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We have added 211 items to our Digital Library, e.g. some great Freedom materials and a good chunk of the SolFed archive we have the pleasure look after, including a lot of Direct Action issues from the 1940s-60s. Full list below!


26 April-8 May - Time for Mayday (Notts TUC)

Antimilitarismo anarchico (1976)

Civil Defence - Noting For Something - A Trade Union CND Briefing (CND)


Defence Briefing - The Renuclearisation of Europe (1988)

Freedom Anarchist Pamphlets - Leo Tolstoy #06

Freedom Anarchist Pamphlets - Makhno and Durruti #01

Freedom Anarchist Pamphlets - Students for a Stalinist Society #02

Freedom Anarchist Pamphlets - Zapata and the Mexican Revolution #03

Freedom Anarchist Pamphlets - Peter Kropotkin #04

Freedom Anarchist Pamphlets - Peter Kropotkin - Anarchism & Revolution #05

Freedom Anarchist Pamphlets - Towards Workers' Control #07

Freedom Anarchist Pamphlets - The Paris Commune #08

Guide to the Effects of a Nuclear Disaster on Agriculture (Farmers for a Nuclear Future, 1984)

Mann, Tom: The Transport Workers - The Need for a Federation of all the Workers in the Transport Industry (1910)

Resolutions passed at the Anarchist Congress held at Amsterdam August 24-31, 1907.

The International Shadow Project (CND, 1985)

Tolmers Destroyed (1974)

Transport Worker Network - A Strategy for the Bus Industry

Working for Peace - A Guide to Workplace Campaigning (CND)

Working for Peace - Trade Union CND Annual Report 1985-86

Writing on Anarcho Syndicalism (DAM)


A letter regarding a memorial meeting for Rudolf Rocker following his death, organised by the FAS.

Anarchist Alternative (2001)

Bombmakers Guyed (Freedom, 1961)

Direct Action - We will stop cash for Jim

Freedom Press Bookshop - Booklist 1985/07

Freedom Press Bookshop - Books in Print 1982/09

Freedom Press Bookshop - Books in Stock 1978/10

Freedom Press Bookshop - Books in Stock 1980/04

Freedom Press Bookshop - Books in Stock 1982-83

Freedom Press Bookshop - Books in Stock 1986/09

Freedom Press Bookshop - Books in Stock 1989/04

Hobnail Review #02

The Facts about Race and Immigration (Freedom)


AIN Newsletter #16 (2002)

Anarchist Federation News-Letter 1945/03/15

Angry! Paper of the Hull Anarchist/DAM Group #15 (1982)

Black & Red Outlook #04

Black & Red Outlook #07

Black & Red Outlook #10 (1973)

Black & Red Outlook #11 (1973)

Black & Red Outlook #13 (1973)

Bristol DAM Fighting Back #02 (1987)

Campaign! 1996/02

Campaign! 1997/02

CAP Newsletter 1995/Spring

Catalyst #05 (2001)

Catalyst #06 (2002)

Class Struggle - Anarcho-Syndicalist Bulletin Produced in Hull #01 (DAM)

Communication Worker #10 (1988)

Communication Worker (First Series?) #07

Communication Worker (Second Series?) #07 (SolFed)

Communication Worker (Second Series?) #08 (SolFed)

Communication Workers' Network Bulletin #05

Communication Workers' Network Bulletin #06

Cruise Resistance International Bulletin #12

Depatches #03 (1990)

Depatches #05 (1990)

Direct Action - DAM Supplement (1994)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #48 (DAM, 1988)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #52 (DAM, 1988)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #57 (DAM, 1989)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #64 (DAM, 1990)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #66 (DAM, 1990)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #70 (DAM, 1991)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #71 (DAM, 1991)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #73 (DAM, 1991)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #76 (DAM, 1992)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #78 (DAM, 1992)

Direct Action - The Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism #80 (DAM, 1992)

Direct Action #01 (SolFed, 1994)

Direct Action #02 (SolFed, 1994)

Direct Action (DAM) - Voice of Anarcho-Syndicalism - Industrial Supplement

Direct Action Vol:01 #02 (AFB, 1945)

Direct Action Vol:01 #05 (AFB, 1946)

Direct Action Vol:01 #07 (AFB, 1946)

Direct Action Vol:01 #08 (AFB, 1946)

Direct Action Vol:01 #09 (AFB, 1946)

Direct Action Vol:01 #10 (AFB, 1946)

Direct Action Vol:01 #11 (AFB, 1946)

Direct Action Vol:02 #01 (AFB, 1946)

Direct Action Vol:02 #02 (AFB, 1946)

Direct Action Vol:02 #03 (AFB, 1947)

Direct Action Vol:02 #04 (AFB, 1947)

Direct Action Vol:02 #05 (AFB, 1947)

Direct Action Vol:02 #06 (AFB, 1947)

Direct Action Vol:02 #07 (AFB, 1947)

Direct Action Vol:02 #08 (AFB, 1947)

Direct Action Vol:03 #01 (AFB, 1948)

Direct Action Vol:03 #02 (AFB, 1948)

Direct Action Vol:03 #03 (AFB, 1948)

Direct Action Vol:03 #04 (AFB, 1948)

Direct Action Vol:03 #05 (AFB, 1948)

