We added another 306 files to the Digital Library, including materials regarding the Peace and Anti-Nuclear Movement, Christian Anarchism, and some really amazing Anarchist periodicals and pamphlets from the 1960s. Dive in!
Pamphlets, Leaflets, etc.
1+1=10: Computer Ethics (ORA Pamphlets #06)
A Brief Account of Trotskyism (Otter, Laurens; 1976)
A Visit to the Soviet Union - November 5th-18th 1988 (Willetts, Alfred)
Anarchist revolutionary organization & press - A case against an ORA paper (Otter, Laurens)
Anarchy in the UK - Ten Days that shook the world - October 21st-30th 1994
Chronology of Direct Action Against Nuclear Weapons 1957-1969 (Skelhorn, Andy)
Council of Workers Soldiers and Sailors of Toledo, Ohio
Fenetre sur un Massacre - Proces Valpreda-Gargamelli - Supplement a Front Libertaire #14 (1972?)
Fire at COD Donnington - Survey of residents' views (Telford Anti Nuclear Group, 1983)
Freedom Press Bookshop - Books in Print 1998 - Retail and Wholesale List
Guidelines for printing (Small, Su; 1984)
Informal Elites of the Tyranny of Structurelessness (1973)
KCC Versus the Homeless (Anderson, Andy; Radford, Jim; 1966)
London Anarchist Bookfair 2002
London Anarchist Bookfair 2005
Memo On Vietnam (McReynolds, David; 1963)
Notes on Women's Liberation - We Speak in Many Voices (News & Letters)
Obituaries - Axel Ney Hoch - Gordon Collins - Ellis Hillman - Eric Harrison
ORA/Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists - Aims and Principles
Organising an Anarchist-Syndicalist Trade Union (Spanish Information Network)
Raphael Samuel - 26.09.34-09.12.96 (1997)
Silk Screen Printing (Lewisham Anarchists; 1969)
Speakers' Corner - An Anthology (Kropotkin's Lighthouse Publications)
Statement from the Founding Conference of the Confederation of British Anarchists (1976)
Syndicalism (Otter, Laurens; Anarchist Arguments #01)
Syndicalism after its first century (Otter, Laurens; Anarchist Arguments #06)
Take Over the City (Rising Free, 1972)
The ABC of Campaigning (IUSS Irish Union of School Students)
The Bomb Throwers - A Study of Terrorism (ORA Pamphlets #03)
The Catechism of the Revolutionist (Nechayev, Sergei; 1971)
The Life of Victor Serge - Victor Serge - The Incomparable Witness
The Program of the Libertarian Socialist League (1949)
The Spanish Church and Politics (Langdon-Davies, John; 1937)
Workers' Control - What Next? (Tarbuck, Ken; Arthur, Chris; 1968)
Periodicals etc.
AFB Information Bulletin #10 (1970)
Anarchist International #?? (1964)
Anarchist International Vol:01 #02 (1963)
Anarchist International Vol:01 #03 (1963)
Anarchist Youth Vol:01 #04 (1964)
Anarchy (Second Series) #02 Vol:01 #02 (1971)
Anti-Nuclear Network News #18 (1990)
Anti-Nuclear Network News #28 (1993)
Anti-Nuclear Network News #31 (1994)
Anti-Nuclear Network News #32 (1995)
Broken Chains - Canterbury Anarchist Magazine #03 (1985)
Bulletin of Anarchist Research #11 (1987)
Bulletin of Anarchist Research #12 (1987)
Capenhurst Snowball Newletter #09
Capenhurst Snowball Newletter #10
Capenhurst Snowball Newletter #11
Chain Reaction 1981/12-1982/01 #014
Chain Reaction 1986/01-02 #???
Chain Reaction 1986/07-08 #???
Chain Reaction 1987/08-09 #???
Chain Reaction 1988/06-07 #088
Chain Reaction 1988/08-09 #089
Chain Reaction 1988/12-1989/01 #092
Chain Reaction 1989/12-1990/01 #102
Chain Reaction 1990/06-07 #106
Chain Reaction 1990/08-09 #107
Chain Reaction 1990/10-11 #108
Commission de Relations de L'Internationale de Federations Anarchistes Circulaire 1977/11/12
Direct Action (NECNA) #57 (1965)
Direct Action (NECNA) #65 (1966)
Direct Action (NECNA) #74 (1967)
Direct Action (SWF) Vol:02 #08 (1962?)
