep 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2766
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Northern Ireland. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Ainriail #03 :A Belfast Anarchist Bi-Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Ainriail, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, Mar-Apr 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2768
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Northern Ireland. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Ainriail #04 :A Belfast Anarchist Bi-Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Ainriail, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, May-Jun 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2772
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Northern Ireland. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Ainriail #05 :A Belfast Anarchist Bi-Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (Ainriail, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, Aug-Sep 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2773
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Northern Ireland. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Ainriail #06 :A Belfast Anarchist Bi-Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (Ainriail, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, Jan-Feb 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6473
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Northern Ireland. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Ainriail #08 :An Irish Anarchist Bi-Monthly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (Ainriail, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, Feb-Mar 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6474
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Northern Ireland. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Air France Strike October/November 1993 :Comprising of A Chronology of Events… Translated from Modicus Magazine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Mordicus, 56a Infoshop, London, England, UK/, 1993).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=12187
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Transport Industry. Additional notes:

. AIT, La Internacional Desconocida :Una Aproximacion a la Historia de la AIT Actual - 1922-1986.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AIT Asociacion Internacional de los Trabajadores, , Madrid, , Spain/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=19287
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive; date estimated.

. AK Distribution Catalogue :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Stirling, Scotland, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=4753
Description: MERGE WITH OTHER AK CATALOGUES. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated; kindly donated by Torsten.

. AK Distribution Catalogue 1990 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4795
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. AK Distribution Catalogue 1994 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 1994).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=21697
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 1996 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 1996).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=12726
Description: MERGE WITH OTHER AK CATALOGUES. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 1998 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4346
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2001 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14652
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2002 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14653
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2004 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14654
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2005 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14655
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2006 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14656
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2007 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14657
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2010 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14658
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2011 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14659
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2012 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14660
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2013 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14661
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2014 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14662
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. AK Distribution Catalogue 2015-16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14663
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Akce! #07 :Casopis Antifasticke Akce.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , Prague, , Czech Republic/, Nov 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1349
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia; Antifascism. Additional notes:

. Akce! #09 :Casopis Antifasticke Akce.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , Czech Republic/, Mar 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1326
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia; Antifascism. Additional notes:

. Akce! #10 :Casopis Antifasticke Akce.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , Czech Republic/, Feb 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23464
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia; Antifascism. Additional notes:

. Akce! #11 :Casopis Antifasticke Akce.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (Czech Anarchists, , , , Czech Republic/, Aug 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1350
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Czech Republic; Slovakia; Antifascism. Additional notes:

. Aktion 1982/01-02 :Anarchistische Zeitung.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Germany/, Jan-Feb 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23522
Description: . Language(s): German/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Akwesasne Notes Vol:17 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 17, 02). Publisher: (Mohawk Nation, , Rooseveltown, New York, USA/, Spring 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4355
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Not stapled; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Akwesasne Notes Vol:22 #06 :The Official Publication of the Mohawk Nation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 06). Publisher: (Mohawk Nation, , Rooseveltown, New York, USA/, Winter 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7269
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Indigenous peoples' struggles. Additional notes:

. Akwesasne Notes Vol:23 #03 :The Official Publication of the Mohawk Nation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 03). Publisher: (Mohawk Nation, , Rooseveltown, New York, USA/, Winter 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7268
Description: Indigenous peoples' struggles. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Al Abordaje! #25 :Organo de Expresion Y combate De Las Juventudes Libertarias de Zaragosa.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (FIJL Federacion Iberica de Juventudes Libertarias, , Zaragosa, Aragon, Spain/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=23652
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

. Al Margen Vol:09 #37 :Portavoz del Ateneo Libertario.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 37). Publisher: (, , Valencia, , Spain/, Spring 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive M], ID=23420
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Alacalle #Special Issue :Boletin contrainformativo de AFAPP - ACPG - CPPL.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Spain/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23654
Description: It is not clear whether this is a one page magazine or just a promo leaflet for the magazine. I think it is the former.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated.

. Alarm :The only cuts we want to see.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=7270
Description: Poster and newsletter.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, early 2010s.

. Alarm :Next Stop?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7272
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Riots. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Alarm #03 :Swansea's Elite Exposed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Swansea Class War, , Swansea, Wales, UK/, Apr 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Not stapled.

Stewart, John; Bray, Jonathan; Chantel, Steve. Alarm Bells #06 :The Newsletter of ALARM UK.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (ALARM UK The National Alliance Against Road Building, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18346
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism; Transportation; Road Protests. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Stewart, John; Bray, Jonathan; Chantel, Steve. Alarm Bells #08 :The Newsletter of ALARM UK.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (ALARM UK The National Alliance Against Road Building, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18347
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism; Transportation; Road Protests. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Stewart, John; Bray, Jonathan; Chantel, Steve. Alarm Bells #09 :The Newsletter of ALARM UK.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (ALARM UK The National Alliance Against Road Building, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18348
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Environmentalism; Transportation; Road Protests. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Albania :Labatory of Subversion.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Elephant Editions, , London, England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=797
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Albania; Pyramid Scheme; Insurrection; 1997 Uprising. Additional notes: Translation by Jean Weir; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Albania today #04 :Political and Informative Review.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Tirana, , Albania/, 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18775
Description: State socialist propaganda, check it in the context of Christopher Richardson's holiday in Albania 1980), slightly odd numbering, could be Vol:04 #04 (#41), but whatever, almost certain we will never find any others in our collections.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Propaganda. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Albatros 2005/Summer :Boletin del Transporte de la CNT-AIT.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , Spain/, Summer 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23384
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Bree, Germaine. Albert Camus :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Columbia University Press, , , , USA/, 1964).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=2058
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Camus. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ade.

Grosser, Philip. Alcatraz :Uncle Sam's Devil's Island.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , London, England, UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=1120
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Conscientious Objectors; Anti-Militarism; Prison; Draft Resistance. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Kate Sharpley Library; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Alert! Vol:07 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 02). Publisher: (Anti-Fascistische Aktie, , Utrecht, , Netherlands/, May-Jun 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18545
Description: . Language(s): Dutch/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Alert! Vol:08 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 02). Publisher: (Anti-Fascistische Aktie, , Utrecht, , Netherlands/, Jun-Jul 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18546
Description: . Language(s): Dutch/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Alert! Vol:08 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 04). Publisher: (Anti-Fascistische Aktie, , Utrecht, , Netherlands/, Dec 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18547
Description: . Language(s): Dutch/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Alerte Atomique #16 :Contre Toutes les Bombes.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (MCAA Movement Contre L'Armament Atomique, , Paris, , France/, 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20452
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Nowlin, Bill. Alexander Berkman Anarchist :Life, Work, Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Christie Books, , , , UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Paperback, N NonFiction], ID=3395
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Berkman; Goldman; Direct Action; Russia. Additional notes:

. Alive #00 :International Anarchist Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Amsterdam, , Netherlands/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4855
Description: Pilot issue.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, 1980s or 1990s; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Alive & Kicking #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Cambridge Alternative, , Cambridge, England, UK/, Dec 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15314
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Alive & Kicking #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Cambridge Alternative, , Cambridge, England, UK/, Aug 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2741
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Issue number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann; one copy features some pages with fire damage.

. All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation - Bulletin 1989/12 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=6236
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Poll Tax materials were kindly donated by Rob the Gob, Gail, Mike, Colin H, Torsten, Guy Taylor and others.

. All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation - Bulletin 1990/03 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=10696
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Poll Tax materials were kindly donated by Rob the Gob, Gail, Mike, Colin H, Torsten, Guy Taylor, Rob P and others.

. All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation - Bulletin 1990/09-10 #?? :Special Edition.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation, , London, England, UK/, Sep-Oct 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=12748
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Poll Tax materials were kindly donated by Rob the Gob, Gail, Mike, Colin H, Torsten, Guy Taylor and others.

. All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation - Bulletin 1991/04-05 #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation, , London, England, UK/, Apr-May 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=10697
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Poll Tax materials were kindly donated by Rob the Gob, Gail, Mike, Colin H, Torsten, Guy Taylor, Rob P and others.

. All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation - Bulletin May 1990… :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation, , London, England, UK/, May 1990).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=6235
Description: Somewhere between a letter, a leaflet and a pamphlet; kept with ABAPTF bulletins.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Poll Tax materials were kindly donated by Rob the Gob, Gail, Mike, Colin H, Torsten, Guy Taylor and others.

. All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation Conference Agenda 1990 :2nd Annual Conference 25 November 1990 Apollo Theatre Manchester.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation, , , , UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=10540
Description: Conference programme and information materials.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; Poll Tax materials were kindly donated by Rob the Gob, Gail, Mike, Colin H, Torsten, Guy Taylor and others.

. All in Favour Say Aye! :2nd Conference of Motor Car Shop Stewards - Oxford, September 25th, 1955.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Motor Car Shop Stewards, , , , UK/, 1955).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=12176
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Motor Industry; Car Industry. Additional notes:

Kuhn, Gabriel (ed). All Power to the Councils! :A documentary History of the German Revolution 1918-1919.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PM Press, , , , Canada/, 2012).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=2819
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: War; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1; Germany; Kaiser; Emperor; Social Democrats; Freicorps; SPD Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands; KPD Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands; Spartakus; Spartacus; Luxemburg; Liebknecht; Kiel; Wilhelmshaven; Bavaria; Munich; Berlin; Brunswick; Ruhr Valley; Bremen; Vogtland. Additional notes:

Douglass, Dave. All power to the imagination! :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Class War Federation, , London, England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Paperback, D NonFiction], ID=1775
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Coal; Mining Industry; NUM National Union of Miners/National Union of Mineworkers; Pit; Trade Unions; Pickets; Class Struggle. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Nick Heath, the other from Richard Steven's collection; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. All Red and Green :Activism beyond the battle for Seattle - All Red And Green Conference Report.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Socialist Alliance, Leicester Radical Alliance, Leicester, England, UK/, 2000).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive S], ID=11146
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Globalisation Protests. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

Eaton, Michael. All Schools Should Be Art Schools :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2015).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive E], ID=8563
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Art; Play; Theatre; Play. Additional notes:

. All That Thinks & Moves #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , Burnley, England, UK/, 25 Jul 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=19449
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Zine. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Joy Cadwallader from the collection of Simon Paul Ellis.

. All the poets they studied rules of verse - And those ladies they roll their eyes #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Spanish Magic Productions, , London, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7862
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Art; Poetry. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue, probably pilot issue.

. All the poets they studied rules of verse - And those ladies they roll their eyes #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Spanish Magic Productions, , London, England, UK/, 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7863
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Art; Poetry. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. All the poets they studied rules of verse - And those ladies they roll their eyes #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Spanish Magic Productions, , London, England, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7864
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Art; Poetry. Additional notes:

Rifas, Leonard. All-Atomic Comics :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Last Gasp Comix, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=11165
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Power; Energy; Nuclear Weapons; Peace Movement; Environmentalism; Cartoons; Comics; Art. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. Alles Veraendern :Ein anarchistischer Aufruf.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Germany/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22355
Description: Very little information on this one.. Language(s): German/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2010s.

Gould, Dennis. Alphabet Poems … From Anarchy to Zymotic :Or Streetsong for Anarchist Poets.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Riffraff Poets, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=10786
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poems; Poetry; Zine; Poetry Zine. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 1980s.

Hackbusch, Norbert; Twickel, Christoph. Als Hamburg in die Gaenge kam :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Die Linke, , Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany/, 2010).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=9202
Description: . Language(s): German/. Keywords: City Development; City Planning; Urban Development. Additional notes:

. ALT-EDU :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22343
Description: Long leaflet/short pamphlet about a short lived alternative education project in Nottingham.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, late 2000s or early 2010s.

. Altarf Newsletter #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (All London Teachers Against Racism and Fascism, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18451
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Anti-Racism; Education. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Altarf Newsletter #25 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (All London Teachers Against Racism and Fascism, , London, England, UK/, May 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18452
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Anti-Racism; Education. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Altarf Newsletter #26 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (All London Teachers Against Racism and Fascism, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18453
Description: Enclosed a leaflet promoting Altarf.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Anti-Racism; Education. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Alter #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , Montevideo, , Uruguay/, Spring-Summer 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23573
Description: Includes supplement Dokumenta #02.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: Luce Fabbri. Additional notes:

. Alter #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , Montevideo, , Uruguay/, Summer 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23618
Description: Includes supplement Dokumenta #03.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: Luce Fabbri. Additional notes:

. Alter #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (, , Montevideo, , Uruguay/, 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23619
Description: Includes supplement Dokumenta #04.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: Luce Fabbri. Additional notes:

. Alter #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (, , Montevideo, , Uruguay/, Autumn 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23620
Description: Includes supplement Dokumenta #05.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: Luce Fabbri. Additional notes:

. Alter #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (, , Montevideo, , Uruguay/, Autumn 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23621
Description: Includes supplement Dokumenta #06.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: Luce Fabbri. Additional notes:

. Alter #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (, , Montevideo, , Uruguay/, Winter 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23622
Description: Includes supplement Dokumenta #07.. Language(s): /. Keywords: Luce Fabbri. Additional notes:

. Alter #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (, , Montevideo, , Uruguay/, Winter 2009-2010 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23623
Description: . Language(s): /. Keywords: Luce Fabbri. Additional notes:

. Alterforo 2006/01 :Tejiendo Nodos, Creando Autonomia.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (FSA Foro Social Alternativo, , , , Venezuela/, Jan 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22667
Description: I think this is a paper from Venezula, but I am ready to be corrected!. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Alterna-TV #01 :Incorporating Trans-Sister.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Anna Key, , Little Hadham, England, UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7788
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism. Additional notes:

. Alterna-TV #02 :Incorporating Trans-Sister.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Anna Key, , Little Hadham, England, UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7789
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Alterna-TV #03 :Incorporating Trans-Sister.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Anna Key, , Little Hadham, England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7790
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Alternative #03 :Anarchist Newspaper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9770
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cruise Missiles; Nuclear Weapons; Peace Movement; Peace Protests. Additional notes: From Chris Cann's archive; undated, probably 1983; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number, one copy incomplete.

. Alternative #1.3 :Free Adds.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 1.3). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Summer 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7890
Description: Pilot issue.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated.

. Alternative Communication :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7884
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poetry; Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

Hardy, Dennis. Alternative Communities in Nineteenth Century England :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Longman, , , , UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Paperback, H NonFiction], ID=2848
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Utopia; Allopia; Cooperative Movement; agrarian Socialism; Land Movements; Sectarianism. Additional notes:

. Alternative Green Confidential :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Oxford Green Anarchists, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=16092
Description: A pamphlet/resource pack looking into the racism and sexism in the magazine Alternative Green.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Mark.

. Alternative Green/Green Anarchist #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Alternative Green, , Bristol, England, UK/, Winter 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive G], ID=6353
Description: Clearly related to Green Anarchist, attempt at a relaunch? Kept with Green Anarchist.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: EU/EEC; hemp; cannabis; poster. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

Coates, Ken; Barrat Brown, Michael; Brown, Pete. Alternative Labour List for Welfare :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (ILN Independent Labour Network Pamphlet #03, , ). Publisher: (ILN Independent Labour Network, Spokesman, Nottingham, England, UK/, Nov 1998).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive I], ID=10512
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Welfare State; New Labour; Labour Party. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. Alternative Libertaire #176 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 176). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Sep 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22663
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Alternative Libertaire #256 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 256). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Dec 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22649
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Alternative Libertaire #257 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 257). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Jan 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22650
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Alternative Libertaire #274 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 274). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Jul-Aug 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7879
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Alternative Moscow :A Guide (4th Edition).
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Institute for Social Inventions, , London, England, UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive I], ID=14846
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Alternative Press Review #01 :Your Guide beyond the Mainstream.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (CAL Press, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Autumn 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4207
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Still stapled; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Alternative Sex 1983/10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16638
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Sam Normal.

. Alternative Sounds #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , Coventry, England, UK/, May 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=8036
Description: Many thanks to Fitz for the supplying the following information: Bands referred to include: Here and Now, Special AKA, X-Certs, Undertones, No Plug, Iggy Pop, Soft Boys, Stuffed Movies, Galbraith, Defendants, Penetration, Extras, Homicide, Clique, Junior Nurvin, Nigel Simkins, Kim Taylor, Robert Fripp, Spyo Gyra, Slaughter and the Dogs, McPhadden and Whitehead, ATV, Symbol, David Fathead Newman, Joymack. Venues referred to include: Warwick University, Griff & Coton, Tiffanys, Crown Leamington, Tiffanys, Heath Hotel, Green Dragon. "This to me is the real thing a treat to my old punk soul. Issue 03 is a perfect example of a 1980s, fanzine. Clear well written, without being stiff and distant. It includes loads of band reviews, great and small, a great list of gigs, letters, gig reviews, charts, new LP’s and singles from Clash to Crass, even bootlegs. The main treat for me is Jerry Dammer’s band diary from 1976 to 1979, a find of pure gold. Other treats are Special AKA, Buzzcocks, Riot act, Dammed. Seriously, if that ain’t enough for you, as we said back in the day: You can fuck right off.”. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine; Damned; Buzzcocks; The Special A.K.A; The Special AKA; Defendants; -Certs. Additional notes: DIGITAL COPY ONLY, kindly provided by John N; undated, date estimated.

. Alternative Sounds #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Coventry, England, UK/, May 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Digital Only], ID=8037
Description: Many thanks to Fitz for the supplying the following information: Bands referred to include: Iggy Pop; Squad; Urge; The Specials; The Damned; Tubeway Army; Stiff Little Fingers; The Clash; Various; Cash Pussies; Skids; Wayne Country And The Electric Chairs; The Pack; Kleenex. "Issue 04 is an awesome read with bands, bands and more bands. From Rush to locals like Squad, it shows how lively Coventry was in the summer of 1979. But for me the real treat was the rundown of local record shops. I really miss all the varied record shops. The best being of course second-hand and part exchange. I have spent many a happy hour going through the racks when singles were a three minute wonder and the LP was king.". Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: DIGITAL COPY ONLY, kindly provided by John N; undated, date estimated.

. Alternative Sounds #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2742
Description: Many thanks to Fitz for the supplying the following information: Bands referred to include: Steellocks, Wild Boys, Riot Act, Clique, Vietnamese Babies, Squad, The Specials, Urge, Criminal Class, Machine, Protege, Product Automation!, Densa, Solid Action, Passions, The End, Gods Toys, Close Rivals, The Shapes, Flackoff, Swinging Cats, Human Cabbage, Machine, The Stains, Selecter, Armed Forces, Cheap Spirits, The Production, Neon Hearts, The Generals. Venues referred to include: Climax, Warwick University, Swansea Tavern, Hope and Anchor, Tiffanys, Swanwell Tavern. "This is a great blast from the past full of photos taken by and a brief interview with Mark Osbourne (1980). Taken at various gigs including rock against racism benefit and a very young Specials playing at Butts SU 25/04/79, with an added treat of interview with Terry Hall. In addition, a list of gigs around Coventry, March 1980. Lastly an AS Party March on the 4th March. Do you remember how dark these days were? We’re you there or were you too out of it to know?”. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Date estimated.