Direct Action Vol:03 #06 (AFB, 1948)

Direct Action Vol:03 #07 (AFB, 1948)

Direct Action Vol:07 #01 (SWF, 1952)

Direct Action Vol:07 #02 (SWF, 1952)

Direct Action Vol:07 #03 (SWF, 1952)

Direct Action Vol:07 #04 (SWF, 1952)

Direct Action Vol:07 #05 (SWF, 1952)

Direct Action Vol:07 #06 (SWF, 1952)

Direct Action Vol:08 #01 (SWF, 1953)

Direct Action Vol:08 #02 (SWF, 1953)

Direct Action Vol:08 #03 (SWF, 1953)

Direct Action Vol:09 #01 (SWF, 1954)

Direct Action Vol:09 #02 (SWF, 1954)

EastEnder #02 (Class War, 1087)

Educate - Not for Rich Bastards, Soft Cops, or Careerists #01

Education Worker (First Series) #?? (2000)

Education Worker (First Series) #01 (1994)

Education Worker (First Series) #02 (1995)

Education Worker (First Series) #03 (1995)


Education Worker (First Series) #04 (1996)

Education Worker (First Series) #05 (1996)

Education Worker (First Series) #08

Education Worker (First Series) #09 (2001)

Education Worker (Second Series) #03 (2008)

Education Worker (Second Series) #05 (2009)

Education Worker (Second Series) #06 (2009)

Flypaper #03 (1988)

Grass Roots 2000/08-09 #??

IWMA Press Service #03 (IWMA/IWA, SWF, 1954)

Leveller - Newsletter of Nottingham Trades Union Council #04

Lib Ed - Libertarian Education Vol:01 #29 (1980)

Lib Ed - Libertarian Education Vol:02 #11 (1989)

London Echomedia 1988/07

NAFA Newsletter 1992/06

NAFA Newsletter 1992/09

NAFA Newsletter 1993/02

Nazis Out! #08 (1993)

Neon Lights #01

New Anarchist Review #02

New Anarchist Review #03

New World - International Newsbulletin of the Northern IWA #02 (1985)

Northampton Healthworker #01 (2005)

Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum #07 (2002)

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1987/09

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1989/08

Nottingham CSC Newsletter 2010/Summer

Nottingham CSC Newsletter/Cuba Debate 2013/Summer

Nottingham Earth Summit Talks Newsletter #03 (1992)

Nottinghamshire Jobs Not JSA #04 (1996)

Notts TU News #08 (1996)

Notts TU News #16 (1998)

Partnership Council One Sheet #32 (2000)

Public Service Workers' Network #01

Public Service Workers' Network #02 (1993)

Public Service Workers' Network #07 (1993)

Public Service Workers' Network #09 (1998)

Radioactive Times #03 (CND, 1987)

Rainbow News #04

Red & Black - Irregular Bulletin of the Red & Black Club #01

Resistance - Bulletin of the Colin Roach Centre - Special Policing Issue #??

Rumble - Southamptons Only Community Newspaper #06 (Class War?)

Solidarity Bulletin #04 (1994)

Solidarity Bulletin #05 (1995)

Solidarity Bulletin #08 (1997)

Solidarity Bulletin #09 (1997)

Solidarity Federation Circular #01 (1996)

Solidarity Federation Circular #02 (1996)

Solidarity For Anarcho-Syndicalism #01 (2002)

Solidarity For Anarcho-Syndicalism #02 (2002)

Solidarity For Anarcho-Syndicalism #03 (2003)

Solidarity For Anarcho-Syndicalism #04 (2003)

Solidarity For Anarcho-Syndicalism #05 (2004)

Solidarity For Anarcho-Syndicalism #07 (2004)

Solidarity For Anarcho-Syndicalism #08 (2005)

Syndicalist Action #02 (DAM)

Teachers for Peace Bulletin #02 (1989)

The General Assembly 1993/Spring

The Heckler #01

The Slave 19??/??

The Slave 1988/05

Transport Worker #02 (1992)

Transport Worker #04 (1993)

Transport Worker #05 (1993)

Transport Worker #09 (1995)

Transport Worker/White Arrow News Vol:01 #01 (1997)

Trentsider 1992/02

Trentsider 1994/01

Trentsider 1994/03

TUCND News (First Series) #12 (1985)

TUCND News (First Series) #13 (1985)

TUCND News (First Series) #14 (1985)

TUCND News (First Series) #15 (1985)

TUCND News (Second Series) #?? (1998)

TUCND News (Second Series) #01? (1990)

TUCND News (Second Series) #02?

Unity NAFA #03

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:01 #01 (1960)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:01 #02 (1960)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:01 #03 (1960)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:01 #04 (1960)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:01 #05 (1960)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:01 #06 (1960)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:02 #01 (1961)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:02 #02 (1961)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:02 #03 (1961)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:02 #04 (1961)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:02 #05 (1961)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:02 #06 (1961)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:03 #01 (1962)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:03 #02 (1962)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:03 #03 (1962)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:03 #05 (1962)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:03 #06 (1962)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:04 #03 (1963)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:04 #05 (1963)

World Labour News/Direct Action-World Labour News Vol:04 #07 (1963)

Zengakuren #04 (1963)

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