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We have added another 229 items to the Digital Library, inlcuding a lot of AF/ACF materials. Dive in!


No Dole Slavery! No Wage Slavery! (South London Job Shirkers Alliance; Haringey Solidarity Group)

Smash the Poll Tax (ACF/AF, 1989)


A Brief Flowering of Freedom - The Hungarian Revolution 1956 (ACF/AF, 1996)

Anarchist Worker - A Selection of Articles From Past Publications of the Anarchist Workers Association - Produced for the Day School (AWA)

Bakunin - Essays on Revolution (ORA)

Basic Bakunin (AF/ACF)

Be Realistic Demand the Impossible - An Anarchist Contribution to the Hastings Green and Socialist Conference 16.09.1989

Beyond Resistance - A revoltionary manifesto for the Future (ACF/AF, 2003)

Bookchin, Murray: Towards an Ecological Solution - An Anarchist View of Pollution (Gutter Press)

Corvo, Jo: Thought, Organisation and Struggle - A Handbook of notes concerning the revolutionary project (1993)

Crump, John: The anarchist movement in Japan (ACF/AF, 1996)

Defending anonymity - Thoughts for the struggle against identity cards (ACF/AF, 2006)

DIY Anarchism (ACF/AF, 1993)

Ecology and Class - Where there's brass, there's muck (ACF/AF)

Fantham, John; Machover, Moshe: The Century of the Unexpected - A new analysis of Soviet type societies (Big Flame, 1979)

Fleming, Tony: Revolution - Past & Present (ORA)

Fontenis, Georges: Manifesto of Libertarian Communism (ACF/AF, 1989)

For a Revolutionary Alternative - From ORA to UTCL - An account of the politics of the split in the ORA France (now OCL) that resulted in the expulsion of the UTCL tendency at the Easter 1976 Conference

Gorter, Herman: The Communist Workers' International (1977)

How we can start Winning (Big Flame)

Introduction to the Anarchist Communist Association (ACA)

Jope, Norman: Finding Time - One Step Beyond the Tyranny of Work

Kane, Philip: Fascism and how to fight it (DAM/IWA)

Manifesto for the Millenium - A New Manifesto For Anarchist Communism - Draft Copy (AC/AF)

Marxism and its failures - Arguments for Anarchist Communism (ACF/AF)

Mutiny in the ANC, 1984 - As told by the five of the mutineers

Nathan, Keith: Leninism and Trotskyism (1977)

Nathan, Keith; Atkins, Ro; C W: Towards a History and Critique of the Anarchist movement in recent times (ORA)

Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists (1975)

Organising for Workers' Power - Potere Operaio (Rising Free, 1974)

Organising to Win… - A Political Manual About How to Stop Losing Struggles at Work - By the Big Flame Industrial Commission (Big Flame)

Organising to Win… - Workplace Organisation & Trade Unions - A Big Flame Industrial Commission Pamphlet (Big Flame)

Otter, Laurens: An Introduction to Revolutionary Anarchism (ORA)

Pankhurst, Sylvia; Pannekoek, Anton: Communism Versus Reforms - Two Articles by Sylvia Pankhurst and Anton Pannekoek reprinted from the Workers' Dreadnought 1922

Platform of the Left Tendency (ORA)

Resistance to Nazism - Shattered Armies: How the Working Class fought Nazism and Fascism 1933-1945 (ACF/AF, 2006)

Sampson, Ronald: The Bramble of Power (Black Mountain Press)

Sexuality and Fascism (Big Flame)

The Anarchist Revolution

The Anglo-Irish Agreement, Sectarianism and Workers Unity - A Discussion Paper (Ballymena Anarchist Group, 1986)

The Basis for Libertarian Communist Intervention - Towards a Programme Tendency (AWA)

The Documents of the Anarchist Workers Association (AWA)

The Great Brain Robbery! (Anarchy)

The Nature of So-Called Socialist Societies - A Big Flame International Committee Discussion Bulletin (Big Flame)

The Past Against Our Future - Fighting Racism and Fascism (Big Flame)

The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation (ACF/AF, 1995)

Towads a new Revolutionary Socialist Organisation - A Draft Manifesto for Discussion (Big Flame)

Triad - Freedom Love Peace (ORA)

Veran, Liz: Anarchism and Feminism (DAM/IWA)

Verran, Liz: Pornography & State Control (DAM/IWA)

Walter, Christine; Walter, Natasha (eds): Nicolas Walter 1934-2000

Where there's brass there's muck - Ecology and anarchism (ACF/AF, 2010)

Women Workers and Trade Unions (DAM/IWA)


ACF Supporters Bulletin 1996/Summer

Anarchist Yearbook 1991 (Phoenix Press)

Anarchist Yearbook 1993 (Phoenix Press)

Anarchy (Second Series) #06 Vol:01 #06

Antidote - The Magazine of Aylesbury Anarchist Communist Federation #01 (AF/ACF, 1994)

Antidote - The Magazine of Aylesbury Anarchist Communist Federation #04 (AF/ACF, 1994)

Big Flame - An Introduction to Our Perspectives (1975)

Big Flame - Educational Bulletin Of The Anarchist Federation #02

Big Flame - Educational Bulletin Of The Anarchist Federation #03

Big Flame - Educational Bulletin Of The Anarchist Federation #04

Big Flame - Educational Bulletin Of The Anarchist Federation #09

Big Flame Journal #02 (1975)