. Alternative Sounds #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2743
Description: Many thanks to Fitz for the supplying the following information: Bands referred to include: Bad Manners, The Mix, Grave Diggers, The Silence, Urge, Protege, Team 23, Sexy Midnight Runners, Plastic Idols, 21 Guns, Black Arabs, Human Cabbage, Sea Of Wires, The Birthday Party, Suicide And The Banshees, Kevin Harrison, Bron Area, Digital Dinosaurs, U2, Injectors, Ak Band, Crosswords, Emotion Pictures, EMF, Alto Ego, Attrition, Aorta Major, Catch 22, Cheap Spirits, Barbwire 2, Bron Area, Civil Servants, The Clique, Column 88, Criminal Class, Curious Signal, Delayed Reaction, Dolby And Cassettes, Editors, Eyeless In Gaza, Failed Romantics, Famous 5, Flackoff, Gods Toys, Grace And Favour, Gravediggers, Hot Sanx, Human Cabbage, Ikstop, The Mix, Monarchy, The Pot, Profile, Rabid, Reluctant Stereotypes, Shapes, The Silence, Social Outcasts, Squad, Steel Locks, Swinging Cats, Team 23, The Time, Urge, Vietnam Babies, Verukas, Wild Boys. Venues referred to include (Coventry and Lemington): Zodiac, Climax, Bulls Head, Butts, White Swan, Crown Dog and Trumpet, Queens Inn, Hope and Anchor.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fanzine; Music. Additional notes:

. Alternative Sounds #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2744
Description: Many thanks to Fitz for the supplying the following information: Bands referred to include: The Fall, The Abstracts, Civil Servants, Gods Toys, The Silence, Squad, Wild Boys, Community Program Unit, Ambivalent Scales, The Gear, The Allycats, The Wierdos, The Nightingales, Louder Animal Group, The Observer, The Damned, Killing Joke, The Black Babies, Wild Boys, Canvassing Playground, The Stick Insects, Cryptic Clues. "As is the nature of things they end. Issue 17 is the final Alternative sounds as highlighted for a time. With two sad results. It contains no upcoming gig and announces Squad have split for good. Martin the editor says he needed to take a break, but only time will tell for how long. This issue also includes, band and but only two gig reviews. But worry not, it also includes record and cassette reviews. A list of local fanzines and a fanzine do it yourself guide. A local studio for recording and pressing albums and a tripe back to local record shops. As of writing, I don’t know if Martin released any more issues. But even if the journey was short, it was mega awesome.". Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes:

. Alternative Syndicaliste #01 :Revue Syndicaliste Revolutionnaire.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (CRAS Cercle de Reflexions et d'Actions Syndicalistes, , Saint-Gratien, , France/, May 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20484
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Anarcho Syndicalism; Anarcho-Syndicalism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Alternative Tentacles Catalogue :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Alternative Tentacles, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=19459
Description: Mail order catalogue of periodicals etc.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; kindly donated by Joy Cadwallader from the collection of Simon Paul Ellis.

Albro, Ward S. Always a Rebel :Ricardo Flores Magon and the Mexican Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Texas Christian University Press, , , , USA/, 1992).
Format,Location [Hardback, A NonFiction], ID=3394
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Le Guin, Ursula. Always Coming Home :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Grafton Books, , , , USA/, 1988).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=1971
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Utopia. Additional notes:

. Am I Totally Normal too? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Totally Normal, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=16664
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Zine; Cartoons; Comics. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Sam Normal.

. Amandala/Supercream #495 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 495). Publisher: (, , , , Belize/, 09 Feb 1979).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14197
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson.

. Amazing Win A Policeman Competition :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Spontaneous Combustion, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive S], ID=9985
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Police; Repression; Satire. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid to late 1970s.

Scorer, Catherine; Sedley, Ann. Amending the Equality Laws :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=21115
Description: Printed by Russell Press, Nottingham.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Women; Feminism; Equal Pay. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Rachel Greaves.

Gorman, Dave. America Unchained :A Freewheeling Trip in Search of Non-Corporate USA.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Ebury Press, , , , UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Paperback, History/Economics], ID=950
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Travel; USA; America; Independence; Non-Corporate. Additional notes:

. American Labour History :Race and Ethnicity in the Working Class.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Radical America, , ). Publisher: (New England Free Press, IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=24136
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s.

Chomsky, Noam. American Power and the New Mandarins :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The New Press, , New York, New York, USA/, 2002).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=9759
Description: Foreword by Howard Zinn. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vietnam; Indochina; War; USA; 1960s; Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution; intellectuals. Additional notes:

. Aminullah :More Tales of Migration.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (No Borders, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=17916
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Migration; Imigration; Racism; Repression; Cartoon; Comic. Additional notes: Undated, probably post 2000; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Amnistia Para Algunos? :O Papeles Para Todos!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Coordinadora Latino-Americana, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=19357
Description: Very limited information on this one.. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

. An A-Z of Borders :Perspectives from the UK No Borders network.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (No Borders, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=14871
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: No Borders; Anti-Racism. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe. An Address to the Irish People :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Oriole Chapbooks, , New York, New York, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=562
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ireland. Additional notes:

Harper, Clifford. An Alphabet :Twenty Six Drawings.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Working Press, , London, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=16123
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward.

Avrich, Paul. An American Anarchist :The Life of Voltarine de Cleyre.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Princeton University Press, , , , USA/, 1978).
Format,Location [Hardback, A NonFiction], ID=3094
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Childhood; Women; Anarcha-Feminism; Philadelphia; England; Scotland; Helcher; Broad Street Riot; Chicago; Waldheim. Additional notes:

. An anarchist account of Cameroun - Cameroon - Kamerun :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=21677
Description: Printed version of an article originally published on, retrieved 2010/02, possibly a supporting document regarding an IFA International of Anarchist Federations meeting.. Language(s): /. Keywords: Africa. Additional notes: Collected by Mike C.

. An Anarchist Communist Program :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (UAI Union Anarchica Italiana, , Mountain View, California, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive U], ID=622
Description: Program adopted by the UAI in Bologna, 1920.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarchist Communist; Theory; Ways and Means. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by the Kate Sharpley Library.

Berkman, Alexander. An Anarchist Introduction to the Russian Revolution :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, Virus, London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=4736
Description: ONE COPY IN PUB AR B, MOVE TO A. Abbridged reprint of 'What is Anarchist Communism' first published 1929.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: USSR; Socialism; Repression; Bolshevism; Lenin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. An Anarchist Journal of Living Dangerously #11 :Rolling Thunder.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (Rolling Thunder, , , , USA/, 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive R], ID=3340
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prisoners; Oakland Commune; Istanbul; Turkey; Montreal; Students; University; Israel; Gentrification; Digital Utopia. Additional notes:

Avrich, Paul. An Anarchist Life: Mollie Steimer (1897-1980) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=2798
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mollie Steimer. Additional notes: Undated.

Malatesta, Errico. An Anarchist Programme & Revolution in Practice :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IAN Irish Anarchist Network, , , , Ireland/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=19571
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, early 2020s; collected at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2023.

. An anarchist project on Freedom and Love :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=17896
Description: Very sparse information.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

McCartney, William. An Anarchist Worker's View - Of the ARP Appeal to 'Bill' :Dedicated to the Proletarian Youth Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ARP, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive M], ID=3755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Proletarian Youth Movement; Democracy; Workers' Control; Representative Democracy; Elections. Additional notes: Printed on the back of RON00719.

Dolan, Chris. An Anarchist's Story :The Life of Ethel MacDonald.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Birlinn, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, D NonFiction], ID=1956
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Aldred; IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World; Spain; Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution; Anti-Fascism; Scots' Scarlet Pimpernel. Additional notes: One copy donated by Bob Cann; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Reed, Evelyn. An Answer to "The Naked Ape" :And other books on aggression.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pathfinder Press, , New York, New York, USA/, Jan 1971).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=12650
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism. Additional notes:

. An Anti-Fascist Handbook :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (London Gay Activist Alliance, , London, England, UK/, 1979).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=18673
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Anti-Fascism; Anti-Semitism; Racism. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

Lane, Joseph. An Anti-Statist Communist Manifesto :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (New Anarchist Library, , ). Publisher: (Cienfuegos Press, , Sanday, Scotland, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=11899
Description: Originally published 1887.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Communism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy technically a miniature paperback, but kept with pamphlets; cover design by our late comrade Les Prince, much missed; the other copy a 1985 Drowned Rat publication.

Kropotkin, Peter. An Appeal to the Young :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (William Reeves, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive K], ID=4727
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, first half of the twentieth century; one copy a 1948 Resistance press publication, one copy appears to be an original (?) enclosed by a cover from Kropotkin's Lighthouse Publications; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Rattigan, Patrick. An Apple A Day… :The threat from Orthodox Medicine.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Action Press, Manchester Anarchists, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=17941
Description: This looks like dangerous quackery, not tossed out as some of this fella's stuff was published by Manchester Anarchists and it is important to learn from mistakes…. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Healthcare. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Morris, William; Crane, Walter. An Earthly Paradise Calendar :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Kropotkin's Lighthouse Publications, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=21486
Description: Pamphlet or other? Who knows? Who cares, as long as we can find it again!. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2010s or early 2020s.

. An Easy Way to Learn The Hula Dance :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive H], ID=14866
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, this may be one of the oddest things I have ever catalogued, it does not appear to be satire.

Tipton, Frank B; Aldrich, Robert. An Economic and Social History of Europe :From 1939 to the Present.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (MacMillan, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Hardback, History/Economics], ID=2959
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Europe; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1; Second World War; World War Two; WWII; WW2; Ideology; Politics; Germany; Crisis. Additional notes:

Schaper, Donna. An Economic and Spiritual Conversion :The Jubilee movement asks us to join a material prayer to the spiritual prayer.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Jubilee Group, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1999).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive J], ID=21021
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christianity; Christian Anarchism; Christian Socialism; Religion. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Cantine, Holley. An Epilogue in Fiction to the Retort & Double, Double, Toil and Trouble :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=11604
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Science Fiction; Fantasy. Additional notes: Undated; kindly donated by Les.

. An Evaluation of the work of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NNRF Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum, Montgomery Masters, Nottingham, England, UK/, 2012).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, OffSite], ID=18940
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: NNRF Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum; NNRF Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum; Asylum Seekers; Destitution; Migrant Solidarity. Additional notes: Collected by David H; the NNRF archive is kept off site, for access please email:

Stasis Agria, Andi. An Image From the Future of Revolutionary Ecology :Greek insurrection and the eco-war to come.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=21689
Description: Printed version of an article which was possibly a supporting document regarding an IFA International of Anarchist Federations meeting.. Language(s): /. Keywords: Environmentalism; Greece. Additional notes: Undated, late 2000s or 2010s; collected by Mike C.

Trotman, Ann; Palmer, Joy. An Incubator in the Classroom :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NAEE National Association for Environmental Education, , Walsall, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=18016
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Environmentalism. Additional notes: Originally published in 1975; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Richardson, Christopher. An independent traveller's report on internet hotel booking and 'travelcare direct' :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Nottingham, England, UK/, Sep 2007).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=18723
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Travel; Co-Operation; Co-Operatives. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. An Independent, Fighting Trades Union: The Syndicalists :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SAC Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation/Syndikalisterna/Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden, , Stockholm, , Sweden/, 1989).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=1918
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Syndicalism; Sweden. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Nick Heath.

. An Injury to One Is an Injury to All :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Labour Campaign for Gay Rights, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=14230
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collection of Chris Richardson; undated, likely 1970s.

. An interview with Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) :In Turkey and North Kurdistan.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Corporate Watch, , London, England, UK/, 2015).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=15402
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; most CW publications have a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial or Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

. An Intoduction to HCDA :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (HCDA Hackney Community Defence Association, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=9197
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid to late 1990s.

Scrivener, Michael. An Introduction to An Anarchist Asthetic :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=21631
Description: In the grey area between long leaflet and short pamphlet, this seems to be the first few pages of said pamphlet, printed as a promotion?. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1970s or 1980s; kindly donated by Ron M.

. An Introduction to Anarcho-Syndicalism :The Tactics and Vision for a New Workers Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Organise Pamphlet #01, , ). Publisher: (Organise! The Voice of Anarcho-Syndicalism, , Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK/, Jul 1996).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=4675
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. An Introduction to Christian Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Digital Only], ID=3787
Description: Leaflet advertising workshops et al, without giving dates, venues etc. probably incomplete.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Original not held at Nest; originally stored in folder labelled 'A Pinch of Salt Archives #1'.

Dominick, Brian A. An Introduction to Dual Power Strategy :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACN Anarchist Communitarian Network, , Louisa, Virginia, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=8349
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, probably mid 2000s to mid 2010.

Caldwell, John Taylor; Shipway, Mark. An Introduction to Guy Alfred Aldred and the Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Hobnail Press, , , , UK/, Nov 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=7556
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: First published in 1983; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Riding, Angela. An Introduction to Information For Gay Women :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Friend, , , , UK/, Autumn 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=18664
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. An Introduction to Radical Routes :Network of Radical Co-Operatives.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Radical Routes, , Leeds, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=12653
Description: ERROR IN THE ID NUMBER, 12653 ORIGINALLY LISTED as How to work out your Ecological Footprint (Radical Routes, 2006/03). CHECK ORIGINAL AND UPDATE AS REQURED. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 2000s.

Otter, Laurens. An Introduction to Revolutionary Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (ORA Pamphlets #05, , ). Publisher: (ORA Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists, , Heslington, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive O], ID=15784
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, 1970s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter, the other from Nick Heath's collection.

. An introduction to the arms trade :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Campaign Against Arms Trade, , London, England, UK/, Aug 2015).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive C], ID=8110
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Al-Djouhall. An Introduction to the Misery of Islam :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Fast Camel Press, , , , UK/, Feb 1989).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=2731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Religion; Islam. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Sam Normal.

. An introduction to workplace organising [trainee manual] :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, , , , UK/, Aug 2010).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=12840
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organising. Additional notes:

. An Solas #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (Irish Workers Group, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16478
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ireland. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Megrel, Pete; Trimby, Pete; Pawlowski, Paul. Anarch #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarch, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16423
Description: Looks like a periodical, but may be a one off publication.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, probably 1960s or early 1970s; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarcha-Feminist Newsletter/Anarchist-Feminist Newsletter #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (London Anarchist Feminist Group, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20196
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Possibly incomplete; kindly donated from the collections previously held at the Nottingham Women's Centre.

. Anarcha-Feminist Newsletter/Anarchist-Feminist Newsletter 1980/12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (London Anarchist Feminist Group, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20197
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Probably incomplete; kindly donated from the collections previously held at the Nottingham Women's Centre.

. Anarchia #02 :An Excess of the Passion for Liberty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , , , Aotearoa/, Dec 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1148
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christianity; Mental Health. Additional notes:

. Anarchic Agreements #01 :Consensual Changeable Conscious - A guide to the process of constitutionalising and group forming.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Seeds for Change, Anarchy Rules, , , /, 2016).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=7806
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisation; Constitutionalising; Decision Taking. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchic Agreements #02 :Collective Power, Solidarity, Sustaining Momentum - A Guide to the process of building coalitions and networks.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Seeds for Change, Anarchy Rules, , , /, 2016).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=17892
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisation. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid to late 2010s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Diverse Individuals for Permanent Revolt & Anarchy. Anarchic Practices in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Fire to the Prisons, , , , UK/, Oct 2016).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=18063
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Translated by Crimethinc Babel Brigade & Friends; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Masini, Pier Carlo. Anarchici e comunisti :Nel moveimento dei consigili a Torino.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Barriera di Milano, , , , Italy/, 1951).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=935
Description: . Language(s): Italian/. Keywords: Council Communism. Additional notes: This looks like a later reprint of the 1951 publication; kindly donated by Nick H.

. Anarchie! #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (, , , , France/, Nov 2021).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22083
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchime & Repression En Bielorussie :Anarchist Black Cross Infotour.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , Lyon, , France/, Mar 2011).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24077
Description: Translated by ABC Belarus.. Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Griffiths, Joy. Anarchipelago :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Wooden Books, , Glastonbury, England, UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=12685
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Beginners' Guides, , ). Publisher: (One World Press, , , , UK/, 2005).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=1652
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Introduction; Theory. Additional notes:

Guerin, Daniel. Anarchism :From Theory to Practise.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Monthly Review Press, , , , UK/, 1970).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=1888
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trade Unions; Authoritarianism; Organisation; Communes; Noam Chomsky. Additional notes:

Kropotkin, Peter. Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Black Mountain Press, , Corinth, Vermont, USA/, May 1971).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive K], ID=2064
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ade; another version of the text by Kropoktin's Lighthouse Publications catalogued with the same ID number; latter edition kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Miller, David. Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Modern Ideologies, , ). Publisher: (Dent, , , , UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=2099
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Guerin, Daniel. Anarchism :From Theory to Practise.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Monthly Review Press, , , , UK/, 1970).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=2221
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trade Unions; Authoritarianism; Organisation; Communes; Noam Chomsky. Additional notes:

Kropotkin, Peter. Anarchism :A Collection of Revolutionary Writings.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Dover, , , , USA/, 2002).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=2596
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Science; Anarchist Communism; State; Spirit Of Revolt; Appeal To The Young; USSR; Russia; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association. Additional notes: Introduced and edited by Roger N. Baldwin.

Woodcock, George. Anarchism :A History of Libertarian Ideas & Movements.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pelican Books, , , , UK/, 1962).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=2675
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Italy; Spain; France; Russia; Anarchism; Latin America; Britian; USA; Northern Europe. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ward, Colin. Anarchism :A Very Short Introduction.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Oxford University Press, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=2676
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Work; Education; Nationalism; Fundamentalism; State; Socialism. Additional notes:

Sheehan, Sean. Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Reaktion Books, , , , UK/, 2003).
Format,Location [Paperback, S NonFiction], ID=563
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Politics; Current Affairs; Anarchism. Additional notes:

Woodcock, George. Anarchism :A History of Libertarian Ideas & Movements.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pelican Books, , , , UK/, 1962).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=669
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Italy; Spain; France; Russia; Anarchism; Latin America; Britian; USA; Northern Europe. Additional notes:

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Beginners' Guides, , ). Publisher: (One World Press, , , , UK/, 2005).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=3080
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Introduction; Theory. Additional notes:

Goldman, Emma. Anarchism :And other essays.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Dover, , , , UK/, 1969).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=3215
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Loz.

Zarrow, Peter. Anarchism :And Chinese Political Culture.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Columbia, , , , USA/, 1990).
Format,Location [Hardback, Z NonFiction], ID=3263
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: China; Kapan; France; Anarcho-Feminism. Additional notes:

. Anarchism :Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Box 010, , Bristol, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=3498
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Paul F's collection.

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Beginners' Guides, , ). Publisher: (One World Press, , , , UK/, 2005).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=3515
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Introduction; Theory. Additional notes:

. Anarchism :Six Essays by Members of London Anarchist Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (LAG London Anarchist Group, , London, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=16147
Description: Incomplete document.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward.

. Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (East Midlands Anarchist Network, , Derby, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive E], ID=8567
Description: A short what-is-anarchism leaflet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; undated, possibly 1990s.

Meltzer, Albert. Anarchism :Arguments For and Against.
Series,Volume,Issue: (New Anarchist Library, , ). Publisher: (Cienfuegos Press, , Sanday, Scotland, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=21597
Description: One copy the 1984 reprint by Doncaster Anarchists.. Language(s): Esperanto/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Ron M.

Goldman, Emma. Anarchism :What it Really Stands For and A New Declaration of Independence.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, G NonFiction], ID=9073
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

de Cleyre, Voltairine. Anarchism & American Traditions :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (See Sharp Press, , Tuscon, Arizona, USA/, 2002).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=21475
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Guerin, Daniel. Anarchism & Marxism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Cienfuegos Press, , , Orkney, UK/, 1981).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=7755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Les.

