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An exhibition of photographs and local campaign materials at Broadway Cinema, in collaboration with People's Histreh, featuring photographs by Alan Lodge (Tash).

21st to 24th September 2023 – Free Event.

After the original slot could not go ahead due to a power outage at Broadway, we are very glad that new dates have now been confirmed!


This exhibition marks the twentieth anniversary of the disastrous invasion of Iraq and looks back at the movement which opposed it. The anniversary seems to have passed with surprisingly little mainstream comment – something we want to go some way to addressing.We will display images of protests in Nottingham taken by local photographer Alan Lodge (aka Tash), contextualised with leaflets, newsletters and other materials, mostly from the collections of the Sparrows’ Nest Library and Archive.

Exhibition Opening Times

Thu 21st Sep 7pm-9pm
Opening event with Alan Simpson, ex Labour MP who opposed the war.

Fri 22nd Sep Midday to 5pm

Sat 23rd Sep Midday to 7pm
All day: deposit documents and record your stories. Donate relevant materials for posterity and share your memories of the campaign when you drop in to see the exhibition.

Sun 24th Sep Midday to 7pm
All day: deposit documents and record your stories.
2pm: Guided history walk Agitating the Lawless Rabble, starting at the Left Lion (Council House), ending at the back of Broadway Cinema. Free event, no need to register.

Featuring Photographs by Alan Lodge (aka Tash)


Alan Lodge (aka Tash) is a photo journalist living in Nottingham. From his images of the Battle of the Beanfield in 1985, to photographs of the rave movement in the 1990s and his ongoing documentation of policing and surveillance, Tash has built up an incredible archive of images recording decades of alternative and protest movements in Nottingham and beyond.

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