Big Flame Portugal Special #01

Black Flag Vol:02 #11 (ABC, 1972)

Black Star (Second Series) #01

Bow Bruiser - The Offical Circular of Bow and Poplar Community Resistance #01

Common Cause #02 (AF/ACF, 1992)

Desist - Official authorised Zine of Global Resistance #??a

Desist - Official authorised Zine of Global Resistance #??b

Ireland Bulletin 1990/04 (AF/ACF)

Libertarian Spain - Bulletin of the Libertarian Spain Committee #02

Libertarian Students Network 1976/11

Libertarian Students Network 1977/03

Libertarian Womens' Network Newsheet #10

Manchester Anarchist News #02 (AF/ACF)

Manchester Anarchist News #03 (AF/ACF)

Northern Resistance 2007/06-07

Resistance - Bulletin of the Irish Anarchist Communist Federation #02

Resistance #000 (AF/ACF, 1997)

Resistance #001 (AF/ACF, 1998)

Resistance #002 (AF/ACF, 1999)

Resistance #003 (AF/ACF, 1999)

Resistance #004 (AF/ACF, 1999)

Resistance #005 (AF/ACF, 1999)

Resistance #006 (AF/ACF, 1999)

Resistance #007 (AF/ACF, 1999)

Resistance #008 (AF/ACF, 1999)

Resistance #009 (AF/ACF, 1999)

Resistance #010 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #011 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #012 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #013 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #014 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #015 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #016 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #017 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #018 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #019 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #020 (AF/ACF, 2000)

Resistance #021 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #022 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #023 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #024 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #025 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #026 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #027 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #028 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #029 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #030 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #031 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #032 (AF/ACF, 2001)

Resistance #033 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #034 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #035 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #036 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #037 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #038 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #039 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #040 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #041 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #042 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #043 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #044 (AF/ACF, 2002)

Resistance #045 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #046 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #047 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #048 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #049 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #050 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #051 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #052 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #053 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #054 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #055 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #056 (AF/ACF, 2003)

Resistance #057 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #058 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #059 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #060 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #061 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #062 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #063 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #064 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #065 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #066 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #067 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #068 (AF/ACF, 2004)

Resistance #069 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #070 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #071 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #072 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #073 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #074 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #075 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #077 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #078 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #079 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #080 (AF/ACF, 2005)

Resistance #081 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #082 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #083 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #084 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #085 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #086 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #087 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #088 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #089 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #090 (AF/ACF, 2006)

Resistance #091 (AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance #092 (AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance #093 (AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance #094 (AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance #095 (AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance #096 (AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance #097 (AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance #099 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #100 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #101 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #102 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #103 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #104 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #105 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #106 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #107 (AF/ACF, 2008)

Resistance #Special Climate Change(AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance #Special Kosovo Supplement (ACF, 2000)

Resistance #Special May Day 2000 Supplement (ACF, 2000)

Resistance #Special May Day 2007 (AF/ACF, 2007)

Resistance (AFI) #11 (2002)

Resistance (AFI) #12 (2002)

Resistance (AFI) #19 (2003)

Resistance (East London) #?? (AF/ACF)

Resistance (Hackney) #01 (AF/ACF, 1996)

Resistance (Hackney) #02 (AF/ACF, 1996)

Resistance (London) #02 (AF/ACF, 1995)

Resistance (London) #03 (AF/ACF, 1996)

Resistance (London) #04 (AF/ACF, 1996)

Resistance (Merseyside) #?? 2003/Winter (AF/ACF)

Resistance (Merseyside) #?? 2005/Autumn (AF/ACF)

Resistance (Merseyside) #??a (AF/ACF)

Resistance (Merseyside) #??b (AF/ACF)

Resistance (Merseyside) #01 (AF/ACF)

Resistance (Newcastle) #01 (AF/ACF, 1996)

Resistance (Newcastle) #02 (AF/ACF, 1996)

Resistance (Newcastle) #03 (AF/ACF, 1997)

Resistance (Newcastle) #04 (AF/ACF, 1997)

Resistance (Newcastle) #05 (AF/ACF, 1997)

Resistance (Newcastle) #Green Issue (AF/ACF, 1997)

Revolutionary Socialism - Big Flame Magazine #04 (1979)

Revolutionary Socialism - Big Flame Magazine #05 (1980)

Revolutionary Socialism - Big Flame Magazine #08 (1981)

Revolutionary Socialism - Big Flame Magazine #09 (1982)

Revolutionary Socialism - The Journal of Big Flame #03 (1978)

Shout! - Merseyside Anarchist Bulletin 2007/Winter

Sinews - Annual Report on the CNT-U, an Anarchist/Syndicalist Trade Union in Spain #03 1985-86

Struggle! - Libertarian Communist Newsletter #01 (1985)

Struggle! - Libertarian Communist Newsletter #02 (1985)

The Black Apple Press - For working class self-organisation and social revolution #01 (2006)

The Bulletin #02 (1980)

The Bulletin #03 (1980)

The Bulletin #05 (1980)

The Enemy Within 1988/03-04 (AF/ACF, 1988)

The Enemy Within 1988/10 (AF/ACF, 1988)

The Newsletter of the Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists #01 (1971)

The Newsletter of the Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists #04

The Newsletter of the Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists #05

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