Direct Action/World Labour News (SWF) Vol:04 #02 (1963)
Direct Action/World Labour News (SWF) Vol:04 #09 (27) (1963)
Direct Action/World Labour News (SWF) Vol:04 #10 (28) (1963)
Green CND Newsletter 1984/04-05
Green CND Newsletter 1985/02 #23
L'Anarcho-Syndicaliste #75 (1968)
Libertarian Socialism Newsletter #03 (1983)
Libertarian Womens' Network Newsheet #04 (ORA?/1970s?)
Libertarian Womens' Network Newsheet #05 (ORA?/1970s?)
Libertarian Womens' Network Newsheet #07 (ORA?/1970s?)
Libertarian Womens' Network Newsheet #12 (ORA?/1970s?)
Lorien - A Libertarian Magazine #??
One and all #Summer Edition (1970)
One for Justice & Peace 1985/02
One for Justice & Peace 1985/Winter
One for Justice & Peace 1985/Summer
One for Justice & Peace 1985/Autumn
One for Justice & Peace 1986/Summer
One for Justice & Peace 1986/Autumn
One for Justice & Peace 1987/?? #03
One for Justice & Peace 1987/Winter
One for Justice & Peace 1987/Spring
One for Justice & Peace 1987/Summer
One for Justice & Peace 1987/Autumn
Reagan - Magazine of Nuclear Campaign Worcester #12
Red and Black Revolution #03 (1997?)
Report #31 (York Vietnam Group; 1969)
Resistance (Co100) Vol:01 #11 (1964)
Resistance (Co100) Vol:03 #03 (1965)
Resistance (Co100) Vol:03 #04 (1965)
Resistance (Co100) Vol:03 #06 (1965)
Resistance (Co100) Vol:03 #08 (1965?)
Resistance (Co100) Vol:04 #03 (1966?)
Resistance (Co100) Vol:04 #04 (1966?)
Revolutionary Perspectives #02
Short Fuse - Voice of Anarcho Syndicalism - For Direct Workers and Community Control #06
Shrewsbury Peace Group Newsletter 1986/12
Shropshire Peace News #01 (1983)
Shropshire Peace News #02 (1983)
Shropshire Peace News #03 (1983)
Sinews #12/Special Issue (1989)
Solidarity - For Workers' Full Control (West London) #01
Solidarity - For Workers' Full Control (West London) #03
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:01 #09 (1961?)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:02 #02 (1962?)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:02 #07 (1962)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:02 #09 (1963?)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:02 #10 (1963)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:03 #07 (1965)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:04 #01 (1966)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:04 #02 (1966?)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:04 #06 (1967)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:05 #02 (1968)
Solidarity - For Workers' Power Vol:06 #02 (1969)
Solidarity (Scotland) - For Workers' Power Vol:02 #04
Solidarity (South London) - For Workers' Power Vol:02 #01 (1970)
South West Solidarity Bulletin #01 (1999)
Stand Up and Fight Back #03 (1988)
Syndicalist Bulletin Vol:01 #01
Syndicalist Bulletin Vol:01 #02
Syndicalist Bulletin Vol:03 #04
The Agitator Vol:03 #02 (1967)
The Libertarian Communist #10 (2010)
The Libertarian Communist #11 (2010)
The Molesworth Bulletin #04 (1985)
The New Thinker Vol:01 #01 (1967)
The Syndicalist #01 (Syndicalist Alliance, 1998)
The Syndicalist (SA) #Special Issue (1988)
The Yorkshire Anarchist #01 (1995)
West Midands Clap Handbook #01 (1975)
Workers Solidarity #024 (1987)
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1969/?? #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1969/03 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1969/12 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/02 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/05/04 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/05/04-05 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/05/11 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/06-07 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/07 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/07-08 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/08-09 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/09 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/09-10 #??
Yoyos/λογος (Logos/Reason) 1970/11 #??