Heckert, Jamie; Cleminson, Richard (eds). Anarchism & Sexuality :Ethics, Relationships and Power.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive H], ID=11669
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexuality. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 2000s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Anarchism & the E.Z.L.N. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Ideas Series, , ). Publisher: (WSM Workers Solidarity Movement, , Dublin, Leinster, Ireland/, Feb 1998).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=7233
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Zapatista; EZLN Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional/Zapatista Army of National Liberation. Additional notes:

Hart, John M. Anarchism & The Mexican Working Class :1860-1931.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (University of Texas Press, , , , USA/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, H NonFiction], ID=2417
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mexico; Agrarianism; Casa Del Obrero Mundial. Additional notes:

Bayer, Osvaldo. Anarchism & Violence :Severino di Giovanni in Argentina, 1923-1931.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Pocketbooks, 05, ). Publisher: (Elephant Editions, , London, England, UK/, 1970).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=3078
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Violence; Organisation; Militancy; Revolution; Sacco; Vanzetti; Bandits; Women; Guns. Additional notes: Translated by Paul Sharkey; introduction by Bonnano and Weir.

. Anarchism - As We See It :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Communist Editions #10, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=6187
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; four editions, two undated (1990s?), two dated 2009; digitised is the first (?) edition; one copy kindly donated by Whitechapel Dan.

Black, Bob. Anarchism After Leftism :A farewell to the anarchism that was.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Columbia Alternative Library, , , , USA/, 1997).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=1379
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bookchin; Individualist Anarchism; Lifestyle Anarchism; Organisation; Organization; Revolution; Primitivism; Technology; Marxism. Additional notes:

Kropotkin, Peter. Anarchism and Anarchist Communism :Two essays.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=1377
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist Communism. Additional notes: Introduction by Nicholas Walter.

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 2001).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=3216
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarcho-Syndicalism; Syndicalism; Ideology; Lao-Tse; Kropotkin; Socialism; France; Trade Unions; Germany; Spain; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Originally published in 1960; kindly donated by Loz.

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, R NonFiction], ID=2613
Description: Although it has a spine, it is blank, kept with R pamphlets.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarcho-Syndicalism; Syndicalism; Ideology; Lao-Tse; Kropotkin; Socialism; France; Trade Unions; Germany; Spain; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Originally published in 1960.

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 2001).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=513
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarcho-Syndicalism; Syndicalism; Ideology; Lao-Tse; Kropotkin; Socialism; France; Trade Unions; Germany; Spain; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Originally published in 1960.

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, Freedom Press, London, England, UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=14621
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarcho-Syndicalism; Syndicalism; Ideology; Lao-Tse; Kropotkin; Socialism; France; Trade Unions; Germany; Spain; First World War; World War One; WWI; WW1. Additional notes: Originally published in 1960, printed 1973, 1988, 2001, this edition with a new introduction; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the SolFed Archive.

Purchase, Graham. Anarchism and Ecology: The Historical Relationship :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Black Swan, , Petersham, New South Wales, Australia/, 1993).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=6309
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Utopian Thought; Kropotkin; Reclus; Fourier. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

Suissa, Judith. Anarchism and Education :A Philosophical Perspective.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PM Press, , , , UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Paperback, S NonFiction], ID=2324
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Marxism; Liberalism; Schooling; Rationalism; Rationality; Authority; State; Values; Education; Morals; School. Additional notes:

Suissa, Judith. Anarchism and Education :A Philosophical Perspective.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PM Press, , , , Canada/, 2006).
Format,Location [Paperback, S NonFiction], ID=2813
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Marxism; Liberalism; Schooling; Rationalism; Rationality; Authority; State; Values; Education; Morals; School. Additional notes:

Purchase, Graham. Anarchism and Environmental Survival :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (See Sharp Press, , , , USA/, 1994).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=1214
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ecology; Bioregional Federation; Chaos Theory; Social Ecology; Bookchin; Feminism; Green Revolution; Animal Rights; Micro-Livestock; Economy; Nature; Wilderness; Community; Organisation Self-Defense; Anarchist Society. Additional notes: Kindly donated by AK Press.

Verran, Liz. Anarchism and Feminism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Medway, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive V], ID=15681
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Nick Heath, the other kindly donated by Joy Cadwallader from the collection of Simon Paul Ellis.

Ehrlich, Howard J. Anarchism and Formal Organisations :Some Notes on the Sociological Study of Organisations from an Anarchist Perspective.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Research Group One #23, , ). Publisher: (Research Group One, Vacant Lots Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA/, 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=6305
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

Ehrlich, Howard J. Anarchism and Formal Organizations :Some Notes on the Sociological Study of Organizations from an Anarchist Perspective.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Research Group One #23, , ). Publisher: (Vacant Lots Press, , Baltimore, Maryland, USA/, Sep 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=16136
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward.

Armand, E. Anarchism and Individualism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (S E Parker, , , , UK/, 1962).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Ron's Archive], ID=1934
Description: CHECK IDs ON ORIGINAL, UPDATE AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Individualism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchism and Ireland :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (WSM Workers Solidarity Movement, , , , Ireland/, 1985).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=1910
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ireland; Dail; Socialism; Democracy; Trade Unions; Church; Religion; Unemployment; Women; Nationalism; Spain; Russia; USSR. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Milstein, Cindy. Anarchism and its Inspirations :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Interventions, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , USA/, 2010).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=2629
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anticapitalist; Anticapitalism; Anti-Capitalist; anti-capitalism; Utopia. Additional notes:

Goldman, Emma. Anarchism and Other Essays :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Dover, , , , UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=375
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Democracy; Prison; Ferrer; Modern School; Puritanism; Suffrage; Emancipation; Love; Violence; Patriotism; Women; Marriage. Additional notes:

Jun, Nathan. Anarchism and Political Modernity :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Continuum, , , , USA/, 2012).
Format,Location [Paperback, J NonFiction], ID=2630
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Aristotle; Machiavelli; May; Normativity; Liberalism; Human Nature; Hegel; Morality; Utopia; Utopian; Nature; Nietzsche; Postmodernity; Deconstruction; Poststructuralism. Additional notes:

Kom'boa Ervin, Lorenzo. Anarchism and the Black Revolution :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Mid-Atlantic Anarchist Publishing Collective, , , , USA/, 1993).
Format,Location [Paperback, K NonFiction], ID=339
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Black; Race; Anarchism; Racism; Black Panthers; IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World; Black Power; Capitalism; Racism; Pan-Africanism; White Supremacy; Inter-Communalism; Class; Race. Additional notes:

Ealham, Chris. Anarchism and the City :Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Barcelona 1898.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, E NonFiction], ID=1961
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Barcelona; Spain; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica; Repression; Republicans; Working Class; UGT Unión General de Trabajadores. Additional notes: Prologue by Paul Preston; kindly donated by Nick Heath.

MacLachlan, Colin M. Anarchism and the Mexican Revolution :The Political Trials of Ricardo Flores Magon in the United States.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (University of California Press, , , , USA/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=2655
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolution; Repression; Latin-America. Additional notes:

Bonanno, Alfredo M. Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Bratach Dubh Anarchist Pamphlets Vol:01, , ). Publisher: (Elephant Editions, , , , UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=6021
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; National Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Otter, Laurens. Anarchism and the Wider Left :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Oct 2000).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=12426
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Bevington, LS. Anarchism And Violence :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Liberty Press, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7419
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Violence. Additional notes: Reprint of the original publication by the Cambridge Anarchist Communist Federation and other; undated.

Malatesta, Errico. Anarchism and Violence :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Stormy Petrel, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=94
Description: ONE COPY IN PUB AR M, MOVE WHEN INFILLING.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Violence; Organisation; Militancy; Revolution; Sacco; Vanzetti; Bandits; Women; Guns. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Sam Normal.

. Anarchism Bulletin #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (Kolokol Publications, , Bruxelles, , Belgium/, Oct 2005).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20436
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christian Anarchism; Religion. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchism Exposed! :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Red Menace, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=13558
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Organisation; Class War. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number, one copy without cover.

Mayer, Marcos; Sanyu. Anarchism For Beginners :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (For Beginners LLC, , , , USA/, 2008).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=1340
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Illustrated by Sanyu (Hector Alberto Sanguililano).

Mayer, Marcos; Sanyu. Anarchism For Beginners :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (For Beginners LLC, , , , USA/, 2008).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=9811
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Illustrated by Sanyu (Hector Alberto Sanguililano).

. Anarchism For Drunk Punks :+ other rock 'n' roll habits for Punks!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Sheffield, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22348
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; undated possibly 2010s.

. Anarchism in Action :The Spanish Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=8327
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Civil War; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; Spain; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Undated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Kendall, Leigh. Anarchism in Australia Today :A survey of current debates in the Australian anarchist movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Scam Publications, , Melbourne, Victoria, Australia/, Mar 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive K], ID=4674
Description: Originally published in 1986.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

Hunt, Steve. Anarchism in Bristol and the West Country to 1950 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Bristol Radical Pamphleteer Vol:14, , ). Publisher: (Bristol Radical History Group, , Bristol, England, UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=1893
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History. Additional notes:

Everett, Martyn. Anarchism in Britain :A Preliminary Bibliography.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Aug 1986).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=21685
Description: . Language(s): /. Keywords: . Additional notes: Collected by Mike C.

Carr, Reg. Anarchism in France :The Case of Octave Mirbeau.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Manchester University Press, , , , UK/, 1977).
Format,Location [Hardback, C NonFiction], ID=3072
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: France; Dreyfus; Belle Epoque; Dingo; War. Additional notes:

Fernandez, Eliseo (et al). Anarchism in Galicia :Organisation, Resistance and Women in the Underground.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchist Sources #16, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , London, England, UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=3346
Description: Translated by Paul Sharkey.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Franco; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes:

Carlson, Andrew A. Anarchism in Germany :Vol 1: The Early Movement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (The Scarecrow Press, , Metuchen, New York, USA/, 1972).
Format,Location [Hardback, C NonFiction], ID=6316
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Stirner; Hodel; Nobiling; Johann Most; Wilhelm Hasselmann; SPD Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland; Freiheit; Cells; Propaganda by Deed; August Reinsdorf; Julius Lieske; Bruderkrieg; John Neve. Additional notes:

Landauer, Gustav. Anarchism in Germany and other essays :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Barbary Coast Collective, , San Francisco, California, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=11910
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Translated by Stephen Bender and Gabriel Kuhn; undated, probably 2000s or 2010s.

. Anarchism in Ireland :A Beginners' Guide.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (WSM Workers Solidarity Movement, , Dublin, , Ireland/, 1996).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=13382
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Originally published in 1985, this third edition 1996.

Cappelletti, Angel J. Anarchism in Latin America :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Chico, California, USA/UK, 2017).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=14956
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Introduction by Romina Akemi and Javier Sethness-Castro; translated by Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez.

Tyneside Anarchist Archive. Anarchism in North East England :1882-1992.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , , , UK/, 2021).
Format,Location [Paperback, T NonFiction], ID=14160
Description: Detailed and rich in use of original source materials.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Newcastle; Tyneside. Additional notes:

Dirlik, Arif. Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (University of California Press, , , , USA/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, D NonFiction], ID=2036
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: China; Asia; Anarchism; Cai Yuanpei; Chen Duxiu; Class; Communist Party; Confucianism; Cultural Revolution; Dewey; Beijing; Guangzhou; Guomindang; Huang Lingshuang; Kropotkin; Li Shizeng; Mao Zedong; Shanghai; Sun Yat-Sen; Wu Zhihui; Nationalism; Communism; Socialism. Additional notes:

. Anarchism in the May Movement in France :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IWW/Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World, , Los Angeles, California, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive I], ID=7763
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Paris 1968; Cohn Bendit. Additional notes: Undated, probably late 1960s or 1970s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter, that copy a later reprint by Rising Free.

Ege, Mine. Anarchism in Turkey :A Short History of Anarchism in Turkey.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Tuerkiye ve Kuerdistan Serisi #03, , ). Publisher: (Karambol Publications, , London, England, UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive E], ID=281
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kurdistan; Turkey. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter, the other by Ron M.

Barnsley, Mark. Anarchism is my Revenge :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , Leeds, England, UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=3165
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Prisoners; ABC Anarchist Black Cross. Additional notes:

. Anarchism Lancastrium/The Cunningham Amendment #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, May 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=10126
Description: RESORT WITH Cunningham Amendment. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchism Lancastrum/The Cunningham Amendment #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Whalley, England, UK/, Jul 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=14078
Description: Weird, wacky and absolutely beautifully printed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

. Anarchism Lancastrum/The Cunningham Amendment #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (, , Whalley, England, UK/, May 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=14079
Description: Weird, wacky and absolutely beautifully printed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

. Anarchism Lancastrum/The Cunningham Amendment #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (, , Whalley, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=15327
Description: Weird, wacky and absolutely beautifully printed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, mid to late 1970s; from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Anarchism Lancastrum/The Cunningham Amendment #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (, , Whalley, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=16542
Description: Weird, wacky and absolutely beautifully printed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, mid to late 1970s; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchism Lancastrum/The Cunningham Amendment #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (, , Whalley, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=21518
Description: Weird, wacky and absolutely beautifully printed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; kindly donated by Ron M.

Apter, David; Joll, James (eds). Anarchism Today :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (MacMillan, , , , UK/, 1971).
Format,Location [Paperback, A NonFiction], ID=23
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Apter; Gombin; Lerner; Maura; Stafford; Tsuzuki; Walter; Ostergaard; De Kong; Colombo; Koll; Kapan; Spain; France; India; Provos; Kabouters; Argentina; Uruguay. Additional notes:

Sheppard, Brian Oliver. Anarchism vs Primitivism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , London, England, UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=12845
Description: Originally published by See Sharp Press 2008.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ron M.

Cleminson, Richard. Anarchism, Ideology and Same-Sex Desire :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , , , UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=1954
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sexuality; Sexualities; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by Ron and Vishwar collection.

. Anarchism, Sex and Free Love :The Fight against Capitalism, Patriarchy and Repressive Religious Morality.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, , Manchester, England, UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=700
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Sex; Morality; Anarchism; Religion; Free Love. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Chris C.

Newns, Mark A. Anarchism, Spirituality and Commodification :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Dec 2002).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=20971
Description: In the grey area between long leaflet and short pamphlet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christianity; Christian Anarchism; Christian Socialism; Religion. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Kornegger, Peggy. Anarchism: The Feminist Connection :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Black Bear Pamphlet No:03, , ). Publisher: (Black Bear, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1977).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive K], ID=8467
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarcha-Feminism; Anarcho-feminism; Black Rose; Black Maria; Red Rosia; FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica; Kropotkin; Dly; Levin; Levine; Laurel; Feminism. Additional notes: Originally published in 1975, three different editions of this text; Black Bear one is digitised; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Dubacq, Philippe. Anarchisme et Marxisme au travers de la Federation Communiste Libertaire (1945-1956) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Noir et Rouge #23, , ). Publisher: (Noir et Rouge, , , , France/, 1991).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=16187
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Oct 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16437
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Apr 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20562
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Jul 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20563
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Oct 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20564
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Issue number estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Jan 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20565
Description: Cover/back cover removed due to damage/mould. Cover/back cover was identical to the cover of #06, just a different colour (this one was a faded pale green).. Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Issue number estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Apr 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20566
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Jul 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20567
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Oct 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20568
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #11-12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11-12). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Jan-Feb 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20580
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Apr 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20569
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchisme et Non-Violence #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (, , Paris, , France/, Jul 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20570
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Tomek, Vaclav; Slacalek, Ondrej. Anarchismus :Svoboda Proti Moci.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Vysehrad, , , , Czech Republic/, 2006).
Format,Location [Hardback, T NonFiction], ID=607
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarchists; Emma Goldman; Voltarine De Cleyre; Paul Robin; Proudhon. Additional notes: Loaned by Nick Heath.

. Anarchismus Jako Extremni Demokracie :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CSAF Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske Anarchisticke Federace, , , , Czech Republic/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=24096
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

. Anarchismus! :Eine Einleitung.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarchistisches Netzwerk Suedwest, , Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany/, Winter 2014).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24093
Description: . Language(s): German/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchist :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Universities. Additional notes: University magazine; staples removed.

Lee, Andre. Anarchist :[S]Top Trump[s] - The fun new game for all the family.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pirate Press, , Sheffield, England, UK/, 2018).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=10811
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Games; Satire. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Alternative :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 2001).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive A], ID=4605
Description: Long leaflet outlining A-ideas, also advertising the 2001 London A Bookfair.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

Lee, Andre. Anarchist Bingo :The fun new game for all the family.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pirate Press, , Sheffield, England, UK/, 2018).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=10810
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Games; Satire. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Black Cross Belarus Bulletin 2012/Spring-Summer :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , , , /, Spring-Summer 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7767
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Belarus; Lukashenko; Prison; Repression. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin #?? :Supporting Class Struggle Prisoners.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ??). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , London, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2704
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; John Perroti; Ojore N Lutalo; Martin Foran; Prisoner Support; Padraig Murphy; Danny McNamee; Poll Tax Prisoners; Conviction; Repression. Additional notes: Undated and unnumbered issue; possibly pilot issue; date estimated; published during the implementation of Poll Tax; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin (London) #01 :Supporting Class Struggle Prisoners.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , London, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7792
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prisoner Support; Repression; Jim Robinson; Kenny Cain; John McGranaghan; Ojore Lutalo; Graham Galloway. Additional notes: Undated and unnumbered issue; possibly issue 01; date estimated; published during the implementation of Poll Tax; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin (London) #02 :Supporting Class Struggle Prisoners.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , London, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7793
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prisoner Support; Repression; Stangeway Prison Riot. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; date estimated.

. Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin (London) #03 :Supporting Class Struggle Prisoners.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , London, England, UK/, 1991-92 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2705
Description: Assorted leaflets attached to the document digitised seperately (see 2nd URL).. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin (London) #04 :Supporting Class Struggle Prisoners.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , London, England, UK/, 1991-92 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2708
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin (London) #05 :Supporting Class Struggle Prisoners.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , London, England, UK/, 1991-93 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2709
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kiranjit Ahluwalia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy has handwritten notes.

. Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin (London) #09 :Published by the London Anarchist Black Cross.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , London, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7794
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prisoner Support; Repression. Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Black Cross Chicago Bulletin #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , , , UK/, Jul-Aug 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7802
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Repression; Solidarity. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Black Cross Federation Update #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (ABCF Anarchist Black Cross Federation, , Paterson, New Jersey, USA/, Dec 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23339
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison Abolition; Prisoner Solidarity; Justice System. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Black Cross Federation Update #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (ABCF Anarchist Black Cross Federation, , Paterson, New Jersey, USA/, Apr 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23340
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison Abolition; Prisoner Solidarity; Justice System. Additional notes: Photocopied version, possibly incomplete.

Lovell, Alan. Anarchist Cinema :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Peace News, , London, England, UK/, 1962).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=11900
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cinema; Film. Additional notes: Undated, handwritten date given as 1962; from the collection of Ray Gosling; some doodling on the cover.

. Anarchist Communism or Death! :What is Class Struggle Anarchist Communism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Proletarian Gob, BM Makhno, London, England, UK/, 1993).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=12408
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchist Communist Federation North America Bulletin #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Jun 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23348
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Communist Federation North America Bulletin #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Nov 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23349
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Guillen, Abraham. Anarchist Economics :The economics of the Spanish Libertarian Collectives 1936-39 - An alternative for a world in crisis.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ISEL Industria Syndicalist Education League, , Manchester, England, UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive G], ID=9065
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Spanish Revolution; Spanish Civil War; Anti-Fascism; Economics. Additional notes: Undated, possibly late 2000s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Wilson, Charlotte. Anarchist Essays :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 2000).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=649
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Justice; Crime; Social Democracy; Socialism; Freedom; Work; Democracy; Murder; History; Clifford Harper. Additional notes: NAL IV; originally published in 1886; republished by Cienfuegos Press 1979; edited by Nicolas Walter.

