We have updated our Digital Library with another 150 items. Dive in!
A Lie Too Far - Searchlight, Hepple & The Left (Mina Enterprises, 1993)
Free Association - Revolutionary Committees as a method of organization (More To Come)
Harman, Chris et al: Education, Capitalism and the Student Revolt (1968)
How low can you go? - The Practices and the Politics of the Socialist Workers Party (Class War)
In This Together - A communique from the Mark Carney Collective
Kim; Steve; Rob; Lee; Steve: Mass
Malatesta, Errico: Anarchism and Violence
Malatesta, Errico: Towards Anarchism (Drowned Rat, 1985)
Malatesta, Errico: Vote What For? (Freedom, 1945)
Malcolm X: Two Speeches by Malcolm X (Pathfinder Press, 1965)
Manzanera, Elias: The Iron Column - Testament of a Revolutionary (KSL, 2006)
Marcos: Zapatistas in their own Words (DS4A, 1994)
Martinez, Laudelino Iglesias: Down with the prison walls! (ABC, 2005)
Maupin, Joyce: Working Women and their Organizations (Kersplebedeb)
Mawdsley, Robert: In the Strongbox - Life in strongbox cells in Parkhurst Prison (ABC, 1994)
Max: Death to Democracy - A subversive attack on Capitalist Democracy and the Rule of Law (1990)
Maximoff, G: My Social Credo (Boris Yelensky Book Fund, 1973)
Mayday! The Story of the First of May ... (DAM; Iron Column Press, 1986)
McCabe, Joseph: Christianity & Slavery (See Sharp Press, 1998)
McDermott, John: Classes in the US and How the Working Class is Ruled (Raze the Walls!)
McKay, Iain: Mutual Aid - An Introduction and Evaluation (2011)
McLay, Farquhar: Art and Anarchism (Autonomy Press, 1982)
McNaughton, Eric: Wapping - The Story of a Year of Struggle
Mell, Ezra Brett: La Bande a Bonnot - Robberies and Getaways (Active Distribution, 2009)
Meltzer, Albert (ed): Miguel Garcia's Story (Cienfuegos Press, 1982)
Meltzer, Albert: Anarchism - Arguments for and Against (Cienfuegos Press/BM Refract)
Mieli, Mario: Towards a Gay Communism (Pirate Productions, 1984)
Milstein, Cindy: Educating for Freedom (Exile Press, 2008)
Minor Conflicts, Major Contradictions (BM Combustion, 1984)
Morrell, R W: Nottingham's Enigmatic Hemlock Stone (Apra-Nufois Press, 1987)
Morris, William; Ward, Colin: A factory as it might be - The factory we never had (Kersplebedeb)
Morton, A L: A Glorious Liberty - The Ideas of the Ranters (Past Tense, 2007)
Moseley, Brian: Marxism versus Reality (San Fairy Ann)
Moyse, Arthur: Drugs (Phoenix Press)
Mullen, Michael; et al: Why Britain Should Leave Ireland (Connolly Publications, 1980)
Murphy, J T: The Workers' Committee - An Outline of its Principles and Structure (Class War, 2010)
Nicoll, David: The Walsall Anarchists - Trapped by the Police (KSL, 2003)
The Libertarian Research and Education Trust - Information Pack
When Crusaders and Assassins unite, let the people beware (Midnight Notes)
Why celebrate May Day? (May Day 88 Group, 1988)
A Action South West #Prague Extra
Artful Dodger #01 (Fare Dodgers' Liberation Front, 1995)
Chronicles of Utopia 1999 (Isy)
Critical Theory and Revolutionary Practice #01
Mayday - Magazine for anarchist/libertarian ideas and action #02 (2008)
Merseyside Anarchist Newsletter #13 (1989)
Message Magnet - The Voice of Britain #??
Minus One - An Individual Anarchist Review #11 (1965)
Miraculous Circumstances #00 (Pilot Issue)
Morgenmuffel - Cartoons & Rants #18 (2010)
Morgenmuffel - Cartoons & Rants #19 (2011)
Most Punks Are Total Arseholes - Pro-Working Class Punk Anarchist Zine #03
Mother Earth Vol:09 #07 (KSL reprint of 1914 journal)
Mutiny - A Paper of Anarchistic Ideas & Actions #24 (2008)
Mutiny - A Paper of Anarchistic Ideas & Actions #25 (2008)
Mutiny - A Paper of Anarchistic Ideas & Actions #26 (2008)
New Anarchist Review #21 (1992)
New Anarchist Review #24 (1994)
Pink Brick - Lesbian and Gay Class War #05 (1991)
Sheffield Defence Campaign #03 (1988)
Sheffield Defence Campaign #Special Edition
Sign of the Times 1986/05 (YCND)
Sign of the Times 1988/Spring #??
Sign of the Times 1989/Spring #??
Syndicalist Bulletin Vol:01 #06
Syndicalist Bulletin Vol:03 #05
Syndicalist Bulletin Vol:03 #07
The Sheffield Black Star 1991/09-10
Viraj Mendis in Sanctuary Bulletin 1988/03/04
121 Bookshop and Anarchist Centre
London Anarchist Bookfair 1998
London Anarchist Bookfair 2000
Mayday 2000 - Anti-Capitalist Ideas and Action - Conference Programmme Sat 29-Sun 30 April 2000