Welcome to the Sparrows' Nest Library and Archive

Based in Nottingham (UK), we look after tens of thousands of books, journals, pamphlets, zines, leaflets, posters and other items documenting the anarchist movement in the UK and beyond, as well as local radical history. Browse our catalogue, access digitised records in our free Digital Library and get in touch to arrange a visit.
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We have just added another 127 items to the Digital Library (including a handful of reuploads of previously scanned materials). Dive in!

NNRF Archive

New additions to the NNRF archive (please see also the full NNRF archive listing):

Heaven, Emily; Stammers, Emily (eds): Café Narjis Cookbook (NNRF, 2024)

Seeking Asylum in Nottingham - Asylum seekers and refugees conference 17th February 2001 - The Italian Community Centre Nottingham (NNRF, 2002)

Scott, Mike: NNRF What's That? - We Need You!

Brand, Patsy: NNRF Background Information

NNRF Annual Report 2019-20

NNRF Annual Report 2020-21

NNRF Annual Report 2021-22

NNRF News 2009/08 - Volunteer and Staff Newsletter

Assorted leaflets regarding the NNRF and it's activities, undated, 2010s?

Four leaflets regarding NNRF activities, 2020s.

Four NNRF press releases, the two latter ones dated July 2015.

Leaflets & other items

A photo album featuring images from assorted campaigns in Nottingham, e.g. Nottingham Peace Festivals...

Assorted local(ish) materials from Nottingham and other areas (leaflets, etc.)...

Assorted materials regarding the Nottingham Peace Festivals/Green Festivals, bundled up, staples removed...

Assorted materials related to Pink Lace and other Nottingham LGBTQ+ events from the late 1990s/early 2000s.

Chris Richardson and Richard McCance extensive collection of badges and pins (LGBTQ+ and other campaigns), only partially digitised.

Pink Lace 99 - Gay Gathering in Nottingham

Two posters promoting the Nottingham 'Man Up' group and their events, undated, mid 2010s.


ACAB - Fight Back (1984)

Anarchist Yearbook 1992

Anarchist Yearbook 1997

Haringey Women's Group our Story from July 1977 to 1979

Towards A Winter Of Discontent (1984)

Vaneigem, Raoul: The Revolution of Everyday Life Part 1

Vaneigem, Raoul: The Revolution of Everyday Life Part 2


Black Flag 1973/06

Careless Talk 1982/11

Careless Talk 1983/04

Careless Talk 1984/12?

Clydeside Resistance #01 (1988)

Direct Action (SWF) Vol:08 #07 (1967)

East End Howler #06 (2010?)

East End Howler #07 (2010?)

Everything 1979/03

Everything 1979/08

Industrial Defence Bulletin Special Bulletin 1975/01

Industrial Defence Bulletin Special Bulletin 1975/02

Industrial Defence Bulletin Special Bulletin 1976/Fall

Industrial Defence Bulletin Vol:03 #01?

Industrial Defence Bulletin Vol:03 #02

Industrial Defence Bulletin Vol:03 #04

Inside Story #01

Libertarian Communist (LCG) #01? 1978/01-02 #??

Libertarian Communist (LCG) #02? 1978/07 #??

Libertarian Communist (LCG) #03? 1978/10 #??

Libertarian Communist (LCG) #04

Libertarian Communist (LCG) #05

Libertarian Communist (LCG) #07

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1995/Spring

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 1999/10

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2000/02

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2000/05

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2000/08

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2001/02

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2001/10

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2003/07

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2004/07-08

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2005/04-05

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2008/Autumn

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2009/03-05

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2009/05-06

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2009/07

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2010/04-05

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2010/07-09

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2011/10-12

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2012/Spring

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2013/04

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2013/08-09

Nottingham CND Bulletin #?? 2013/10-12

Nottinghamshire Jobs Not JSA #05 (1996)

Nottinghamshire Jobs Not JSA #06 (1996)

Nottinghamshire Jobs Not JSA #08 (1996)

Outta Control #27 (Belfast Anarchist Collective, 1982)

Outta Control #28 (Belfast Anarchist Collective, 1982)

Outta Control #29 (Belfast Anarchist Collective, 1982)

Practical Anarchy 1979/06?

Practical Anarchy 1982/10

Practical Anarchy 1983/08

Practical Anarchy 1984/04

Practical Anarchy 1984/05

Practical Anarchy 1984/06

RS/Radical Statistics Newsletter #03 (1975)

RS/Radical Statistics Newsletter #08 (1976)

Solidarity 1998/04

Solidarity For Anarcho-Syndicalism #08 (2005)

State Research Bulletin #01 (1977)

State Research Bulletin #02 (1977)

State Research Bulletin #03 (1978)

State Research Bulletin #04 (1978)

State Research Bulletin #12 (1979)

State Research Bulletin #14 (1979)

State Research Bulletin #15 (1979)

State Research Bulletin #16 (1980)

State Research Bulletin #17 (1980)

State Research Bulletin #18 (1980)

State Research Bulletin #19 (1980)

State Research Bulletin #20 (1980)

State Research Bulletin #21 (1980)

State Research Bulletin #22 (1981)

State Research Bulletin #23 (1981)

State Research Bulletin #24 (1981)

State Research Bulletin #25 (1981)

State Research Bulletin #26 (1981)

State Research Bulletin #27 (1981)

State Research Bulletin #28 (1982)

State Research Bulletin #29 (1982)

State Research Bulletin #30 (1982)

State Research Bulletin Index Vol:01 1977-78 (#01-07)

State Research Bulletin Index Vol:02 1978-79 (#08-13)

State Research Bulletin Index Vol:03 1979-80 (#14-19)

State Research Bulletin Index Vol:04 1980-81 (#20-25)

Subversive Graffiti #03 (1981)

Subversive Graffiti #06 (1982)

That Paper 1979/07 #01

That Paper 1979/08 #02

That Paper 1979/10 #03

That Paper 1979/11 #04

That Paper 1979/12-1980/01 #05

That Paper 1980a #06

That Paper 1980b #07

The Robin Hood Solidarity Newsletter 2014/03

The Underdog #12 (2005)

Up your Giro! #02 (1997)

West End Crimes #01 (1984)

Workers Solidarity #031 (WSM, 1991)

Workers Solidarity #048 (WSM, 1996)

Workers Wild West #08


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