. Anarchist FAQ :Anarchist Frequently Asked Questions.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive A], ID=6587
Description: Leaflet inviting to an AF meeting introducing anarchist ideas.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: anarchist theory; anarchist organisation. Additional notes: Undated, probably early 2000s; kindly donated by Nick H.

McKay, Iain. Anarchist FAQ Vol:1 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=1006
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist FAQ; Capitalism; Statism; Ecology; Anarcho-Capitalism; Black & Red Flag; Circle A. Additional notes:

McKay, Iain. Anarchist FAQ Vol:1 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=1007
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist FAQ; Capitalism; Statism; Ecology; Anarcho-Capitalism; Black & Red Flag; Circle A. Additional notes:

McKay, Iain. Anarchist FAQ Vol:1 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=1234
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist FAQ; Capitalism; Statism; Ecology; Anarcho-Capitalism; Black & Red Flag; Circle A. Additional notes: Kindly donated by AK Press.

McKay, Iain. Anarchist FAQ Vol:2 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=3088
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist FAQ; Individualism; State Socialism; Anarchist Society; activity. Additional notes: Kindly donated by AK Press.

Doe, Jane. Anarchist Farm :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Ill Publishing, , Gualala, California, USA/, August 1996).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=9836
Description: "…fast paced fable in the tradition of George Orwell's Animal Farm…". Language(s): English/. Keywords: fable; Orwell. Additional notes:

Draper, Christopher. Anarchist Federation :Politics under the Pavement.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Llandudno, Wales, UK/, Dec 2014).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=20974
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchist Federation Members Handbook (2000ish) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, 2000).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Federation Members Handbook (2008) :Second edition.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, Feb 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22720
Description: One copy has an AF leaflet attached.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Federation Members Handbook (2010ish) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24058
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated.

. Anarchist Federation News-Letter 1945/03/15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AFB/AFGB Anarchist Federation of Britain, , London, England, UK/, 15 Mar 1945).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14499
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

. Anarchist Federation of Britain :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AFB/AFGB Anarchist Federation of Britain, , London, England, UK/, 1965).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=21026
Description: Difficult one as possibly cover missing. Or maybe not. Either way this seems to be a kind of Internal Bulletin style document, though it is unclear whether this was a one off document.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Stuart Christie. Additional notes: Date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchist Feminist Magazine 1983/Summer :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarchist Feminist Group, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=19438
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Joy Cadwallader from the collection of Simon Paul Ellis.

. Anarchist Feminist Magazine 1985/Winter :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarchist Feminist Group, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6357
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Miners' Strike; 1984-85. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, one copy from Colin's Archive.

. Anarchist fighters in Greece :Prisoners list update 2013.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (325 Collective, , , , UK/, 2013).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive (number as title)], ID=17996
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Greece; Prison; Justice System; Repression. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Anarchist Football (Soccer) Manual :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Alpine Anarchist Productions #03, , ). Publisher: (AAP Collective, , , , UK/, Apr 2006).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=17898
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Football; Sports; Anti-Fascism; Anti-Racism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Anarchist Gazette #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Brighton, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7892
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, 1970s?

Esenwein, George R. Anarchist Ideology and the Working-Class Movement in Spain, 1868-1898 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (University of California Press, , , , USA/, 1989).
Format,Location [Hardback, E NonFiction], ID=2495
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: First International; Federalism; Spain; Collectivism; Communism; Terrorism; Haymarket; Associationism; History. Additional notes:

. Anarchist International #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=21050
Description: Missing cover page.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Hart, Margaret (ed). Anarchist International Vol:01 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 02). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20582
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Hart, Margaret (ed). Anarchist International Vol:01 #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 03). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20560
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ramon Vila Capdevila; Spain. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchist Lancaster Bomber #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (Green Anarchist Network, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2717
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Staples removed.

. Anarchist Lancaster Bomber #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Green Anarchist Network, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8193
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; looks like page 3 is missing from the digitised version, but page 3 was blank in the original.

Kropotkin, Peter. Anarchist Morality :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Black Cat Press, , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada/, 2005).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive K], ID=21612
Description: Technically a paperback but kept with pamphlets.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; kindly donated by Ron M.

. Anarchist Movement Conference 2009 Information Pack :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=7889
Description: Conference materials.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchist News Vol:01 #02 :An International Journal of Opinion.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , New York, New York, USA/, Jan 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7881
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchist news? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Canada/, 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7247
Description: Possible title, from content. Missing cover and several pages.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vancouver Five; Canada. Additional notes: Possibly Canadian or Australian

Casas, Juan Gomez. Anarchist Organisation and the History of the F.A.I. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Black Rose Books, , , , Canada/USA, 1986).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=2419
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Anarcho-Syndicalism; Spanish Civil War; Fascism; Anti-Fascism; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica. Additional notes:

Purchase, Graham. Anarchist Organisation: Suggestions and Possibilities :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Black Swan, , Sydney, New South Wales, Australia/, 1991).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=6310
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: mutual aid; skills exchanges; trade unions; co-ops;. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchist Outposts of London and other random info :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive A], ID=14840
Description: A poster featuring the addresses of a few projects and a map of London.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, likely 2000s or 2010s.

Haworth, Robert H (ed). Anarchist Pedagogies :Collective Actions, Theories and Critical Reflections on Education.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PM Press, , , , Canada/, 2012).
Format,Location [Paperback, H NonFiction], ID=2812
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Children; Childcare; Development; Nottingham Free School; Anarcho-Pedagogy; Ivan Illich. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Pocketbooks :Complete Catalogue 86.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Elephant Editions, , London, England, UK/, 1986).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive E], ID=13974
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Catalogue; Publishing. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Joy and Chris Russell.

. Anarchist Political School :Internationalism, Imperialism, and National Liberation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22321
Description: Very little information available on this item.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2010s.

Avrich, Paul. Anarchist Portraits :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Princeton University Press, , , , USA/, 1988).
Format,Location [Hardback, A NonFiction], ID=2431
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bakunin; Nechaev; Kropotkin; Zhelezniakov; Nestor Makhno; Eikhenbaum; Proudhon; Benjamin Tucker; Mowbray; Sacco; Vanzetti; Berkman; Ricardo Flores Magon; Mollie Steiner; Brousse; Gustav Landauer; Fleming. Additional notes:

Thompson, Harold H. Anarchist Prisoner of War in AmeriKKKa :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , New York, New York, USA/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=9200
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Repression; Justice System; Soldiarity. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s.

Otter, Laurens. Anarchist Revolutionary Organisation and Press :A case against an ORA paper - Discussion document.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=16401
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ORA Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists. Additional notes: Undated, 1960s or 1970s; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Otter, Laurens. Anarchist revolutionary organization & press :A case against an ORA paper.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Wellington, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=20950
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ORA Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1970s; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Goodway, David. Anarchist Seeds Beneath The Snow :Left-Libertarian Thought and British Writers from William Morris to Colin Ward.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Liverpool University Press, , , , UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=904
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: William Morris; Edward Carpenter; Kohn Cowper Powys; George Orwell; Herbert Read; War; Pacifism; Aldous Huxley; Alex Comfort; E.P. Thompson; Nuclear Disarmament; Christopher Pallis; Colin Ward. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Nick Heath.

Purchase, Graham. Anarchist Society :And Its Practical Realization.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (See Sharp Press, , San Francisco, California, USA/, 1990).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=12406
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Student #01 :Anarchist Federation Student Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7825
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Tuition Fees; Education; University. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; undated, probably late 2000s or early 2010s.

. Anarchist Student #?? :Anarchist Federation Student Bulletin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7826
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Tuition Fees; Education; University. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; undated, probably late 2000s or early 2010s.

Gemie, Sharif (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:14 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 02). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, , , , UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3359
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Andalusia; G8; Bookchin; Harold Barclay. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Studies Vol:14 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 02). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=2434
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Antcliff; Gordon; Anthropology; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; Anti-Capitalism; Farrer; Hierarchy; Clark; Graham; Bookchin; Mates; Hopton; Kinna; Welsh; Cole; Gemie; Purkis. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Studies Vol:15 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=2435
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gordon; Anarchism In Israel; Native Americans; Belief; Colson; Argentina; Kain; Kinna; Utopia; Sargisson; Tower Sargent; Purkis; Franks; Clark; Geography; Modernity; Elisee Reclus. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Rich.

Gemie, Sharif (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:15 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 01). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, , , , UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3360
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gordon; Anarchism In Israel; Native Americans; Belief; Colson; Argentina; Kain; Kinna; Utopia; Sargisson; Tower Sargent; Purkis; Franks; Clark; Geography; Modernity; Elisee Reclus. Additional notes:

Gemie, Sharif (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:15 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 02). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, , , , UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3361
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist Literary Theory; Deleuze; Derrida; Call; Martin; Purkis; Gemie; Kinna; Cohn; Kun; Shone; Knowles. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Studies Vol:15 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 02). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=2438
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist Literary Theory; Deleuze; Derrida; Call; Martin; Purkis; Gemie; Kinna; Cohn; Kun; Shone; Knowles. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Rich.

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:16 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 01). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, , , , UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3362
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Herbert Read; Tolstoy; Primitivism. Additional notes:

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:16 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 02). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, , , , UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3363
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Alain Badiou; PostAnarchism; Guy Fawkes. Additional notes: A journal with a proper spine etc., therefore kept with other books.

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:19 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 19, 02). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, , , , UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3364
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Colin Ward; Freedom Press. Additional notes:

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:20 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 20, 01). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, , , , UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3365
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Post Anarchism; Gnosticism; Ursula Le Guin; Louisa Sarah Bevington. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Studies Vol:21 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 01). Publisher: (Anarchist Studies Network, , , , UK/, 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3388
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Technology; Colonialism; Anti-Colonialism. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Studies Vol:21 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 21, 02). Publisher: (Anarchist Studies Network, , , , UK/, 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3389
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Utopia; Gezi; Social Ecology; Deep Ecology. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Studies Vol:22 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 22, 021). Publisher: (Anarchist Studies Network, , , , UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=3390
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Leninism; Lenin; Proudhon; Anthropology. Additional notes:

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:23 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 23, 02). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2016 ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=6955
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Culture; Child; Adams; Herbert Read; Architecture; Free Art Collective; Coates; Commodification; Serafini; Modigliani; Stoborod; Swann; Management; Ephemera; Klikauer. Additional notes:

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:24 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=6954
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Savran; Bowen; Raddeker; Dupuis-Deri; Janicka; van der Walt; Klikauer; Rojava; Women; Japan; intersectionality; Sloterddijk; syndicalism; Stoborod; Swann. Additional notes:

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:24 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 24, 02). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=7966
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Crowbar; Squatting; London; Milligan; Junger; Farrugia; Giovanni Rossi; Atheism; Bakunin; Ethnogenic; Job; Utopia; Jandric. Additional notes:

Kinna, Ruth (ed). Anarchist Studies Vol:25 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, A NonFiction], ID=6952
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Saul Newman; Robert B Genter; Proudhon; Iain McKay; Bernd Reiter; Wintukua. Additional notes:

. Anarchist Summer School :Glasgow's educational celebration of 100 years of class war..
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Glasgow, Scotland, UK/, 1993).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=6627
Description: Program of a summer school event in Glasgow, held at the end of May 1993.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchist Syndicalist Workers Collective :For Workers Liberation & Solidarity.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarchist Syndicalist Workers Collective, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive A], ID=7805
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, late 2000s or early/mid 2010s.

. Anarchist Theft :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=66
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Manuscript/proof version.

. Anarchist Theft #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2804
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Times/Nottingham Agitator #01 :Paper of Nottingham Anarchist Socialist Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Nottingham Anarchist Socialist Group, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive N], ID=6843
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: ASDA; NHS; LGBTQ+; Clause 28. Additional notes: Undated, mid to late 1980s; from Colin H's Archive.

. Anarchist Trade Unions in Spain Today :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Open Road, , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=21624
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

Avrich, Paul. Anarchist Voices :An Oral History of Anarchism in America.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , USA/, 2005).
Format,Location [Paperback, A NonFiction], ID=7166
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Riche; Kropotkin; Most; Schwab; Umrath; Hausberger; Rocker; Diamond; Beneson; Baldwin; Kaviscas; Gershoy; Grobstein; Thorne; Kelly; Brini; Moro; Provo; Ehrmann; Gallo; Brand; Bortolotti; Komroff; Hollod; Plunkett; Gilbert; Oral History; Goldman; Sacco And Vanzetti; School; Colonies; Ferrer; Education; Race; Ethnicity. Additional notes: Originally published in 1995; kindly donated by AK Press.

. Anarchist Voices Vol:07 #01 :A Journal of Evolutionary Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 01). Publisher: (Anarchist Voices, , Belper, England, UK/, Autumn-Winter 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7888
Description: INCORPORATE WITH TOTAL LIBERTY!!!. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Incorporating Total Liberty Magazine; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Weekly Age Review #853 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 853). Publisher: (Anarchist Media Institute, , , , Australia/, Sep 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7880
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Lee, Andre. Anarchist Whodunnit? :Propaganda by the deed - Long live Anarchy!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Sheffield, England, UK/, 2019).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=10809
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Games; Satire. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Women's Newsletter #01 :Destroy Patriarchy - Take Back Your Life.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18463
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Anarcha-Feminism; Anarcho-Feminism. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Anarchist Worker :Pre Conference Discussion Document.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AWA Anarchist Workers Association, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=15780
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, 1970s; from Nick Heath's collection.

. Anarchist Worker :A Selection of Articles From Past Publications of the Anarchist Workers Association - Produced for the Day School.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AWA Anarchist Workers Association, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15789
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, 1970s; from Nick Heath's collection.

. Anarchist Worker Special Supplement :Hungary 1956.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AWA Anarchist Workers Association, , Hull, England, UK/, Nov 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=6734
Description: RESCAN WHEN FOUND. MERGE Anarchist Worker/AWA with LCG MATERIALS?. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Hungary; Soviet Union; Tankies. Additional notes: Digitised by RedMoleRising (thank you!); multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Guy T; another from Nick Heath's collection.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1991 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=15687
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter, the other from Nick Heath's collection.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1992 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=21480
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by KSL.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1993 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=15688
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1994 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=12721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1995 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=2046
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory; Anarchism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1996 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=21732
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory; Anarchism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1997 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=21481
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by KSL.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1998 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=12718
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchist Yearbook 1999 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , London, England, UK/, 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive P], ID=16526
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchist Yellow Pages 2004 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AYP, , Oslo, , Norway/, 2004).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=7831
Description: International directory of groups, social centres, etc. CHECK BOTH VERSIONS SAME EDITION.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory; Organisations; Social Centres; Bookshops; Infoshops. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Cunningham, Adrian; Hicks, Wynford; Radcliffe, Charles (eds). Anarchist Youth Vol:01 #03 :Formerly Anarchist Student.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 03). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Oct 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16466
Description: ORIGINAL COVER FOUND SEPERATELY, FIND AND MERGE.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Cunningham, Adrian; Hicks, Wynford; Hendy, Mark; Valle, Leo (eds). Anarchist Youth Vol:01 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 04). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20583
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Bone, Ian. Anarchist! :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Ian Bone, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7443
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly late 1990s or early 2000s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchistische Theorie(n) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarchist_Innen aus dem Kiez, , Hamburg, , Germany/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24089
Description: . Language(s): German/. Keywords: t. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2010s.

. Anarchistischer Kongress :10.-13. April '09 in Berlin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Germany/, 2009).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=23337
Description: Programme for an anarchist congress in Berlin, held in 2009. Assorted leaflets enclosed with one copy.. Language(s): German/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Gordon, Uri; Grietzer, Ohal (eds). Anarchists Against the Wall :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Anarchst Interventions Vol:05, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Oakland, California, USA/UK, 2013).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=9833
Description: Preface by Alfredo M Bonanno. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Israel; wall; Palestine; West Bank. Additional notes:

Otter, Laurens. Anarchists and the Peace Movement :A view of the Anarchist contribution to the Peace Movement of the 1960s.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Syndiclist Bulletin Pamphlet #02, , ). Publisher: (, , Wellington, England, UK/, May 1994).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=10354
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Peace Protests; Peace Movement. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

Cleminson, Richard. Anarchists for Health :Spanish Anarchism and Health Reform in the 1930s - Part 1 - Anarchism, Neo-Malthusianism, Eugenics and Concepts of Health.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Bradford, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=21626
Description: Unpublished dissertation (?), Department of Modern Languages, University of Bradford.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Spanish Civil War. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s or 2010s; kindly donated by Ron M.

Christie, Stuart (ed). Anarchists in Fiction :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PM Press, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=3393
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Evans, John. Anarchists in Social Work :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive E], ID=8575
Description: Hand-edited manuscript.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated.

Peirats, Jose. Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=3208
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Republicanism; Monarchism; Insurrections; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica; Federación Ibérica De Kuventudes Libertarias/FIJL Iberian Federation of Libertarian Youth; UGT Unión General de Trabajadores; Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution; Fascism; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Loz.

Peirats, Jose. Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=2215
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Republicanism; Monarchism; Insurrections; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica; Federación Ibérica De Kuventudes Libertarias/FIJL Iberian Federation of Libertarian Youth; UGT Unión General de Trabajadores; Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution; Fascism; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes:

Peirats, Jose. Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=2612
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Republicanism; Monarchism; Insurrections; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica; Federación Ibérica De Kuventudes Libertarias/FIJL Iberian Federation of Libertarian Youth; UGT Unión General de Trabajadores; Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution; Fascism; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes:

Serge, Victor. Anarchists Never Surrender :Essays, Polemics, and Correspondence on Anarchism - 1908-1938.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PM Press, , Oakland, California, USA/, 2015).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive S], ID=18490
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

Youth Section. Anarcho Punks On Hope :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Now or Never, , Norwich, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive Y], ID=13543
Description: One sticker and one leaflet inserted, the latter maybe by accident.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s or 2000s.

. Anarcho Syndicalism in Practice :Malbourne Tram Dispute and Lockout - January-February 1990.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Jura Books, , Sydney, New South Wales, Australia/, 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive J], ID=19297
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; from the SolFed Archive.

Red Rosia; Black Maria; Black Rose Anarcho-Feminists. Anarcho-Feminism :From Siren and Black Rose - two Statements.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Black Bear Pamphlet #01, , ). Publisher: (Black Bear, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=116
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Feminism; Anarcha-Feminism; anarcho-feminism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1970s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Joy and Chris Russell.

Pike, Derrick A. Anarcho-Pacifism: Some Questions and Answers :A personal view of anarchism and pacifism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Glastonbury, England, UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=505
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Pacifism; Anarcho-Pacifism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarcho-Punk Lyrics & Interviews Vol:01 (1977-1999) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarcho-Punk Lyrics & Interviews Vol:02 (1977-2003) :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=780
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vietnam; War; Buddhism; Buddhist; Saigon; Hanoi; Kennedy; Diem; Reconciliation; Thieu; Monks; Nuns. Additional notes:

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarcho-Syndicalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=514
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Goodwin; Political Kustice; Proudhon; Stirner; Bakunin; Kropotkin; Revolution; Socialism; Liberalism; Dictatorship; Capitalism; Proletariat; Luddism; Trade Unions; Chartism; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association; Owen; Grand National Consolidated Trade Unionism. Additional notes: Typeset by Bread and Roses.

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarcho-Syndicalism :Theory and Practice.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=2226
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Goodwin; Political Kustice; Proudhon; Stirner; Bakunin; Kropotkin; Revolution; Socialism; Liberalism; Dictatorship; Capitalism; Proletariat; Luddism; Trade Unions; Chartism; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association; Owen; Grand National Consolidated Trade Unionism. Additional notes: Preface by Noam Chomsky; introduction by Nicholas Walter.

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarcho-Syndicalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=2506
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Goodwin; Political Kustice; Proudhon; Stirner; Bakunin; Kropotkin; Revolution; Socialism; Liberalism; Dictatorship; Capitalism; Proletariat; Luddism; Trade Unions; Chartism; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association; Owen; Grand National Consolidated Trade Unionism. Additional notes: Typeset by Bread and Roses.

. Anarcho-Syndicalism :History and Action.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Doncaster, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=1105
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarcho-Syndicalism; Syndicalism; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association; Workplace; DAM Direct Action Movement; History; Organisation; General Strike; SLP Socialist Labour Party. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s.

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarcho-Syndicalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Modern Publishers, , Indore, , India/, 1947).
Format,Location [Hardback, R NonFiction], ID=14970
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Goodwin; Political Kustice; Proudhon; Stirner; Bakunin; Kropotkin; Revolution; Socialism; Liberalism; Dictatorship; Capitalism; Proletariat; Luddism; Trade Unions; Chartism; IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association; Owen; Grand National Consolidated Trade Unionism. Additional notes:

. Anarcho-Syndicalism :Our Power Lies in Organization.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=19289
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; undated, possibly 1980s; from the SolFed Archive.

. Anarcho-Syndicalism History and Action :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Doncaster, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=4057
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated.

. Anarcho-Syndicalism in Puerto Real :From Shipyard Resistance to Direct Democracy and Community Control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Theory and Practice Series #02, , ). Publisher: (SolFed Solidarity Federation, , , , UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=3256
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Shipyard; Anarcho-Syndicalism; Spain. Additional notes: Originally published in 1995, we also hold the earlier edition; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Damier, V. Anarcho-syndicalism in the 20th Century :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Black Cat Press, , , , Canada/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, D NonFiction], ID=2811
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolutionary Syndicalism; Anarcho-Syndicalism; Spain; Spanish Civil War; Spanish Revolution. Additional notes:

. Anarcho-Syndicalism Racism and Struggle :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive D], ID=19300
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the SolFed Archive.

. Anarcho-Syndicalism versus Trade-Unionism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive D], ID=8321
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1980s.

. Anarcho-Syndicalisme! #110 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 110). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , /, Jan-Feb 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4655
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. Anarcho-Syndicalisme! #120 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 120). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , /, Nov-Dec 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7832
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarcho-Syndicalisme! #123 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 123). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , /, May-Jun 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7833
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarcho-Syndicalisme! #126 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 126). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , /, Nov-Dec 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7848
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarchoi #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (, , Kilwinning, Scotland, UK/, Dec 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7886
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fanzine; Music; Punk. Additional notes: Old school punk fanzine, produced post 2000.

. Anarchoi #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (, , Kilwinning, Scotland, UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7887
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fanzine; Music; Punk. Additional notes: Date estimated; old school punk fanzine, produced post 2000.

Anarchos. Anarchos #02 :The Transformation of Life in its entirety begins when Men Dare to Rule Their Own Lives.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Eastside Anarchist Group, , New York, New York, USA/, Spring 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2695
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vietnam; Technology. Additional notes:

. Anarchosyndicalisme et Autonomie Populaire :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Collection Strategie, , ). Publisher: (CNT Confederacion Nationale du Travail, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , France/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=19315
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s; from the SolFed Archive.

Gunderloy, Mike; Ziesing, Michael (eds). Anarchy :And The End Of History.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Factsheet Five, Lysander Spooner, , , UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=2452
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist Theory; Social Revolution; Prison; Crime; Possession; Spirituality. Additional notes:

Harper, Clifford. Anarchy :Graphic Guide.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Camden Press, , , , UK/, 1987).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=1461
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Rich.

Malatesta, Errico. Anarchy :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=2163
Description: Paperback version?. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Malatesta, Errico. Anarchy :With a Biographical Note and Portrait.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1942).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=10276
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward.

. Anarchy #01 :Peas + Chips.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2805
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Martin, David. Anarchy & Culture :The Problem of the Contemporary University.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Routledge & Kegan Paul, , , , UK/, 1969).
Format,Location [Hardback, M NonFiction], ID=2074
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: University; Anarchy; Culture; Education; Students. Additional notes:

Moore, John. Anarchy & Ecstasy :Visions of Halcyon Days.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Aporia Press, , London, England, UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=4800
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Primitivism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 001 Vol:01 #01 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8662
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: New Wave; Literature; Sexuality; Violence. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ostergaard, Geoffrey; Wright, Reg; Lynch, James; Holgate, Philip. Anarchy (First Series) 002 Vol:01 #02 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8663
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Workers' Control. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward, the copy donated by CW is a later reprint.

Walter, Nicholas; Weaver, Anthony; Westall, Jeremy. Anarchy (First Series) 003 Vol:01 #03 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9021
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: South Africa. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 004 Vol:01 #04 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Where the shoe pinches.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Asylums; Psychiatry; Institutions. Additional notes: Vol number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Berneri, Marie Louise; Holgate, Philip; Leval, Gaston; Kaminski, HE. Anarchy (First Series) 005 Vol:01 #05 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Spain The Revolution of 1936.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9022
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spanish Civil War; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward and by Ross B.

Jackson, Ward; Ellerby, John; Mygind, Annie; Sansom, Philip; Williams, Dick; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 006 Vol:01 #06 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Jean Vigo Zero De Conduite L'Atlante.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9023
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cinema; Film. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy each kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward and by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 007 Vol:01 #07 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Adventure Playground - A Parable of Anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8730
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Vol and issue number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas; Maddock, Kenneth; Wright, Reg. Anarchy (First Series) 008 Vol:01 #08 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7085
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Orwell; Anthropology; Capitalism; Fabians; Fabianism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; Vol and issue number estimated.

. Anarchy (First Series) 009 Vol:01 #09 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Prison.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8729
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Repression; Justice System. Additional notes: Vol and issue number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas; MacInnes, Colin; John, Augustus; Ward, Colin. Anarchy (First Series) 010 Vol:01 #10 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Alan Sillitoe Colin Macinnes Committee of 100 Augustus John.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1961).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9024
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Alan Sillitoe; Workers' Control; Industrial Decentralisation; Fourier. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 011 Vol:02 #01 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - The World of Paul Goodman.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8728
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Vol and issue number estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ostergaard, Geoffrey; Wright, Reg; Lynch, James; Holgate, Philip. Anarchy (First Series) 012 Vol:02 #02 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8664
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist Personalities; Freedom Readership Survey. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross B, the other by Mike S; Vol and issue number estimated.

Cadogan, Peter; Walter, Nicholas; Wieck, David. Anarchy (First Series) 013 Vol:02 #03 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Direct Action.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9025
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; Vol and issue number estimated.

Walter, Nicholas; Ward, Colin; Sharp, Gene; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 014 Vol:02 #04 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Direct Action.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9026
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Disobedience; Gandhi; Voluntary Servitude. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; Vol and issue number estimated.

. Anarchy (First Series) 015 Vol:02 #05 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8665
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: David Wills. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Ross B.; Vol estimated and issue number unknown.

Green; Maddock; Goldman; Dowa; Drasdo; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 016 Vol:02 #06 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8483
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Africa; Ethics; Poetry. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; vol estimated and issue number unknown.

Small, Martin; Rooum, Martin; Blanke, Marine; Petch, GH; Nicholson-Smith, Donald. Anarchy (First Series) 017 Vol:02 #07 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7089
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Lumpen-Proletariat; Education; Bureaucracy; Cinema; Film. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; vol estimated and issue number unknown.

. Anarchy (First Series) 018 Vol:02 #08 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8727
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education. Additional notes: Vol estimated and issue number unknown; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas; et al. Anarchy (First Series) 019 Vol:02 #09 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8726
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Theatre; Art. Additional notes: Vol estimated and issue number unknown; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 020 Vol:02 #10 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8725
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Freud; Identity; Love; Mutual Aid; Non-Violence; Contracting Relationships. Additional notes: Vol estimated and issue number unknown; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 021 Vol:02 #11 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8666
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Secondary Modern. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross B, the other by Mike S; Vol estimated and issue number unknown.

Cranston; Harvey; Rooum; Minish. Anarchy (First Series) 022 Vol:02 #12 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 02, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1962).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8484
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Relationships; Egoism; History; Index. Additional notes: Vol estimated and issue number unknown; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ellerby, John; Nairn, Ian; Stuckey, Douglas; Deverson, Harry; Shandy, Tristram; Ward, Colin; Robinson, Jack; Uloth, Arthur; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 023 Vol:03 #01 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Housing Squatters.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9027
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing; Homelessness; Squatting; DIY Do It Yourself; Miners; Mining; Squatters; Squatting; Housing Societies; Bethnal Green; John Rae. Additional notes:

. Anarchy (First Series) 024 Vol:03 #02 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - The Community of Scholars.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Scholars; Academia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 025 Vol:03 #03 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Technology, science and anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8723
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Technology; Cyborgs. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Radcliffe, Charles; Richardson, brian; McAlpine, Tom; Uloth, Arthur; Sainsbury, Ian (et al). Anarchy (First Series) 026 Vol:03 #04 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9028
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Aldermaston; Nuclear Weapons; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; Slavery; Thoreau. Additional notes:

. Anarchy (First Series) 027 Vol:03 #05 :A Journal of Anarchist Ideas - Talking about Youth.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8722
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Youth; Teenagers. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 028 Vol:03 #06 :The Future of Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8667
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

Blair, Sally; Woodcock, George. Anarchy (First Series) 029 Vol:03 #07 :The Spies for Peace Story.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6750
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spies for Peace Story; Committee of 100; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD weapons of mass destruction; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 030 Vol:03 #08 :The Community Workshop.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3574
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 031 Vol:03 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8485
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Missing cover, cover verso, back pages, otherwise apparently complete.

. Anarchy (First Series) 032 Vol:03 #10 :Crime.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Crime; Justice System; Punishment; Social Control. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 033 Vol:03 #11 :The Anarchism of Alex Comfort.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8668
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 034 Vol:03 #12 :Science Fiction.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 03, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1963).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8733
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Pilgrim; Uloth; John; Pickard; Radcliffe; Shelley; Gibson; Leman. Anarchy (First Series) 035 Vol:04 #01 :House and Home.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7090
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Sainsbury, Ian; Parker, Tony; Rooum, Donald; Baker AJ; Boyd, David. Anarchy (First Series) 036 Vol:04 #02 :Arms of the Law.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8930
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 037 Vol:04 #03 :Why I won't vote.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9029
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Representative Democracy. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 038 Vol:04 #04 :Nottingham.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=888
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; Ray Gosling; Sillitoe; Callow; Drasdo; Lenton; Pupils; Ritter; Poverty. Additional notes: Transcription of photocopied original; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kept in Show & Tell Box.

. Anarchy (First Series) 038 Vol:04 #04 :Nottingham.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1876
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nottingham; Ray Gosling; Sillitoe; Callow; Drasdo; Lenton; Pupils; Ritter; Poverty. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kept in the Show & Tell Box.

. Anarchy (First Series) 039 Vol:04 #05 :The legacy of Homer Lane.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8669
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Turner, Peter; Gerard, Gaston; Christopher, Bill; Ward, Colin; Spitzer, Alan; Foreman, Michael; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 040 Vol:04 #06 :The Unions & Workers Control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3576
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trade Unions; Workers' Control; Collectives; Contracts; Fernand Pelloutier. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 041 Vol:04 #07 :The Land.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7093
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Land; Farming; Factories; Kropotkin; Environment; Towns. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 042 Vol:04 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3578
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 043 Vol:04 #09 :Parents and teachers.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7095
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Schools; Teachers; Parenting. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Ross B.

Moyse, Arthur; Berg, Leila; Hunt, Jeremy; Spruce, William; Jones, Tom; Garnett, Joe; Vine, Ian; Crump, John; Westall, Jeremy; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 044 Vol:04 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7094
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bus; Trucks; Transport; Morality; Morals; Africa. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ferraro, D; Nevinson, Henry; Small, Martin; Burton, Wilbur; Morgan, Alan; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 045 Vol:04 #11 :The Greeks had a word for it.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7096
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Greek; Philosophy; Athenian; Athens; Play; Aristoteles; Aristophanic. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas; Pluscardin, Peter; Berg, Leila; Cranston, Maurice; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 046 Vol:04 #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 04, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1964).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7097
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History; Historians; Sade; Morals; Morality; Leila Berg; Maurice Cranston. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 047 Vol:05 #01 :Towards Freedom in Work.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9030
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 048 Vol:05 #02 :Peter Brooks film of Lord of the Flies from the Novel of William Golding.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3583
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 049 Vol:05 #03 :Automation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6729
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Automation. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Guy T, the other by Ross B.

Shelley, Diana; Holgate, Philip; Horowitz, Irving; Johnson, William; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 050 Vol:05 #04 :The Anarchist Outlook.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3585
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Committee of 100; Malatesta. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 051 Vol:05 #05 :Blues RnB Pop Folk.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9031
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ross B.

. Anarchy (First Series) 052 Vol:05 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Pacifism; Committee of 100; Non-Violence; Automation; Individualism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 053 Vol:05 #07 :After School.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3586
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; School. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Mike S.

Ellerby, John; Buber, Martin; Landauer, Gustav; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 054 Vol:05 #08 :Erich Muehsam Martin Buber Gustav Landauer.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7100
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Erich Muehsam; Gustav Landauer; Martin Buber; Ellerby; Segar; Mutual Aid; Social Evolution; Kropotkin; Marx; Dewey. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number

Hewetson, John; DeHaan, Richard; Majoram, John. Anarchy (First Series) 055 Vol:05 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7102
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mutual Aid; Social Evolution; Kropotkin; Marx; Dewey; Hewetson; DeHaan; Marjoram. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 056 Vol:05 #10 :Emma Goldman in a Man's world….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7103
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Women; Discrimination; Feminism; Russell; Unwin; Goldman; Ennals; Segar. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Davies, Penny; Gibson, Tony; Colman, Marshall; Gibson, Morgan; Gosling, Ray; Ellingham, Francis; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 057 Vol:05 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7104
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Jurisprudence; Law; Crime; Marx; Bucky; Fuller; Paris; Davies; Gibson; Colman; Ray Gosling; Ellingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 058 Vol:05 #12 :Statelessness and Homelessness.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 05, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1965).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8720
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 059 Vol:06 #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7106
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Race; Liberalism; Education; Rhodesia; Ellerby; Meltzer; Ward; A.S. Neill; MacInnes; Walker; Cohen; Vine; Africa. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 060 Vol:06 #02 :Synanon & Anarchism/Narcotic Addiction.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Drugs; Peckhma; Synanon; Pressman; Hewetson. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ellerby; Woudhuysen; Small; Meltzer; Idkins; Gibson; Goodman. Anarchy (First Series) 061 Vol:06 #03 :Creative Vandalism for 2 Shillings or 30 Cents.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8486
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vandalism. Additional notes:

Ward; Rety; Goodman; Westall; Robinson; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 062 Vol:06 #04 :Anarchism as a Theory of Organisation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, April 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8487
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisation; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Nuclear Weapons; Rhodesia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 063 Vol:06 #05 :An Early Renaissance Text: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Etienne de la Boetie. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 064 Vol:06 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, June 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7764
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Children; Education; Factory; Marijuana; Drugs; Vandalism; Crime. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Small, Martin. Anarchy (First Series) 065 Vol:06 #07 :111 years ago….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7109
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Featuring only one article: "Derevolutionisation" by Martin Small; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 066 Vol:06 #08 :Provo.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6754
Description: First incarnation of Anarchy.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Provo; Amsterdam. Additional notes:

. Anarchy (First Series) 067 Vol:06 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3593
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Black Anarchy New York; Malcom X; Black Power; Marijuana; Drugs; Homelessness. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 068 Vol:06 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Class; Utopianism; Determinism; Drugs. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 069 Vol:06 #11 :Anarchy 69 is about Ecology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6756
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ecology; Enviromentalism; Abortion Voluntarism; Herber; MacEwan; Lindenfeld; Finesilver. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ford; Walter; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 070 Vol:06 #12 :Libertarian Psychiatry-An Introduction to Existential Analysis.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 06, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1966).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Psychiatry; Mental Health. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 071 Vol:07 #01 :Education.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8670
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Schools. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ross B.

Brown, Peter; Meltzer, Albert; Moyse, Arthur; Woodiwiss, Tony; Pearce, Frank; Wooliscroft, Michael; Johnson, Vincent; Albon, Alan; Eichenauer, Jimmi; Robinson, Jeff; Mitchell, I.R.; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 072 Vol:07 #02 :Strike City, Mississippi.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7111
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mississippi; Russia; Philological; Philology. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 073 Vol:07 #03 :The Free School Idea.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8719
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Schools. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Vine; Uloth; Wardon; Ingrams; Barfoot; Tatham; Wills; Weaver; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 074 Vol:07 #04 :How Realistic is Anarchism?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8488
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Libertarian Psychiatry; Social Revolution. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 075 Vol:07 #05 :Kate Vandegrift: Trying it on - Improvised Drama.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8718
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Arts; Theatre. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 076 Vol:07 #06 :How many years to 1968?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3595
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Weller, Ken; Schubert, John; Blitzen, Dorothy; Best, Robert; Ford, Peter; Clark, George; Anderson, Andy; Forman, Alex; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 077 Vol:07 #07 :Do-It-Yourself Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7113
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Vietnam; Autonomous Groups; Notting Hill; King Hill; San Francisco; Diggers. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 078 Vol:07 #08 :Towards A Liberatory Technology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8717
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Technology. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Mitchell; Fuentes; Michelson-Terry; Barry; Gibson; Libertraia; Walter; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 079 Vol:07 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7115
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Latin America; Guyana; Peru; Hugo Blanco; Uruguay; Ecuador; Cuba. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 080 Vol:07 #10 :Workers' Control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7116
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ostergard; Koates; Self-Management; Syndicalism; Coates; Davidson; Bookchin; Kipling; Segar; Ellingham. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Nick Heath.

. Anarchy (First Series) 081 Vol:07 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7117
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kronstadt; Russia; Marxism; Anarchism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 082 Vol:07 #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1967).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8716
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Schools; Education. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 083 Vol:08 #01 :Tenants Take Over.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8715
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing; Squatting; Rent; Tenants. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 084 Vol:08 #02 :Poverty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3599
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Boston; Molnar; Poole; Goodman; Barclay; Segar. Anarchy (First Series) 085 Vol:08 #03 :Conversations about Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3600
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Meliorism; Utopianism; Josiah Warren. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 086 Vol:08 #04 :Fishermen & Workers Control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3601
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Fishermen; Fishery. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 087 Vol:08 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3602
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prisons; Law Enforcement; Justice System. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Benello, George. Anarchy (First Series) 088 Vol:08 #06 :Wasteland Culture by George Benello.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3603
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Meliorism; Wasteland. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Ross B; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 089 Vol:08 #07 :The Maydays in France.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6758
Description: First incarnation of Anarchy.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: May 1968; Paris 1968; Vane; Prior; Cohn-Bendit; Segar. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 090 Vol:08 #08 :Student Anarchy.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8489
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Paris 1968; 1968 Revolts; Paris 1968; Berlin 1968. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Moyse, Arthur; Nicolson, Benedict; Herbert, Robert; Herbert Eugenia; Moore, Henry; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 091 Vol:08 #09 :Artists and Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7119
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Art; Herbert Read; Camillle; Pissarro. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 092 Vol:08 #10 :Risinghill and Kilquhanity.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8714
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Schools; Education. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Roszak, Theodore; Featherstone, Godfrey; Barltrop, Robert; Fulford, Norman; Claydon, Ivor; Segar Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 093 Vol:08 #11 :Radio freedom.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7121
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Pirate; Radio; Media; France. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Fleming, Antony; Downes, David; Goodman Paul; Walter, Nicolas; Marren, Paraic; Segar, Rufus. Anarchy (First Series) 094 Vol:08 #12 :The Machinery of Conformity.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1968).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7371
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Freedom; Education; Daniel Guerin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 095 Vol:09 #01 :Yugoslavia: is it workers control.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7123
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Yugoslavia; Social Self Government; Riddell; Rosse. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Maybe; Howkins; Guevarra; Gillett; Wilde. Anarchy (First Series) 096 Vol:09 #02 :Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7125
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 097 Vol:09 #03 :Architects and People.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8713
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Architecture; Housing; Squatting; Tenants. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Gibson; Young; Whatling; Taylor; Goodman. Anarchy (First Series) 098 Vol:09 #04 :A Libertarian Criminology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7126
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Crime; Prison; Criminal; Kropotkin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 099 Vol:09 #05 :Lessons of the French Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7128
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: France; Paris 1968; French Revolution. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Walter, Nicholas. Anarchy (First Series) 100 Vol:09 #06 :About Anarchism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7129
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolution; Society; Anarchism; Introduction; Theory; Socialism; Democracy; State; Class; Organisation; Property; Religion; Violence; War; Individual. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy a later reprint.

Taylor; Gibson; Cohen. Anarchy (First Series) 101 Vol:09 #07 :Approved schools and detention centres.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7131
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Youth; Crime; Prison; Punishment; Education. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (First Series) 102 Vol:09 #08 :Squatters.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9032
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing; Squatting; Squatters; Tenants. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Joy and Chris Russell.

Kingshill; Richardson; Gould; Weaver; Twest; Morris. Anarchy (First Series) 103 Vol:09 #09 :The rights of the young.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7134
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Youth; Education; Schools. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Widmer; Tod; Hogben; Woodcock; Drinnon; Sargent. Anarchy (First Series) 104 Vol:09 #10 :On Refusing.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7136
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Pacifism; Violence; Art; Refusing; Decentralism; Berkman; The Blast; Utopia. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Ollendorf; Goodman; Neill; Berneri; Broughton; Albon; Gibson. Anarchy (First Series) 105 Vol:09 #11 :Wilhelm Reich and the Sexual Revolution.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7137
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Wilhelm Reich; Sexual Revolution; Sexuality. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 106 Vol:09 #12 :Property is theft - J.P. Proudhon 1840.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1969).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1932
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Proudhon. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Goodman; Willis; Barker; Uloth; Gibson; Condon; Reilly; Segar; Art. Anarchy (First Series) 107 Vol:10 #01 :The Present Moment in Education.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7140
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Freedom; District Line. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Small, Martin; Ward; Schubert; Otter. Anarchy (First Series) 108 Vol:10 #02 :Big Flame Flickering.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7142
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Drinnon; Harper; Widmer; Walter; Kipling. Anarchy (First Series) 109 Vol:10 #03 :Russell and the Anarchists.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7144
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bertrand Russell; History; Counter-culture; Kropotkin. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Mitchell, Adrian (ed); Daly, Tim. Anarchy (First Series) 110 Vol:10 #04 :Jump my Brothers Jump. Poems from Prison by Tim Daly.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7146
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poems; Poetry. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Reichert et al. Anarchy (First Series) 111 Vol:10 #05 :Anarchism, Freedom and Power by William O. Reichert.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 05). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, May 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7148
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Revolution; Education; Japan. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Guine; Marchant; Jannaway; Hebditch; Wolfin; Hodges. Anarchy (First Series) 112 Vol:10 #06 :Southern Africa.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 06). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jun 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7151
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Race; Zimbabwe; Rhodesia; Mozambique; Angola. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 113 Vol:10 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 07). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Jul 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3621
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Women; Crime; Holloway; Holt; Sally Anne; Harmer; Repression; Prison. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by Torsten; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Drinnon, Richard; Goldman, Emma; Widmer, Kingsley; Tower Sargent, Lyman; Woodcock, George. Anarchy (First Series) 114 Vol:10 #08 :Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, and the dream we hark Back to….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 08). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7153
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Goldman; Berkman; Marcuse. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Segar, Rufus; Kohls, Stan; Widmer, Kingsley; Avrich, Paul; Manas; Austin, David; Page, David; Bryant. Anarchy (First Series) 115 Vol:10 #09 :McLuhanism, a libertarian view by Kingsley Widmer.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 09). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Sep 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7155
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Student; Raphael; Hythloday; Bakunin; McLuhanism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

Guerin; Whiteman; Moss; Dwyer; Wrad. Anarchy (First Series) 116 Vol:10 #10 :Tory chief attacks the TUC leaders.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 10). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Oct 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7157
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Festivals; Isle of Wight; Guerin; Whiteman; Moss; Dwyer; Wrad. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Richardson; Thomas; O'Connor; Woodcock; Meltzer. Anarchy (First Series) 117 Vol:10 #11 :Mainly about the future of the urban environment….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 11). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Nov 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7160
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Towns; Environment; Data; Motorways; Transport; Notting Hill. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (First Series) 118 Vol:10 #12 :Keith Paton on Work and Surplus….
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 12). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7162
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Hunt. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (JDA) #18 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Mar-Apr 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7856
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Critical Theory; Papalagi; Pentagon. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Mark.

. Anarchy (JDA) #25 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Summer 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5986
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #26 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Autumn 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5999
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Mark.

. Anarchy (JDA) #27 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 27). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Winter 1990-91 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5998
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Mark.

. Anarchy (JDA) #28 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 28). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Spring 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15387
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Anarchy (JDA) #29 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Summer 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5996
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #30 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 30). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Fall 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4713
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Mark.

. Anarchy (JDA) #31 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 31). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Winter 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6001
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #32 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Spring 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6000
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #34 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Fall 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5993
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #35 Vol:13 #01 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 01). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Winter 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5988
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #36 Vol:13 #02 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 02). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Spring 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5992
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Mark.

. Anarchy (JDA) #37 Vol:13 #03 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 03). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2051
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: KKK Ku Klux Klan; Race; Racism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (JDA) #38 Vol:13 #04 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 13, 04). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Fall 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5994
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #39 Vol:14 #01 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 01). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Winter 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5989
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten, the other by Mark.

. Anarchy (JDA) #40 Vol:14 #02 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 02). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Spring-Summer 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5987
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #41 Vol:14 #03 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 03). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Winter 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5990
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #42 Vol:13 #04 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 14, 04). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Fall 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=5995
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

Vaneigem, Raoul; Bracken, Len; Zerzan, John; Simons, Paul Z (et al). Anarchy (JDA) #44 Vol:15 #02 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 15, 02). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, May 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4347
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #45 Vol:16 #01 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 01). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Spring-Summer 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7857
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #46 Vol:16 #02 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 02). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Fall-Winter 1998-1999 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18256
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Anarchy (JDA) #64 Vol:25 #05 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 25, 05). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Spring-Summer 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7858
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection, the other kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (JDA) #72-73 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 72-73). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11708
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Anarchy (JDA) Vol:16 #01 :A Journal of Desire Armed.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 16, 01). Publisher: (, , Columbia, Missouri, USA/, Spring-Summer 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4726
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anthropology. Additional notes: Still stapled; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #01 Vol:01 #01 :Towards a rational bisexuality.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 01). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Feb 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3561
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gender; Sexuality; Homosexuality; Heterosexuality; Bisexuality; Masculinity; Femininity; Lesbians; Lesbianism; Eros; Women's Liberation; LGBTQ+. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #02 Vol:01 #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 02). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, March 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7230
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Russian Revolution; Petrov; The Anti-Climax; Berkman; Izvestiia; Ciliga; Newell; Walter; Ritchie; Avrich; Neville; Goldman; Perlin; Goodman; Kronstadt. Additional notes: Several pages cut from one of the copies of this issue; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #03 Vol:01 #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 03). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 1971).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7231
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LSD; Drugs. Additional notes: Undated; date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #04 Vol:01 #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 04). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3563
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kronstadt; Poland; Bakunin; Marx; Nationalism; Kropotkin; Anarchist Communism; Poland; Food Riots. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #05 Vol:01 #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 05). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7235
Description: The 1970s run of the title. Monthly. Now described as 'Volume 1 Number 3 of second series. No month or year now given but presumably 1971 like issues 1 and 2.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Badinoff; Ozeki; Graham; Bakunin; Paris Commune; Neville; Perlin; Japan. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #06 Vol:01 #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 06). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7237
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: 1907; Connolly; Crumlin Jail; Cement strike; Northern Ireland. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Nick Heath.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #07 Vol:01 #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 07). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7239
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Workers' Councils; Self-Management; General Strike; Spain; Stirner; Newham; Angry Brigade. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Tim Dawes.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #08 Vol:01 #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 08). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7241
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Friends of Malatesta; Anti-Mass; North America; Sitting Bull; Thoreau; Social Anarchism. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #09 Vol:01 #09 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 09). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7245
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Violence; Angry Brigade; RAF Red Army Faction; Anti-Mass; Collectives; Counter-Subversion; Urban Guerrilla Warfare. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #10 Vol:01 #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 10). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7246
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Aspects of Anarchy; North America; Angry Brigade; Stoke Newington Eight; Craigavon New City. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #11 Vol:01 #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, 11). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6726
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Gartree Prison Riots; Feminism; Fascism; Gartree; Vorkuta. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3571
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Spanish Civil War; CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo; Special Austerity Issue. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7819
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Trotsky; Voline; Yugoslavia. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Tim Dawes.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4068
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Social Work; Royal Navy; Anti-Intellectual. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #16 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7817
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Squatting; Housing. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #17 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6724
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Abortion; Racism; Medicine. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7818
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Class; Privilege. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #19 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 19). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1973).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15053
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Class; Privilege. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #20 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6725
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Children; Education; Ulrike Meinhof; Irish Anarchists; Ireland; Anti-Fascism; Police; Computers. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Guy T.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #21 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1975).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2015
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Work; Noel Murray; Marie Murray; Illegality; Ireland; Soviet; USSR; Notting Hill; France. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1976).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7815
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ireland; Hull Jail Riot; Provos. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #25 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 25). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1977).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14007
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Firemen's Strike; Christiania. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #26 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=1142
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Housing. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #28 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 28). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7078
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Police; Prison; Repression; Binary Gender; Technology; Nature; Environmentalism; Family; Patriarchy; Patty Hurst; Gartree Riots; Greece; Dictatorship; Northern Ireland; RAF Red Army Faction. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Ron M.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #29 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, May 1980).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4853
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #32 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 32). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7816
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ireland; Gartree Jail. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #33 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 33). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7814
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: John Guilt; Unemployment; Wage Labour. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #34 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 34). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6772
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Barry Prosser; Crass; Poison Girls; Music; Self-Management; Self-Employment; Labour Party; Nationalism; Deportations; Prison. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #35 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 35). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=19446
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: NHS National Health Service; Prison. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Joy Cadwallader from the collection of Simon Paul Ellis.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #36 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 36). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, Summer 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=12731
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #37 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 37). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, Winter 1983-84 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=6785
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: SAS Special Air Service; Jemen; Northern Ireland; Augustin Souchy. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Neil, the other from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Anarchy (Second Series) #38 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 38). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3573
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Germany; Urban Guerilla; RAF Red Army Faction. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Antliff, Allan. Anarchy and Art :From the Paris Coimmune to the Fall of the Berlin.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Arsenal Pulp Press, , , , Canada/, 2007).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=25
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Modernism; Dada; Dadaism; Neo-Impressionism. Additional notes: Did this once have a cover?

Read, Herbert. Anarchy and Order :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Condor, , , , UK/, 1974).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=1273
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poet; Poetry; Politician; Communism; Philosophy; Peace. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Anna from Keith Leonard's collection.

Bookchin, Murray; Dickens, Bob. Anarchy and Organisation :Anarchism, Terrorism and Individualism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Glad Day Press, , , , USA/, 1969).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Ron's Archive], ID=1943
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Organisation; Terrorism; Individualism. Additional notes: Publication year estimated.

An Anarchist. Anarchy and the Labour War :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=7776
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Photocopied version of an undated (turn of the century?) Freedom publication; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy Comics :International Anarchy!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Last Gasp Comix, , , , USA/, 1978).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=1548
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Comics. Additional notes: One copy kindly donated by SB via ExLibris; one copy from Chris Cann's archive; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

Sunday, Kurtis. Anarchy in a Cold War :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Cambria, , , , UK/, 2012).
Format,Location [Paperback, S NonFiction], ID=3400
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Ward, Colin. Anarchy in Action :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=2322
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarchist Society; Education; Planning; Welfare; Housing; Environment; Workplace; Family; Introduction; Leadership; Federations. Additional notes: In memory of Paul Goodman.

Ward, Colin. Anarchy in Action :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=633
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarchist Society; Education; Planning; Welfare; Housing; Environment; Workplace; Family; Introduction; Leadership; Federations. Additional notes: In memory of Paul Goodman; kindly donated by Freedom.

Ward, Colin. Anarchy in Action :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1982).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=634
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarchist Society; Education; Planning; Welfare; Housing; Environment; Workplace; Family; Introduction; Leadership; Federations. Additional notes: In memory of Paul Goodman.

Ward, Colin. Anarchy in Action :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=1270
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchism; Anarchist Society; Education; Planning; Welfare; Housing; Environment; Workplace; Family; Introduction; Leadership; Federations. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Anna, from Keith Leonard's collection.

. Anarchy in BY :Anarchist movement in Belarus 1992-2002.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ABC Anarchist Black Cross, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=24065
Description: Translated by ABC Belarus, publication country unclear. Enclosed another short pamphlet entitled 'Overview of Repressions against Anarchists and Antifascists in Belarus in 2018' as well as a cloth patch.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, probably 2000s.

Vague, Tom. Anarchy in the UK :The Angry Brigade.
Series,Volume,Issue: (English Psychogeography, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 1996).
Format,Location [Paperback, V NonFiction], ID=1530
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Angry Brigade; Durruti Column; Paris 1968; Stoke Newington 8/Stoke Newington Eight; Situationist International. Additional notes:

. Anarchy in the UK :Ten Days that shook the world.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1994).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=2721
Description: Leaflets attached (see 2nd Hyperlink), see also 7779 for a detailed programm.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarchy in the UK :Ten Days that shook the world - October 21st-30th 1994.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1994).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=7779
Description: See also 2721 for leaflets etc.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Ruff, Philip (ed). Anarchy in the USSR :A New Beginning.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ASP, , London, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=6121
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: USSR; repression. Additional notes:

Ruff, Philip (ed). Anarchy in the USSR :A New Beginning.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ASP, , London, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, R NonFiction], ID=6122
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: USSR; repression. Additional notes:

. Anarchy is liberty, not disorder :Better Black than Red or Dead.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottingham Anarchists, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive N], ID=15322
Description: Reprinted from Open Road.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, late 1970s; from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

Woodcock, George. Anarchy or Chaos :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , London, England, UK/, 1944).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive W], ID=2303
Description: Technically a paperback but kept with pamphlets W.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Freedom; Organisation; Lao; Winstanley; Godwin; Proudhon; Bakunin; First International; Kropotkin; Anarchist Communism; anarcho-Syndicalism; Russia; USSR; America; Makhno; Spain; Industry. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarchy Vol:07 #71-82 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 07, 71-82). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1967).
Format,Location [Hardback, A NonFiction], ID=2243
Description: Anarchy Magazine, bound edition of numbers 71-82.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Albert Meltzer; USSR; Russia; Psychiatry; Surveillance; Vietnam; Notting Hill; King Hill; Diggers; Latin America; School; Kronstadt. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

. Anarchy Vol:08 #83-92 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 08, 83-92). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1968).
Format,Location [Hardback, A NonFiction], ID=2244
Description: Anarchy Magazine, bound edition of numbers 83-92.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Community; Poverty; Meliorism; Fishing; Prison; Students; Pissarro; Paris; Herbert Read; Stirner; Radio; Guerin. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

. Anarchy Vol:09 #95-106 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 95-106). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1969).
Format,Location [Hardback, A NonFiction], ID=2245
Description: Anarchy Magazine, bound edition of numbers 95-106.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Yugoslavia; Guevarra; Architecture; Housing; Squatting; Education; Berkman; Utopia; Reich; Goodman; Neill; Sexuality; Bugess Hill; Proudhon; Revolution; Criminology; Crime; Kropotkin; May 1968. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

. Anarchy Vol:09 #95-106 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 09, 95-106). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1969).
Format,Location [Hardback, A NonFiction], ID=7719
Description: Anarchy Magazine, bound edition of numbers 95-106.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Yugoslavia; Guevarra; Architecture; Housing; Squatting; Education; Berkman; Utopia; Reich; Goodman; Neill; Sexuality; Bugess Hill; Proudhon; Revolution; Criminology; Crime; Kropotkin; May 1968. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

. Anarchy Vol:10 #107-118 :X 1970.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 10, 107-118). Publisher: (Freedom Press, , , , UK/, 1970).
Format,Location [Hardback, A NonFiction], ID=2246
Description: Anarchy Magazine, bound edition of numbers 107-110.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Education; Martin Small; Kropotkin; Africa; Women; Crime; Goldman; Berkman; Marcuse; Notting Hill. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

Gelderloos, Peter. Anarchy Works :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Ardent Press, , , , UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Paperback, G NonFiction], ID=3342
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Crime; Economy; Mutual Aid; Social Organisation; Theory; Utopia; Strategy; Environment. Additional notes:

Skirda, Alexandre. Anarchy's Cossak :The struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine, 1917.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, S NonFiction], ID=2252
Description: CHECK PHYSICAL COPY, ONE (?) SOLD.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Makhno; Ukraine; Prisons; USSR; Lenin; Bolshevism; Makhnovism; Anstisemitism; Maps. Additional notes: Translated by Paul Sharky.

Skirda, Alexandre. Anarchy's Cossak :The struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine, 1917.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, S NonFiction], ID=1651
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Makhno; Ukraine; Prisons; USSR; Lenin; Bolshevism; Makhnovism; Anstisemitism; Maps. Additional notes: Translated by Paul Sharky.

Reclus, Elisee. Anarchy, Geography, Modernity :Select Writings of Elisee Reclus.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (PM Press, , , , USA/, 2013).
Format,Location [Paperback, E NonFiction], ID=3392
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Edited and translated by John Clark and Camille Martin.

. Anarco Sindicalista :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, Solidariedade Obreira, , , Portugal/, Nov-Dec 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7852
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Unnumbered issue.

. Anarco-Sindicalistas Contre la Explotacion Infantil :Resolucion sobre la esclavitud infantil - Aprobada en Reunion Plenaria de la Asociacion Internacional de los Trabajadores AIT-IWA.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , , Columbia/, 1999).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive I], ID=19398
Description: Text of a resolution which was passed by and IWA congress in Toulouse?. Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: Child Exploitation; Abuse. Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. AnarCom Perspectives #01 :No War but the Class War.
Series,Volume,Issue: (First in a series of pamphlets by the AnarCom Network, , ). Publisher: (AnarCom Publications, Rebel Cat Collective, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22309
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, late 2010s or early 2020s.

. AnarCom Perspectives #02 :Frontline News from the Class War!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Second in a series of pamphlets by the AnarCom Network, , ). Publisher: (AnarCom Publications, Rebel Cat Collective, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=22310
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, early 2020s.

. Anarcosindicalismo Basico :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, Sevilla, , Spain/, 2001).
Format,Location [Paperback, C NonFiction], ID=19319
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

Malatesta, Errico. Anarhiji naproti :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Slovenia/, 1933).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=1348
Description: . Language(s): Slovene/. Keywords: Fra Contadini. Additional notes: Malatesta's 'Dialogue on Anarchy' in Slovene; kindly donated by comrades of the Ljubljana Infoshop.

Cappelletti, Angel J. Anarhisticka Ideja :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Serbia/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=24072
Description: A Serbian translation of an FAI (Italy) text.. Language(s): Serbian/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s.

. Anarhisticna pubuda Ljubljana :Na rusevinah kapitalizma - Documenti Iz Korona-Krize.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Acerbic Distribution, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, 2020).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive A], ID=21705
Description: Paperback, but kep with pamphlets A. Possibly picked up at IFA International of Anarchist Federations events, contains leaflets and stickers probably provided by the OAF Ostravska Anarchisticka Federace.. Language(s): Slovak/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Collected by Mike C.

Kropotkin, Peter. Anarhisticni komunizem :Vzajemna pomoc Anarhisticna morala.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SiSD publikacije, , , , Slovenia/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive K], ID=1353
Description: Kropotkin's 'Methods of Anarcho-Syndicalism' in Slovene.. Language(s): Slovene/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the comrades of the Ljubljana Infoshop.

. Anarhistka #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (FAO Federacije Za Anarhisticno Organiziranje, , Prague, , Czech Republic/, Apr 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23528
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarhistka #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (FAO Federacije Za Anarhisticno Organiziranje, , Prague, , Czech Republic/, May 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23529
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarhistka #29 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (FAO Federacije Za Anarhisticno Organiziranje, , Prague, , Czech Republic/, Dec 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23530
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Issue number estimated.

. Anarhistka #30 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 30). Publisher: (FAO Federacije Za Anarhisticno Organiziranje, , Prague, , Czech Republic/, Feb 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23531
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarhistka #31 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 31). Publisher: (FAO Federacije Za Anarhisticno Organiziranje, , Prague, , Czech Republic/, Apr-May 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23532
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarhistka #32 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 32). Publisher: (FAO Federacije Za Anarhisticno Organiziranje, , Prague, , Czech Republic/, Nov 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23533
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarhistka #34 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 34). Publisher: (FAO Federacije Za Anarhisticno Organiziranje, , Prague, , Czech Republic/, Dec 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23534
Description: . Language(s): Czech/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarho-sindikalizem :Anarhizem: Cilji in nameni.
Series,Volume,Issue: (SAF publikacije 002, , ). Publisher: (SAF Social Anarhisticna Federacija, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=1351
Description: . Language(s): Slovene/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Published and kindly donated by the comrades of the Ljubljana Infoshop.

Rocker, Rudolf. Anarho-sindikalizem :Metode Anarho-Sindicalizma.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (SiSD Sindikat Samoorganiziranega Delavstva, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=1352
Description: . Language(s): Slovene/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Rocker's 'Methods of Anarcho-Syndicalism' in Slovene; published and kindly donated by the comrades of the Ljubljana Infoshop; undated, possibly 2000s.

. Anarihistka #24 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 24). Publisher: (FAO Federacija Za Anarhistično Organiziranje, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Jun 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=22393
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarihistka #27 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 27). Publisher: (FAO Federacija Za Anarhistično Organiziranje, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Nov 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=22395
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarihistka #31 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 31). Publisher: (FAO Federacija Za Anarhistično Organiziranje, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Apr-May 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=22394
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarihistka #33 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 33). Publisher: (FAO Federacija Za Anarhistično Organiziranje, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Jan 2014).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=22396
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarihistka #35 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 35). Publisher: (FAO Federacija Za Anarhistično Organiziranje, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Feb 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=22397
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarihistka #37 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 37). Publisher: (FAO Federacija Za Anarhistično Organiziranje, , Ljubljana, , Slovenia/, Summer 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive F], ID=22398
Description: . Language(s): Slovenian/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarkiista Debato #06 :Magazine of the IAF.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (IFA Internationale des Federations Anarchistes, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22139
Description: CHECK WHETHER 2ND COPY REALLY IS 2ND COPY OR DIFFERENT ISSUE, TIS A BIT CONFUSING.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Belarus; Paris; Tierra Y Libertat. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2010s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Anarquisme :Exposicio Internacional.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Centre Civic de Sants, , , , /, Oct 1993).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=7777
Description: Progamme and postcard regarding a conference in Barcelona.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. Anarquist #01 :With added Freaky Power!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11709
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality; Pornography; Comics; Cartoons. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Anarquista #22 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 22). Publisher: (, , Bristol, England, UK/, May 1970).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20513
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Franco. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anarquista (CNT) #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, Spring-Summer 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23594
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarquista (CNT) #10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, Winter 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23595
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarquista (CNT) #11 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, Spring 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23596
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarquista (CNT) #12 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, Autumn 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23597
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarquista (CNT) #13 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, Spring 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23598
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarquista (CNT) #14 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, Spring 2002).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23599
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anarquista (CNT) #15 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, Winter 2004).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23600
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anathema #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , , , /, 1981).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2737
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Anathema #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , , , /, 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2738
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

Hill, Gary. Anatomy of an Industrial Struggle :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Solidarity, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S/Solidarity], ID=12779
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Tonsley Park Chrysler; Adelaide; Australia; Industrial Action. Additional notes: Undated, probably mid to late 1970s.

. Anatopia #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , Lisbon, , Portugal/, 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22600
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anchorage Anarchy #29 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 29). Publisher: (, , Anchorage, Alaska, USA/, Nov 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=21449
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. And Music :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Bristol Musicians' Co-Operative, , Bristol, England, UK/, Jul 1980).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=8191
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Musicians. Additional notes:

Boy, Igor. And Yet it Moves :The Realisation and Suppression of Science and Technology.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Zamisdat Press, , , , USA/, 1985).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=926
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Science; Technology; Popper; Lakatos. Additional notes:

. Andalucia Libertaria #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , /, Mar-Apr 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4658
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. Andalucia Libertaria #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, IWMA/IWA/IAA/AIT International Workingmen's Association/International Workers Association, , , /, May-Jun 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4657
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

Dalotel, Alain. Andre Leo (1824-1900) :La Junon de la Commune.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Cahiers du Pays Chauvinois Vol:29, 29, ). Publisher: (Cahiers du Pays Chauvinois, , , , France/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, D NonFiction], ID=1718
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Paris Commune; Feminism; Writer; Suisse; Italy. Additional notes: Junon means Juno, but her real name was Victoire Leodile Bera. Her name is from the first names of her two sons; kindly donated by Nick Heath.

Mendelson, Bob. Andrew Ant the Anarchist :A fable for all ants and those humans concerned with justice.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anarcho Press, , , , USA/, 1976).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive A], ID=1563
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Childrens Books; Art. Additional notes: Children's book; Rob's children really liked it.

Imarisha, Walidah. Angels with Dirty Faces :Three Stories of Crime, Prison and Redemption.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Oakland, California, USA/UK, 2016).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=7043
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Walford, George. Angles on Anarchism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Calabria Press, , London, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Paperback, W NonFiction], ID=4805
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Ideology; Theory. Additional notes:

Moreel, Bas. Anglican Anarchism :The Anglican Communion as an Anarchist Church.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Kolokol Publications, , Brussels, , Belgium/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=20998
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christianity; Christian Anarchism; Christian Socialism; Religion. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s or 2000s; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Angry People #13 :For A Strong, United Working Class.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (, , , New South Wales, Australia/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7869
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 1990s.

. Angry Workers of the World #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Angry Workers, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7867
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, early to mid-2010s.

. Angry Workers of the World #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (Angry Workers, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7868
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, early to mid-2010s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Gail.

. Angry Workers' Bulletin #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , Berkeley, California, USA/, Summer 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16641
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Sam Normal.

. Angry! #15 :Paper of the Hull Anarchist/DAM Group.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (Hull Anarchists, DAM Direct Action Movement, Hull, England, UK/, Jul 1982).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=14576
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. Angry! #Pilot :How dare you flaunt your wealth before those whose poverty you perpetuate.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Angry!, Class War, London, England, UK/, 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=4822
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Miners' Strike; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Ireland. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Animal #01 :The Voice of unrepentant Class War.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7865
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, date estimated.

. Animal #02 :The Football Special.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2806
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Staples removed.

. Animal #04 :The Magazine Whose Layout Marginally Improves With Each Issue.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2807
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Animal Accident Rescue Unit Newletter 2006/02-04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Animal Accident Rescue Unit, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18465
Description: . Language(s): German/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Contacts Directory 2002-03 :Networking for Humans, Animals and the Environment.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Veggies, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2011).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive V], ID=18495
Description: Technically a paperback, but kept with V 'other'.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Directory. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Liberation :Devestate to Liberate or Devestaingly Liberal.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=1217
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Animal Liberation :A case of moral indignation?.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (B+B, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=7946
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Undated, possibly early 1990s.

Dominick, Brian A. Animal Liberation and Social Revolution :A vegan perspective on anarchism or an anarchist perspective on veganism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Active Distribution, , London, England, UK/, 2008).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive D], ID=17986
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Food; Veganism. Additional notes: Originally published by Critical Mess Media 1995; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #51 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 51). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 14 May 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18404
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #52 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 52). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 21 May 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18405
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #53 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 53). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 28 May 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18407
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #54 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 54). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 11 Jun 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18406
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #56 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 56). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 13 Aug 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18408
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #57 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 57). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 10 Sep 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18409
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #58 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 58). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 14 Oct 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18410
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #59 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 59). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 12 Nov 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18411
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #60-61 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 60-61). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1996-Jan 1997 1996).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18412
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Protectors' Bulletin #66 :For compassionate people committed to banning live exports and eliminating animal cruelty.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 66). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 23 Oct 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=18413
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Animal Rights Confederation :Working Together for the animals.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, Mar 1988).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2808
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights. Additional notes: Leaflet enclosed.

. Animal Rights Prisoner Support #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ARPS Animal Rights Prisoner Support, , Leigh-On-Sea, England, UK/, Aug 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7904
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Animal Liberation; Prison Solidarity. Additional notes:

Doublewhy. Animal Squat :The adventures of the wild things.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Dog Section Press, , London, England, UK/, 2019).
Format,Location [Paperback, Arts and Fiction], ID=9859
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Housing; Children's Book; Children's Literature; Squatting; Fabel. Additional notes:

Law, Larry (ed). Animals Vol:10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Spectacular Times Pocketbook, 10, ). Publisher: (Spectacular Times, , , , UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=806
Description: FIND AND MOVE/RELABEL AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animals; Solidarity. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Freedom.

Law, Larry (ed). Animals Vol:10 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Spectacular Times Pocketbook, 10, ). Publisher: (Spectacular Times, , , , UK/, 1997).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive L], ID=807
Description: FIND AND MOVE/RELABEL AS REQUIRED.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animals; Solidarity. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Freedom.

. Animosity #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (Keele University Animal Rights Group, , Newcastle-under-Lyme, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15338
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Animal Rights; Veganism. Additional notes: Undated; possibly 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection, the other from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Anne's talk to Highgate School - February 11 :Extracts from Christian an anarchist writings on the questions of property and power.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=21007
Description: Possibly incomplete document.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Christianity; Christian Anarchism; Christian Socialism; Religion. Additional notes: Undated, could be 1970s, could be 1990s; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Annual Conference 28th June-1st July, 1993 :Presidential Address.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NUM National Union of Miners/National Union of Mineworkers, , , , UK/, Dec 1992).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=15673
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Mining Industry. Additional notes: From Dave Hewitt's collection.

. Annual Report and Financial Statements :Year ended 27th January 1990.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Greater Nottingham Co-operative Society, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=18713
Description: It is not explicitly stated, but this was probably authored by Chris R when we worked as a researcher for the local Co-op.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Co-Operation. Additional notes: From the collections of Chris Richardson and Richard McCance, kindly donated by Richard McCance.

. Another Critique of Insurrectionalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Subversion Press, , , , UK/, 2014).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=12829
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Originally published in Barcelona.

. Another Little Bag of Horrors :The Risks and Problems Associated With Depleted Uranium Armour Piercing Shells.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (TUCND Trade Union CND, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=10530
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear War; Peace Protests; Peace Movement; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Trade Unions. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Gail.

. Another Standard #20 :Community, Art, Culture and Politics.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelton Trust, , Manchester, England, UK/, Oct-Nov 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8794
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From Colin H's Archive.

. Another Standard #22 :Community, Art, Culture and Politics.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelton Trust, , Manchester, England, UK/, Mar-Apr 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8795
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From Colin H's Archive.

. Another Standard #?? :Community, Art, Culture and Politics - The Magazine of the Shelton Trust.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelton Trust, , Manchester, England, UK/, Winter 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8788
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; from Colin H's Archive.

. Another Standard #?? :Community, Art, Culture and Politics - The Journal of the Shelton Trust for Community Arts.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelton Trust, , Manchester, England, UK/, Spring 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8789
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; from Colin H's Archive.

. Another Standard #?? :Community, Art, Culture and Politics - The Journal of the Shelton Trust for Community Arts.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelton Trust, , Manchester, England, UK/, Autumn 1984).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8790
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; from Colin H's Archive.

. Another Standard #?? :Community, Art, Culture and Politics.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelton Trust, , Manchester, England, UK/, Winter 1984-85 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8791
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; from Colin H's Archive.

. Another Standard #?? :Community, Art, Culture and Politics.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelton Trust, , Manchester, England, UK/, May-Jun 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8792
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: 1984-85 Miners' Strike. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; from Colin H's Archive.

. Another Standard #?? :Community, Art, Culture and Politics.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shelton Trust, , Manchester, England, UK/, Jul 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=8793
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: 1984-85 Miners' Strike. Additional notes: Unnumbered issue; from Colin H's Archive.

Bradley, P; Knight, C (eds). Another World is Possible :How the Liverpool Dockers Launched a Global Movement..
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Radical Anthropology Group, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=870
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Work; Strike; Labour Dispute; Industrial Conflict; Anti-Globalisation; Dockers; Workers; Tighe; Silvano; Woodward; Pilger. Additional notes:

. Another Year of the Same Old Shit :Free Calendar 1995.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Institue of Social Disengineering, , , , UK/, 1994).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive I], ID=1354
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

McKay, Iain. Anrchist FAQ Vol:1 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, 01, ). Publisher: (AK Press, , , , UK/, 2009).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=3087
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anarchist FAQ; Capitalism; Statism; Ecology; Anarcho-Capitalism; Black & Red Flag; Circle A. Additional notes: Kindly donated by AK Press.

Rodriguez, Gustavo. Antagonistic Violence :Approaches to the armed struggle in urban environments from an anarchist perspective - An introductory text for a debate with comrade Gustavo Rodriguez, at the Centre of Anarchist Information (CEDIA), Mexico City, 8th of October 2011.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Flying Theory, , , , /, 2011).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive R], ID=17999
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Direct Action. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Ante El "Nuevo Orden" Fascista :Resistencia Y Lucha.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, , , , Spain/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=13562
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s.

McDougall, William. Anthology of Revolt :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Socialist Freethought Revolutionary League, , Westfield, Scotland, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=11607
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anthology; Quotes; Quotations. Additional notes: Undated; kindly donated by Les.

Barclay, Harold. Anthropology :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (The Anarchist Encyclopaedia Folio 4, , ). Publisher: (Cambridge Free Press, , Cambridge, England, UK/, Sep 1986).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive C], ID=12735
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Morris, Brian. Anthropology and Anarchism :Their Elective Affinity.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Goldsmiths Anthropology Research Papers, , ). Publisher: (Goldsmiths College, , London, England, UK/, 2005).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=12171
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Colin Ward.

. Anti Bedroom Tax & Benefit Justice Federation #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, 2013).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11481
Description: Probably produced as a one off, but more a paper/newssheet rather than a leaflet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Bedroom Tax; Austerity; ConDem. Additional notes: Date estimated; kindly donated by Gail.

. Anti Clock - Wise #04 :Nihilists, one more effort of we are to be revolutionaries!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1989).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7839
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Commodity Fetishism. Additional notes: Undated, date estimated; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from the collection of Chris Cook Cann.

. Anti Clock - Wise #10 :Nihilists, one more effort of we are to be revolutionaries!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3627
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Marxism. Additional notes: Staples removed; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anti Clock - Wise #11 :Nihilists, one more effort of we are to be revolutionaries!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 11). Publisher: (, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3628
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: War. Additional notes: Staples removed; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anti Clock - Wise #13 :Nihilists, one more effort of we are to be revolutionaries!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 13). Publisher: (, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3632
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Staples removed; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anti Clock - Wise #14 :Nihilists, one more effort of we are to be revolutionaries!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3629
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: War. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anti Clock - Wise #15 :Nihilists, one more effort of we are to be revolutionaries!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 15). Publisher: (, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3630
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Staples removed; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anti Clock - Wise #16 :Nihilists, one more effort of we are to be revolutionaries!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 16). Publisher: (, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3631
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Holiday. Additional notes: Staples removed; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anti Clock - Wise #17 :Nihilists, one more effort of we are to be revolutionaries!.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (, , Liverpool, England, UK/, 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=3633
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Cars; Traffic; Road Deaths. Additional notes: Staples removed; kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anti Exchange & Mart :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=4074
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by Torsten.

. Anti Nazi League :A Critical Examination 1977-81/2 and 1992-95.
Series,Volume,Issue: (A Resistance Pamphlet, , ). Publisher: (Colin Roach Centre, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=11157
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly mid 1990s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Anti Nazi League Newsletter #01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ANL Anti Nazi League, , London, England, UK/, Mar 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11502
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. Anti Nazi League Newsletter #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ANL Anti Nazi League, , London, England, UK/, Dec 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11503
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. Anti Nazi League Newsletter #?? :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ANL Anti Nazi League, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive L], ID=11392
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2000s.

. Anti Nuke Fun Book :Carlton-Gedling CND.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, , Nottingham, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=8813
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction; Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Disarmament. Additional notes: Undated, 1980s; from Colin H's Archive.

. Anti Poll Tax News :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Stockbridge/New Town Anti Poll Tax Group, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P/Poll Tax], ID=10702
Description: Somewhere between a leaflet and a mini pamphlet.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Poll Tax; Community Charge; Can't Pay Won't Pay; Non-Payment; Grassroots Organisation; Civil Disobedience; Direct Action; Bailiffs; Repression; Police; Trafalgar Square. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; Poll Tax materials were kindly donated by Rob the Gob, Gail, Mike, Colin H, Torsten, Guy Taylor, Rob P and others.

. Anti-abortionists are trying to stop women having the babies they desperately want and trying to force women to have the babies they don't want :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NAC National Abortion Campaign, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 1990).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive N], ID=10721
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Reproductive Rights; Feminism. Additional notes:

. Anti-Apartheid Boycott Special :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anti-Apartheid Movement, , London, England, UK/, 1985).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11461
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: South Africa; Anti-Racism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

Mattick, Paul. Anti-Bolshevik Communism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Merlin Press, , , , UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=2178
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kautsky; Marx; Hitler; Luxemburg; Lenin; Bolshevism; Stalinism; Otto Ruehle; Spontaneity; Organisation; Korsch; Humanism; Socialism; Marxism; New Physics; Monopoly Capital; Russian Revolution; Council Communism; USSR; Germany. Additional notes:

Mattick, Paul. Anti-Bolshevik Communism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Merlin Press, , , , UK/, 1978).
Format,Location [Paperback, M NonFiction], ID=2504
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Kautsky; Marx; Hitler; Luxemburg; Lenin; Bolshevism; Stalinism; Otto Ruehle; Spontaneity; Organisation; Korsch; Humanism; Socialism; Marxism; New Physics; Monopoly Capital; Russian Revolution; Council Communism; USSR; Germany. Additional notes:

Tormey, Simon. Anti-Capitalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Beginners' Guides, , ). Publisher: (One World Press, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, T NonFiction], ID=3516
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Capitalism; Anti-Capitalism; Globalisation; Neo-Liberalism/neoliberalism; Paris 1968; Seattle; Berlin; Social Democracy; autonomism; Council Communism; Marcos. Additional notes:

Tormey, Simon. Anti-Capitalism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Beginners' Guides, , ). Publisher: (One World Press, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, T NonFiction], ID=1035
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Capitalism; Anti-Capitalism; Globalisation; Neo-Liberalism/neoliberalism; Paris 1968; Seattle; Berlin; Social Democracy; autonomism; Council Communism; Marcos. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Camille.

. Anti-Capitalism Chapter 01 :The Hows and Whys of the Thing called 'Capitalism'.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Oneworld, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=13290
Description: Excerpt from the book.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Anti-Capitalism Chapter 02 :Why 'Seattle'? 1968, the 'End of History' and the birth of contemporary anti-capitalism.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Oneworld, , , , UK/, 2004).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive T], ID=13292
Description: Excerpt from the book.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Lux, Martin. Anti-Fascist :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , , , UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Paperback, L NonFiction], ID=2301
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Fascism; Martin Wright. Additional notes:

Lux, Martin. Anti-Fascist :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , , , UK/, 2006).
Format,Location [Paperback, L NonFiction], ID=1886
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Fascism; Martin Wright. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Nick Heath.

. Anti-Fascist Action :An Anarchist Perspective.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (KSL Kate Sharpley Library, , , , USA/, 2007).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=2112
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; AFA Anti-Fascist Action. Additional notes: By 'An ex-Liverpool AFA member'; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Anti-Fascist Action :An introducton to London AFA.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AFA Anti-Fascist Action, , London, England, UK/, 2001).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=8983
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy a March 1991 edition.

. Anti-Fascist Calendar 1999 :Spain 1936-1939.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AFA Anti-Fascist Action, , , , UK/, 1998).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=17877
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Calendar; Antifa. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Anti-History :An Indigenous Anti-Capitalist Analysis.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Zig-Zag, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive Z], ID=18079
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Imperialism; Colonialism. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Anti-Maggies Unemployment Show… :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Other, SolFed Archive], ID=4694
Description: Poster featuring slogan and image of Thatcher and a headstone.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kept in bundle SFA-PUB 11.

. Anti-mass methods of organisation for collectives :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Shrinking Publications, , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive C], ID=6026
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Class Activity; Working Class; Organisation; Mass Society; Anti-Mass. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter, the non-digitised copy is a 1988 edition of the text from CGH Services, published as part of their Political Debate Series #01.26

. Anti-Nuclear Network News #18 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (Anti-Nuclear Network, , , , UK/, Feb-Mar 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20757
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anti-Nuclear Network News #21 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 21). Publisher: (Anti-Nuclear Network, , , , UK/, Winter 1990).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20758
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anti-Nuclear Network News #23 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 23). Publisher: (Anti-Nuclear Network, , , , UK/, Summer 1991).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=16476
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anti-Nuclear Network News #28 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 28). Publisher: (Anti-Nuclear Network, , , , UK/, May-Jun 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20440
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anti-Nuclear Network News #30 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 30). Publisher: (Anti-Nuclear Network, , , , UK/, Spring 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20759
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anti-Nuclear Network News #31 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 31). Publisher: (Anti-Nuclear Network, , , , UK/, Autumn 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=21028
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anti-Nuclear Network News #32 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 32). Publisher: (Anti-Nuclear Network, , , , UK/, Spring 1995).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=21019
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Peace Movement; Peace Protests; Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Aldred, Guy; John, Ken. Anti-Parliamentarism & Autonomist Tradition :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Pleb's College, , , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive A], ID=20887
Description: Technically a paperback, but kept with pamphlets A.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: This edition of the texts undated, looks post 2000; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Jones, Bob. Anti-Parliamentarism & Commnism in Britain 1917-1921 :Selected Essays from Black Star: Workers Journal for a Free Commnist Society 1938-1988.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Hobnail Press, , , , UK/, 2007).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive J], ID=11844
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Shipway, Mark. Anti-Parliamentary Communism :The Movement for Workers' Councils in Britain, 1917-45.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (MacMillan, , , , UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Hardback, S NonFiction], ID=2181
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Parliamentarism; Elections; Councils; Labour Party; APCF; USM; Russian Revolution; Spain; Sylvia Pankhurst; AFB/AFGB Anarchist Federation of Britain; Workers' Dreadnought. Additional notes:

Shipway, Mark. Anti-Parliamentary Communism :The Movement for Workers' Councils in Britain, 1917-45.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (MacMillan, , , , UK/, 1988).
Format,Location [Hardback, Overspill], ID=3067
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Parliamentarism; Elections; Councils; Labour Party; APCF; USM; Russian Revolution; Spain; Sylvia Pankhurst; AFB/AFGB Anarchist Federation of Britain; Workers' Dreadnought. Additional notes:

. Anti-Parliamentary Passage :South Wales and the Internationalism of Sam Mainwaring (1841-1907).
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Greenwich, England, UK/, Mar 2001).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive J], ID=20938
Description: Unpublished PhD thesis submitted to the University of Greenwich.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Anti-Racist Education Pack :Schools Anti-Racism Pack for the North East.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Youth Against Racism in Europe, Tyne & Wear Race Equality Council, , , UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=14597
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Undated, possibly 1990s; kindly donated by Gail.

Postone, Moishe. Anti-Semitism and National Socialism :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Boomerang Series #07, , ). Publisher: (Chronos Publications, , London, England, UK/, Oct 2000).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=12410
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History; Jewish History; Anti-Semitism; Shoa; Holocaust; German Fascism. Additional notes:

. Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Progrom :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Left Bank Books, , Seattle, Washington, USA/, 1983).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive P], ID=12409
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: History; Jewish History; Anti-Semitism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy a 2002 edition by Black & Red.

. Anti-State :Documentation & News Network.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ASDNN, BM Hurricane, London, England, UK/, Jan-Feb 1983).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7870
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Unnumbered, probably pilot issue.

. Anti-University :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anti-University, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=6178
Description: Programme of courses at the Anti-University (London branch), the publication date is unknown.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Torsten.

. Antiberliner #26 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 26). Publisher: (, , Berlin, , Germany/, May-Jun 2010).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23479
Description: . Language(s): German/. Keywords: Football; FIFA. Additional notes:

. Anticapitalist Initiative Newsletter 2012/Winter :A radical new project: for unity, debate and action.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anticapitalist Initiative, , London, England, UK/, Winter 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=21909
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Austerity; ConDem Government; Welfare; Public Spending Cuts. Additional notes:

. Antidote #01 :Fact File.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (DAM Direct Action Movement, , Manchester, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7866
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Published by Manchester DAM; undated, possibly early 1990s.

. Antidote #01 :The Magazine of Aylesbury Anarchist Communist Federation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Aylesbury, England, UK/, Jan 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15937
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one copy from Nick Heath's collection.

. Antidote #02 :The Magazine of Aylesbury Anarchist Communist Federation.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (ACF/AF Anarchist Communist Federation/Anarchist Federation, , Aylesbury, England, UK/, Apr 1994).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=15938
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From Nick Heath's collection.

. Antifaschistische Maizeitung 1993 #09 :Lokalberichte Essen.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 09). Publisher: (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lokalberichte Essen, , Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany/, 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11441
Description: . Language(s): German/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

Baxell, Richard; Jackson, Angela; Jump, Jim. Antifascistas :British & Irish Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War - In Words and Pictures.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Lawrence & Wisehart, International Brigades Memorial Trust, London, England, UK/, 2010).
Format,Location [Paperback, B NonFiction], ID=10751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Spain; Spanish Civil War; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: From Richard Stevens' collection.

. Antimilitarismo anarchico :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , Italy/, 1976).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=14584
Description: . Language(s): Italian/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From the SolFed Archive.

. Antipoda #03 :Publicacao Anarquista.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (, , , , Portugal/, Sep 1987).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11407
Description: . Language(s): Portugese/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

. Antipodi :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Alternativa Libertaria, , , , Italy/, 2004).
Format,Location [Paperback, Public Archive A], ID=1218
Description: Art, graphics, writings and poetry.. Language(s): Italian/. Keywords: Art; Graphics; Poetry. Additional notes:

. Antipolitika #01 :Anarchist Journal from the Balkans.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 01). Publisher: (Antipolitika, , , , /, Jun 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=7720
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Militarism. Additional notes:

Federation Anarchiste. Antireligion :Regards sur l'obscurantisme religieux et la necessite de la combattre.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Editions du Monde Libertaire, , Paris, , France/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=22322
Description: . Language(s): French/. Keywords: Religion. Additional notes: Undated, possibly 2010s.

. Antisistema #27 :Periodic Anarquic de Barcelona.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 27). Publisher: (, , Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain/, Aug-Sep 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23368
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Antisistema #28 :Periodic Anarquic de Barcelona.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 28). Publisher: (, , Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain/, Oct 2009).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23369
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Antistudent :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Antistudent Pamphlet Collective, , , , UK/, 1972).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=2718
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; one issue kindly donated by Mike, Edinburgh.

Jakobsen, Jakob (ed). Antiuniversity of London :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (MayDayRooms, , London, England, UK/, 2013).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive M], ID=19534
Description: Edited reprint of assorted materials of the Antiuniversity of London, originally produced in the 1960s.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Collected at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2023.

. Antone :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica, Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Spain/, Oct 1990).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive A], ID=10357
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: Antonio Tejera Afonso. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

Davidson, Alistair. Antonio Gramsci :Towards an Intelectual Biography.
Series,Volume,Issue: (International Library of Social and Political Thought, , ). Publisher: (Merlin Press, Humanities Press, , , USA/, 1977).
Format,Location [Paperback, D NonFiction], ID=941
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Gramsci; Anarchism; Hegemony; PCI Partito Comunista Italiano. Additional notes:

. Any Means Necessary :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Nottingham Playhouse, , Nottingham, England, UK/, 2016).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=6576
Description: Program to the 2016 play based on the stories of Mark Kennedy/Mark Stone and other police spies, performed at Nottingham Playhouse; one copy contains tickets stubs and a leaflet advertising the play.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: agent provocateur; police; repression; police spies; special branch. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. Any Time Now #06 :Anarchist Decentralist Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (, , Argenta, British Columbia, Canada/, Spring 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20751
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Any Time Now #10 :Anarchist Decentralist Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 10). Publisher: (, , Argenta, British Columbia, Canada/, Summer 2000).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20752
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Any Time Now #14 :Anarchist Decentralist Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (, , Argenta, British Columbia, Canada/, Winter 2001).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20535
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Any Time Now #17 :Anarchist Decentralist Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (, , Argenta, British Columbia, Canada/, Spring-Summer 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20753
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Any Time Now #18 :Anarchist Decentralist Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (, , Argenta, British Columbia, Canada/, Fall-Winter 2003).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20754
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

. Any Time Now #24 :Anarchist Decentralist Newsletter.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 24). Publisher: (, , Argenta, British Columbia, Canada/, Spring 2006).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=20755
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Perlman, Freddy. Anything Can Happen :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , , , UK/, 1992).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=2216
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Yugoslavia; Progress; Nuclear Power; Anti-Semitism; Beirut; Nationalism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

Perlman, Freddy. Anything Can Happen :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Phoenix Press, , , , UK/, 1992).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=2297
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Yugoslavia; Progress; Nuclear Power; Anti-Semitism; Beirut; Nationalism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Colin Parker.

. Anything that moves #17 :The Magazine for the Anything Bisexual.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 17). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, Summer 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11710
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Anything that moves #18 :The Magazine for the Free-Range Bisexual.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 18). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, Fall 1998).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11711
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

. Anything that moves #20 :The Magazine for the Family Bisexual.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 20). Publisher: (, , San Francisco, California, USA/, Summer 1999).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=11712
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: LGBTQ+; Sexuality. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Vishwar.

Bonanno, Alfredo. Apart from the Obvious Exceptions :Interview with Radio Onda Rossa - A Few Considerations by a Frequenter of the Courts.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Elephant Editions, , London, England, UK/, 2003).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive B], ID=17951
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by the Sumac Centre Library/Rainbow Centre Library collection.

. Apartheid :A guide for NALGO Members.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (NALGO National and Local Government Officers' Association, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=11161
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Apartheid; Racism. Additional notes: Undated, late 1980s; multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Gail.

Freeman, Peter; Allahn. Apathy & its Cure :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive F], ID=7785
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Alienation; Depression; Mental Health; Direct Action. Additional notes:

. APO Magazine #02 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 02). Publisher: (APO Anarchist Political Organisation, , , , Greece/, 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22101
Description: I do not know what the actual title of this is, but seems to be the APO's newsletter.. Language(s): Greek/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. APO Magazine #03 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (APO Anarchist Political Organisation, , , , Greece/, 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22103
Description: I do not know what the actual title of this is, but seems to be the APO's newsletter.. Language(s): Greek/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. APO Magazine #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (APO Anarchist Political Organisation, , , , Greece/, 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22104
Description: I do not know what the actual title of this is, but seems to be the APO's newsletter.. Language(s): Greek/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. APO Magazine #05 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 05). Publisher: (APO Anarchist Political Organisation, , , , Greece/, 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22102
Description: I do not know what the actual title of this is, but seems to be the APO's newsletter.. Language(s): Greek/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number.

. APO Magazine #06 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 06). Publisher: (APO Anarchist Political Organisation, , , , Greece/, 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22105
Description: I do not know what the actual title of this is, but seems to be the APO's newsletter.. Language(s): Greek/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. APO Magazine #07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (APO Anarchist Political Organisation, , , , Greece/, 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22106
Description: I do not know what the actual title of this is, but seems to be the APO's newsletter.. Language(s): Greek/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. APO Magazine #08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (APO Anarchist Political Organisation, , , , Greece/, 2017).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22107
Description: I do not know what the actual title of this is, but seems to be the APO's newsletter.. Language(s): Greek/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Apocalypse #04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 04). Publisher: (, , Slough, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=9775
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Music; Fanzine. Additional notes: From Chris Cann's archive; undated, probably early to mid-1980s.

. Apoyo Mutuo #07 :Periodico Anarquista - Vocero De La Federacion Anarquista De Mexico.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 07). Publisher: (FAM Federacion Anarquista De Mexico, , , , Mexico/, Nov 2011-Jan 2012 2011).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23563
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Apoyo Mutuo #08 :Periodico Anarquista - Vocero De La Federacion Anarquista De Mexico.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 08). Publisher: (FAM Federacion Anarquista De Mexico, , , , Mexico/, Apr-Jul 2012).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=23564
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Apoyo Mutuo #12 :Periodico Anarquista - Vocero De La Federacion Anarquista De Mexico.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 12). Publisher: (FAM Federacion Anarquista De Mexico, , , , Mexico/, Nov 2014-Jan 2015 2015).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22462
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

. Apoyo Mutuo #14 :Periodico Anarquista - Vocero De La Federacion Anarquista De Mexico.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 14). Publisher: (FAM Federacion Anarquista De Mexico, , , , Mexico/, Mar-May 2016).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=22463
Description: . Language(s): Spanish/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Spadoni, Patrice. Appeal to all activists and collectives, associations and trade unions in the struggle against unemployment, job insecurity and social exclusion. :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , , , /, 1999).
Format,Location [Leaflet, Public Archive A], ID=7902
Description: Leaflet mobilising to a Europe wide day of Action.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes:

Moore, Bill. Appeasement :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (Our History Pamphlet #77, , ). Publisher: (Communist Party History Group, , London, England, UK/, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive O], ID=11100
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: . Additional notes: From Richard Stevens' collection; undated, early to mid 1980s.

Swain, Sean. Application of Anarchist Theory to the Modern-Day Prison Struggle :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Hobnail Press, , , , /, ).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive S], ID=12842
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Prison; Justice System; Repression. Additional notes: Undated, 2000s, unclear whether published in UK or US.

. Apport de L'Union Anarchiste Bulgarie en Exil :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (CRIFA Comission de Relations de L'Internationale de Federations Anarchistes, , Savona, , Italy/, 1976).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive C], ID=20960
Description: Document outlining preparations for an upcoming congress scheduled for Apr-May 1976, also attached a paper by the Federation Anarchiste Francaise.. Language(s): French/. Keywords: Congress. Additional notes: Date estimated; publication country unspecified, estimated based on other CRIFA stuff; kindly donated by the estate of Laurens Otter.

Nicolini, Luciano. Appunti Per Una Costituzione Libertaria :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (, , Bologna, , Italy/, Jan 1995).
Format,Location [Pamphlet, Public Archive N], ID=21610
Description: . Language(s): Italian/. Keywords: . Additional notes: Kindly donated by Ron M.

. ARA AGM 1995 :Preliminary Agenda.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (ARA Anti Racist Alliance, , London, England, UK/, 1995).
Format,Location [Other, Public Archive A], ID=11196
Description: Assorted conference materials enclosed.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Racism; Anti-Fascism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. ARA Bulletin 1992/06-07 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anti-Racist Alliance, , London, England, UK/, Jun-Jul 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=10459
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Anti-Racism. Additional notes: Multiple copies catalogued with the same ID number; kindly donated by Gail.

. ARA Bulletin 1992/08 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anti-Racist Alliance, , London, England, UK/, Aug 1992).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=12746
Description: Incomplete document.. Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Anti-Racism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Rob P.

. ARA Bulletin 1993/01 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anti-Racist Alliance, , London, England, UK/, Jan 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=10460
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Anti-Racism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Gail.

. ARA Bulletin 1993/04 :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (Anti-Racist Alliance, , London, England, UK/, Apr 1993).
Format,Location [Magazine/Journal/Paper/etc, Public Archive A], ID=12745
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Anti-Fascism; Anti-Racism. Additional notes: Kindly donated by Rob P.

Prashad, Vijay. Arab Spring, Libyan Winter :.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , ). Publisher: (AK Press, , Oakland, Orgon, , USA/, 2012).
Format,Location [Paperback, P NonFiction], ID=6322
Description: . Language(s): English/. Keywords: Arab Spring North Africa. Additional notes:

. ArAMach/Ar A Mach #03 :Resisting capitalism in Scotland.
Series,Volume,Issue: (, , 03). Publisher: (Anarchist Federation Alba, , Aberdeen, Scotland, UK/, Oct 2002).